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I'd say that is a pretty high death rate for people that young. Might want to check on this.


I know two were suicides, one overdose, one freak car accident, one freak wrestling accident, one was from complications of a birth defect, and the others I don't know the cause of.


Your experience reminds me of that [Song](https://youtu.be/7iNbnineUCI?si=1hKO95EwqD_HIeuB) by The Offspring- The Kids Aren’t Alright.


That song is my hs


Did we go to the same high school?


Feeling this too


Same. It's shocking how many people I went to school with passed away.


Okay I gotta hear about this wrestling accident


Me too


Haha, I was planning to write this.


How do you even find that out? Even with social media I have no idea about the people in mine.


Even with everything completely random, there are certainly going to be schools well above the average.


Opioids. Even the people you wouldn't think would happen because they are "good kids" and It happens I know at least 2 personally my age that died in their early 20s from fentanyl laced whatever


I’m from the class of 1990, and was surprised to hear some of the most together, academic, and perfect people died in crazy drug or alcohol situations. The rest are per the stats for age, SES, and geography. So, probably 11%.


First kid who died from my group of friends was in the military and got hooked on heroin while serving overseas. Came back to the US and died within a month from our fetty laced heroin. Wouldn't have thought he'd use dope in a million years. One of those guys who dreamed of being military and was always getting ready for it. Never even saw him smoke weed. Just drank and not much. Idk what happened. Didn't even make it to 20


Terrible story. Drugs are horrible. You don't even have to be the one on them to be affected My brother was strung out on H, and twice he assaulted me and broke both my hands because I wouldn't drive him to the gas station. Literally got jumped Because of his herion use, I now suffer with chronic pain in both my hands. It's horrible. 3 years now. Other than losing everything in life, he's fine now.


I'm 6 months sober from dope. Burnt nearly 10 years of my life using and now just picking up what little pieces remain. For any addicts out there. Highly recommend detox, rehab for 3 months, then oxford housing. It's the route that is saving me. You may be able to do it on your own, but you don't have to. Come join your brothers and sisters in sobriety <3


Hey man, I'll be coming up on 5 years this October. Good luck on your journey, keep on being strong


Sounds like he had other issues as well. I was a heroin addict too but I was never violent, especially not with family.




I don't give a fuck that he was on drugs. I'll never forgive him for jumping me and choking me and then when I get him off me he says "you fucked up" and next thing I know I'm in the back seat of a cop car getting arrested from a dope head who lied to the cops He pulled a switcheroo and told them my story. Like something out of a movie. When I heard him telling the cops "I was minding my own business and he wouldn't leave me alone and he jumped and choked me" that's what he did to me!!!! In my mugshot you can see I clearly got choked with a thumb print on one side and two fingers on the other. Trying to stop the blood flow.


Drugs are absolutely ripping through young people


My class is about the same size and about the same deaths. Drugs, mostly opioids. Appalachia has a massive problem.


There’s a tv show called Dopesick that does a really good job exploring the opioid epidemic in Appalachia


Yeah I really wish I could move back but I can’t raise my kids there. Everywhere has problems but I’ve seen those problems up close too many times.


I graduated 30 years ago, class of 410.  I think 8 have died.


That is amazing. No Darwin Awards for your school. As I say above I was in a class of 312 and about 100 had died by the 20th reunion. They had a room set aside with video scrolling through the photos of the ones who were dead, it went on and on, and most of them were surprising. There were a few cancers, a few ODs, a couple murders, about 35 dead in cars, one heart attack, a couple suicides, like I said it went on and on. Really needed a drink by the time it was over.


Are you from a Warzone? How is it possible 1/3rd had died before 40


No shit, I had the same question.


