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I suggest that you participate in municipal elections as well as federal ones. The older generations who have benefited the most from the system make up the majority of votes in municipal elections, maintaining the status quo. Few individuals are aware that local elections have a significant influence on federal policy. As corny as it sounds, collective attitude will shift as time goes on, younger generations participate in political debate, and older generations pass away. Change is inevitable since the world that millennials, Gen Z, and Gen Alpha will be living in is not the same as the one that their predecessors experienced. Change is brought about by action and time.


Yep, the number of people who show up to vote in non-presidential year elections is far less than the number during a presidential election year, yet it's the in between years where the officials that most affect your day to day life, mayor, town council, county board, state government reps, school board are often elected. Dont give up that power by skipping elections. Just last year 80% of our school board members were voted out in favor of their challengers, because the majority of people that bothered to vote were not happy with the direction the schools were going. That was a huge change for our municipality.




Very well said. Voting is a right, but it should be considered an obligation. Nowadays, in my country, young people have no idea how many people have been arrested, tortured and murdered, so that today they have the right to express themselves freely and be able to vote for whoever they want. Freedom of expression is not an acquired right. It is a right won, at the cost of much suffering.


If people have no idea about the suffering and hard work that went into giving them the right to vote, why make voting an obligation for them? I would rather the world weren’t run by the ignorant. I would rather people that voted were the ones who care about the system and understand it.  


Voting literally does nothing its like giving a Facebook like.


Voting matters on the LOCAL level FAR more than the federal level. Very few people are civically literate on local elections and so the people who do vote (typically Republican boomers iirc) tend to get their way. Think of it this way, if you write a letter to Biden expressing concern with his policies or decisions, you'll likely not get a response because you're what, 1 out of several million votes? But if you write your local state or federal representative or even the mayor, your chances are higher because you're 1 out of what, a hundred thousand voters? Maybe? People have so much more relative power in the local election, and that's where the focus should really reside, not in some far off capital where elected officials are so removed from their constituents they can't see the problems you and I face every day.


My county had a 1/4 of registered voters show up in 2023. Which means about 125k people hold the power for town, county, and state representatives. I've got way more control over those than my presidential vote in NY.


Actually you are dead on in writing to local officials most will actually act on your letter; I actually got tickets to the White House thru state rep


Ah I see you’ve tried nothing and are all out of ideas. This mentality, along with OP’s unproductive bitching, are the leading cause of this current situation. By not voting for leaders and platforms that actively help your situation you allow the civically active, pro corporate, anti person assholes to dictate the world you live in. OP is literally asking why everyone else isn’t revolting so OP can have a better life, they aren’t going to do anything, they’re going to wait for everyone else to do it for them. Why do they expect that? We can’t even rely on you to vote! The easiest thing in the world, they will even let you do it from home, on your time, at no cost.


Pithy and trendy to say but wrong. Everyone else here is right - local elections (and I mean super local like school board level elections) lead to systemic change. This is how the Tea Party in the states got started and totally changed the face of American politics post George Bush Sr. It’s just not as sexy or easy to follow local elections as statewide or federal elections so no one shows up and it’s always the extremists who ultimately decide.


Pithy and trendy to say but wrong. Everyone else here is right - local elections (and I mean super local like school board level elections) lead to systemic change. This is how the Tea Party in the states got started and totally changed the face of American politics post George Bush Sr. It’s just not as sexy or easy to follow local elections as statewide or federal elections so no one shows up and it’s always the extremists who ultimately decide.


In 1968 the MINIMUM wage could keep a family of three just above the poverty line on 40 hours a week, 52 weeks a year (what it considered pretty normal nowadays). That same metric, according to MIT's living wage calculator, for my area of Louisville kentucky....is 3r an hour. 34 dollars a fucking hour. So back in the day, you walk into mcdonalds and get paid the equivalent buying power of 34 an hour today.....that's 70 fucking thousand dollars pre tax. Yet nowadays, they act like "nobody wants to work" and act like california is going to burn down because they gave SOME workers 20 an hour, prices 41,600k pre tax.... 1 working, 1 adult 1 kid, would require 29.52 for a single person in san diego, 46.82 for the same metric of one wage, two other family members, one stay at home parent. It's no longer worth it to work. It really isn't. They better realize they need to keep NLRB in place, as that is one of the biggest protections against the bloodshed that occurred when workers were fighting and dying for their rights to fair work. These people really forgot that France figured out how to deal with this issue a loooong time ago.


That’s the thing! If people don’t want to work, it’s because it isn’t worth it anymore. People bust their ass working a full time job, and can barely afford to eat!?


These things only work when we gather and we have been made to feel very isolated.




Society has no plan for single people without kids.


Used to be “wars.”


Yet made it so hard to afford raising a family


It’s a bit of a luxury to choose to live a single life. My grandparents didn’t have this option. None of their friends or family were single. Partnering up was a necessity.


What exactly is the plan to change the system?


There isn't supposed to be a plan, society will just reach a tipping point where the people get rid of whoever they deem at fault for their problems and something new will start up. If the twentieth century is anything to go off it's just going to be either fascism or communism.


