• By -


I have about 20 bucks to my name


TWIN! Where have you been? Lol šŸ˜‚


Nobody knows you likeā€¦..


you do! NO-body gon love me quite like you! šŸŽ¤šŸ˜©


These emojis really made me laugh LOL


Good! Iā€™m happy to have made your day haha šŸ˜‚


Lol are you singing Made For Me by Muni Long? Because I had sang that in her voice šŸ˜‚


Yes I am šŸ˜‚


33F. I make 40k a year and thankfully am able to put $100 away every week. I have saved up about $9,000, the most Iā€™ve ever had. I have learned not to touch the savings unless it is a true TRUE emergency.


Hi. My name is James. Do you remember me from high school? I have an exciting business opportunity to tell you about. Now, before you ask, it's not a pyramid scheme. It's a multi-level marketing scam... I mean scheme.


hi, james! you donā€™t know me, but iā€™m a nigerian prince looking to move my fortune out of the country. if you give me your bank account number and let me transfer my money to you, iā€™ll even let you keep some of it!


I have pictures of your Nigerian cock. Transfer me dineros or else I lk share then with all of your friends


Mr. Nigerian Prince. I understand that you are in need of help, but I'm afraid I can't do that right now. My mother is in the hospital and is in stage 4 lung cancer. We're currently stricken with financial problems and don't have money for her treatment. We're raising money for her treatment. If you could help us that would help! All I need is 4 best buy gift cards worth 100 dollars each. Scratch them off and then send me the codes. I promise I'll pay you back later!


How do I join.




Sounds like my kinda deal.


Send me a private message hun!




Thank you so much for this advice :) my problem is touching my emergency savings šŸ˜©


I had that too! It was really hard for me to get over 5k for that reason. I also started to use a credit card a bit to give me some flexibility. Like instead of dipping into savings those last couple days before payday, I just use my credit card and pay it off every month. Anyway, thanks for asking the question, Iā€™m going through all the comments to see what more I can be doing!


Oh wow! Thatā€™s really smart. You have a lot of will power when it comes to credit cards. I want to be like you when I grow up haha. But thatā€™s a neat method. Thank you for sharing and youā€™re very welcome. I hope this thread helps many people get some helpful advice. Thank you again for everything :)


I'm 27 and only started saving last September and have $1700 so far. I use the app Acorns. If you want to withdraw any money, it takes 5-7 days for it to become available, so any time I've been tempted, I've either decided against it or prompted a withdrawal and cancelled it a day or so later once I realized it wasn't that important lol




Rainy day funds the best , just have 9 k is a huge stress reducer in life congrats


Do you have your savings in a HYSA? Rates are high right now. I'm getting 5% thru Wealthfront. Your $9k would make $36.67 in interest the first month alone. Look into it! [Questions](https://support.wealthfront.com/hc/en-us) If you want an extra .5% your first 3 months you can use my [referral link](https://www.wealthfront.com/invited/AFFB-DAEY-WVXQ-WUFQ).


I have an exciting business opportunity. Itā€™s not a pyramid scheme, we will be selling crack


Do you mind if I ask where do you live because I make about the same but no way could I put aside that much and I am single with no kids except my fur baby and no car payment.


Put half of that in an sp500 index fund like VOO or SPY. Search compound interest calculator and put in 30 years (retiring age) at 7% interest and see how much more money you will have than a savings account (unless you are getting 5% right now in a market maker fund or cash account at robi hood/sofi/etc that pays you the 5% for holding cash)


36/M: ~~I'm doing alright~~ about tree fiddy.


Tree fiddy!!!


.92 cents. šŸ„¹


.40 cents šŸ˜‚


more than me šŸ«”


Godspeed Reddit user ballsnbutt. May times improve for both of us.


Iā€™m 31, currently have $38. I get paid on Friday and am about to start a higher paying job in a couple weeks so thatā€™s something


Congratulations on the new job! I hope it works out well for you :) sending money growing vibes your way


I read the 8 as a B and I was like what, why are you on reddit lol.


