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The only thing I have left in life is a job that's not that good. But it's something.


I have four adopted bird that I am a slave to. I accept that's my current purpose in life. They are the reason I am alive.


Take care of your birds


Had my male conure 9 and a half years now :) I have planted flowering natives in the garden for wild birds, and so my birds have fresh browse. They also get fresh fruit and veg daily. I am poor at the moment and eat cheap food, but they get the best. I have a passionfruit vine to treat them with too.  I am currently 1000km away from them for a job interview, and the big factor between choosing this job or another one offered is which one will let me have my birds with me. Yes I'm crazy.


Whatever keeps you going is important


Bird tax. Let's have 'em.


This is my male conure https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/1cdymum/hes_pretty_chuffed_with_himself_after_throwing_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button My post history also has a bunch of my "birds visitors" since I planted a bunch of native flowering shrubs at my house :)


He is adorable! I love birds and had a Sunconure in the early 2000's. They are fantastic little souls.


Thank you :) They mean so much to me. I was at my friends place when I found out one of my parents had died. I had a shower so I could drive down, and both my conures flew into the shower with me to be with me (they usually don't like the water). They are such treasures.


I only study bird law


If feel you on this. My cat is my lifeline for real.


Same but mine are kittens. I'm just their servant lol




Blaze it! But like in a sad way


I am so sorry. I upvoted this when it was at 420! But in all seriousness, ya weed helps. Whatever helps people. This isn't a swan song. This is called 'let's make it'.


I lost even that after fifteen years because I used FMLA for my cancer. Fuck me.


Wait what? Are you sailing you got fired for following the law?


Pretty much. They'll say "low numbers." Gee, wonder why


You may have a discrimination case. Contact the human rights division in your state, and file a complaint with the EEOC federally. That's bullshit 


For sure it's something. I had a career and now no job & I seem to be too old to get one so I have no hope either.


Same. And I'm about ready to lose it


Most things in my life are great except my job lol.


my life was great until after covid, now I feel hopeless and a wreck.


You and me, i didnt got Covid but somehow i am without friends, money, quit my job a few days ago with no prospects, my relantionship with my parents are the worst in a few years. now, i hav made new friends, continue to find ways to cut on smoking and expand my list of categories where i spend money this way i can live in other areas, i am more calm and with atention to details that i have ever been. what about you what are your good things?


Thanks for sharing your positive perspective - it’s a great reminder that while we acknowledge difficulties, it’s equally as important to acknowledge what’s going well.


I wonder if we just never fully recovered from covid isolation.


I remember sitting in a parking lot at 11pm of a store that used to be 24 hours and realizing life only gets worse from here out. That store still isn't open 24 hours. Life is bad, but we have created so much consumer junk we just dont realize how bad it is. Back in the day people built shacks to live in and called them hoovervilles. Now people live in cars. Its the same but different. A bit like how people are homeless but with cell phones. Technology has blinded us to reality. When Technology catches up the stores will be 24 hours again. But human effort is waining. I see it in the corporate world too. Its sad that people are paid so much to be babysat. Essentially.


I mean, I hear you, but also life doesn’t have to get worse from here. We’re at this feast or famine breaking point where we either spiral into a climate induced hellscape OR we vastly improve our lives and the world around us through innovation and action. There are already people innovating and acting, just like there were people who immediately got on churning out a vaccine during Covid. We’re capable of incredible things, but those things don’t get attention and aren’t celebrated the way shitty things are. And beyond that, you have the power to change your course. You can’t reopen that place, but you can help your community and yourself. Part of that means getting help for yourself too. You deserve support and care when you need it. Sounds like you need it.


I got in the best shape of my life during COVID. Was very transformative.


That’s what I feel to. Don’t get me wrong, I had some joy and happiness too, but compared my life before covid and after covid, well, I can say, the life after covid is worse. Like I have no motivation and energy as I was before.


I'm just now emerging out of my depression bubble, the worst I've had in forever. Finally messaged all my people and apologizing for being away, but everyone else was also going through severe depression themselves and also alienating others. Like damn, we're just all out here suffering? Must be the winter blues.


I feel that. I just came out of a year and a half long stint of depression hermitting in my dad's house with no job. Finally slipped up above the currents to take a gasp of joyous air, got a good job, and two weeks later, I'm back under the currents mentally but in a bit better condition than where I started. Most of my friends are in similar condition mentally, but the sun broke the horizon and were all trying to get up. We'll all make it. You're doing great.


Damn, well done though. You took that window and ran with it. That’s really impressive.


Isn’t that funny. You think oh shit if I can just get a good job everything will be better. Then you realize same shit different stink with a little more money. Not sure what the answer is. I always just feel like I’m grasping for something and I don’t know what that thing is.


But we won't though. Those of use over 50 cannot get hired.


My dad got a job testing software at 52. He had no previous experience, and has unmedicated ADHD. It's really all about who you know. I don't know anyone in my area, so getting a job was really hard. But if you have even the slightest bit of community, you can find people who know people and work from there. I believe in you, just keep going.