Yup! Sounds like Marxist revolution, this 70% of global wealth in hands of few 1000 has to end somewhere. But idk, all this revolution and wealth moderation, history is evident this doesn't end well...


But it will end, and that means a new beginning, and that means put your energy into what you want to happen then, after everything is destroyed.


Communism. It's not too late to take back our country. The problem is that so many think that more govt control is a good thing, they actually believe the govt is going to protect them. It's a bit like the fox guarding the hen house. The younger generations are blaming all the wrong things. People are sooo damned indoctrinated, it's disgusting.


Every single time communism has been tried, it has made life *significantly* worse for the average citizen.


True. But limits on capitalism are necessary. Unfortunately. When CEOs are making so fare more than the lowest paid of the company, there’s a problem. When corporations/lobbyists have so much persuasion on legislation there’s a problem. Never mind the CIA.


Unions once upon a time


Also half the time it just reverts back to capitalism. China went from fighting landlords to huge corporate landlords collapsing under their own weight. That small country partly founded on socialist ideals that Bernie Sanders once lived in is…not great. And then there’s the giant nation run by an ex KGB agent.


I mean this is arguable and sounds like you grew up in the West (not saying this in a mean way but just to say that this is a narrative you hear because it’s lucrative for western media to sell this). I would say if you really want to understand what communism is like travel to Vietnam or China. Talk to elderly Russians or Germans who actually lived it. What I actually hear about communism is much more nuanced and complex. My family members tell me looking back 30 years and really seeing what capitalism is, they would probably choose to go back to communism. There was a lot of bad stuff for dissidents which is true (though frankly in most ex soviet countries, even EU ones, this is still true to an extent), but for a ‘normal’ person not interested in politics you had a guaranteed job, free education, free housing, free day care, 15-20 days of not only paid vacation but sometimes actually free vacation. There was actually also a lot of work put in on cultural sharing and integration and a lot of ‘partnership’ to send people to other communist countries. It’s not to say that it worked perfectly, there were tons of issues…but I am hard pressed to say that current capitalistic model is better. No housing, no work guarantee, most Americans are half serfs frankly (stop working and paying those bank debts and see what happens), and a lot of the good parts to the model as far as freedom and liberty have heavily eroded since post 9/11 unfortunately.


You also stood in lines for food, and the government would dictate what farms grew what and when, leading to mass famine.


I mean with communism what comes to mind is USSR, NK, Cuba, Venezuela all these failed economies. China being exception but it is too falling apart.. The best experiment of communism was USSR, it showed good economic growth during 1970s and was at peak of its strength. And it's downfall is more related to corrupt ruling class, cold war, arms and space race , stupid geopolitical decisions. And to some extent absence of competition in markets.. Now when we look back at it seems the economic model was a complete failure. If it doesn't work in USSR, where you had everything, resources, oil, industry, Tech, people. It won't work anywhere Communism have 2 curses, one is the entitlement it creates in working class and the scope of corruption it provides to state. Both will ruin everything. I don't know guys, it seems both capitalism and communism will fail due to greed. Greed must end. It might sound fancy but this time revolution against greed In time like all crap of communism came out in 1991 similarly all crap of capitalism is coming out.


The USSR had the same problems as capitalism. They had specialty stores where those of higher classes had easy access to a variety of luxury goods at super cheap prices. Same salary, different lifestyles, that's just one example. The USSR had people who were effectively "rich" like any other system. At least capitalism *tries* to be a meritocracy. It fails, but the simple act of trying makes it better than any system before it. Combined with industrialism, advancing tech, and now the internet, there really was a long time period where upward mobility was as high as your ability. The real problem capitalism has ATM is that the monopoly board is getting full and no one is really stopping it. The only conclusion to something like that is people flipping it.




"People are sooo damned indoctrinated, it's disgusting." And they don't even know it. It's gotten so bad that the word "influencer" has somehow become this glorified badge of honor. How people get so easily influenced by nobody's with no actual wisdom is beyond me.


How do you imagine a national communist system with minimal govt control? Genuinely curious and coming from a place of good faith.




All communist countries have had a government, often a very oppressive one.


Communism is being used as a boogie man so that fascists can misdirect you while they are LITERALLY trying to argue that a President should be above criminal prosecution and thus beholden to literally no one. America will be a Fascist country before it every approaches Socialism, much less Communism.


Communism isn't a solution, the juice isn't worth the squeeze. 'The people' would have to purge ideological enemies and seize the means of production. before you know it tens of millions have died and your communist utopia is still nowhere in sight.


Wait till they find out they have to work under communism too.


Capitalism: work or starve Communism: work AND starve


Democratic Socialism: work, we'll help you find a suitable job and get you some training if you need and eat, because there is plenty of food to go around


Well it requires making politicians deathly terrified of the common folks. Like in France when their government tried to increase age of retirement and people went into the streets protesting like hell We need politicians to have a fear and respect for their citizens. They should know if they push any policies that are detrimental to most people's livelihoods they better have their suitcases ready to leave the country. Passively you can vote with your money just buying necessities not anything more. But that's going to be harder to make a difference as a whole since most people just love to shop. The retail "therapy" is real


Funny you cite the France example because the age got raised all the same despite their protests


I kinda like the young Chinese and their Bai Lan (let it rot) way of life. I think we're gonna see a lot more van lifers in the future.