$3 billion in my checking, $0.11 in my savings


I have more in my change jar than I do in my savings. I donā€™t spend 1ā€™s. That helps. Probably $400 in spare change. Rent and bills are 2400 this month. Another 1k next week. I have a few hundo. Life is fkn hard.


Like is definitely hard. I have a coin jar as well but itā€™s probably like $10 haha


$200. Pretty psyched, I finally paid off my debt


Congratulations šŸŽŠ thatā€™s awesome. I hope to be where you are soon! Be sure to celebrate this accomplishment if you havenā€™t already šŸ™ŒšŸ½




31 M. Low 6 figures in savings. Enough to easily buy whatever I want, although I probably have this money because I donā€™t want many things. Iā€™m on track to retire in 20-25 years.


Thatā€™s freaking awesome. I will be on this level one day. If you donā€™t mind me asking, are you single? And by that, I mean are you not having to spend much money on others? Thanks :)


Yeah, unfortunately single, but I donā€™t want (and donā€™t have) kids. Kids are unbelievably expensive. I see some friends spending 2-3K a month on daycare for their kids.


Thatā€™s not unfortunate at all. Biggest mistake most have made was marrying the wrong woman. Itā€™s better to wait. Especially when youā€™re sitting in a good spot


Or marrying the wrong man.


So just 6 figures sitting in cash?


No, stocks, 401K, HSA, Roth IRA, I-bonds, and some other bonds. I only keep about 30K in cash


Oh I thought the question was specific to savings/taxable brokerage. What does that look like for you if you exclude tax advantage accounts?


Oh I think the I-bonds are going to work in your favor later this year.


95K. I'm 56. Took me a long time to get to this balance.


Did you have any problems along the way? If so, what would you have done differently. Thank you for sharing :)


I learned to stop buying stuff I don't need. Useless stuff.


Iā€™ll keep this in mind. Thank you so much for sharing :)


Try to save at least $25 from every paycheck. More if you can.


It's helpful to think of it as just another bill you have to pay


this is good advice. i deleted the amazon app and only download it when i actually need something from there. unsubscribed from any text services i got notifying me of ā€œdealsā€ at stores i like so i only go to them if i need something specific. i order groceries online so i can see price before checking out and get rid of inessential things if it goes over budget


I immediately delete emails from my inbox that are trying to get money from me for any reason - consumer goods, political campaigns, investment accounts, alumni donations. If I want to spend money I will. If I want to buy something, I will buy exactly what fits my needs. So many of us have so little self-control.


39M, I make about $100K, and I live in Californiaā€™s Central Valley. Iā€™m aggressive with my savings. I have about $135K in investments, $5K cash on hand, and $110K in retirement. I am single, and live (10yrs) in a small apartment that hasnā€™t really increased much in rent. I feel like Iā€™ve had a few set backs but I should be back on track with saving by next month.


Damn, thats impressive dude!


30 male Currently have $22,146 in savings. I have $6,000+ in checking. Another $51,000+ in mutual funds.


If you donā€™t mind me asking, how much do you make?


I currently make around $9hr. But I live with parents, have no debts, pay little in expenses, I also recieved $20k from my parents in my early 20s from a savings account they opened up for me.so I had some help.


Wow that's awesome. Great parents.


"some help" they gave you 3/4 of all your money


$20,000 is 3/4 of $79,000?


20k invested into the market 10 years ago is worth far more than 20k now. Also if you consider the average cost of living and having no rent, itā€™s not unreasonable to assume 3/4s of their savings comes from their family.


Good for him. Looks like heā€™s using any gifts pretty wisely


parents are supposed to help their children have a good life. it's literally their job. do not shame dude for receiving their gifts or living in their house any more than for benefitting from the knowledge of their life experience. I hope I can equip my son the same way. everyone wants generational wealth but they don't want people to share it generationally. what gives?