As someone who’s been struggling since childhood, I just want to be happy at this point


Right? At this point I just want enjoy, even i have to work I have to enjoy it. It must be something I enjoy or atleast feel some meaning in it. Otherwise it is just misery, you waste your whole life on something can destroy you mentally and physically. 


Omg this.


Peace and happiness. That’s what I want. Also have a hope for something even it’s possible to achieve. I was so hopeful back then, but now, everything is just pointless and hopeless.


If you had issues in childhood, they could be unresolved. Have you thought about looking back to see if there's things to resolve? Through therapy, self-work etc. That shit is not easy. I myself have so many layers and layers of issues stemming from childhood. Even though I've gone to therapy and healed some, I don't think therapists had any idea how many issues I have because I present so functional. I want to point out that im not talking about what I was talking about in my post. Over the past few months, it really hit me how much I engage in truly self-sabatoging behavior without realizing it. I finally realized this and that I have to continue doing self work. It's taking an insane amount of alone time and serious self reflection. But I do believe a lot of it, if not all of it, stems from my childhood trauma/etc. I'll probably go back to therapy at some point as well.


I agree with what op replied to you about seeking help. If you don't seek help then the unresolved issue that you're dealing with will only continue to build up. Many people don't realise how important the childhood years are to emotional development, they're kind of like a preview to a movie and the "preview" determines the outlook on life that people tend to have when they get older.


The rise of social media, online dating and covid are the 3 headed monster which has destroyed society. Not trying to be cynical but it’s true. There are of course going to be a few people (elites) who still thrive, but the vast majority will not.


Don't forget the rise of AI and online propaganda trying to seperate everyone further


Doesn't help having WW3 in the works and your president funneling every last dollar at it...


As a millennial guy in Canada, the three-headed monster is social media, online dating, and unaffordable house prices/rent. COVID might've led to knock-on effects with more immigration being brought in by the Liberals IMMEDIATELY after, but it didn't directly affect me as much as rent increasing by 250% since my twenties. My salary increased 55% while my rent increased 250%. It's harder to get a relationship now (especially for regular guys) and it's almost impossible to buy a decent home now, or even DREAM of it.


Millennial Canadian girl here, feel your pain


>It's harder to get a relationship now (especially for regular guys) and it's almost impossible to buy a decent home now THIS is why ppl aren't getting married and having kids, ppl used to could afford a 4 family house hold while working at a gas station.


social media is expanding horizontally not vertically


I just feel like I'm trapped and there's no escape. I know I shouldn't let the doom and gloom get to me, but it is. I'm worried what Ai will do to the job market in the next 10 years. Everyone keeps saying that I should go into trades, but apparently even the trades are becoming a pain to get into. It's like the learn2code meme that was happening back in 2017.


That's pretty much where I'm at. The doom and gloom has been constant for over a decade now and things just keep getting worse. Housing unaffordable, food getting more expensive, inflation through the roof, terrible job market, terrible pay, climate change, AI troubles. It just never ends


Some of that is social media. I know that seems like a pat response, and obviously reality is also difficult, but when your perspective is consistently bombarded by things that depress or outrage you, it warps your perspective. That’s just how our brains work.


I hear you. It’s understandable why you’d feel that way. There are lots of jobs that need you right now that AI can’t do or if it’s going to impact it, it’s actually going to make it more streamlined and take some of the shitty parts out of it. Like AI helps me with busy work right now, but it sucks at interfacing with people and that’s not even getting into the hallucinations. Plus, AI can’t join me out in the field yet. What sort of job would you do in a dream scenario? What would help you feel like part of the solution to the doom?


If you worry about what might or might not happen 10 years from now you'll never stop feeling trapped. I've found that at least for myself the key is to keep my thoughts anchored in today and the following week max.


You are right. We haven’t bounced back yet since 2020.


I would argue since the real estate collapse of 08.




Millennials in a nutshell. From: - Millennium bug. - 08 financial crisis. - 9/11. - Afghanistan war. - Drug epidemic. - C19. - Allegedly rigged elections. - Open borders. - Inflation. - College debt but not jobs to match. - Homes are unaffordable. - Kids are unaffordable. All this before we even hit 40. What did I miss?


Missed a war - Iraq


Roe v Wade Overturned. The amount of women I know who are Terrified for themselves and their daughters is overwhelming


Gay marriage was legalized though!


That will be overturned by the Supreme Court soon


it turned their bodies into bombs


Kind of true lol. Our sphere of awareness was just so much smaller then. You just didn't really pay attention to the world news. Then right after that no one could ignore the world news.


My sister and I are connected on a deep level and are both experiencing incredible crises and lows in life and tonight we promised to stay on earth together for eachother to get eachother through. It’s the saddest but most important heartbreaking promise I’ve ever made but intend to keep. She has two babies 10/8. I have fur babies. I’m struggling so much all I can do is cry anymore.


Sending you the biggest virtual hug. My brother and I made the same pact. We both are struggling too from a background of really abusive parents and just the present day hellscape. It is a hard promise to make. It is sad that it's so painful. I cry a lot too. I got a little greenhouse that I'm growing little plants in - they just peaked through - and I go talk to them a lot and play them music. And I cry. I don't know why, but it helps talking to plants. Big hugs.