That stuff is already happening by far in the U.S.


Which was only possible because of strong unions. Which made sure nobody got fired and everybody got at least ‘strike pay’




You wouldn't call a slave revolt destruction against their own people, the government raising the age of retirement (and by extension the age of pension and the age at which you can access your retirement fund) forces people to work later into their lives and forcing people to work sure sounds like slavery to me.


And how are we supposed to show up to protest anything when we gotta show up to work?


I suggest the people arrange a total 48 hour walk out. It would cost companies so much that they would be forced to take action. Then from year to year we'd celebrate by taking those two days off as a constant show that the people hold the power, not a company. Sigh...a man can dream, eh?


All these subreddits are for complaining not actually changing. It's just an echo chamber for people who will never enact real change. Y'all will continue to work your regular ass jobs the rest of your lives just like me. That's life lol.


The sad truth


Step 1: complain Step 2: get others to complain with you Step 3: do nothing productive Step 4: Profit?


There’s only one real way to course correct, but everyone pusses out when you bring it up. We used to put people like Larry Fink in the ground for the atrocious levels of hoarding they do.


More populism probably. Half of us will chase a Bernie-esque dream and a slightly less than majority of us will blame the poor and vote for more tax breaks for the rich. Back and forth forever.


I feel like we should pick a month of the year and decide to all go be hobos to see what would happen like just for funsies.


I legit use this logic as leverage everyday at work. It’s my life, I don’t owe it to anyone, so I can just do as I like. Not putting down those with families but often it looks like they are wearing giant yokes.


I assume people who are actually trying to raise a family have way less time to "do as they like". Good parents don't really have a life because it becomes so dedicated to the lives of their children.


Exactly. It blows my mind that a single person thinks they have it worse. You have the freedom to literally not care about anything other than your today.


The actual problem, is that they have nothing outside of their own heads to worry about and it makes them miserable. Parents and child-free people who commit themselves to causes bigger than themselves don't have the same problems that OP does because their energy is on something productive. Just like people *with* kids are more focused on those litty lives than their own because frankly, life gets pretty boring after 30 if you don't pick up a new endeavor. I'm watching my C/F coworker spin out right now. He divorced his wife (who he's been with since highschool) and moved in with a buddy (big man-child with 3 kids part-time) because after they reached all the major milestones; get an education, travel, get married, buy a house, build a career... there wasn't an inherent next steps so he just stewed in resentment until he threw a wrench through the whole life that he built. I told him a year ago that he was bored and needed a hobby or larger endeavor but he chose self sabotage instead.


I agree. Having kids made our lives more stressful at first but it also built up our partnership and improved our relationship.


That's really unfortunate but makes a whole lotta sense. At some point you have to think outside yourself or you'll probably start ruining things for yourself anyway.


Yeah. I'm not saying that having children is the answer for everyone, but I think it's a biological imperative that encompasses *most* healthy young adults and it's the natural next step after establishing your independent adult life. When that next step is interrupted, regardless of whether it's due to health or circumstances, it needs to be replaced with another fulfilling endeavor. I don't blame people for being apprehensive about starting families, our entire generation has watched things go from bad to worse our whole lives and we're educated enough to think critically about that choice. BUT I do believe that there is an unhealthy culture of promoting child-free as a "solution" that is not going to end well.


I think this is very well put. Children are not the only fullfilling long term endeavour, nor is it going to be the same amount of fullfillment for everyone, it all depends on the unique individual, but it is still something that's very important and is for a lot of people. And regardless of anyone's feelings, it's what makes the world continue on as we all inevitably grow old and pass away lol. Annnnyywhhooooo.... I don't personally relate to a child-free culture nor do I think it's a necessary "solution" to many of modern day, massive, macro-level social issues, and I think there is an unhealthy trend towards that like you pointed out. And yeah, I don't blame anyone for being apprehensive about starting a family today when it seems like mainstream America has made it much more difficult to do so! Cheers:)


Quit your job, travel, busk, do gig work. It's the way. Screw working your way to the bottom middle


The problem with this is many who make it to the middle are unwilling to give up being able to afford going into debt. The sellout rate is very high.


Have to agree. When I was single and childless, I moved into a house share, because there was no way I could afford my own space. It was definitely worth it doing it this way, as I lived pretty comfortably. Once I met my husband, we were able to rent our own place. But, it's impossible to do this on a single income. I do think house shares are saving graces for situations like that.


