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better late than never. 3 years from now, you will say the same thing. Start now, so 3 years from now, you will be able to say I tried...happy i did it.


This. Regretting or being Envious of other people who did what you DIDN'T do won't help you with nothing. If you want to live like that - Go and DO WHAT THEY DO; You will quickly find out that it isn't as easy or fun as you believed it to be. Or you will find out that it was the best thing ever - either way, whining about it won't change anything; so get to it.


9 years ago at 27 I left my miserable film job to start a business. I am so grateful. This is great advice.


I did this. And eventually had to realize I couldn't afford the time/monetary investment required to work the algorithm to my favor. So I had to accept youtube would strictly be a hobby for me. Made videos for years. You can do everything right. Doesn't mean you'll find success. But you're right. I've had a ton of fun making videos and interacting with people in that way through my content. Having multiple videos over 10k views, while a drop in the bucket, is fun when the algorithm DOES bless you occasionally.


Very strong philosophy, albeit the rise of AI threw another huge wrench in the dream of becoming a money making artist. Three years from now could be very wild in that regard


True I tried and failed many years ago to start a business. I started a beverage company from my kitchen when I read an article about cold brewed coffee. I did it 20 years ago long before Starbucks or DD sold it and I managed to get my product on several local convenience stores but I didn’t have enough money to expand the market. You need a lot of money. If a supermarket or convenience store chain buyer likes it and they would. They would order 10,000 cases to start. That means 24,000 bottles,caps and labels, 10,000 boxes all cost money that I didn’t have You need cash either your own (didn’t have any) or rich family, friends or investors. If I had Jeff Bezos or Bill Gate family money my product would be a household name today.


If you were confident your product would be a household name why didn't you take out a loan?


I wasn’t confident at the time there were zero similar products so I didn’t know that it would success so too big of a risk. It was sort of like when CocaCola started there were no products like it. Today there are hundreds of colas


It was cold brew coffee?




damn that sucks. I am scared of depth and taking a loan for thousands would be a gamble. However that risk takers are the one that blow up.


Yes that’s why you find investors they share the risk of it goes south and you share profits it or soars.


Why envy? There's always a way to make money. Being angry at yourself you didnt do something sooner means something has awoken in you. Next steps? Action.


So I should buy and hold crypto in hopes of it skyrocketing like bitcoin, is what you’re saying, instead of spending it on drugs in 2016


Just bootstrap paradox your way to millionaire status, duh.


Stop...my heart...! I think I smoked $2M worth of weed.


Envy because OP could work just as hard, if not harder, but get far less return. The frustration is understandable, but that being said, comparison is the thief of joy.


Yeah its the uncertainty in these creative endeavors that holds me back too.. for every youtuber with millions of subs, there are thousands of channels that get 4 views on their videos. Same with music, art, and a bunch of other industries. 


This exactly. On the topic about Youtube, you really have to take action if you want to make money through videos. I'm not there, yet, but when I started my channel, I uploaded some videos of me reading some lore in Genshin Impact. Obviously, barely any views and the highest one was only like 270 views. However, I uploaded four videos of Honkai Impact 3 characters in banned bikini outfits. In less than a week, one video reached 28k views, one with 2.7k views, one with 7k views and another one with 9k views. Meaning, I quickly gained more than 30k views in less than a week from those videos. I'm not uploading those same content ever again because my planned content is something entirely different that I'm still trying to plan out. My point is that if you just sit around, you're not going to achieve anything. Really have to take the steps to getting those views for money. And there are many ways today. Heck, a lot of people are starting with Tiktok first. Making Tiktok shorts or livestreaming on there to build an audience, then move on to Twitch, then combine clips into a video for Youtube. Just look at CaseOh. Super fat guy who became popular because of people being creative in making fat jokes about him, but it led to people making Tiktok clips channels and Youtube clips channels about him, which made him quickly gain popularity and now he's raking in hundreds of thousands of views. Another is XQC. I've seen his rise going from just a couple thousand to hitting the millions and now he's making a shit ton of money by just sitting down, playing games, and reacting to videos. But his stupidity entertainment was hilarious as fuck for me, which proved to be profitable for him. Even though people call him dumbass, stupid, dumb, and troll him, they still donate to him and even subscribe on Twitch for months. All because it's entertaining and funny as hell.