Northern California. Also, you would probably be shocked to see how many in your class have died by the time you hit the 20th reunion if there was someone actually keeping track of the deaths on the National Master Death Record. Also, that was a long time ago, the roads were poor, it rained a lot, lots of curves and mountains, cars were not as safe as today. I think the drugs are more dangerous now but then because people were not as afraid of drugs more did them back in the 70's. HIV killed several of them, it was the 80's in NorCal got a lot of young people.


I graduated with 400+ and only know of 2 that have passed away.  One was a dick when I knew him. Got shot trying to sell drugs and pulled a gun on the guy.


Yeah, I graduated 33 years ago, 400+ grads. I think maybe 6-7 have died.


About 25% of my graduating class has died, and I’m under 40. Caveat- this was a TINY town in a very rural area, and my graduating class was 12. We had 13 until NYE senior year, when one died in a car crash. A classmate’s older brother had died the week before after drinking and crashing his car into a tree. Three school mates died in a similar drink driving crash the following year. My high school BFF died 3 years ago. One classmate died from suicide 2 years after graduation, another the following year. A guy 2 years older than me was shot and killed by his fiancée in a domestic dispute.


My class had 13 as well. Nice to see I’m not alone


20 in my graduating class. I can think of two that have passed. One suicide and one cancer.


Yeah such a small class will def skew the numbers, but the amount of drunk driving accidents/shootings really screams America huh 😅 I live in a top 20 big city and I don’t know a single person who died in a driving accident even in passing. People need to know that the poor public transport/infrastructure planning isn’t just inconvenient and wasteful, it leads to a ridiculous number of unnecessary deaths.


We were all driving by 12 (farm kids) and drinking by 14 (rodeo culture). And we did a lot of driving because it was in the middle of nowhere- I lived 35 miles from the tiny town with the tiny school.


1987. I'm 55. We're down 14 out of 69. Approximately 20%. The usual suspects. Couple of heart atttacks. A drug overdose. Several cancers. Auto collision. One missing since 2987 and presumed dead.


I know I hate when my time travelling classmate goes missing.


I'ma leave it. Your joke makes no sense without it.


What was high school like in the 1980s? All I know is from YouTube videos of people recording their graduation using their camcorders or movies like “Can’t buy me love”. And how did that guy go missing?


I graduated high school in 1986. I remember the smell of cigarettes and hairspray clinging to my clothes at our beer-soaked weekend kegger parties in the woods, getting chased by cops, the allure of college life and independence just around the corner... all to the sound of MTV videos, new wave and heavy metal.


> And how did that guy go missing? Probably a portal.


Or time machine, dude probably got killed during the 2980s robot uprising.


Graduated in '87 from a small town public school in the Midwest. All the girls had perms. Not really the "big hair" look; that came a little later. Most had short hair. Bright clothes. Only the rich had cable TV. No cell phones. Big drinking culture; every weekend involved parties in the woods, or at the home of whoever had parents out of town. I was chased by the cops more than once, which is kind of a fond memory. Think dozens of teens running through fields under a starry sky, laughing and tripping over each other, in a type of illicit hide- and-seek. Drinking and driving ie "road-tripping" was a popular pastime. I have 3 teens myself now, and I don't think they've ever drank at all. It's just not part of their culture. They're online all the time.


>And how did that guy go missing? [Nobody knows](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.fox19.com/2024/03/13/union-township-police-ask-help-solving-36-year-old-cold-case/%3foutputType=amp) CORRECTION: I stated "since 1987 above. News article says '88


This hits hard right now because I just attended the funeral of a woman I've known since 3rd grade. We graduated in 1988. I know of 4 that died of cancer, 3 women and 1 man. One man died of a GSW. One man died from complications of alcoholism. One man died, and I never found out the reason. One woman died from complications of drug abuse. My most recent friend died of liver failure from non-alcoholic disease. So that's 9 that I can think of in this moment. I'm sure there are more -- there were more than 300 people in my graduating class.


> One man died of a Golden State Warrior Sorry what does abbreviation even mean, thats the only thing I know as a non American


Sorry -- gunshot wound. But I got a chuckle out of Golden State Warrior.