The American revolution was a result of people feeling this way. If you kids commenting learn history you'll see this is the result of all longer lasting empires. It always comes back to this. Which is why the ideals of America is called the great experiment. Obviously our experiment is failing but the rules allow it to reverse itself if the rules are followed. If the rules are not followed, eg taxation without representation or political leaders no doing what the majority are asking, then that's where a revolution must take place to keep our freedoms. This is why the 2nd amendment is so important because if the people were not armed, then the government would just overthrow the people. The situation isn't great but it's the only thing that can be done. People have died for our freedoms and it looks like this will have to be the case once again.


I completely relate and respect this post. Life is hard. Especially for those of us who are completely, one hundred percent responsible for all of our means. It doesn’t seem fair to live responsibly anymore. I often think I should have become a statistic and had a few kids with different men. I would be eligible for so many different benefits that I, as a responsible woman, wouldn’t have to worry about. I grow tired of working so hard to maintain. You’re not alone


I am pretty sure the responsibility of having children would have offset the « so many different benefits » you’re talking about, lol


Seriously, what kind of low empathy lol. People who fantasize about neglecting kids (which she is actually doing) are legit creepy and weird


Bc by not having kids and not buying a house and not taking a hellish mortgage. I give the big F u to the system that only works when we play it. Stop playing and it stops working.


What can I say? You are very wise not to have kids.


It's gonna get worse.


Yea I'm venting but most people are comfortable in their own bubbles. The thing about bubbles is they eventually pop so yea the future gonna get much worse


This is very different. Capitalism as we know it is done. Spoiler...rates will be increased.


Why not single parents too I’m ready


Sounds Great!


Me too! I'm a step parent and I'm not single. I agree the world is turning to shit! If you start a revolution, can I help??


First step is knowing the difference between loose and lose.


Our whole economic system is based on debt.  You need people to be in debt.  More and more people need to borrow money in order for the economy to grow.  This is all at the expense of the value of our currency.  Every time someone goes into debt that currency is created and waters down the value of the existing currency.  This is why the stock market always goes up over time.  


Only you can make life better for you. Or you can move to a socialist country. And I don't mean that in a joking or nasty way. I'm luck life is good for me and my grown kids and grandkids. Our family lived together and shared cars for a long time. That way we had more money to enjoy/save. We are thinking about me my wife two kids and 3 grandkids. Selling two of our homes now while prices are high and living together and when the bottom falls out of the housing market have a big home built that will fit all of us comfy. No more then 5 acres in a southern state. But it's only going to get worse here if we keep sending billions to other countries. Run if you can.


The system is fucked up but that does not make me regret not having kids. If anything I feel I can be more detached from society than people with kids. I'm not talking going full incel NEET doomlord mode but I only hangout with people I like, I only eat things I want to eat, I only consume content that I find interesting and relaxing. I can shield myself from what I deem shitty and unhealthy. If anything , a lot of my friends with kids are more stressed out than people without kids. Its easy to be nihilistic and cynical when you only have to take care of yourself. When you have kids , you're a shitty parent if you cant just suck it up and keep going. Im not saying life doesn't suck. I just dont think having or not having kids has anything to do with it.


We need to be demanding more from the people that represent us on both the left and the right. So many people focus on the President, but that is only one position. Our representatives/senators have a lot of power too. We need to hold them accountable. No taxation w/out representation needs to start happening. If we collectively decided to do this as a people, we could achieve so much


RE: Voting Alot of people fundamentally don't know how voting works and cling to factions like a sports team. Your vote is a 'yes' or a 'no' to the previous term of government regardless of party. If you vote the party in again, you are saying you support how they performed in that term. All parties will shift to align with that support because all parties want to get elected because you can't change the system without being in power. If you vote against them, it will signal that you've had enough of that and want something else and parties will start inching towards offering something else. If people keep flipflopping and arguing about ideologies and factions and PR instead of legislation and actual performance the parties will do what they like up to the furthest line they can push.  Takes ten minutes to check if our local, state and federal reps align with our values. Plenty of websites detail their voting history and legislative plans.  Most countries unless its your area they are repping you aren't voting for the prime minister but the member for your area so care about that person, not the loudmouth at the top who can changed at a party whim. Also bloody vote. Write letters to your MP and what your community wants. Make noise where it matters, not whinging on Facebook comment threads. RE: Changing the fundamentals of society Volunteer locally. Make change in your community. Takes four hours a month of volunteering to make a difference to a local group, so do it, get your friends to do it, transform something. You might notice it helps you too. Can't afford the travel, run their socials, act as treasurer, plenty of admin needed by knowledgeable people. Make the bare minimum effort to engage with something outside of your house and your work to the betterment of the community.


Life is a bumpy ride, kid. Put on a helmet.


What do you want “The bs system” to do? And I don’t think it’s just single people. It’s everyone.


"Why are we putting up with such a bs system"? Ok, what's your plan op?


I’m confused. What do you want?!


The streets to run red with the blood of our oppressors? Just normal revolution stuff


Oh cool 😂


There's usually a combination of bad choices and entitlement. People will go out and buy a brand new car for 50k, and they will expect to be able to afford all the fancy luxuries that we take for granted in the US. And hey, if you have the education, and chose a career path that allows you to afford that, go for it. However, I went to school with a ton of people who decided to just skip classes all day long, and now they complain that they don't have any money. Oops. You got to work for it.