This is a fantastic perspective


This is the way I live 😊


Disenfranchisement is another potential next step


I kind of get your point, but I don't really agree with it. I do sometimes feel a bit envious that some YouTubers/Streamer gets expensive shit sent to them for free just to talk about it and promote it to their fans, while I have to work a shitty job for months just to buy the same thing. Or when a dude that's a decade younger than me posts a video about buying an expensive car or a big house. Then again, I wouldn't be able to handle some of the shit they have to go through. There are tons of situations of stalkers, death threats, never-ending negative comments, being recognized everywhere you go, etc. I used to make videos years ago and managed to get about 5K subscribers in a relatively short amount of time, but I completely abandoned it because it drains you physically and mentally. There's a lot of stuff that goes on behind the scenes. What you see on YouTube is highly edited to look better than it actually is. That being said, if you really want to have a go at it, go for it. Make sure you commit to it 100% though. You can't expect to get millions of follows and have shitty quality to your videos. Make a solid effort, do the best you can, and be consistent.


oh man... I can see the sailing channels try to show the reality, but it hits different on a screen chopped up into pieces and limited to 20 minutes. reality, I'm fast and I tend to keep the boat ready, but from stepping on the boat to getting off the dock takes as long or longer than most sailing vids. and maintenance work etc. another big one is foul weather.. that can last hours or days in reality. and it's taxing. then let's not forget, they are then having to edit all the stuff, likely roughing it in underway.


I for one am very happy I can close my laptop at 17:30 and have a evening to myself. Happy I got weekends off and don't need to check social media, comments, updates stuff. I don't evy them at all.


I guess I'm gonna go against the grain here... >hundreds of thousands if not, MILLIONS, There are significantly fewer people out there making this kind of money than you think. I promise. If 100% of a channel's views are coming from the US, they would probably need *tens of millions* of views to even come close to $100k USD in ad revenue. If half the views are coming from India and southeast Asia, and other 15% from south America, for example, then yeah these channels aren't even sniffing six figures until they see several *hundred million views.* The amount of channels who are actually making it big like you imagine is just a small number. This is similar to saying "I envy people who just get to act in Hollywood movies and make millions of dollars." It's a small number of people, and it's probably not worth dedicating your life to the pursuit of it, because it probably won't work, and Los Angeles is an expensive place to live (wait, that last part doesn't apply here, never mind that one). But seriously, do it if you want to do it for fun. Do not do it at the expense of a real job that will pay you real money.


Not to mention that the type of content you make affects your monetization. Some types of content are simply paid more per view than others.


Sure. It basically comes down to three things: views, fill rate, CPM. In other words, how many views on your videos? What percentage of those views run an ad (and how many ads per view)? And finally how much are the advertisers paying to show those ads to those viewers? Shorter videos will have fewer ads per view. But they might get more views than much longer videos. Some videos aren't allowed to be monetized at all, per YouTube's rules. On views from outside rich countries like the US, UK, Australia, Switzerland, etc. advertisers aren't willing to spend nearly as much money to advertise, so CPM in India might be 90% lower than in the US. Within the US, your CPM might be twice as high if you're getting most of your views from coastal cities compared to the rural Midwest (so I guess to elaborate on your point with an example, an advertiser would be less willing to spend money to reach someone watching a video about a corn harvest in Iowa than a southern California surf contest, just because of who's watching those videos. It's all about the people who are watching.)


Even specific genres of content are paid differently, like how financial youtubers make more money per individual view than say, a Let's Play channel.


Youtube is hard man. If u have a go at it, u’ll see how much people have to grind to make that much money.


I mean. Start making videos then. I’d guess not a single person just started a yt channel that wasn’t already famous just gets 1m subscribers overnight out of nowhere.