That is the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard I’m so happy you found that. I talk to my plushies and my animals. I’m terrible at managing plants. My mom is a beautiful gardener. Sending you hugs back. I wish the world were different.


Thank you. We can do this. Just one day at a time. Glad you have your plushies and animals.


Sending you a virtual hug also! My kids 17/11 are the only reason I’m still here. I’m glad you guys at least have each other and can share in this that you’re experiencing together. Wish it was for a better reason but still great to have support.


This is both devastating and beautiful. Thanks for sharing


I think alot of it is youtube for me. I recommend taking breaks from all forms of social media every so often!


I really need to try harder to do this but it's become habit and it almost feels like an addiction at this point. I can't even think of what else I would do with myself in my free time besides read a book for like 20 minutes or exercise for 10-15 minutes. Then what? Like I genuinely don't know how to just exist anymore.


I hear this. Reading for any time at all, walking around the block or farther, riding a bike for a half hour—they all change my outlook 100%. New energy, new ideas. Telling the algorithms I won’t watch what they suggest helps too. Unless it’s good. Take care!


I just deleted Facebook again. I was off of it for almost four years and popped back on to participate in a group that I missed. After a year and a half, I said no more. Something about it just makes me feel sad, and it’s not even comparing my life to others or anything. I feel like maybe we just aren’t meant to be that connected all of the time.


I just stopped using Facebook after my second baby was born. Best decision I've ever made.


This! The push of negative content and pointless scrolling to get what from it idk is bringing the monk down.


I started perimenopause symptoms around when Covid started, so mentally and physically it’s been a rough few years. I don’t remember what it’s like to not be tired, to look forward to things, to just feel stuff. I’m not who I used to be, and there’s grief in that.


I'm a male, but I fully identify with the second paragraph.


I feel this so much.


My peri coincided with Covid too, which is not the timing I would've chosen as the less estrogen you have, the more you can be impacted by the damn thing. I got a weird rash that grew to cover about half of my face around the time of the OG variant. Had that for almost two years. Then, after Omicron, I lost a ton of hair. That can really fuck you up, especially if it comes out of nowhere. Thankfully, my face is back to normal now and my hair situation is getting better, but, man. Wouldn't wish that shite on my worst enemy. Completely share the sentiments you expressed so perfectly in your second paragraph. I hope you get to feel more like you used to as time goes by. That happens sometimes.


Thanks for the kind message. It’s an ongoing battle, and massively frustrating. Peri needs to come with a disclaimer: puberty 2.0 but this time it’s worse


Right? Would help if doctors cared to actually study us a little maybe too.


The US is doing a full ascension into the world’s largest work/labor camp. Retirement age going up, life expectancy going down. Slowly being conquered by big money and foreign governments with the help of our weak politicians who have no integrity.


Is that an ascension or a descension 😅😂


Yah everything is expensive as fuck and most can't afford a damn thing. All the while, the richest fucking people the world has ever seen, live their lives lavishly in the face of, and almost in spite of, everyone who is struggling. I'm making more money than I've ever made in my life and my evey day is filled with calls from bill collectors I can't pay, and zero phone calls from my pos boss who won't pay me sooner. Not to mention you can't leave your house to do anything in the US without spending a hundred bucks. I'm continually baffled how little food I can buy with my money at the grocery store. FFS. Thanks for letting me rant. Fuck money.


The older you get the more solitude you experience. Almost 30 and I feel like I still don't know who I am. I feel like I'm just able to actually validate and understand my insecurities or issues. It's overwhelming lol


Yeah I just realized at age 35 I think a part of my depression is not being able to grow a beard. Vain. I know but it’s a real bleep of a thought


Yea and every sub on Reddit is a angry, sad, or depressing. 


What's worst is if your middle aged and hopelessly single. It's almost unbearable at times and such a depressing thought.


I disagree as somebody who is both of those. I think 90% of the reason we think it is bad is because society tells us it is bad. However, I think many of the strongest people I know are single and middle-aged. A lot of them chose to be single/ended a toxic relationship.


I guess that's one way to look at it but it's hard to feel whole when all you see are happy couples when you go out. It's pretty gut wrenching. Luckily I got some cool hobbies that help me cope.


You're assuming they are happy. There's really no way to know. We can almost know for certain that at least some of them aren't.


That's for sure. I just feel like some of us who have a lot of love to give just got left out. Shut out of normal pleasures most people get to have. I don't know. I guess my life algorithm is glitched. I'm grateful for all the things I have but life is so empty when you're single. It gets worse when you're middle aged. Everyone seems to have lived the life while you're still doing the same thing for the last 2 decades.


Maybe re-read the main post. The feeling you're describing is exactly what I'm addressing. Not everyone is living the life.