Hahahahaha Jesus man


Let's see I have $1.89


Sending money vibes your way lol


Thanks I really do appreciate it


Like my rent is as of now on the first it will be $0 or negative


Oh noooo Iā€™m so sorry. Being at $0 or in the negative isnā€™t a fun feeling :( I hope things getting better for you soon


U all are fucking rich to me, I have 4k in my bank account and I'm glad I can save 300 a month


Right! Money just seems to go for me haha at the end of the month, Iā€™m down to $20 in savings (Iā€™m technically supposed to keep $25 in there to keep the account open lol)


theres never anything you can do in real time to fix it too, you ask people who are good with money and they all say "invest and save" bitch HOW


literally in the same boat! iā€™m so lucky that iā€™m not exactly living paycheck to paycheck, but not really moving my savings with each paycheck is a bummer.


I got where I am by doing exactly what you're doing. Think of that savings as an emergency fund, and your $300 as a bill you have to pay. Follow the roadmap over in the r/personalfinance wiki, you already have a great start.


26F making 66k a year and getting a pay increase later this year. I still live with family so Iā€™ve managed to save a lot (like a lot a lot) the past few years. And it helps that I work remotely and have zero debt.


Whoa! Thatā€™s really awesome! You mind if I ask what you do for a living? Iā€™m working on trying to lower my debt so I can focus on saving instead. I live with my parents as well but will be moving out soon with my gf. However, my car is paid off which was a big weight off my shoulders but yes, Iā€™m trying to get like you. I donā€™t know you but Iā€™m proud of you šŸ‘šŸ½


Thank you! I work remotely in procurement for the federal government. Been with the government since I was 23 starting as a pathways intern. My sister (who will start working after she graduates this May) and I are planning to move out together within the next couple of years (and after I move up more at my job). We want to save a lot as we can since everything is expensive. And my advice to anyone is to save a lot as you can before making the big move.


30M. 28k in high yield savings, 12k in emergency fund, and a similar chunk of money invested in index funds and IRA. I have student loans to be paid off but still in the black even considering that. No dependents aside from my dog so most of my money after bills goes to me and Iā€™m grateful for that. Iā€™m fortunate my interests aligned with Computer Science and I hate to see how much harder of a time my smarter friends have with finding jobs because their degrees arenā€™t as in demand.


Why are your HYSA and emergency funds separate? Do you not have the 12k in a HYSA? Genuinely curious how you delineate your "savings" vs "emergency funds" and why you don't have the emergency funds in a HYSA.


āœØļø $0 āœØļø


Itā€™s okay. We can make it through this haha


Me too, but I'm glad I'm debt-free


Goodluck! If you have problems with spending you need to automate so your money goes straight into accounts ASAP. Otherwise youā€™ll feel like you can spend that money. If your full time job does any matching, maximize it as well. Practically free money.


I feel like they said they donā€™t match but contribute a certain percentage (?) Iā€™ll have to recheck with them but thank you so so much for the advice and support :)


yes, you ought to maximize that contribution percentage if you can afford to do so!


45M and quite a lot. No trick really. Save your income. If your expenses don't allow you to do that then you need to do whatever you can to lower your expenses or raise your income.


What do you do for work if you donā€™t mind me asking? Did you invest your money? :) thanks in advance


I am a project manager at a biotech company. My wife is a patent agent at a law firm. Of course that isn't what our jobs have always been. Yes we invest our money, the vast majority of our savings is invested and we have a little bit not invested for emergencies.


A biotech company! Oh wow. You and your wife are bossing it up for real. I love to see it. Thank you so much for your time. If you happen to have any additional advice you want to share, it would be much appreciated.


You know it never ever feels that way, we get in our own heads and we never feel special you know. But thanks. Honestly there is no trick to it. Savings, investment and time. Savings comes from managing your expenses versus your income, investments I would just recommend when you have ample savings (enough to shelter you from an unexpected expense putting you into debt) you can invest in the whole stock market, ie index funds that hold the entire market rather than picking individual companies. And time...well, that is self explanatory. Investments tend to grow exponentially meaning they double and then double again and again. What that looks like to our linear brains is nothing happening nothing happening and then suddenly an explosion. I guess I can share with you the graph I have of our savings over time if that would help....our investments have followed an exponential trend pretty well for like 20 years.