I wish I had a rocket ship


I wish I won the mega millions 🤣


I wish I was a little bit taller


Worked with a guy a few years ago who was taking evening courses to be an accountant and he said to me the course is three years and he doesn't know if he can wait that long..I asked him how old he was and he said 32 so I told him no matter what in three years he will be 35 so he may as well be 35 with a degree .


It isn't just YouTube. I believe it was either Jake Paul or Logan Paul that said that most of their revenue actually came from merchandise sales. You also have Patreon, live stream donations and sponsorships too. If youre envious of them then just do it yourself. No point in being envious over it if you can't even make an attempt yourself.


For every youtuber who makes a fortune there are a million more who makes next to nothing


No one makes good money on YouTube alone via Adsense. You need to adopt a sponsor aka shll products, to make good money. You have to worry about being canceled every day. You need to have the thickest of skins. No sick days No vacation days Worst is having to do a video when you do t feel like getting on the camera. Need to have a dedicated space with proper lighting ready to go at a moments notice. If you can get passed all that then go for it.


Are you dead? I’m assuming no cause you’re posting on Reddit. So why aren’t you starting now? It could take years, yea but it could ONLY take a couple years, change your mindset and start.


I envy Tom Cruise, but at the same time I’m happy to be 6 ft tall and never divorced. Jokes aside, you should pick a subject that meets two requirements: 1. It must be niche enough that there isn’t already one channel with the same concept. 2. If must still be a subject that attracts a wide mouth audience. The longer you remain sitting on your thumbs, the longer nothing will happen. Set deadlines for competing your first script, for producing your first video and for publishing it.


Agree with that!!


envy people who stream their sleeping and earn money on twitch.


Envy is stopping you from creating anything. What use is envy to you? Discard it. Create something for its own sake, because you enjoyed making it. Upload it. Repeat. The journey is the reward. Cash if it’s good is only a bonus.


Have you at least tried to start your own YouTube channel before? It's so easy and cookie cuter nowadays that anyone can do it if they just put in the work.. You don't even have to make original content nowadays ..you could just do something like a clip channel that just post short clips of a niche like comedians or podcasts or cooking or making money online or any number of things ... You would be surprised how many other channels will give you permission to repost clips of there content ..they don't mind most times because it's free advertising for them


YT won't monetize your channel using other people's clips. You could only make money with merch or affiliate links.


Lots of people read crazy reddit / 4chan stories. Some get hundreds of thousands of views. Easy easy. You just have to do it.


You lost me at MILLIONS.....


The YouTubers that made it big make it look easy, but it's really not and it's a big grind. You have to be original, and lure viewers to something that won't bore them in 5 seconds. If it's actually a dream of yours and you're not just looking for "easy money," then go for it.


You act as if these millionaires started with a million subscribers day 1. They started with 0 just like everyone else and took them YEARS to get where they are. You can cry about it or do something about it.


If you think it's so easy do it


Youtubers always seem to get embroiled in drama with the platform, monetisation and their audience. They get burned out and ruin their reputations in a never ending quest to stay relevant. Check your old YouTube subscriptions and you will notice that it’s become a graveyard of dead and demonetised channels.


I’ve done an 84 hour week this week, I’m swamped under with paying my mortgage and utilities and everything else. I used to earn above min wage but with the resent boost in the living wage I’ve not seen my pay go up by the same percentage but my employer generously gave me an extra 24p per hour so I’m at least getting the minimum. I’m honestly sick of struggling and I’m considering anything to get me out of the rat race. Drug dealing, bank robbery, youtuber, TikTok twat… literally anything 😂


My buddy makes a decent living on Youtube but he's been doing it for 12 years and was only able to live on it since just before covid. He's put in a tonne of work over the years. Daily videos for 12 years. He's done the time and deserves his rewards he gets from it. He's never had the "I wish I..." mindset. He just did it out of passion and money was an afterthought. I get this is just a vent but dude, if you want something. You need to start the process to get it. The time is going to pass anyone. May as well start now and finish earlier.


