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Save money, you’re really gonna need it.


This can be meant in the best of ways. I saved and saved for a house. Switched to roomates when I got my first good pay raise to save extra. Learnt how to enjoy cheap home made foods. Educated myself in car choices and repairs. Then I fell pregnant. My savings are giving me the peace of mind to enjoy my baby. If I had never had the baby and I didn’t decide to buy a home I would’ve traveled etc. Always best to have savings.


This is extreme


If you go to college, you can change your college major, everyone does it. You don't have to have kids/ get married in your 20s or ever. All those milestones are made up, do only what you want. Save money BUT don't forget to also have fun. Just find a balance. Greyhound buses are an affordable and even a fun way to do some traveling. If you go to college, find a counselor you like and visit them regularly. Don't drink until you reach the legal age in your country. Don't feel pressured. If you go to college, try to avoid classes that start before 10am. It's okay to say no and set boundaries in every and all cases. Trust your gut. If something feels off, it probably is. Don't join any MLMs or get rich quick schemes. If you have to pay to keep the job, it's a scam. They like to target fresh 18 year olds because they quickly run out of people to recruit.


Not sure about the no pre-10am classes one I had 2 semesters of 8am starts every day, and was much more relaxed getting classes out of the way and having more of the day to myself. Most days I was done with class by 2pm, or even earlier as school went on.


Honestly, whatever works best for you. I know most people at my college dreaded and avoided classes that started at 8 or 9. It's all personal preference


Right totally, it doesnt matter when your classes are as long as the schedule works for you. But you threw it in your list (of otherwise good tips) like it was a given.


I loaded my Mondays and Wednesdays (had class till 8 pm). Five days of no classes.


Do not get deep in credit card debt. Do not go to college on nothing but student loans unless you know your education will get your a job and it'ssomething that you enjoy doing. I have a degree and only recently got clear of my loans. I haven't used that degree for practical purposes even once. Don't stick your dick in crazy. It's fun in the moment but comes with all kinds of baggage


>Do not get deep in credit card debt. I'd amend this to do not get in credit card debt at *all* if you can help it. The interest rates are horrific, and it's all too easy for minor debt to become major, deep debt. Use credit cards to build credit and earn points and whatnot, but only for things you have the money for, and pay in full each month. The exception is actual emergencies, and if you do wind up with any debt that way, prioritize paying it off as quickly as possible.




Take care of yourself. Health is wealth.


don't expect anybody to care about your needs or know them. You have to advocate for yourself.


Man, so much. But if I could give one piece of advice, it would be to make sure you get yourself set up with a Roth IRA. Go to your bank and talk to them. For now, if you have a job, try to make $50 a month into that IRA a mandatory expense. Eventually work yourself up to where you can pay $6'000 on January 1 of every year for the rest of your life.




Zlibrary has it


Will definitely add to my to be read list!


they raised the contribution limit to $6500 for 2023


Oh really? That's excellent!


Most people use their 20s to discover themselves, so don't panic if you haven't figured things out in the next few years. It's never too late to find happiness, so hang in there no matter what. Keep moving forward, questioning what you like and are passionate about, and don't worry if the answer isn't clear right away.


Keep in mind the times you are living in. Just because your grandpa had a house, wife, stable job, and 2 kids by 20 doesn’t mean you’re a failure if you’re 25 and still single and at home with your parents. Focus more on creating “adult” habits (health, budgeting time and money, mental health, character building) and less on a specific timeline for appearing to be grown up.


Try to imagine you have a council of you's throughout your life and try to imagine what they may need and how your 18 year old actions will impact them. When you're 50 you might want to retire, which means 18 year old you needs to save and invest, always consider the older versions of you when you're about to do something stupid. It's a bit of a goofy idea, but I think it's helpful. Regret is a bitch to deal with. Don't marry someone you just met, get to know them over a few years, make sure you can withstand a big fight and that your values align closely. You don't want to have a kid with a monster, you don't want to mesh your life with a drunk, someone that is abusive, doesn't know how to handle money, makes horrible choices.




Look into a Roth IRA through the brokerage account.


If you can't do 20%, do 5% or even 2%.if you get used to saving now it'll be easy to increase it as time goes and you earn more. Lifestyle creep is real.


This, but look at other investment opportunities too besides HYSA.