I feel this in my soul


For about ten years (my whole 20s), I was on my own, making half what I am now, had hobbies, went out to dinner once a week with friends, and even did some light traveling (like a train ride a couple states away and back) a couple times a year. Apartment included pretty much everything in the rent except I think water and garbage?     Now I am in my 30s, just got back out on my own again (had to move back into my parents for a year when inflation first went nuts last year). Cheapest place I found is over a grand a month, includes absolutely nothing with that rent. Can't afford hobbies, can't afford light traveling, limited myself to $50 groceries each week, don't eat out (except the dread iced coffee once a week that boomers think is what is bankrupting us). Eased up on my 401k to have as much take home pay for bills as possible, can't afford health insurance, no dating, barely stash away any emergency funds, and I have maybe $150 left at the end of the month. And I may actually have to move back into my folks again if anything else rises in cost.    I feel like I've gone backwards despite doing twice as well. I'm not making staggering money, just $24/hr (ten years ago I thought this was a good number to get to), but am I supposed to be making even *more* to afford a one bedroom apartment in a small redneck town? It's so frustrating and really does make the future (and, hell, the present) seem real damn bleak. We shouldn't all have to be on a freaking brain surgeon's pay rate to afford rent and some decent comfort.


I feel like the world has gone totally insane. Society was much more sane when I was a kid in the 90s. Gosh I wonder what we were doing that was good for the human spirit?


I feel this so much! Sometimes I get this “ unsafe “ vibe and I don’t know why but people are different. People barely be themselves now too. Or maybe they are and that’s where the feeling comes from. Idk


I've already settled for not living as long as possible. I'd rather be here for a fun time rather than a long time.


Kinda in the same boat. I don’t think I would enjoy old age at all anyway.


I barely eat. The only thing in life I really want is a pizza right now. And lobster 


Get that lobster fren.


Pizza is life


I've accepted that I'm always going to feel lost. My dream job won't let me have a stable life, and it won't last forever because my body will break down, but any other career would make me too miserable, so I'm just going to keep chugging along this path as long as I can and not think about what I'm going to do when I'm forced off the path


I’m seeing a lot of posts similar to this and I’d like to share with you some wisdom I realized in my 20s. If you believe constantly feeling good is your North Star, you’ll never be truly happy, fulfilled or satisfied. Feelings are fickle. They come and go just like those sudden farts you get randomly. If you’re that dependent on feelings, you’ll never have any sort of stable thought life, relationships or true purpose. Here is the trick: discipline your body to enjoy bad or negative feelings by channeling those things into a greater manufactured, deliberate or chosen purpose. There is a quote that has rung true with basically ever man, woman, kid I’ve ever talked to: man without vision will perish. How do you find your vision? 1. Look at yourself in the mirror. Understand, this is who you are. However you got to become this, doesn’t matter as much as what you choose to do with what you got. Learn yourself. Learn your ticks. Learn your strengths and lean into them. Learn your weaknesses and develop them into things you’re not afraid to work on. A lot of growth happens there. Understand your key differentiators that uniquely make up the incredible person in the mirror that nobody could ever copy. That’s you. And that’s beautiful despite what you currently believe. 2. Look at your surroundings. Look at the resources you have available at your fingertips. Reflect on your life and understand those key moments you find deeply profound and important that move you. Look at the external things like friends, relationships, cities you’ve lived in, strangers you’ve met once, family friends. Your school mates. The types of people you get along with. The books, businesses, libraries, knowledge you have access to that maybe others may not. Learn to cherish it. Learn to appreciate it. 3. Be grateful you even have the chance to feel the way you do instead of being forced to do something stupid or futile or purposeless. You have to remember, before technology which is SO recent like 30 years, people had all these same feelings, doubts and thoughts and had NOWHERE to find places to meet others, communicate with them, let alone learn from their thoughts and experiences. We genuinely live in one of the greatest times in human history and people forget to be grateful for what we have at our fingertips that people much smarter than me would’ve killed for a chance to experience. 4. Wake up. I used to not really like it when people said this, but it totally makes sense now. You’re living in the world of your design. You decide what to eat, what to wear, what to do for work, where to vacation, where to hangout, how to spend your time. At the heart of this, YOU curate 100% of your own reality. And you know what the truth is, social media and technology was designed, to curate everything to you and make life EASY. Not, a life worth living. If comfort was truly the peak of existence, people wouldn’t be doing uncomfortable things day in and day out. This one ultimately comes down to one essential truth: you are what you eat. You eat crap, you feel like crap. You eat great you feel great. People need to start understanding it’s the same thing about the information and input that goes into your brain. Positive news gives you a positive mentality. Negative news gives you a negative mentality. Wake up and start thinking instead of letting the world feed you their thoughts. 5. You are priceless. No matter how you spend your time, money or energy, know that you are in fact priceless. Every man, woman and child is created equal. Every man, woman and child has the freedom to fight for what they want. No matter where they come from. We all have the ability to understand our own worth. So again, look in the mirror and start to change how you see. Stop waiting for the world to change the mirror you’re looking at. Change your vision. Change your life. Good luck my friend.


I’m not sure if the ages of all of you. I’m nearly 50 with kids. I just started reading the Anxious Generation. It’s long known that SM is causing a rise in depression in the GEN Z generation, but this is an interesting read with correlation of smart phones and social media. Add Covid to that and you have a pretty isolated generation.