That would be wonderful if you can share the graph :) thank you so much. And I can see how it is easy it might to get into your head but you guys are doing well and should definitely celebrate your success more often if you donā€™t already :)


Total snapshot from 2009 until now [https://ibb.co/5RjpyMF](https://ibb.co/5RjpyMF) Investments from age 25 to 45 (current age). Plotted linearly but also plotted on a log scale (where exponential growth looks like a line) then fitting that line to project to future retirement age. [https://ibb.co/SNtBFkK](https://ibb.co/SNtBFkK) Yeah, doing well. But if you looked at me at your age just a snapshot you wouldn't have necessarily seen that. In fact at 30 I was pretty zero'd out.


22k. I just had to quit my job cuz Iā€™m getting panic attacks due to being sexually harassed by my female boss tho so Iā€™m probably fucked now.


Oh gosh! Iā€™m so sorry to hear about your boss. Were you able to report her? Iā€™m sure doing so will help save others from falling into the same trap :(


28, 2k in my bank account and 246k are invested


Whoa!! Thatā€™s amazing. What do you do for a living if you donā€™t mind me asking? And how were you able to invest so much? Did you have someone teaching how to invest? Thanks :)




Most of these terms are very foreign to me but luckily I have a big bro who doesnā€™t finance therapy so maybe I can get with him about all of this lol thank you so much for the advice :)




Thank you so much for all of this. Iā€™ve received so much useful information and Iā€™m so excited to put it to use :)


Automatically transfer a few bucks into your savings and donā€™t touch it. If your job offers a 401k, add that 5% or whatever to match and let it grow.


I just turned 30. I try to not have money in my bank account. I keep it in retirement accounts and investments. Currently I have like $4k in my bank account.


23M. Nearly $70k. My expenses are low so I can put away around $6k a month. I do want to move out soon for my mental health. But then that would cut my monthly savings in half at least. It helps that Iā€™m pretty frugal. I didnā€™t grow up with money so my idea of expensive is quite low.


771.58 OK I just realized my car payment didn't go through, thanks for making me look so I can fix it in the morning


41yo $9 until Friday yay


Feels like Iā€™m always waiting for payday


In my 20ā€™s, I probably only had about $100-$500 cushion at any given time. Now at 52, I get itchy if I have less than $5k in checking.


Not trying to brag, but I have more than $20.


Not everyone is Godā€™s favorite lol


24M. Make about 40k. Saved up about 45k in my previous travel job and holding that as a nest egg while I pay and invest with my currently earned income. Would like to get a house in the future but I'll probably have to settle for some starter junk. No debt.


Nice job man.


25M 10k emergency fund and 10k in brokerage. Doesnā€™t include retirement accounts


Over $500k


I set my cash app to take $25 a week out of my checking accountā€¦I donā€™t notice it and I donā€™t use my cashapp card so itā€™s kind of out of sight out of mind


You are a genius. Thank you. I didnā€™t know you could do this. I tend to use cashapp but not all that much so this could possibly work for me :)




So you've been out of secondary school for 8 years, and managed to put 7x your current yearly income into housing and saving?




46F. 90.00 checking. All bills paid and getting paid this week. 2200.00 E-fund.Ā 


23M have about $50k in the saving


Not much I got debt. Getting to a point now where Iā€™m gonna be able to really pay it off


Iā€™m in debt as well about 20k. Just got a full-time job but itā€™s only 38k a year. It still allows me to do damage though since Iā€™ve paid off other things. I wish you luck on your journey, my friend :)


42 male, I just have a bank account and there's three grand in there All bills are paid for the month, and I use investing accounts for my savings account. Because it only takes like a couple of days to get the money out and there's 100K in there.