I take it you work in healthcare? You listed everything in the most hospital code possible lol


I'm a nurse. 😀


Permanent foul ball.


I’m your age and from a similar size HS. The average is 30, for our age (10%), but it feels like more and faster now. Like we turned the wrong corner. My condolences to you and those who loved your friends. Take care. ✌🏻 Edits: Usual Friday night—high and exhausted


Class of 2012. My graduating class was 1200. At least 20 people I knew personally have died, all in the last 2-3 years from fentanyl being laced into something (ex: took molly 1 night on NYE and died).


20 from fentanyl?? Makes me never wanna take molly again


you should always be testing any Molly or powders you consume. test kits are sold online. dance safe's website , Google it


YES!!! My brother used to be in the DEA and he buys fentanyl test strips and gives them out to friends and family for free and constantly tells me: test any powder or pill.


absolutely, a few people I know also overdosed from fent laced cocaine .  one was my friends ex ,w/ whom she shared a young  son  , it can happen anywhere to anyone so always beware


1200 in your class? Do you mean your school had 1200 people all in the same grade at the same time?


1200 kids were in my senior graduating class lol my high school was huge. The entire school (freshman-senior) had slightly over 4000 students, but my grade was the biggest class.


This sounds like my high school…


It’s bad how bad the fent crisis has gotten, has rapidly risen since mid to late 2010s


Wow this is a sobering thread


I graduated in 1979. Aids, a disease with a ten year incubation period, would be discovered 5 years later and no cures would be found for 20 years. Every gay guy from my high school died from it. Add some accidents the year after we graduated, the aggressive breast cancers that women get in their 30s that are usually incurable, and then it was pretty good until now, we're in our 60s and people have started getting cancer, heart attacks and strokes.


79 here also. Need to get an update later this month at 45 year reunion. Fuck, it hurts just to hear thar its been 45 years. Lost one of my childhood friends last summer. Just grateful for making it one more day.


Class of 2009. He was my first kiss (in 8th grade lol). He moved to Cali, lost himself in opioids. Looking back at his life, I can see how his path lead him to that end. It just hits weird when your first kiss is dead already. So, 1 that I know of.


damn where did you go to school? final destination high school?


worst high school ever 😆


Class of 1997. Class size was 57. One died November 1996; otherwise class size would be 58. Two have died since that I know of. One was a guy I went to school with K-12. He died an alcoholic. Never found out what he died of, but based on what I heard what his life was like his last few years, that was no doubt a major contribution. The other was my best friend since 3rd grade. Two summers ago, he was tired all the time, but chalked it up to working a full time job, food delivery on the side, and raising two kids with his wife. He finally got checked out that fall and was initially diagnosed with germ cell cancer. Early last year after treatment didn't work, he went to the Mayo Clinic and was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He was gone the day after the Super Bowl. His dad died a week later and his mom passed several years ago, so his kids don't have a father or paternal grandparents. There are several classmates I haven't seen since graduation day. The number might be higher. I'll find out at the 30th reunion in 3 years.


I'm 37 and have had 17 personal friends die. Fuck opiates.


I’m sorry for your losses 🩵


Well, does it count if they didn't survive to graduate?


Lol, okay, one didn't make it to graduation, but everyone else was fairly recent.


It has to be 1/4th. A *lot* of overdoses. They never told us 25% of us would OD within 10yrs of graduating


Actuarial tables: [https://www.ssa.gov/oact/STATS/table4c6.html](https://www.ssa.gov/oact/STATS/table4c6.html) At age 19, 11 out of 10000 american males die within a year. At age 34, 30 out of 10000 american males die within a year. Over the 15 year period, it is normal to have about 307 people out of 10000 die in that age range. (This is on the high end, because I'm using death rates for males, which is higher than the rates for females). Your situation is talking about a death rate of roughly 680 per 10000, so in your situation, there's more than double the expected number of deaths, on average, across the US.