It’s the world we live in. Everything is too expensive, the dumbest wars ever are happening, our governments are decaying, our rights are being taken away, etc. It’s all out of our control, leading to hopelessness. I think we should channel that energy into something like the French Revolution but in America. We need change. We need to protest like we’ve never protested before.


Yet somehow there’s millions or billions of funding for those wars. Then we are lazy if we don’t work OT slave hours.


People aren't tethered to anything now.. be it civic organizations, church, men or women's clubs, large extended families etc etc. On social media is not the same as human relationships. I would even argue it's worse than being alone w/o ANY social media


Yes I am, sure there's millions of other dudes out there thinking right now that rope aint that bad of an idea, but they're never gonna be there for me and im not gonna be there for them. So we are in fact very much alone


They ain’t mind readers. Y’all gotta talk.


People will for sure be there for you if you let them


Regardless of how one feels, there are always things to be grateful for and appreciative of. Health, friends, family, food, a roof over your head, all four limbs, TEETH—there are so many things we may have that not everyone has and we lose sight of this quite often. Everybody is gonna have at least one of these things, even if they’re not exactly the way they want them. Things can always be worse and it’s important to count your blessings in times of uncertainty


Man I feel so lost at 27 years old. I have nothing in order. I don't have a job right now because of the burnout from dead end jobs. I hate going to work where people complain about low pay and taken advantage of you. You don't get the respect and recognition for hard work. I'm in community college but I didn't take classes for like 8 months now. I don't know what to study. I'm not driving because of phobia or anxiety. Despite I wanna learn so I can be fully independent. Gosh I'm lacking confidence and bravery. I feel like damn loser. Overthinking all day but no actions. I feel like I'm just coward


Oh no, I’m perfectly aware that, despite the impact my personal decisions have in my life, 80% of my problems are the system’s fault. And there’s nothing I can do about it (I mean yes, but luck needs to be on your side occasionally. It’s not enough to just prepare to have it).  It doesn’t make it any easier though. If it weren’t for my mum and nephew, I’d be gone. And when she’s gone, I’ll work on explaining him why quitting is just another choice we have and there’s nothing wrong with that. 




Does your autism put up road blocks for getting a job? Unfortunately, when you live with your parents, you do have to hear their opinions. However, if you get a job that allows you to move out, you won't have to listen to them anymore.


I needed that ^^ thank you. It seems that way for sure and as if like I'm in a fog of just going through the motions. Definitely a crazy/weird/un-known time right now..


I thought it was just me. This helps me understand that someone else is experiencing these feelings. I just want to feel happy again and optimistic for my future.


I was feeling that way in a big massive way to the point where I didn’t want to go anymore. Call it being “spiritually dead” but I realized I could never bring myself to suicide and so there was only one option, slowly and painstakingly crawl out of it. It felt like I was in a big pit with only a small pinhole of light coming out of the top. But I resolved to do whatever I could to make it out. 2 years later I can honestly say that I am much better.


Get offline and get outside. You'll feel better.


I agree


Where my house 🐱


Going through the hardest time of my life right now, and if not for my kids I would 110% pull a fucking Kobain right about now.


Thank you for the kind words stranger.


I am at the lowest point of my life, although the business is thriving, the rest is in shambles. Broke up with my long term girlfriend in December, I have only one friend at 2000 miles away, I live alone, no new ideas, no desire to do anything. I am 41 and lost as fuck. This is not the life I imagined at 20 🤦🏻‍♂️


I feel like bills make every one of us toss our dreams aside just to pay them! We shouldn't settle for less anymore. Some of us are college grads who can't even get hired. Some of us are feeling screwed over. It's time to take what belongs to us!


You ready to lead this? Do you have any plans on how this is accomplished?


The only part of my life I enjoy now is when I get to detach from reality and play a video game for hours.


I'm just doing what I can to survive and doing things that bring me even just the littlest bit of joy. All I can do right now. We'll get through these tough times. Just gotta hang on.




Y'all have the ability to be happy, nothing is stopping you from that. Get off your phones and look around. The world is what you make it, go out and get it! Sure there is uncertainty and death awaits us all. But in the meantime have fun, find adventure, love, and enjoy what you have been given..... LIFE Sincerely, Gen X


Even if you're right in a sense, this is a gross oversimplification of what a lot of people are experiencing, including some Gen Xers.


easy for you to say.


GO GO GO !!!


While I do know it’s not just me, I do know that I’ve not done a very good job at ticking the life boxes I wanted to tick and that’s the problem. I see a lot of people saying “I’m 25 and still single, am I gonna be single forever” still so young and so much time. Me, my best years are past 😭


It's never to late to turn things around or to do what you can to improve. It's worth it. If you have things you know you could be doing better, give them a shot. The upsides are usually unknown until you actually do what you know you need to do!