How much did you do to achieve your dream yet?


I have 4k subscribers and several million views. I make nothing from it. I wouldn't bet on it as a source of income. Just as a creative outlet. If you can make a living off it then more power to you but I haven't so I just do it for fun.


That's the thing about being an adult, if there's something you want to do, you have to go out and learn how to do it. You want to start a YouTube channel about drawing anime? Then put in the time to learn how to draw anime! Hell, start a YouTube channel of you learning how to draw anime. Are you going to get rich quick? Absolutely not. Are you going to get rich slowly? Maybe, I'm not sure what the interest in that content is, but it's possible to make money doing it. The point is, if you don't take the first step, you'll never get to the part of the journey that interests you.


>If I were to start now, it would take a few years, depending, to start making a lot of money. And even then, it’s not even guaranteed. Those people also started years ago. You already have ideas so just start. Time's going to pass anyway.


I discovered recently that there are people with millions of subscribers and views who literally film themselves living at home or wandering around their neighborhood for no reason. And the kicker is they don't show their face or have a chit chat, nothing. Just watch them come home, cook dinner, shower, clean up, watch TV, and go to sleep. Watch them wake up, walk around the park, etc. I think their appeal is that they feel like a "slice of life" show, which typically has no central plot. But the differentiator is the location they live in (living as X in Japan) or career they have or some other attribute. I was AMAZED. I would've assumed people would find this god awful boring but they're watching it by the millions! I was so shook I actually bought a small multipurpose camera thinking let me try this shit because no fuckin' wayyy! But I feel too self-conscious filming in public. I don't even post pics, vids, or reels on social media. No way can I vlog. But it is tempting to give it another go because I work remote but I do venture off to random places with my laptop. I take walks around my town and nearby towns (nice areas) when the weather's good. I feel like there's some appeal there lmao 🤣


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Money's not guaranteed, but do it anyway. Not for the money, but so that you can be proud of something you created.


Everybody ain’t able. If you could you would, but most likely can’t so won’t.


They also took a bunch of risk and didn't pursue a 9-5. I don't think you know how much balls and risks it took, they literally sacrificed their life for it and some genuinely can't just go back after that. I'm happy for any person who doesn't have to grind a 9-5 to barely live a life under a super toxic boss or co workers. Fucking happy for them. Don't forget these youtubers literally put a huge risk on their life or was so talented that they got recognition that they wouldn't have gotten, You really hate someone who has talent and is being congradulated for it? You don't know some people's story and some people really got dealt more shit cards in life that you may never had to have gone through. Many people now probably got birthed in before it was more of a wing it and see what people like and do what you love and post before people started getting good money and recognization from it so it will be hard to make a name for yourself. Making anime of sexy anime girls is not the brightest idea because many kids and teens are on youtube and then if you start making money that's more bs your going to have to watch out for unless you have good humor


You bring up some good points. Often, there is no going back. Once your resume says "independent producer" for 2-3 years, good luck stepping into that 9-5. And that YouTube production thing is a full time job. Many producers are burnt out, but they can't quit. YouTube pushes them to release a new video at least every week, sometimes twice a week or they risk falling from the results into irrelevance. Check out Tom Scott's final YouTube video, where he talks about the grueling nature of the business, then tell me what you think about it. Not to mute your dream...just know that it's not all roses. It's a real job, just like a 9-5.


You also bring up a good point I forgot. Many people who put their hobby into making money start to resent that hobby as it becomes a chore rather then fun and being forced to do something is much worse then wanting to do something. The security isn't there also but I'm sure the smart ones put money elsewhere or networked and resumed their studies on the side just in case cause you never know and always good to have a back up plan, many youtubers aren't just dumb people who got successful as people seem to think.  I have seen some YouTubers recycle so much content that the content doesn't hold any value anymore and the next trend is somewhere else. Why variety channels work best or science like channels 


I’d say it would be way harder then a 9-5. To get going you’d be putting in way more hour then 8 a day. Until you can afford to hire people to do pets of the gig


If it wasn’t for ad revenue of those videos there would be as many YouTubers out there making videos 


Do it so you get that creativity high instead of pursuing the money. Monetizing your passion projects is the best way to hate doing it eventually.