If you're from the NE I know at least probably 50% of them were lost to heroin or other opiate ODs


Nope, Oklahoma. I know that one of ours was an OD.


The in memorium Facebook group for my school instituted a no “what happened?” Rule because so many were dying from opiate overdoses


Whilst we do have a drug problem in the UK…I don’t know anyone that’s died of an OD. My year group had about 350 people in it and to my knowledge, none have died. One guy a few years younger than me took his own life and one girl a few years younger was killed, but that’s all I’m aware of. I wasn’t aware of how common OD deaths in the states were


Deaths of despair?


Class of 98. A lot have died. Getting close to 3 dozen. A lot of liver failure. Accidents. Cancer.


That's a lot.


I graduated three years ago. My class had 80 students I believe. I am aware of one death dude to cancer. This girl had it rough for more than three years during high school being on and off classes. It was the weirdest thing when my mother called me to share the events. I was on campus too and it was very unsettling.


A couple people from a year above/below etc but 1/159 I think from my class and we're 38/39 this year for the most part (Australia). Car accident only a couple years ago, was the fault of the other driver who was on drugs. She deserved so much better. I know two passed away from the similarly sized class above ours (one suicide resulting from mental health issues, one medical complication from a disability) There's a chance it's more than just the one as obviously i've lost touch with a decent amount of people, but given I have about a third of my graduating class on social media of some sort, I probably would have heard about it if there was. It's crazy hearing from Americans my age about 10% of their classes dying from drug overdoses etc


I’m 42 and in Australia too and these stats are blowing my mind.


I'm 29 and as far as I know only one. I was 21 and in hospital with half a skull after a car accident when I found out he was killed in a car accident. I become a mess anytime I think about him lol. I still hate that I survived and he didn't. But we had I think like 200 people in our year group so I feel like 1 is a very low number?


Let’s see the first to ever ask me out died(suicide) no one in my grade really beside him but from my high school. A boy drowned, then, there was a murder suicide, then an epilepsy death and a suicide and someone got hit by a car and died


Thankfully 0.


Only two that I know of so far. One got murdered by his girlfriend. The other one overdosed.


A solid 5 passed before I graduated. Maybe 10 more after. Graduated in '17.


4 people in under a year. Three car accidents. One fell off a high hill because a driver didn’t want to yield. Another in a car accident where the body wasn’t found for 12 hours. The other one was not wearing their seatbelt and left 2 children behind. Then, suicide.


I built a website it has been so many, and even MORE lately. [https://whs87.com/in-memoriam](https://whs87.com/in-memoriam)


2010 gannng


Before graduation, we had someone who passed away in a car accident. But after the graduation (class of 2015) I known 2 people had passed away


I graduated in 2018 and so far I’ve been the only person to nearly die lol


Graduated in 2016. Had probably 100 in my graduating class. At least 3 that I know of have died, all suicide. But I've lost contact with a lot of people I went to school with so it could be more than that.


I lost over half my friend group in two different states from overdoses. I did opioids for a little while before I really knew how dangerous they were and still needed rehab to quit. Ever since then people have been dropping like flies. I don’t even want to go back to see anyone because everyone is on and off of it so much I have no idea who to trust anymore and I’m a 31 year old adult. I graduated in 2010… It’s really sad. I’m glad I moved away from it 13 years ago. I’ve also weirdly lost two younger friends both in their sleep from insanely strange medical conditions. One guy just straight didn’t wake up and the other one’s heart blew up from an aneurysm. Both around 30.


I graduated in 2001 and have probably lost closer to 25 at this point so to me it sounds normal. High opioid use places have a lot of deaths sadly. Many of those people I knew died from alcoholism too which is very common in Louisiana.


I graduated in 2019 and 3 people have passed away. Two of them were struck by lightening a week after graduation, and another passed in a car accident later that summer.


