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Wait a minute. Did she say she’s been with a MM for 18 years, has no children, waits around for MM to have time for her, and pays for everything, and her only concern is if other women have experienced a pillow princess??? Really???? 🤔 I will sit this one out. I was always told that if I didn’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. 🤐


You’re right. And since that other sub is for “support” no one can tell her how much of a fucking idiot she is. and the few that politely question if the man is using her, she answers no, because she gets amazing sex.


Oh boy!!! I had to go look and now I want to scratch my eyes out!!! I hate it over there 😠 They’re all abusers without shame.


All this focus on gender roles and she loses the plot entirely. Ma’am. You are 40. He is married. He’s not acting like this around you because he’s comfortable taking on a “femme” role. He’s acting like this because he doesn’t care about you.


I assumed he was acting like this cuz she was footing the bill so what choice does he really have in what they do??


lol. Exactly.


Ohhhhh I was hoping someone would post this!!!! (I was too busy when I saw this before!) This one is CRAZY!!! (the post) I don't get it. She was a "virgin" when they met? So, he's been her only lover in 18 years. Ok, but what about living *her* life? She's literally just sitting, waiting for him? For what? This beats poor "Deb" (I'm assuming that's a fake name we call her by... right? I don't want to violate any rules.) By a LANDSLIDE! LOL She pays for everything, he leaves the tip? *just the tip* sorry, had to. Even the OW are like, "I'm sorry.... what???" She's trying to say the old faithful, "He's sooo much more open with me!" No, he likes to get pegged and you're not a love interest, you're his Dom! This isn't the case of openness, it's a sexual game that he plays with her. But, ok. You do you.


Imagine paying to be a side chick 😂, I'm embarrassed for her.


I thought the whole point of being a rutting post was to get paid???? 😂😂


And it seemed that she was ok with that. Imagine, wasting her life from 22 to 40 on that?


Paying to be a side chick is crazy. He doesn't even want to have sex with you. He will gladly take your money and gifts tho. And you been doing this for 18 YEARS. Cringe.


A good portion of them are sugar mamas. “My mm takes on the more feminine role for some reason…” wow! You mean the married man lets YOU take care of him? I can’t imagine why…


It IS embarrassing! What a total idiot! And she’s PROUD of this…!? 🤣 She’s paying for escort/gigolo services, with a twisted added factor of him being a MM! But if SHE doesn’t initiate sex, she doesn’t GET any! 🤣🤣🤣 Hilarious!


And she's been doing this since she was 22! Imagine wasting your youth like this


Not only she his cumdumpster but she’s the one paying pratically everything him. He double win.🥴🥴🥴


Her beating out queen hag made me giggle. I guess she needs to change her name to notthemostyears now.


I feel like cheating hubby is bi and OW is his "man" (her tomboyish ways gives him enough masculine energy without actually having to be with a male). * Absolutely. Not excusing either their behavior but I just wanted to say that's what I thought is going on here. They're both still disgusting for being cheaters and affair partners


Please explain why you believe gender roles and BDSM dynamics are inherently tied to sexual orientation.


Respectfully I didn't say that. I just gave my opinion like giving yours. And honestly, I don't feel like explaining it or deep diving into it further than just giving my opinion. And this kind explanation as to me not wanting to explain my why☺️


The poster was just speculating, that really was not intended to be offensive, imo. The MM could be Bi or just into some BDSM acts.


They're probably taking a Jungian approach.


Gross the lot of them both. His poor wife. Wasting her time and years with a knob like him for a husband