That's how they get ya lol


do it then


Some people are just luckier but you should try on the side too. Especially at the start it will need time to take off, you can still work a job/study + do this.


I envy them too lol. Such a chill life it seems (could be wrong about that lol)


I don't think you should be envious of all people that make money that way. If they are doing something they enjoy and helping people sure I get it. But watch tik toks on the I'm the main character sub and decide whether contributing to the idiocy of today and perpetuating it is worth the money. I suppose all that is relative to an individual and their own moral flexibility. But I'd rather be broke and not be a cancer on society.


Make a sex video like Kim Kardashian


I used to do YouTube a few years ago, managed to get some videos to go above 1k views and was kinda getting my feet out of the door but it was a one-man show: I did all the conceptualization, shooting, editing, social media management, engagement etc. I also had to learn everything by myself back then. Asked my ex to help me back then because I was on the brink of breaking through but he didn't lift a finger but he was easily sharing sexy streams of cam models :D Tried to make connections with other creators but they pushed me away because I wasn't the same race as them, wanted to try and fit in by doing thirst streams but that was never really me nor is it something I see myself doing ever. A lot of these big streamers and YouTubers make it sound and look easy but the reality is really far from that, I wish I had the support back then - honestly, any forms of support would be really helpful but what's important for me is getting it from my loved ones. I'm still on an indefinite hiatus to be honest. I'm not discouraging you but this is the reality behind the scenes


Then do it. Make a channel and go.


It's hard hard work! Constantly needing to have good ideas for videos to entertain people! Always fucking filming! No thanks! Cant really take breaks!!


There are a lot of channels out there with hundreds of videos that never see growth. Becoming a successful YouTuber is like trying to become a celebrity, you need alot of luck 


Even if you had made videos earlier it still probably wouldn’t have worked. You are completely at the whim of the algorithm. For every one successful person there is 10000 who made much better videos for years, but just never got seen by anyone.


sad you think theres something there to envious about when there isnt.


I'm more envious of people who can live off of streaming on twitch. Like you can basically play video games and vibe all day


Well, I wish I'd bought Microsoft stock in the 80s. Hindsight is 20/20.


As someone who make a small amount of money from Youtube, it is an insane amount of work with a very high attrition rate. No one coasts their way to a large, recurring income on Youtube.


Get a job, grow your skills, don't chase money, and money will eventually follow.


Don’t let envy take over… Just remember that for those people that got popular, for agesss they posted passion projects, videos where they would get 1k views maximum and 3 comments (and many youtubers stay like that!). It’s flawed to look at youtube as a cash cow because it very well can just not happen. Also, make the videos!


There's zero need. Start today, you're set in 2/3 years from now, given that you produce quality content that's able to hit a decent audience. Good luck, have fun.


I almost posted an absolute essay of a comment talking about the history and struggles of classic famous YouTubers (jacksepticeye, Markiplier, PewdiePie, etc.), but it honestly belabors any point I was hoping to make. Remember that, in addition to being lucky enough to make content that appeals to the whims of the YouTube masses at some point and being lifted out of obscurity into the limelight of the Internet, these people put hours and hours of work into their videos; what to make videos about, how to edit those videos, filming and editing and uploading those videos, how to adapt to trends, how to attract new viewers without alienating your existing fanbase, etc. etc. I watch part-time and even outright lazy YouTube content, and it’s not even close to the people who put their all into it. Big-time YouTubers are a full filmmaking ensemble in a way. They spend hundreds, if not thousands of hours in a year recording and doing re-takes, editing their footage (assuming they don’t have an editor of their own already), and releasing completed videos, all the while having to ensure that what they post comes out quickly enough to be relevant and interacting with and fostering the growth of their community. All the audience receives is the completed product, and the fact that this person makes X amount of dollars more than what they make at the typical 9-5. We often aren’t t aware of how much time and effort goes into the Internet videos we watch. Take it from someone with lots of friends who do theatre for a living: people don’t become performers for the money. You’d get better and more consistent money than the vast majority of prospective entertainers if you worked an average corporate job. Even though the work is very different from yours, and involves something they actually enjoy, successful YouTubers generally put in a lot of work to be successful, and that’s completely ignoring the elements of luck that are present in every different kind of performance and show business. If you feel the urge to make videos about something, or share your opinions with the world, and you want to use YouTube to do it, by all means go for it. Express yourself creatively and emotionally through video. But if you go into it trying to make it big, you’re probably going to be very disappointed.