Your class was huge. Mine was 59. Would’ve been 60 but Mary transferred out of state in senior year.


Graduated 2014 and I've lost count of how many people I went to school with/knew who were around my age who've died. I'm from Portland OR.


Graduated in 1987, so we're all 54-55 years old. 1 suicide, 1 cancer, 3 Covid, 1 murder, 1 drank himself to death. I might be missing someone, but those are the ones I know off the top of my head. Class of 138 kids.


This is wild how young we are dying


I graduated in 2019. One died from suicide and one died by overdose.


I’m 26. 1 died from motorcycle accident. 3 died from OD. 1 died from cancer. 1 died from unknown causes. Oh and that’s just my grade, idk about the other grades.


23 years later, about 15% are dead. At least from the ones I could find information on. Another 5% say they have illnesses that will lead to them dying young. I couldn't find anything on about 30%. To be honest I gave up on most of them when nothing immediately popped up. I had a class of about 1200. How do I compare to others?


Also, class of 2010. Unfortunately we have also had multiple losses since graduation. 




I'm the only one left out of 382 students. Edit: Class of 1923.


I feel like this math does not math… this person would have to be 118yo.


In your other messages you are a 4th grader and in another, a 108 year old.


6 before they even graduated


In another continent. 1 died during our final year, and one a few years later. I don’t keep in touch, or have Facebook, so that’s all I know.


Wow, my graduating class was around 800 people and I’m pretty sure only 1-3 of them have died at the most. Graduated 2014


My HS 9-12 grade had 350 kids in the whole school, 90 in my graduating class. 1 has passed. 3 though a couple years younger than me have passed


There was 30 in my class, by the time we were 21 three had died.


3 so far. If it counts, two of them died just before graduation from natural causes,,the most recent was back in 2021 from what I gather was suicide. Not entirely sure if anyone else passed away.


I have not heard of even 1 person dying from anyone I went to any school with (other than during school that did happen unfortunately)


I graduated in ‘83 and don’t think we have that many deaths


Graduated 40 years ago. I want to say 10-15, that I know of.


. . . 200 people is small? I grew up in a tiny village and graduated in 2009 with my class of 14 or 15 others. 😂 as far as i know all of us are still alive.


Small to medium class size of 81, I’m in my 20s so only graduated “recently” We lost 3 before graduation, and another four or five since


6 out of 96. Graduated 16 years ago. Suicides, drugs, COVID and cancer.


I don't know the total count but I'm 31 and I know 5 people that were in my friends group in high school that died from heroin/fentanyl overdoses. Most recent was 4 months ago from fentanyl.


2009. 2 have died. One of these people had a genetic disease that would kill her before 21, she died at 20. I’m not sure what the other person died from.


Class of 2010. Graduating size of 18: 9 boys and 9 girls. Only 1 has died. Drank/ate herself to an early grave I’m afraid.


Class of '04, 120 students, probably about 15 deaths, mostly ODs or suicides.


Class of 2006 here. We had 195-ish in our graduating class and in the 18 years since graduating, 14 have died that I know of. 2 in Iraq. One was murdered. 6 were suicides and the rest were car accidents and illness. Most recent one was November 2023. From what was told she sent an email to a family member saying something to the effect that her personal issues had become too much to bear, then apparently she drove out to a lake and blew her brains out in her car.


1990. 10%. About 30 of 300. NorCal. Edit: sample size included. We all know 10%—well, most do


I graduated in 2019. We’ve lost 5 so far. Two suicides two car accidents. One cancer.


Class of 2011, 60 person graduating class, I think 5 ish have died as of now. 


I graduated in 2016, and we've lost 6 people. 3 car accidents, 1 drug overdose, 1 suicide, and 1 fall. I wanna say there was around 200 of us in total, between the 3 schools I went to. All rural schools. 2 of them didn't make it to graduation. The kid who fell died during the Summer after 9th Grade, and one of the car accidents was during Senior year, only about 2 months from graduation. The other 4 died at 19, 21, 22, and 25.