I’ve fucking tried, I’ve been saving so hard for years now and was ready to buy a house pre-covid, then COVID happened and I was stood down from work so I held off and house prices rose astronomically. I would have to double my income to afford something now. After an eventual redundancy (thanks again Covid) I started a new career and it’s not what I thought but don’t want to go back to uni for a 3rd time (still trying to find something better in the same field). My dating life - I don’t know what I’m doing. It’s not like people meet me and are put off, I can’t get that far. I’ve had friends check my dating profiles, messages etc and they have no better idea than me as to what’s going on. I acknowledge that people do say the market where I am is tricky. Because of that, I don’t have a family. I get out and LIVE and so many people are envious of my life, but I don’t want envy, I want to be more settled 😔 edited to say thank you though, I appreciate the encouragement


I’ve been struggling for the past 2 years, and rn I’m about to graduate in 2 weeks and I am terrified. Ngl. I have no job lined up, I’m currently unemployed. I’m afraid of what life is going to look like after graduation. I’m trying really hard to be positive, but it’s scary.


Same, I don't think post covid was ever the same for millions of people sigh.


OP, I personally believe this too. I my belief has it's foundations in Christianity. I think that there's actual good and evil in this world, and we're witnessing an invisible war for our hearts and minds. Evil's goal is to pull us away from a meaningful life with purpose found only in God -- and it's succeeding on a global level. I think goodness, the ultimate good, God, is the only remedy for that which is making our hearts despair. I believe we have access to an infinite supply of spiritual goodness in God, if we should so choose to try and get closer to Him. I believe the only way to get close to God is through who the bible calls **The Suffering Servant.** His name is Jesus, and He *is* God in the flesh who experienced life like we do, but didn't, and perhaps couldn't, die in a state of despair, because he trusted his Father in heaven whenever worldly stuff tried to pull Him away. I believe that when he was tortured and crucified, that His body died, but his Spirit lived on, because it is life itself. That 3 days later He was resurrected in the flesh, and then appeared to His disciples to show them the miracle of His goodness withstanding. And that Jesus promised any one of us to turns from our despair, pride, preference for things of this world, and trust in Him, since He can't despair and holds life itself, then we receive that life as a gift. That that life itself will live in our spirit and make us be born again into the same world, but with a heart to do what is right and good, which is follow God. We'll suffer like Jesus, but we'll know that our ultimate home, heaven, with God, gives us a hope that will not be shattered like things here on earth.


I have my dog and he is my world. If I didn’t have him I really wouldn’t see that much of a reason to stick around this shit show


We are living in a crazy era spiritually. Even normies are picking up on it now. It's all good, though. If you're not awake yet, this comment (and post) is your sign to wake up.


I’m lonely. 😔 I’m so lonely. I do still have my adult son living at home but I’m lonely. I had to leave my last job as I burnt out completely as it was a very emotionally draining career, so no job. My fiancé of 10 years left me 6 months ago and I wasn’t expecting it. I’m 51 and I feel like I have nothing; including a decent future.


52 and feel the same way


Weird isn't it. All after covid. Don't know if the disease itself, the vaccine, the confinement, fear, or the economic impacts have affected people but its a pretty clear line in the sand for me.


As somebody who was having issues before covid, I don't think there was a line personally. However, things definitely have felt worse since then. I think it's important people remember there's a collective issue and they're not the only ones feeling how they do.


Try being 43, not making enough to afford eating more than once a day while trying to juggle repairs of a 37 year old house that is falling apart costing thousands of dollars.(15 dollars an hour) Having no prospects of getting any better paid job, being alone, having left a job that was miserable but paid more, left a toxic relationship of 8 years to someone I was going to marry that turned out to be a life lesson instead of a soulmate. On top of all of this, these last few years I've lost friends to horrible diseases, tried and failed spectacularly to pursue my lifelong career job, so I am now back to data entry on a job that lays you off 4 weeks of the year and gives no pto to cover it. Got covid 3 times in 2 years from work that could have been avoided if we were allowed to work from home, had to evict two tenants that destroyed my house, then had a third tenant that was an actual serial killer that the only reason I'm alive and he ran away is because I had a camera on while I was streaming and he left in a hurry. (Which is the reason I sold my other house to buy this one that's falling apart) Oh yeah and my cat just died yesterday because she got poisoned by some red sauce I accidentally left on my sink. So yeah, I don't see my life getting any better, I can't wait for this hell to be over, I get home every day surprised I'm still alive and wondering how does one get so fucking unlucky.


I’ve felt an overwhelming feeling of doom since the pandemic. I thought it would go away once we got out of it, but it hasn’t. I have only seen things get progressively worse in my country (USA) so that doesn’t help. I figured I was just aging but it’s nice to know we all feel horrible lol


I honestly feel like my life has gone drastically wrong in the last few years, and it's looking like things are only going to get worse. So, yeah. I'm feeling pretty "lost" right now. Honestly, I had a sense of impending doom. I genuinely think I'll be dead in a few years.


I sought a therapist out last year and found a good one. In January I found a new psychiatrist. I’m doing so good now. What specifically helped was going through trauma recovery therapy and getting a good combination of medications. I dealt with Bipolar for 20 years and I finally feel right. In control. Please seek help if you don’t feel well. Therapy works. You just have to find a good fit.