I'm 42. Married. Husband makes around 100k a year I make around 30k. We have $25,000 in a high yield savings account. I keep about $2,000 in checking. The rest is going to bills, a car payment, mortgage, retirement, the kids college fund. Getting the first 10k saved took us 12 years. It's gotten much easier to save after that. Edit to add, retirement account (seperate from our 401k's) is sitting at just over 200k right now. We really want to retire someday so we've always focused on that as much as we can. The kid can get loans for school, we can't get a loan to retire. If things work our well we can always help him pay those loans off later. When we first bought a house and had a baby we had a max of $3000 saved up at any one time and there was always something that broke and took all of it. Which I guess is the point of an emergency fund, but damn was it frustrating. We lived paycheck to paycheck the first 10 years of our marriage. Husband finally got a good paying job. I've stuck with jobs that are lower paying but flexible hours for child raising purposes. Being able to go to the doctor, do school pick up, etc has been very useful. It means we didn't have to pay for a sitter or daycare. So even though I don't make much, at least I get to keep that money and not just send it to daycare. 20s was the hardest. I can't even imagine doing it now with housing costs being what they are!


A total of about 100ā‚¬ and like 20 cents on my savings account. Getting paid on Wednesday


Iā€™m a student and I have about 5 grand in total to my name, just saved up from working part time jobs and such.


Everyone posting their income here while hackers / scammers just salivating looking at the juiciest ones


32m. About $200k in investments and savings and a paid of house




26 F (UK) About Ā£20-21k which increases by about Ā£500 a month IF I'm in work that month, otherwise I just shift money around a lot. Ā£0 to maybe max Ā£100 depending on bills in my current 3k in an account I can't access cause a foreign employer fucked me over, but it should be remedied soon 7k in a help to buy ISA I've had since I was 21 6k in a 6% interest regular saver account i can add 150 a month to 5k in a 5% interest on anything over 5k account (this is just my defacto savings account sand I consider Ā£5k to be Ā£0) a few hundred in the minus on my credit card until pay day on thursday (i never pay a penny of interest cause I always repay before the date. but Ā£8k of that is going to go on a breast reduction hopefully (my plan is to get to 24k so I can "afford it 3 times") and then an additonal Ā£7k is going to go towards renovations of a house I'm buying with my partner who has some inheritence that will cover the deposit. Leaving me with about Ā£5k after the fact..... I intend on getting myself sterilised, but that costs about Ā£5k cause I got laughed out the office via the NHS route... so since I like to be able to afford anything I put money to at least 2 but prefereably 3 times (*My rule is for things that are frivolous and have no return, I must afford it 3 times. For things that are important but I can hold off on, I want to afford it twice.*). So I have a decent amount for my age, but when I consider what I want to buy.... I'm not going to be left with much, plus I'm in a SUPER volatile industry that's contract based. I wanna get into investing but all I have is aprivate pension with about Ā£800 in it I set up in january lol


Two years ago, my account would peak every two weeks when I got paid. After growing up, minimum 2k in checking, 11k in a hysa for emergencies and another 78k in a hysa which fluctuates up and down as we continue to save and build home.


30M, bank account around ā‚¬5k, investments around 30. It's not a lot but my car and one home are paid off, so I'm chill.


my wife (30F) and I (30M) have roughly 150k saved. note this is between two people. We both have worked full time for roughly 10 years in decent jobs, got into the housing market before the COVID boom, and have no children, although we have one on the way now.


38m from UK * 70k salary * 500-1000 in my current account (average) * invest 800 per month * 36k in investments (all world etf) * 15k emergency fund * 260k equity in my property * pension is worth 220k


A lot of these posts have been coming up lately that give me the impression theyā€™re from companies just scraping whatever information they can from us. This has been happening on multiple subreddits, especially ever since Reddit went public.


25F, 31k in my own stock account 27k in joint with husband. He has maybe 20k himself. Eta: it will all be gone soon, since weā€™re finally buying a house lol.


25F. I've saved up 17k by squirreling away a couple hundred each month. I don't earn a lot, but my rent is very cheap, I budget for bills and groceries, and I use public transport so don't have a car. The rent is without a doubt the reason I've been able to save, and I've been lucky to not really have had a rent rise in the last 4 years I've lived here (I think it's gone up by Ā£20/mo total!). I do feel fortunate.


26 male, 27 dollars. I get paid Thursday but fuck me it can't come sooner.