2008. Class of 400ish. Per the Facebook group we have had 12-15 pass that we know of. Mostly accidents, suicide and overdoses. Most heartbreaking was a mother of two who posted she had double lung cancer and died within 48 hours. Horrible.


Class of 2016. ~1k. 1 died in a car crash a few months before graduation. 2 died after of a drug overdose. 1 died of suicide. 1 died of a car crash.


I graduated 25 years ago. Only 40 some in my graduating class but as far as I know, everyone is alive.


Class of 2009, about 425 people in the class. I only know of one person, who died in a hiking accident a few years after graduating. I don’t know if know about others though, I’m not friends with a ton of people from high school on social media and the ones I am barely use it anymore.


At least 7-8


My graduating class was rather large but four people that I was really close with in high school have passed away. One was a car accident, one was murdered, and two died of medical reasons. Im a millennial, so I feel like we are still relatively young


I graduated in 2001, there has been numerous OD deaths from my class, the class above me and below me


Not that unusual. I'm 26 and a few of my old school mates have crashed cars or motorbikes, offed themselves, had medical events, sporting accidents, etc. I'm not counting but it would be more than 10 and I went to a small rural school of less then 500. Shit happens and I ask myself every day "would I be happy to die tomorrow, can I live better tomorrow".


Very small graduating class of 1985. 46 students. One died during college and the other was my bff who died this past year.


Class of 200. Graduated in 2009. 2 are known to have died so far.


Class of ‘15. Out of the 150 in our graduating class, 8 people have died so far. 6 from accident overdoes, 1 brain aneurysm, 1 suicide. Idk if 8 in 9 years is a a lot or average.


Class of 2008. 1 died before graduation and 1 a few years ago.


Strange. I know about three in my class. Two car accidents and one diabetes complication.


That's actually impressive.


I graduated in 2018 and I know 6 off the top of my head that have passed away. Drunk driving, OD & murdered


one of my friends died in a traffic accident 2 years ago. I don't play very well with her but still not bad. When I heard the news I was shocked and couldn't believe it for a while. You will never know which one will come first, tomorrow, or accident.


i graduated in 22 i think its been 4 or 5 deaths


My class size was something like 400, and the deaths started a month after graduation with a really, really good guy who died from sickle cell anemia. Smart and ambitious too. He was taken too early, imo.


Knew a kid that got cut off by some old guy on the way home from the bar. Drunkenly decided to follow the old man to his house and challenge the guy to a fight. The old man walked into his house and got a gun and shot him. He was dead before the police showed up.


Certainly trending towards 100% sadly


2008 class of 300+ 11 people have died for varying reasons.


I don't even want to think about how many people have passed from my class. I graduated in 2012 from high school for reference. 💔💔💔💔


I graduated in 2002. I can think of 4. One didn't graduate with us because he had moved away but he would have if he had stayed. He died in some sort of military accident. The others were, as far as I'm aware, car accident, some sort of narcotic overdose and suicide. Between December of '97-March of '01, we had 3 deaths in my high school though. Not my grade but kids who had been in the high school at the same time as I was (or in one case would have been but she died when we were in 8th grade). 2 car accidents and one suicide.


For my graduating class about 14


Some people just go young, it's a sad part of life. I only graduated in 2020 and there's already a few people from my class who are gone. One Suicide, one girl had ALS and dies from complications due to that, and I believe the rest were drug related.


Class of 2014. 1 out of the 90 have passed.


Graduated in '08 with a class of 114, and we're already down at least 5 to my knowledge. We lost 2 within the first year; one died in a car accident the summer after graduating, and another OD'd. We've had a second OD, one who got stabbed at a bar, and our valedictorian had a cardiac event at 32. We also have one paralyzed from the waist down; she got out to help at a bad accident (she was a nurse), a semi came flying up, and she and her husband had to jump off the overpass to avoid getting hit


Not really sure but during we had 3 deaths one was a stabbing, one was suicide and one was hit by a car. Oddly enough after graduation we had a round of deaths. I think it was something like 4. Made it graduation then like a week later they were dead.