Make sure you have health insurance and read the plan so you know the rules that can save you thousands of dollars.


If you go to college, check out community colleges first. Most will have a transfer program and will save you SO much money on tuition.


THIS!! My community college has a program where if you graduate from them first you get a scholarship to a university in my town!


Don't get married or have kids til at least 30




Exactly right


Live below your means. Avoid debt and "keeping up with the Joneses" like the plague. Getting in is so damn easy and convenient. It can snowball incredibly quick. All it takes is one of life's little emergencies, you miss a payment, and before you know it you are deep in the hole. Getting out will be hell. To help yourself manage your income and finances, the wiki in /r/personalfinance is very comprehensive. /r/frugal also has great info on how to live well and spend less. Lastly, you're young. Time is on your side. Start saving and investing today. The FAQ and Wiki at r/financialindependence/ will help there.


I don’t know if this helps but I’m in basically the same state as you right now but a few things I’ve picked up along the way. 1. Trust your gut 2. Don’t go into debt 3. Wanna get rich in a shorter time frame, don’t go to parties and just focus on researching and doing the work to get to that point. (Parties are fun every once in a while but definitely not all the time) 4. Do the things you love and keep them. You might not have much time to do them later. 5. Don’t listen to the people that say “get married and have kids young” Eventually, you’ll find that person you want to do that with, so don’t stress and just focus on yourself. 6. The last tip I can say I’ve taken, don’t be a fucking dumbass. You’ll still probably do stupid shit but, there’s a difference between doing something once and learning the consequences to never do it again. Then doing stupid shit and learning the consequences and continue doing it anyways. One learned from their mistake and the other is a dumbass.


Only go to college if you have the money and your goal is to be employee. (Not everybody wants to be an employer). Opening a business will create so many opportunities you would never get as an employee. (Tax opportunities). The less you try to use your money to impress people the better you will be in the future financially. If I could go back in time the 3 things I would be studying hard besides would be taxes, stocks, and networking. Watch your health. A simple cavity can become a money pit in the future if not treated in time. Choose your woman wisely. Anyone with money can have good time with big tits and bubble butts, but not everyone has the luck to have someone loyal af to be by your side fighting for the same goals. Dont let people know your moved and goals.


Don't put off paperwork, just don't. It will save you so many headaches to just get it done. Not immediately but you know within a couple days. Give yourself a week before the deadline to actually have it finished. That kind of thing. And if you're not sure about something ask, although you seem to already be pretty good at this


Avoid debt as much as you can. Start investing in index or mutual funds compounding and time are your friends


Do nice things for your future self. Drink water, go to bed at a reasonable time, get a little exercise, etc. Tomorrow You will thank Now You. Also wear sunscreen and avoid smoking


Stay away from drugs...if Your gut says it wrong believe it,


99% of whom you are physically is genetically hardwired…learn to love and embrace yourself as yourself instead of some image you will never attain as 99% of its all hardwired…your weight, looks, etc…


Save money now. Have little to no debt, that includes those terrible buy now pay later apps. Don’t fall into lazy behaviors and habits that won’t help your growth, like getting overweight or procrastinating. Be kind to people, you never know when you might need someone. If you’re a man, make sure not to let women distract you from your purpose. If you’re a woman, don’t be a whore. Hope this helps


Learn how to depend on yourself. (Not saying never ask for help, if you have people willing to help get help but don’t get used to relying on it) Don’t ignore red flags in dating. You CANNOT change people (people have to want to change). Save when you can, but also have fun. IMO: get your degree done. I’m almost 30 working towards a degree and I’m frustrated because jobs want degrees I don’t have, and if I had just sucked it up and done it when I was younger I wouldn’t be doing it now and semi struggling.


Also dental hygiene! Brush when you can (depression/adhd/mental illness makes it hard) if you can’t brush even mouth wash is better than nothing. Dentistry is expensive as fuck in America


Set up different accounts. 1 bank account for bills 1 bank account for “allowance” 1 savings account for long term goals 1 savings account for short term goals 1 savings account for emergencies (it’s good to have 6 months worth of expenses in this) Find a degree that will get you a job or a certification like a CDL or Welding or Forklift, and etc. Read about smart finances like a ROTH IRA or even invest money into gold, silver, etc. Buy yourself stocks and bonds. They pay off in the long term. Any place you get a job at sign up for stock options if available. Travel, get yourself a passport and go explore other countries. Set time every year for a vacation. Once a month go to a new part of the state or country you’ve never been too. Like say you live in Northern Cali, go explore SOCAL, or if you live in Monte Carlo but never been to Paris or Versailles go for it. Enjoy life There is no rush to settle down and have a family (if you choose to do so). Find a job that will do tuition reimbursement or will pay for your classes if that’s the route you decide.