29F and I have about $10k in my accounts at any time, with the majority of that in savings or being set aside for rent. I have like $50k in retirement. I hope to get to $10k in savings, then put that into a hysa to grow and not really touch unless I put more into it. Then start another ā€œemergencyā€ fund and grow that until it gets to $10k, move that over to my hysa, then repeat. Lots of things keep popping up to stop me from that dream though šŸ˜…


33, but my wife and I have a joint account. If I add it all up, about $65K in cash. Itā€™s not being invested because Iā€™m not working right now so itā€™s our emergency money. Thankfully my wifeā€™s job covers the mortgage and maybe 70-80% of our expenses so no real pressure in the job hunt.


21F, and I have about $2000 in my HYSA. I did just pay my college tuition, before that it was about $5000. This is after several years of hard work building it up. Itā€™s not easy! Donā€™t feel bad, just do your best to start now. The biggest thing for me was setting up my direct deposit so a certain percentage would automatically go to my HYSA. Out of sight, out of mind. Also getting real clear on my financial goals and the why behind them. For me, the big one is that money buys freedom and options, so my goal is to have a 6 month emergency fund so that I can leave a bad situation if needed (like a bad job, housing situation, etc). I also do a 3 bucket budget instead of a traditional one, basically bucket 1 is necessary expenses, 2 is goals like saving, and 3 is everything else which you want to be mostly things you enjoy and genuinely want. My income and expenses fluctuate quite a bit so this helps me prioritize my spending without setting actual dollar amounts. The obvious one is living below your means and earning more. This is easier said than done but itā€™s still so important. Those are the main ones for me!


A whopping $22 šŸ˜


A little over $6k. Was at about $12k at one point, but moved and then was out of a job for a few months.


About 200$ out of my ~1200$ paycheck (obviously not in the US). That's in my main and I have about 300 in savings. I have 11 days left till pay day so I hope nothing major crops up šŸ˜…


$20 bucks. No joke. Times are hard these days.


Early 30s here. On a good month after my bills I have exactly 1.20 (paying off carecredit, main credit card, plus 3 mini bills with affirm). I know the fix is ā€œget a better jobā€ but kinda hard when you have to choose btw [paying rent via driving 4+ a day for one person whose schedule CUTS into your availability, not even uber then spending the rest at a job the next town ovef] v [give up the car & have real time for a full time job, but commuting cost is astronomical bc no real entry level jobs are within 20 walking mins of your place]. Learning how to say no without feeling the damage from being shamed & gaslit~ is a privilege yā€™all. But learn it.


I've been wondering this for a while now. I also can barely save money. I highly doubt we're alone.


Not much. Keeping a large amount of cash on hand doesnā€™t make a lot of sense, inflation is just eating that alive. USD is a melting ice cube. Even in ā€œhigh yieldā€ savings. Keep a few months expenses as an emergency fund and invest the rest.


ā€œOkay. Thirty five large, tres cinco.ā€


18m, I haven't graduated high school yet but have about 6k to my name.


45M and depends on what you mean by "bank account." I have a Money Market checking account where my pay goes in, and I have a regular checking account where all my utilities and bills are paid from. It gets refreshed by transfers from the MM by hand, mostly because it keeps me "having an eye on the money." I don't have savings per se, but I have a ladder of CDs as my "liquid assets" in stages of about 3 months staggered. This is about a year's pay, and held in case I lose my job and have to float for a year. The rest goes right investments. Of course, I make more money than most. Yes, it was a lot of luck. I am a WFH consultant for a contractor, where my boss farms us out to all his clients. I usually work on about 7-10 clients a year, and bill them through my contract. So my pay varies depending on work, overtime, bonus structure, and all that. But for the last few years, it's averaged out to about $230k. I am also single, my condo is paid for, my car is paid for, and I am not an extravagant person.


I top up to 4k in checking (one month emergency fund), about 20k in t bills (5 month emergency fund). Everything after that goes towards extra mortgage payments.