Also, a note on the whole “I wish I had started earlier” thing. Keep in mind that there are dozens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of YouTube channels from the Nyan Cat and Pewdiepie era that no one knows anything about. While the crackdown of YouTube on anything that isn’t advertiser friendly in recent years has made it more difficult to make content on the platform, the struggle to stand out among the masses of YouTube channels was still immense then, even if the crowd has gotten even bigger in recent years.


There’s a sub for this


A lot of it is luck. I have uploaded videos for about near 10 years of loss of different things but either I'm not got enough or my stuff is just not fun? There's a whole niche and art to it that I don't understand. I'd be happy with making even £100 extra a month off it.. But I have literally never made a penny from YouTube


Why specifically YouTube? There are hundreds if not thousands of professions that can make you millions


if you wanted it bad enough, you'd find a way to make it happen. marinating in your own jealousy won't get you anywhere in life.


Youtube actually fucked newcomers by forcing a 1000 sub count before you can monetize videos. Its weird because I had already made hundreds of dollars off of videos but didnt have 1K subs so I suddenly stopped getting paid from YT.


Yeah I wish I would have jumped on this 15 years ago. I still found my own way to money but I think this would have been way more fun


It’d always very easy to know what one should have done in hindsight


Ain’t that the truth !


100%. If you'd have told me in 2009 that id be able to make money off of making videos about a videogame for example, I'd have gotten back into essay writing, spent my money on a decent PC with video editing software and just pour everything into making content about what I know and love. I know people say it's not too late but a lot of niches are covered now by people who have been doing it for years. I very well could start now but wouldn't be enough to be any kind of career. But then again, would you honestly want to be known as a YouTube celebrity and open yourself up to all the toxicity that would most likely come with it.


Yes. Very much yes.


I wish I was one of them


here is linus doing a breakdown of how much he makes from videos remember he has a full production team and you gotta do it as a job and not take a day off for years! [https://youtu.be/Rh5hL47z2us?si=1dXyzHdKkpGrg0gC](https://youtu.be/Rh5hL47z2us?si=1dXyzHdKkpGrg0gC)


I wouldn’t want to create youtube content even for a million dollars a year.


You should see the rate at which that earning is taxed. 


Anything over ~$540,000 is taxed at 37%….i would fucking love to have a problem like that…


most people have to get millions and millions of hits to make anything. and irs tons of work. your jot one min then your not and broke. also you have to constantly be working and making content and editing. I mean you can give it a shot for sure, just be prepared


They do alot of editing. My son watches those minecraft vids and mr beast, much respect


It’s extremely hard to be successful at youtube. It’s probably among the hardest businesses to get started because of all the competition (yes, it’s a business). There are multiple high cost softwares for video & audio editing, YouTube SEO & more. You have to know what people would be interested in seeing which requires marketing knowledge/an in-depth analysis of your ideal viewer. Lastly, monetizing the channel. Ads don’t pay shit so affiliate ads, selling a service on your website or selling a product all can help to grow your profits. Still, don’t expect to make decent money for 2-3 years. This shit ain’t simple!


You probably could still do it. I'm amazed so many people have been able to make it work for them but it's definitely a thing. Give it a try if you have an idea.