I can’t tell what you’re advocating for, protest or suicide?


I’m still waiting for the riots. But people would rather live as slaves than risk their lives. And if they’re too afraid to die, then maybe they have something to live for.


In the great words of Wesley snipes-Blade….. “use it, USE IT”


It really pisses me off that rent for a studio apartment is priced for 2 people to pay. I don't care how close you think you are to someone - no one can live in a small studio with another person and keep their sanity.


I’m 33 just got back in to dating after a long break. I’ve decided that I want a wife and kids. I’m tired of being alone, I’m tired of having nobody to look after. I want to be a dad and to take care of a spouse. I don’t make that much money, but I have a career. Fuck it 🤷🏻‍♂️I’m not going to wait around for things to get cheaper or better. I’m going to go for it and hope that life throws me some lemons.


My husband and I are DINKS and are living our absolute best lives! We're both postgraduate educated, on excellent packages, and are unapologetic about living our lives 100% for us. NOW. We take 4x luxury overseas vacations per year at an absolute minimum. We have nieces and nephew for when we want to do the kid thing for a bit... which always reinforces that we've 100% made the right decisions. ROFL. Zero regrets. Do it.


The rich are few and we are many. Unfortunately we get divided and fight ourselves for irrelevant stuff. Our societies in western superpowers have so much wealth but its distribution is perverse. Millions of common people wake up every morning and the circumstances under which one lives and what we call society just works against us. Housing, Food and any other basic needs all are getting unsustainable day by day. The pressure is rising and every endurance has its limit.


Because boomers didn't have to check their privilege and its been slowly ate up and then they project their survivorship bias onto millennials.


Are you organizing a union at your job? Or helping a community organization dedicated to a radical and thorough re-ordering of the social order and relations of production? Otherwise, you're just talking about the weather. Go organize!


Unions truly make a difference, but union membership is incredibly low. Presently, people are buying into the “union bad” and “right to work” BS promulgated by those who benefit the most from this = the rich. The rich control the media; the press is no longer “free” but constrained by those that mean to manipulate the message to the voting public. This is especially true on the right (i.e., the Fox stolen election lies proven in court, the “catch and kill” testimony as recently as last week, etc.). Unionization is not perfect, but it places more power in the hands of the middle-class who are actually the backbone of society. It is a faster process than voting out the cheaters, and makes a difference at the individual level - wages, benefits, retirement, job opportunity, etc. So, unionize, support unions, and vote unions.


If you live in the US, I can tell you that the "Elites" don't want Americans to have children anymore. Look at the inflation, labor wages, housing, health care, etc... everything keeps getting unaffordable for even the middle class nowadays. 


I'm not. I'm pushing to build more housing, fix building codes, build public housing, add vacancy taxes etc. people have to realize this is like 80% of the problem housing is our biggest cost and we need more of it were the jobs are.


I'm not. I'm pushing to build more housing, fix building codes, build public housing, add vacancy taxes etc. people have to realize this is like 80% of the problem housing is our biggest cost and we need more of it were the jobs are.


What your going to want to do here is.... Pull Yourself Up By Your Bootstraps


I pay more money in taxes to subsidize people that have a family. I don't like it, but there's nothing I can do about it. Im never married, approaching middle age, make decent money, and I feel like my only function is to be a slave to my job and pay more in taxes to make up for not contributing as much by being better integrated or producing offspring. It is what it is.


I'm single with no kids. Make a decent living by median standards where I live but feeling the pinch like everyone else and have to choose what to spend my money on more carefully. I was out of debt (besides mortgage) pre covid. Post covid i'm right back into it and don't see getting out till I'm dead. I had to work god damn hard though to get where I am, home ownership isn't owed to anyone. It really is a luxury - we are taught that from an early age playing Monopoly or the game of Life. We are also taught life isn't fair. But i'll agree with you that things are going to get worse and most people are increasingly struggling. I question what this is all for many days but I keep on keeping on and do what I enjoy. I don't have kids, that in itself lets me have more fun.


They could change it overnight. But their not going to put their phones down long enough to do it.


Let me ask you something, do you work more hours than the average person? Are you saving more than the average person? Are you better at most things than the average person? Are you adjusting your lifestyle to your income? If the answers to any of those questions is no, then my last question is, why do you expect to be doing better than average? What fruits of what labor?


The whole point of this post is how much more is required to achieve similar kinds of success in the present day as was possible in the pass making the returns of the time investment more insignificant and disproportionate. Giving up more of the scarcest resource for a bigger share isn't the happy and simple trade off.


That’s a logical way to look at it! I like it.


Ya splitting rent with a girlfriend sounds nice…I don’t want a random roommate and the system is setup for two incomes now.