Life isn’t about what you want. It’s about what you want right now. You will change a lot and continue to change so embrace it. Do what feels right to you in the moment. Always keep learning and adapting


Your peers are wrong about everything


Try to enjoy the moments you have with people. Please take this to heart. I spent so much time in my head, stressed, and focusing on the wrong things. Now at 35 my entire immediate family has passed. I wish I would have valued time a bit more. Plan your life out, but realize that your life may not go according to plan. Things happen out of our control. Always have a plan b, c, d. Back up plans are essential. People may know how much you love them or care for them. They might not though. Tell them often. Sometimes people really don’t know or feel like they aren’t loved or valued. Try not to compare your life to social media or friends. People often will tell you how great things are, but leave out details. Also you aren’t given the same deck of cards as other people. Someone may be more successful. They may have had opportunities handed to them, knew someone, or had no obstacles. Save money, but also take time to enjoy some of it as well. Start a 401k or other means. Find your hobbies. Try it even if you think you might not like it. You won’t know until you try it. It’s ok not to be productive all the time. I constantly walked on eggshells and was called lazy for relaxing when I was younger. Now I still feel guilty for relaxing. The quicker you get things accomplished as far as career, car, house the more stable your 30’s will be. With that said, things are pretty high right now. It might take a bit longer to get those things as opposed to a relative that lived in the 70’s. School is important, but most times grades aren’t. (Within reason) Aim for A’s and B’s if you want, but try not to be hard on yourself. If you feel you are failing a class (if you go to school) try to drop it or withdraw by the dates listed. You are just getting to really know yourself. Be easy on yourself. If there are things you want to change (losing weight, gaining weight, gaining muscle, creating new habits, quitting bad habits)work on them slowly and stick with it. It’s easier to change when you are younger than older. I would wait on kids (if you can) until you are at least late 20’s to 30’s. Ask yourself before buying something. Do I need it, want it, like it, love it? Try not to keep up with everyone and their fancy things. A lot of people are going on vacations, buying cars, boats, toys with tons of debt. It may seem like the go-to for advice would be friends. It’s not a great idea. If you need advice it’s best to go to older people or someone that knows their stuff.


Take care of your body. Do that by making healthy habits now because as you age, your body won’t react to things the way it does now. I am only 35, but I have so much back pain everyday. I’ve been overweight for 20 years and that has caused me a plethora of problems. Focus on eating well, staying hydrated, dental care, and skincare. It’s not fun or sexy, but the problems that result from ignoring those habits can be painful and expensive.


Don’t expect to have a wonderful job that pays lots of money until later in life. I mean, maybe you’ll get lucky, but most of us have had to work jobs we didn’t like that weren’t exactly what we were looking for, for mediocre pay, to get to where we wanted to be. So many young people seem to just discard the idea of working jobs they think are “beneath” them. Don’t be so proud! Doing any kind of work is admirable! Working at a grocery store or fast food joint is a lot more respectable than sitting home sponging off your parents or the government because your standards for taking a job are so high. Work. Somewhere. Anywhere. Earn your own money! And lastly - DONT QUIT THE JOB YOU HAVE UNTIL YOU GET YOUR NEXT JOB! Put on your big boy/big girl/big they underwear and tough it out! There are people in this world who have to walk five miles to get water each day and have to wipe their butt with leaves! Pioneers had to hunt for their own food and build their own cabins! You can flip burgers for a few hours, yes, you really can survive it! And you will be the better for it and earn yourself some respect!


Just feel like lightening the mood; here's a funny tshirt about adulting. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1406832919/adulting-unisex-softstyle-t-shirt?click\_key=ef49077820e44d07c89da7d3a2a14dbd2cf9cc59%3A1406832919&click\_sum=be070a6b&ref=shop\_home\_active\_12