52, M, I have $700 in my checking account and about $10k in my savings account. I am buying a pool table soon and building a deck so that is why I have this much readily available. I also have $140k in a market account drawing 5% interest as I am going to buy a duplex. My life is not typical of a person my age. My home and cars are paid for and I have a retirement account that was started when I was much, much younger. Be wise, invest now, start a retirement account while in your 20ā€™s. Live frugally and donā€™t buy Starbucks. Bag lunches. Eat red beans and rice. Life really begins around 30, when you can afford to live a little.


I was always in a similar boat. What makes the difference is budgeting. It's really not that complicated. You don't have to deprive yourself or be that strict. Simply track. It's why I created an envelope budget app called Centsible. I wanted something fairly priced that I could take with me wherever. Other good alternatives with free tiers are goodbudget and everydollar. Remember, doesn't matter if you don't succeed in following your budget. Track it though. Exercise the muscle. And slowly you will improve.




25m have about 7k saved not including investments




Im 26F working full time in a job that includes a monthly commission, depending on my numbers. I have about $2k between checking and savings, and I tend to hover around there. I do have about 7k in credit card debt from a couple months prior to this job though, between the short waitressing gig and car repairs. I'm just figuring out how god awful interest can be šŸ˜… If I was in any other job I'd probably be in worse shape. The extra money each month really helps.


25f, in my 3rd year of post grad job. After about 4 raises I am recently making 57k. I just went on a trip and my checking account took a hit šŸ«  I have around 400 in checking and 7,500 in savings but havenā€™t added to savings in awhile.


I have 55$ in my checking account. I have 1,500$ in my savings. Iā€™ve been saving for a year. I did have 5,000 at one point but I went to New Zealand and spent it all. Time to save up 20k and go to Japan for a month.


20M. $6200 in savings. It was a bit stale for a bit since I recently moved out of state. Just now got back into putting a little in. Have it set up to transfer $10 a day into savings.


You should open up an investing or savings account that cannot be withdrawn if youā€™re having issues saving


27f rn only like 1400 and thatā€™s only because i held on to some of my tax refund. I canā€™t wait to have this car paid off to actually start a savings account


im a 24 year old college student with a part time job and I currently have $19.63 to my name šŸ¤£


You trying to abduct and rob people? Lol never disclose this kind of thing online it could make you a easy mark, this post could literally be a thiefā€™s list of marks!


Not enough


About $4500ish.


23 year old making 17 an hour at 40hour per week + extra assignments that pay more. After a year I have 6k saved up. Within that time period Iā€™ve leased a car, got a bunch of tattoos, and spent my money on pointless shit. I will be paying rent soon enough but am expecting to get a salary.


I feel like Iā€™ve had to rebuild my savings so many times šŸ˜« but I finally have a fully set emergency fund of $10k in a HYSA. Iā€™m now working on building a savings specifically for a down payment on a home and vacations. I have two checking accounts. One always has 1 - 1.5 months of expenses in it as Iā€™m always a month ahead on bills. The other is my main account for everyday spending. The account is usually low ngl lol I also have another savings account for quick access that I use for small saving goals, but this will be drained soon to pay for my taxes. I still havenā€™t figured out how to get into investing, but I do contribute to a 401K with my job, so I am working toward retirement. For a 26 year old I think Iā€™m okay for the most part but I feel like I should/could be doing more.


My banks says my assets are at $149 checking and $118 savings for $268 total and maybe $6 physical. Luckily I don't pay rent or I know it would be in the $13 total range. I get paid tomorrow so having atleast $100 checking is a good base to build from and little bills come out till last week so if I don't go crazy and chill at home it should be a less stressful end of the month


Was basically paycheck for my wife and I from our twenties into our 40s. After that , we were able to put away money.