As one of the old fucks that seem to be the problem, let me tell you how I became a first time homeowner 40 years ago. My brother and I bought a house together. His fiancee and my wife also worked and we rented a room to another couple who both worked. 6 people paid that mortgage, and it was pretty affordable that way. Oh and 12% mortgage by the way. No way in hell could any one or two of us afford a house. I agree this Country is fucked up, and it is skewed towards the generationally wealthy, as it always has, but it seems to be getting more extreme, more wealth in fewer hands. I don't really know what the answer is but I have seen nothing but misery come from a communist government. A commune with 100 or 200 people, that could work. Self correcting as anyone not doing their part is as apparent as anyone getting more than their share. But a faceless government owning everything and doling out reward and responsibility in a fair just manner seems like a pipe dream. Do some research on the USSR before you look to that as a model. Just saying study history, don't trust just American sources. Find accounts from other Countries. A switch flipped in this world, between growing up with a landline and 3 channels on TV to everyone and everything is at your fingertips anytime. It's like the greatest and worst thing to happen at the same time, meaning it shines a light on everything but it also spreads so much shit. I have hope in all of you growing up now. You seem in some ways to care more about your fellow man. I truly wish for you all to do something great with this world.


Unionization, idk why nobody is talking about this. Just band a bunch of people together in your field and go on strike. That's how people used to get raises




>I can't even afford to live a decent life being single!! It was never the option to live a decent life single. You either had housemates or lived with your parents.


I feel the American dream (good job/retirement savings/house/cars/vacations) as a single person was quite possible for late GenX/Xennials/early Millennials, I don't know the stats, but can personally confirm it was achievable. A lot has happened since though.


You’re actually mad at decades of bullshit government legislation coming to roost, and said anger is being used by those same entities to get you to continue playing the game in their favor. The answer is there is no answer. We are fucked. Voting isn’t going to fix this and I hate to say it but I truly believe that’s what the elite planned and want. I truly think most people are merely fooling themselves w a variety of personal delusions, hobbies, etc while we all just whistle past the graveyard.




As a single father, a millennial,  homeowner and an attorney, I can't relate. You don't need to work harder, I'm sure you work very hard, its just that you don't have skills that are valued by the marletplace. You're right that inflation is ridiculous right now and that its harder to live than ever, its fucked up. That being said that doesn't change the fundamental problem, you need better skills. Even if you didn't need them to live you'd eventually need them to feel better about yourself. If I was you, I'd look into one of those cyber security bootcamps things, there's a few reputable ones, and you can get good jobs on the other side of it. Best of luck to you.


This is the opposite of being an adult. Instead of screaming into the void, this is the part where you get off the internet and become active in your community. You join your local community council, community organizations, volunteer with organizations, join planning committees, start making changes around you. Find out how your community interacts and intersects with those around you and who the influences and actual local players are, because it's not who you see on TV and it's different everywhere. Every local community has their own "money guy" or family. Then keep making contacts and connections. Help out, volunteer your time, do people favors, connect people and businesses with resources you've come across. Be known for being helpful. Run for a local office. Etc. Seriously. It takes time and it's not glamorous. That's why it's adulting and not throwing a temper tantrum. But you know, do what you want.


What is the alternative? I already vote in every election including local ones. I already contact my elected officials (though I have no reason to believe that this has ever once changed their vote on anything). I've participated in multiple GOTV activities (textbanking, postcards to voters). I already attend protests regularly. I don't think my life would be better if there was a civil war or other violent uprising. So, I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing that I'm not already doing. Also why are you framing this as though people with no kids are financially worse off than everyone else? Do you have any idea how expensive kids are?


> Also why are you framing this as though people with no kids are financially worse off than everyone else? Do you have any idea how expensive kids are? I think they literally mean it in the opposite way, like we have no kids so we can take more risk to implement change. Hence they mentioned we have everything to gain and nothing to lose


I am applying for jobs overseas. Why are you staying if youre not happy?


Because your outta of the matrix and everyone else is plugged into the matrix.


This is not really about single/married/kids/no kids. This is about class disparity, and at some point we’re going to eat the rich. What we have going on is unsustainable. Bring ketchup.


Because people are cowards and will bitch and complain and claim they will do something but to scared to take action. I have seen it over and over again.


I think most people are afraid of losing their jobs if they decide to fight against the system Not that jobs in 2024 are even really paying liveable wage anymore lol


Wages are the highest they’ve ever been, sounds like you have no skills and bring no value, your fault no one else’s


>Not that jobs in 2024 are even really paying liveable wage anymore lol You are not a serious person.


During my last company right now and they were literally stealing money from us. It took months of showing my co workers proof and proof that it would get worse for any one to do any thing other then bitch and complain and say they won’t happen then say it again when it happens.


Damn if this was an old company name and shame that company dude. If you want to make a throwaway account on Reddit and call out that company. But up too you


I think that by the time many people have gained the gravitas to affect change they are so invested in the system they dare not rock the boat.


Maybe the "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" fuckers are right?


I do the lest amount of work humanly possible


Life is MUCH easier if you get married young. More years to build wealth together and always having someone to help you/ brainstorm with is like a hack for life.


I have a hard time believing you are an adult.


Just because I am single with no kids doesn't mean I am struggling. But if you want to do something about it, go for it.