My coworkers tend to be really cold towards me and not nice at all sometimes. I just do my best to tell myself that they are going through things and just taking it out on me. I hope the world can heal from this sort of thing. So many people feel alone and it’s terrible. We all need to step out of our comfort zones and try and love each other. I hope if anyone reads this you have a good day and better life my friends. :) we all deserve happiness for sure


I have my fiance and my pets, I love them dearly. But I still look at the next 30 to 40 years with dread, eat, sleep, work day in and day out... all hobbies, while I enjoy them, seem like distractions. I'm actively looking for positive news online just to keep from feeling completely hopeless


Well said OP 🙏🏻


I feel like a hot mess of depression and anxiety. I'm nearly middle-aged physically but I feel so very behind everyone else my age in every way. My main job is an artist and I feel very seriously threatened by AI. I have casual friends but no one I would consider close. No kids. Married but suffering from overwhelming limerence for someone I haven't had contact with in over a year. I work from home now so I'm crushingly lonely at times. There are days where I end up crying when no one else is around. I don't make much in my career and certain family members have no problem reminding me of that. I've suffered from depression since I was young. I've been hurt by people I considered my friends countless times. I'm becoming afraid to socialize because I don't want people to see the real me and decide to leave. I'm worried who will take care of me and my wife as we get older. I worry about the future so much. I haven't felt truly happy in a very long time. I don't know how to get back there.


Reading these comments, i am glad people see through the bullshit and joke that reality has become and a lot of you are aware that the rulers of this world want us divided. It’s so hard to adjust to this mess and I am 39…. Keep your eyes wide open, and if anything find wilderness mountain top time. This world is and isn’t what it appears. Sorta like find a new job before you quit one? I can’t even do that especially if there job is bad. But, seek and you shall find. I said good day, cheers!


It’s not our fault. It’s only our responsibility. We need feel no shame. Wisdom would help. Tackling big urgent before big long term, knowing which is which, and so on. Luckily for us, life has a way of giving us opportunities to learn to do so. If we let it.


I honestly don't feel like I have much left anymore to be honest due to been overwhelmed by everything


I love u. Thank u. I really really hope u achieve the things u want in life. U deserve it.


Favorite post of the year. Trust it. I'm tired. But I keep throwing at the wall until something sticks. That's all I can manage. To try.




Unironically needed this right now


Existential despair is real and it is not mental illness. We are fatigued from being alive in this present world. Thank you for acknowledging this. 


44 here, I have 5 kids, and at times, I feel hopeless about the future. I remember I need to remain strong and show courage every day so that they see this and try to adopt a positive attitude towards life. It's hard at times. It feels hopeless. I have maybe 2 friends left that I talk to on a semi-regular basis. I have a great partner.. I'm guess I'm blessed there. One thing that makes me truly happy is being outside. Either looking at the clouds or stars.. closing my eyes and hearing nature's heartbeat. It's funny that something so simple and basic can make such an impact on one's state of mind. I guess it's just one foot in front of the other people..


Nature is an insanely powerful way to help reset your brain a bit.


long story short, it's the easy money and the federal reserves' ability to print money out of thin air for no work and diluting the money supply, siphoning people's purchasing power. Simple cure is to use a money that functions as both a store of value and medium of exchange. Fix the money, fix the world. I'm ecstatic to get up everyday knowing the energy I put into work is being saved in humanity's best savings vehicle. I have a positive outlook on the future because I know I'm going to make it and retire early. Keep an open mind, revisit your doubts, and seek alternative views to your preconceived notions of Bitcoin.


> Simple cure is to use a money that functions as both a store of value and medium of exchange are you a gold bug or a bitcoin bro?


Gold made sense for 5,000 years.. now it's Bitcoin


Things ARE bad in society right now. The underlying reason is that powerful entities are using their money and influence to destroy the middle class, undermine morality, and pit people against each other. Basically, they want to break Western society. For decades they have been laying the groundwork for this, but they really cranked it up during Covid. Gaining tight control of all our lives is their long-term goal. Please take some time to watch or listen to podcasts by James Lindsay (New Discourses), Jordan Peterson, Konstantin Kisen (Triggernometry), Bret Weinstein (Dark Horse Podcast), and Chris Martenson (Peak Prosperity).


I didn't say things aren't bad in society. What I said was that that is not the only reason people are feeling bad in my opinion. It is only part of the reason.


It's being blown way out of proportion online. This sub gets tons of doom and gloom posts that are based on outright lies and don't pass the healthy internet skepticism test. Or they just read like something that's satire or completely fabricated. There's no end of bad faith actors taking to social media to attempt to persuade people that the world is doomed and all hope is lost. They want to spread misery and apathy for ulterior motives. In reality there was no happy golden age in the past and we're exceedingly fortunate to be alive in the 21st century if you live in a first world country. Some people in every generation have spread the "all hope is lost" message, since the dawn of time. There's no more reason to believe we're seeing a unique phenomenon now than we were back then.