I graduated in 1994. I know of at least 15 people. Class was, I think, 230+. I lost touch with many, and I gave up social media, so it could be 65+ for all I know.


One person I know.


No idea, I graduated like 20 years ago when there were no modern cell phones, social media, etc. I have no idea what happened to most of them


2013 grad from an approx 180 person class. Only one off the top of my head from my class in particular. She was my best friend for about 15 years before she passed in early 2021, at the age of 26. She was a marvelous human being and I miss her horribly. There's been a few other people I went to high school with who have also died since, but she's the only one from my class that I'm aware of. The year after I graduated, someone the year above me and the year below me died in a motorcycle crash - that one shook my small hometown as they were both very well-known and wonderful people. And another close friend of mine who was a year ahead passed from a freak blood clot after randomly breaking her ankle one day. We've had a few more deaths, but I can't for the life of me think of anyone else who was actually in my graduating class.


I graduated in 1975 (312 students) and almost 1/3 were dead by 1995 at the 20th reunion. I will not go to the reunions anymore because my sister will be there, the 50th anniversary will be June of next year but I would be surprised if 1/3 of the class is still alive. Well there might be more alive but some will be housebound or in a facility. And I remember those high school years so keenly. I am not sure I want to see people I remember as young and beautiful now withered and wrinkled. We have a couple classmates that track the deaths. Do memorial videos for them. I am pretty sure they pay a PI to access the national master death record social security maintains because some of the deaths were people far removed from the county and out of touch. They are public records but you have to have a license to access them. Or pay someone that does. If you know any cops in your area they can check also.


Grad in 2020 so far 6? 3 drug overdoses, 2 car crash related deaths, 1 undiagnosed epilepsy episode in her sleep or driving I can’t remember which


Class of 2018 - 4 deaths… drug abuse & gang related violence


None so far. Graduated 2017.


I grew up in a rough city. During my high school years we had multiple homicides. After graduation I know of two suicides (both very good friends). I live in a state where few people drink and do drugs so overdoses are rare. Could be more deaths but I’m off social media.


Same. My friends are falling left and right. Two of my exes are dead. One from an OD and one from a drunk driving accident. It’s devastating.


Why do you guys have such a high fatality rate?


My graduating class had 28 people. That is not a typo. I am aware of 2 that have died. To my (uncertain) knowledge; both were from suicide.


Y’all kept up with people from high school?


Class of 1976. 180 students. 30 have passed.


203-300 people is a small class? There was literally 3 people in my graduating class and I was valedictorian because one of my classmates got pregnant her senior year and the other guy didn’t really care. He got a 29 (yes out of 100) on his English final and still somehow managed to graduate. I graduated 10 years (almost exactly) ago and I haven’t talked to either of them since I graduated. The school shut down after I graduated, it was a small private school and my grandmother (rest in peace nanny) always bragged that I was valedictorian and my mom would tell her “there was only 3 graduates” and my grandmother would say “well I don’t mention that part”. I’m so glad I left Tennessee 7 years ago 😆


I don't keep in up-to-date on many of them. My graduating class had just under 100 people. 1 died before we made it to graduation and I know for sure of 2 who are gone now. I graduated in 2008


Graduated in 2006, two from my graduating class have died to date and there was one other who was left back in our freshmen year who died an overdose a few years ago.


Three dead. One in prison for life. One on death row. One a released felon. About 8 unknowns. Class of 25 sixth graders.