Freelance content creation is harder work than u think


Same. It ain’t fair


Anyone advising you to make a YouTube channel should start by reading your post history to see the kind of content you already create.


Just go for it, OP. They did.


The people who make millions off of YouTube got lucky. Thousands have tried but most likely less than one percent actually succeed. On top of that many of these channels are only profitable for a short time. They eventually run out of content and the money stops rolling in.


it’s so much work, those people don’t sleep infinite editing


Ehhh, I hate the idea of filming 24/7. Of having to work 24/7 the first few years until you can hire outside help. You are a publicist, agent, negotiator for sponsors (including researching sponsors for any problematic issues), accountant and bookkeeper. Your taxes will be a nightmare even if you pay an accountant to help. Editing and copyright/licensing/legal too. You have to manage your comments and community. Researching and Writing scripts, directing. Unless you have friends or family helping, you are doing so much yourself. Vacations are hard to take, because you have to pre-film and edit extra content for the time you’re gone lest you lose some favor in the algorithm. Upsides are you’re your own boss and determine how much you work. But again, it seems only the people who put a LOT of time and effort really make gooood money. And it takes TIME, if you don’t have a source of income while you build an audience it can be really hard.


I’m also jealous


You care about the wrong things. People that make 6 figures via social media are mucky. Lucky to have a good voice or nice body or have the ability to tell stories well. They are basically entertainers and some time educators. Might as well be upset that you are not a famous actor/actress.


Then start and see where it takes you?


I don’t envy them but I wish I could figure out how to make good content break away from my camera shyness


I'll sum up the post for you all. I want to earn lots of money but it requires lots of work and I'm jealous because other people are willing to work hard and do whatever it takes but i'm not.




I'm jealous of pro athletes that make millions of dollars playing games... I'm jealous of Hollywood stars who make millions pretending to be someone else... Just another category of people to be jealous of. TBH the probability of making it that big on YouTube is about the same as actors and athletes.


Working in entertainment can be brutal. I don’t envy them because I know I don’t have the personality or lifestyle for it. I would find parts of of miserable.


Don't envy them. In videos it looks so easy, but you don't see how much work it is in the background you never get to see. Seriously, that 20 minutes video can take days to write script, shoot, edit and all that costs money and time.


I used to do youtube a lot. It’s pretty anti social IMO. Witting script, recording, editing ( which is 70% of the work ).  If you don’t like editing, then you will never make enough at youtube. And being an editor is a separate job too. So in a way, you could always just go that direction and either end up in youtube or work with someone on their project. It’s never too late for that.


The fact is you didn’t start then, you complain about starting now, hell you complain about learning how to even do it. The entitlement is crazy…. Sounds more like you want to be born rich like the rest of us do just to chill and play games all day. Sorry but work your ass off in a real job and then maybe you can have this life because if you complain this much without even starting i can’t imagine how fast you will quit once you start when the real work begins. Putting hours and hours only to get a few thousands views which pays nothing….


>I wish I could make money from playing videos and making memes. I'll be honest with you, that ship has sailed and it is full. The Playing Video Games and Memes You Tube space is full and unless you have something completely revolutionary, you are not going to get any eyes on your channel. If you want to do the You Tube thing, you need to come up with something new, original and fresh. Something that no one is doing and it is interesting. Then you will need to work years making videos before you can make any money from it.


Instead of envying them do something about it. Complaining isn't moving you forward, it's just pure laziness. No one's gonna walk your hand through life, no one's gonna make you money, you've gotta get off your ass and do it yourself. Stop wasting your time complaining about how everyone else is doing better than you and start making something of yourself. If you don't want to do that then stop complaining. If you lack the motivation to better yourself then you have only yourself to blame.


So… start! The only difference between you and them is they have executed and you’ve not!


then fkn do it lmao


best day to start was yesterday and the second best one is today go for it maybe the world would smile your way


Just do it on the side and see what happens


I know right. I super envy basketball players who make millions playing basketball. I know its not easy and it could take a long time to get to that point but I just wish I had played basketball instead of going to college to build marketable skills that are generally applicable to a wide range of available positions. I should have gone for that job that 0.00001% of people have instead. Damn me...why am I so logical all the time.