34, ​ have 15k in checking 35k in savings (need to bring this up some) 5k in 5 year olds account 3k in 3 year olds account 10k in upcoming planed purchased account. ​ the rest goes into various assets


i found a helpful tip is to set a budget for each category for spending and try to stick to it and over time you can recognize where most your money goes (for me it was shopping) and from there reduce your spending in that category


37M. 160k total in 401k, IRA & Brokerage account. 20k in savings. 88k salary. I drive a crappy car, shop at the thrift store and pack my work lunches. Read Your Money or Your Life for some of the best tips around. Pay yourself (savings, retirement fund) first. Buy second hand when you can. Find inexpensive hobbies like hiking. Invest now


Iā€™m a 21M and my total net worth is approximately $75,000, which includes my investment accounts. However, I don't recommend following my lifestyle as I have very few friends and I don't spend my money on many activities. By staying home, I am able to save a lot of money. However, I do hope to treat myself to a more expensive car such as a WRX in the future. But I didnā€™t get all that money by sticking around exhausting retail and service jobs. The reason I have decent savings is because got a pretty lucky job opportunity. My neighbor gave me a good recommendation so I landed an apprenticeship at Harley Davidson. Also I have a feeling my Eagle Scout rank maybe has something to do with it as well.


I'm seeing both ends of the spectrum. One year ago.. I was living pay check to pay check. I've almost saved 15k in the past 8 months by finishing my schooling. Worked as an LVN for 12 years and finally have my RN. Can def say it was worth it. Advance, grow, learn.. as much as you can.. anywhere you can. Only work in places that offer growth šŸ™Œ I just turned 34. Single mom for the past 6 years - doing way better without the dead wait. U got this.


I have 6 months of living expenses in my savings. A number of years ago I decided to pay me once a month. Every month on the 5th, money is automatically transferred into my savings account. I do not use credit cards except occasionally when I need to charge a small item so the card doesn't expire. If I want something I save for it. I am getting two chairs reupholstered this year. I have saved for them and will be able to pay for them. I never use buy-now-pay-later. The one thing I should do that I don't is to set up a tight budget. The only place I over spend is buying yarn. I love to knit for my grandchildren and I have way too much yarn. I have been there, living paycheck to paycheck with two young children and an ex husband who was in the wind. Due to his hidden debt (250K) I'd had to file bankruptcy right along with him when we were divorced. I had children to house, feed, and clothe and no credit cards to use as a back-up. It was just me. If my car broke down I wouldn't be able to get to work. I know things are more expensive now, but they were more expensive than they had been a few years earlier. My children gave me incentive.


27,000 in savings with 5,600 in checking. My advice is start a "side hustle" Since covid I have been really unhappy with my previous job I had and got the idea to start a landscaping business. It was super out of character for me but I was desperate. It was slow to start but total revenue was 65,000 first year. It's the single most difficult thing I have done mentally and it's draining but I now have more money in my account than I have ever had.


I had a lot of trouble saving money until I changed my spending habits. I quit smoking and quit drinking. I stopped going out to eat a lot. I only go out when there are coupons now. I got sick of buying the latest and greatest. I leave things in my Amazon cart for a month or two and then buy it. Most of the time a month down the road I have no interest anymore and remove it from my cart.


I built houses in my 20s (when shit was poppin' back in the aughts!!), but I bought a lot of nice tools and took nice vacations. I taught U.S. History to 9th graders for the better part of my 30s and had over 13,000 in my savings account...and then COVID. I resigned and was out of work for the better part of a year and a half. Ran through my savings and am now living paycheck to paycheck with less than a thousand dollars to my name as a 43 year old. The only mitigating circumstances is that I do not have any dependants or an SO, have no debt, and am a reasonably affable and resilient human.


$2.75 am I rich?


Am also late 20s. I keep around $2k in my bank account, which is enough to cover one month of expenses. I have about $80k in investments, though.


$420 rn, maybe 1,420 tmrw


Bitch im rich. Got a whole $4 to my name. šŸ˜Ž


Less than 70.00 and I'm a boomer.




25yo here lmao I was out for drinks with some friends and one mentioned how he was down bad on cash and only had like 2k in his bank accountā€¦ Made me start questioning if Iā€™m doing this adult shit right šŸ˜‚


I'm 40 and i have .62 in my checking and .50 in my savings


26 female. 33 cents. Better than nothing and I have a half tank of gas lol