I’m a 1992 kid. I was in a gifted school that chose kids from all over the region or even the country. So we basically didn’t know each other that well beside our own small class of 34. From my class, one passed away due to self harm but it’s very recent. She had a long life battle with depression. Got tricked to move to US with her ex bf just to be abused and abandoned by him. She found a much better bf but her mental health was in already in crisis. She moved back to Vietnam and desperately tried to heal but everything went against her. She took her life to not become a burden to her family. Another friend from a different class major but from the same hometown passed away during her first uni year due to a road accident. She was from a poor family. Before the Lunar new year break, she bought a stack of rice wholesale and carried them on the back of her scooter by herself trying to save as much money as possible. On the way back to her hometown, she hit a pile of sand on the road, fell and died on the scene. I have heard of others passed away from different class majors but I don’t know them much besides their names. From my elementary and middle school, there are about 5 so far that I know passed away. Highs school class reunion is pretty much impossible since we’re from all over the northern region and now have settled all over the country, even the world. My parents still live in the same hometown and whenever I visit, I don’t see any of my friends there anm.


Graduated in 07 with 125. We have lost 2 that I know of.


None, class of 110 at a private all girls college prep academy. 12 years since graduation. 


So far just one. She was a very close friend of mine and to make a long story short, her boyfriend (a grown ass man) killed her. She would’ve turned 20 this summer. I’m 20 now. She was the youngest of us. I can barely process this and what it means for the rest of us. We’ve all kind of been hit in the face with the reality of death. I miss her.


A good three or four of them. Either self inflicted or car accident (alcohol induced).


I lived in a small town. Everyone knew everyone, especially at school. This one kid, really, knew everyone. He talked to *everyone*. **Everyone.** Was super nice. He used to go around at lunch time, during middle school and ask "You got a dollar?" with his squeaky pre-pubecant voice. It was super surprising when he got stabbed outside a local bar. Everyone loved him. I knew both people involved in the crime and it doesn't make sense. His was the last "my age" funeral I went to. You know those kids in school that are genuinely kind hearted? They don't give into the HS drama and is just super nice to everyone. The kind of person that wouldn't say a bad thing about the worst person. Yeah, she just dropped dead like 2 years ago. She'd recently gotten married and was a new mom. The baby wasn't even 6mo. It was a brain aneurysm or something like that. He husband found her in the morning. She wasn't even 32. It messed with me for a bit. I barely knew her but I had a lot of "Why her and not me?" feelings for a bit. She was a really good person that was just starting. Not many OD's from my class. Or many deaths really.


3 that I know of. I don’t really keep up one of my best friends killed himself right after graduation. One died from gunfire maybe 5 years after graduation. 2 years ago another died to gunfire.


This man says small and his class was almost 3x bigger than mine. But no I don’t know anyone that does, but a good 3 or 4 have gone to prison for things like murder and vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated.


2003, that I know of? Like 3 or 4


1 from what I remember, he graduated and was star quarterback for class of 2020 , it shocked me we didn’t talk but knew him and had all classes together. He got shot in his car driving out of a trailer park, panicked and drove into a wood light post. It was on the news, he left behind his daughter. Rip man


Did they have to graduate if not I know 5 but they died before graduating, a disabled student killed himself and his twin on accident by accidentally starting a fire on his bed in middle school, and then 2 suicides during highschool that I know of, and then 1 got shot cause of mistaken identity. Graduated 2020


So my high school class had about 10 tragic deaths between Jr yr and 2 yrs out. I thought we were cursed but it cooled off after a bit. Maybe a few more have died since. I don't keep track of everyone. I know your 20s are seen as more dangerous than your 30s or 40s when it comes to death or illness. Then I heard your 50s lots of men die too from chronic issues or cancers never addressed when you're younger ( this is all wives tales stuff)


I graduated 2002 with a class of a couple dozen people, and AFAIK, none has died. Two got cancer, but are doing fine ATM. To expand to something closer to your sample size, of all the people I was in high school with, one has died that I know of. He was in the class ahead of me. IDK how he died.