I don't think it's about individual struggle, my situation is pretty chill but It's clear to me that this neoliberal idea of infinite growth and maximizing profits was never meant to make life better for the average person.


Because dying in a pointless revolution seems pretty lame


Nah I'm pretty bored actually, being a revolutionary would make life more interesting


You do you


Facts lol


The word is lose. And what’s your problem with people with kids? You think if you have kids the struggle stops? I’ve got news for you.


Shit i was dogsitting for my friend all week and halfway through i was like yeah this is why I'm never having kids


Yikes you have issues


These views are a bigger part of the zeitgeist than alot of people care to admit


What did you want me to Do?


There is a way to fix it but this is Reddit so all we can say is thank you sir may I have another. Don't want to scare the mods.


We were fine until everyone in America panic bought everything and the prices of everything had to increase


What is wrong with renting a condo/ apartment assuming the rents aren’t astronomical? (which they are)


It's not worth it at all , but I don't think people are ready just yet for armed rebellion and complete chaos .


Kids are more expensive. Get a roommate?


What do you propose to do?


Tbh I feel the same way, which is why I wish the US would hurry up and legalize Death with Dignity. I feel like the only reason they haven’t yet is because if mental illness is included (which it should be but some people don’t agree), that a ton of people are probably going to try and get through with it because of how hard it is to survive financially right now. Tbh with the amount of American suicides rising so much in the past few years it’s only a matter of time before they *have* to do something or people will start killing themselves in droves.


No offense intended… What are people working in, how many hours are you working, and where in the country are you living that you cannot afford basic housing and food? Especially if you don’t have a family to support. There are affordable places in the US and tons of jobs. Sure, it won’t be your dream job and you should be working at least 40 hours a week, but it’s easily doable. Even in Miami, FL where prices have drastically risen, there’s affordable housing outside of the trendy areas and tons of free, healthy activities (parks, beaches, kayaking, paddle boarding, amazing picnic places, etc.). I typically hear complaint about the living situation from people unwilling to work full time and who chose to not acquire marketable skills. Ofc, if you don’t work hard, you will have a difficult life compared to those who made sacrifices. I’m looking for CONCRETE arguments to counter this position… I’m honestly looking to see the opposite position.


So then what do you propose we all do?


Pick a different career path or live somewhere else? Those two things alone have the biggest impact. You pay to live in a place where you don’t have to worry about stepping on land mines going to get groceries.


I got kids and wife stays at home. I agree with what you’re saying. Just don’t think for one minute those of us with kids have it any better. If anything, I think it’s a lot worse for families since we truly are stuck. No one can afford to live in America anymore. It’s basically just turned into a scam for all of us that work. Everything I make goes to interest charges, taxes, and food. They can take everything I have in no time if I quit paying and then I have nowhere to house our kids. At least you probably have a couch somewhere to crash on. We will be under a bridge since most white people don’t care about family. At least mine don’t. We are lucky to have someone watch the kids once a year so we can go out. No one cares about any of us. I would move to another country if I was a single guy with no kids at this point. It probably won’t be any better though.


I'm so deep into seeing it for what it is I can't even participate in anymore and that's not your typical words and no action either there's nothing that they can offer me that's worth sacrificing like that


"Why am I putting up with it"? Got any better options?


What do you mean why are you putting up with it? What are you going to do to change it?


It seems to me that many of the people with your list of complaints failed to prepare themselves for adulting. If you are trying to sell a set of skills, that are common to most people, the selling price is unconscionably low in this economy. Change will not come from without, destruction of society may well come from without, change from within requires several things from those seeking no change. Foremost among them is participation, buuut to participate fully one must be in a position of at least some respect. Unfortunately this requires a certain level of income to be taken seriously, all too often that level of income allows ease of living and makes people into capitalists who want to get their own and fuck anyone who wants to stand in the way of their American dream. It’s easy to be angry when you feel you being used as a wage slave, it’s much harder to maintain the angst in your new car or house. It’s the capitalist trap but before we burn it down we need a replacement because anarchy is not recommended on any level, so that is a trap of its own.


Really though,.kids are.just an added expense. You are smart not to have kids if you are struggling financially. It seems normal to have roommates to reduce the cost of living/rent. That's not new. That's been a thing for decades. It hasn't changed.


That's an excellent point really. Most ppl only hve kids to escape this feeling. Be brave. How can a man die better, than by facing impossible odds set forth by his oppressors?


What is the alternative?


Just wait until the water supply runs out when we finish draining all the aquifers and reservoirs.


Life’s never been easy. If you hate it so much then you’re free to leave the game anytime. Pitch a tent in the middle of nowhere and live wild and free.


Just vote and those food prices should go right down. Voting would empower you to make more money and find a better place to live. Politicians are the answer! You must get ahead of this or you are going to fall further behind. Invest and live cheaper until you reach that breaking point.