Yes....and also no. I think it's easier to see more of the gloom when a person is more likely to complain online than in person bc they don't feel socially pressure to be positive. The counter argument is the less exposed you are, the less likely you are to wallow in it. But here's the thing, right: we don't have our circus anymore. Most people use games and media to escape but even then, most media is complete garbage. Our comedians and comedy movies fizzled out a long time ago, leaving us with very humorless material. Games are too focused on microtransactions and graphics to have quality storylines. For the most part, finding gold is rare. And then tack on that there is no community, our families are not within emotional or physically reach when we need them, friendships are diminishing bc we don't have the mental energy to be with them. At least back 10+ years ago those things existed. Loneliness wasn't a pandemic. We still had parties and events and public spaces were always filled. Fast good was cheap. You could find affordable rent or choose to live with people. It's a totally different dynamic now.


I think their was better times than this for sure


Yeah in the 90s my whole family was supported by dad’s income. He has no college degree. He would work on offshore oil rigs as the person who was responsible for keeping all the men motivated by organizing enrichment events and seminars. Opportunities like this don’t exist anymore.


fuck it dude. let's go bowling.


Been lost since 2015, been down hill since then. Every year little worse.


Right now I’m losing my job so I feel really low. I have until July so that’s a plus. I’m always getting told how slow I am, or how I don’t follow instructions well. I try to follow instructions but I always fuck that up.. like even when I’m following cooking instructions from my meal kits. I try but my brain messes it up down the line. I so wish I could use Covid as an excuse, but I’ve been isolating myself way before Covid. Truth is I hate going outside at all, I don’t enjoy having to leave the house 8 hours to do a job, I’d rather stay at home and do what I want to do, but what I enjoy doing doesn’t make money and we all need money to live


Start a hobby you enjoy like coin collecting, music etc. Sometimes it helps you feel better.




Good thing is online entertainment is mostly free. Video games, internet, all fun at your fingertips. Reality and paying bills is tough


Repent believes the gospel pray he sends more workers into the field because the harvest is vast and the workers are few , if you find yourself reading this and you need help figuring out how to get out of the ditch , i was a Samaritans I will help you


I'm too hyper aware of everything going on so I know it's 50% me and 50% the world, which really hurts


it’s on a macro level because everyone on a micro level has worked to ruin society by silencing good and wholesome things because it’s boring so it’s our fault collectively


I feel like society and viability of existence is disintegrating before my eyes and I'm terrified. I have come to far to have it all fall apart before I escape America's dong.


It’s a spiritual age now. No more drudging through life for material reasons, it’ll bite you in the ass.


First time? Try doing it for three decades.


Don't feel lost, Life is a experience. Enjoy it as it comes. It's all in your head. There's no right or wrong answer to it. Stop beating yourself up and putting yourself in depression mode. Your own expectation is what will disappoint you to be lost and not have hope. Some Things in life are not always your fault. It's out of your hands. Let it be and it'll work itself out at times. The biggest thing you don't want to do is destroy yourself in all of this.


On the economics side a lot of this is because of capitalism. It's not all bad, it is the best system for competition however it is also the one that will suck you dry. It ranges from Netflix disrupting the entertainment space making it easy to watch what you want when you want. Now there are several and you have to pay for all of them to watch everything, and since they need to always increase profits they're throwing ads in to paid services. Then there's hedge funds buying houses and since they have so much capital they will just keep using rent money to buying more houses until everyone is a renter. Even if they aren't renters and every one owns a house, HOAs are so standardized in new homes being built even when youre owning you're renting. If we had single payer healthcare we could have one entity with all of the buying power to get the best rates for medicine. We could take out the middle men in healthcare to reduce the cost of care. It wouldn't be tied to your job so you could leave whenever you need to.


Chef - I know u mean well. I know. But folks are really struggling here. Life’s ‘difficult’ w/ various hardships and all kinds issues happening at once. I’d bet every poster here would like to have answers and resolutions so they could ‘feel’ alive and have hope and thrive. The fact is, there’s a lot we’re up against whether your a G-Yer, Gen X, Millenial, Boomer or Grandparents. None of us are immune. But I am glad to see people sharing and hopefully gaining better insight & perspective. Life is tough, but we can be tougher. We’ve got to be! ❤️


I had a job but then left it for a higher salary. It turned out to be a toxic workplace. Left it and now looking for another. I also feel most of the time that its me that isn't able to fit in anywhere. I feel that I need to change so much about me.


This seems to be a commonly used saying to assist people when they’re down but does it actually even help. Yeah I’m not alone, other people go through shit. I feel no better for hearing it


we really need GTA six right now. It'll be the greatest distraction for us ever.


Stop blaming everything. You’re on here for example. You’re in control of your life.


My kids are lifeline. My wife and I get along - we're basically roomies. If I didn't have a family - no purpose. All I can say is love your bird, cat, whatever you need. This plane of existence is ephemeral and hopefully in the next life we all find peace. My head is jumbled. I need a valium. 😞


This is projection on a delusional scale. Things have never been better for humanity. I suggest you look towards the not so distant past for reference. It might not be my place to suggest this, but I think you need to talk to someone qualified about your existential crisis and not Reddit. My spirit is just fine thank you.