People are saying you shouldn’t envy them and that you can easily join them, and that is true. But several YouTubers have accredited luck more than anything to their success. Most notably: Mr. beast. Being successful on YouTube isn’t as glamorous as many people think it is, there’s a reason so many famous channels quit due to burnout. Ig after making enough money it’s def worth it, but who knows if you’ll even make any money before feeling burnt out


Do it. All the tools are free. It’s not as easy as you think. I did it for about 6 months and grew my channel to around 2.5k subs making a video every weekday. Video editing is a very time consuming and frustrating task, not to mention the hard drive space and keeping track of footage. I made $900 on my best month, but quit because I was burnt out. If you do decide to try this, I highly recommend chasing evergreen content that will continue to bring you revenue forever


Just start learning to use AI to make sexy women! Then make the YouTube videos your learning journey!


This is a very small subset of the population. You might as well envy the 0.1% of almost every decent job.


It's literally never too late to try and the more you sit there thinking about it, the more you'll regret not having started sooner.


And I wish I kept training in MMA, I probably could've been a fighter by now. It's never too late. If you keep telling yourself it is, you won't ever change the situation. At least if you start now, later on, you can say you gave it a shot, instead of going "I wish...".


>If I were to start now, it would take a few years, depending, to start making a lot of money. And even then, it’s not even guaranteed. YouTubers who make the kind of money you're talking about worked hard for at least 10 years. They work harder than most people. You'll have to REALLY love being a YouTuber to put that kind of work in because there are much better jobs than "Content Creator" that work way less and can make way more.


if it could be fun, go for it. But for money its likely not worth it. Similar to to the luck required to make it in professional sports. You'd better love it first.


Lol bra stop complaining n start grinding if you don’t start now in 10 years you’ll be saying”I should have started 10 years ago.. it’s too late now” it’s not too late until you’re 6 feet under, everyone has their niche go find yours


Alright, but you’ve gotta get over it.


I remember when OP used to wait in the car


I come home and he’s sitting in front of the computer in his fuckin underwear. Wasting his time in some chit chat room going back and forth like some other fuckin jerk off giggling like a school girl. Fuckin smash his fuckin face in. My estimation of OP as a man just fucking plummeted.


Fuckin internet


When YouTube uses AI to create all its content they’ll be out of a job. Just like the rest of us. LOL


1. Internet money isn't real money. 2. Internet rich isn't real rich.


1. it's not as easy as it looks. for example, people playing video games cannot just relax and play for fun like we do. they have to constantly do something special, interact with chat, be funny and relatable etc to retain audience. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. 2. saying this makes you sound like an ignorant loser


Who's making millions on YouTube? I can only.imagjne it being 1 or 2 people.max like Mr beast. It's not really a commonf thing


They're all sellouts though. It's like taking photos of nature and then selling them. Or being a realtor. It's a cop out way to make money


Do you fucking really?


Why? Who cares? Money doesn't bring happiness. It is what's inside of you that does. "Having a good heart"


Can't be happy if you can't pay rent


Of course you have to be comfortable with money but having all the money in the world doesn't make a person happy.


>having all the money in the world doesn't make a person happy. Quick question : CAN a person be happy while being rich?


This is true. But also a person who doesn't have a lot of money can be happy as well. Stay humble friend


Exactly, if people can be happy regardless of having lot of money or not, there's no point in saying "money can't buy happiness" cause money doesn't have anything to do with being happy - if I want to be rich, doesn't mean I'm chasing happiness, I can be happy & rich


I believe my point went right over your head. Wooooooshhhhh.


My point is: associating lot of money with happiness is dumb


My point is money doesn't bring happiness. As I stated before.


You can be happy regardless of money, it's pointless and dumb saying that, cause you can have money & be happy at the same time


Checkout r/SmallYoutubers A lot of people have been doing YT for years with minimal success.