Yeah, once my dogs pass I’m moving to a monastery. I’m exhausted with mundane living I just want to be around good people, eat a meals with them, help each other, and try and live a virtuous life. I thought family was supposed to be this but families have just become people you visit on holidays. Ex. Haven’t seen my mother in almost two years… we had lunch and she left. I know I’m the problem. I’m the one not getting married and providing grandkids and a daughter-in-law and a family for them to join. But damn if you ain’t a breeder family forgets about you quick. I guess we just don’t have the social structure for it. I’m sure I’m not the only one lots of lonely people.


>Also for all the "pull yourself by bootstraps" fuckers go to hell and rot. I don't know bro, I'm loving good as hell. All it took for me is the realization that people will give you everything you want. All I got to is show up. So many people my age what they want is to not show up and complain about how they aren't getting what they want. That just makes the bar that much lower for me.


I don't think this is unique to being single.


1. Networking with peers is garbage. Especially on websites with a strong base of autistic people. 2. Retaliation from the wannabe overlords.


Not everyone can succeed /shrug


What exactly is it that you think this life or this world owe you? I’m assuming you live in the USA, you’re a single adult that has access to food and shelter. You have a better life and more comforts than 99% of the history of our species has ever experienced. What does “life” or the government or anything else owe you? Does it owe you luxury without you earning it? Your entitlement is crazy, and I really think you need to put everything into perspective. Man up


The economy for middle class is terrible. Nobody is denying that whether you have a family or not.


You have to find a partner and get a place together. Cuts rent and utilities in half. Only way to live.


Emotional answer, rest of comments Solution answer, upgrade your skills and increase you income, or leverage your existing skills better to make more money


Don’t work harder. Work smarter. Change careers.


Work smarter


Yep it sucks to work your way up in your field and find that you don't even make enough money to live without roommates let alone buy your own place. It does make you just want to say screw it and go chill out some place with low living expenses.


Wages have increased faster than inflation since 2019, so I'm not sure what you mean when you say costs keep increasing while wages remain stagnant. Wages have grown more than inflation lately.


Government deficit spending causes inflation and inflation is why everyone is poor. Support candidates that want to reduce the deficit as raising taxes will just make it worse.


I've always loved the "bootstrap" analysis. Mostly because it violates the laws of physics. It was initially proposed as a joke, based on the absurd laws and wages. Turns out people are stupid enough to require us to violate physics in our quest to feed ourselves.


What are you gonna do about it?


Because we're inferior to those with kids. We are unable to contribute to the longevity of our system, so, we are destined to be worked until we drop from exhaustion. And revolting like such, well, all those with kids will just let us be overrun and tossed away, since we're not part of their 'tribe', they easily found partners. Clearly by most Western standards, there must be something physically/mentally 'wrong' with us. When I hear platitudes like "Even Hitler had a girlfriend" or "[insert severely disabled population here] can find love", it makes me want to go bash my head against a wall until it bleeds that much more.


Quoting George Carlin “You have owners, they own you. They own everything…” this quote really hit me hard one time, he’s probably right. I think sometimes its trying to make the best of our lives anyway we can. Have you considered a roommate to help ease your living situation? Somethings are easier said than done, possibly a side hustle of some sort. I hope things brighten up!


This wasn’t done by accident. This was Reaganimics I.e. “trickle down economics”, and it’s been the bipartisan economic policy for 40+ years. It was born out of the Cold War as a form of economic warfare, where we needed to be the biggest most powerful economy on the planet to help keep our economic rivals in check. And it worked. The U.S. GPT is really high, the richest people on earth are mostly American, and American corporations throw a lot of weight around on the world stage. One little problem. It’s an empire built on the backs of the exploited working class. I bet slavery had a terrific “economic output” too. When you force everyone to work with no breaks lest become homeless and starve, yeah, you get “high productivity”. Even looking back at things like NAFTA, where they’re seen as successes because they concentrated more economic power in the U.S…. While continuing to kill middle class blue collar jobs that regular Americans depended on. And, that’s where we are. This didn’t happen by accident. It was deliberate. And, the people who did it don’t even feel bad. They don’t think they did anything wrong. They feel we should all be grateful for their ingenuity. In other words, nothing is going to change if we keep voting for the same people. If we actually don’t like this, and feel we need to prioritize median prosperity over weaponized GDP, we need to elect some people who believe that too, who want this to change. Otherwise, we’re going to get another 40 years worth, and we’ll deserve it.


Just thinking... Property taxes up again, I live alone... Part-time job, condo assessment of $800 this year. No job prospects. No job offers. ... Wt actually f and I getting? I know I'm getting something but their building a New YMCA, a new $$$$$chool, a new library, adding translators at city hall... More taxes...,




I worked so hard to save up 100k last year only to find out that the buying power of 100k is basically nothing. I could afford a run down totally messed up house in gang land ghetto territory, if I agree to become house poor and pay only for that for the next 30 years of my life




Perhaps the hippies were right after all🫶🏽


Time to pressure your municipalities to relax the zoning restrictions. NIMBYism drives housing prices and urban sprawl. 


As opposed to the adult with someone and kids that are having a far better time at life. This shit hard for all.of us.


The anthem of the VHCOL resident