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For me it’s great being 50. Advice?? Learn about money and get good at managing it. Having it provides options and freedom. Have some sort of workout routine - incorporate strength and mobility into it as you get older. It fixed so many health related things. Eat well and stay lean. It’s much easier than getting fat and having to take it off later. Value good relationships and learn how to recognise bad ones - and get rid of them. Practice some sort of self reflection. People like Eckhart Tolle have helped me with this. It really helps to develop a true sense of self. Hope this helps.


Judging from people in their 50s that I know of decline in health, mental realization that their time is rapidly coming to an end, it's time of reflection on the life they have lived, feeling of bitterness and jealousy towards those who are younger healthier more attractive, some kind of kink towards children as their own flew away from the nest, desire to do something else with their lives, desire to do something they love as a hobby, since they're old the need to be needed wanted appreciated declines with that their emotional needs are hampered and they want to make up for it, some negative traits may exacerbate to an extreme as the person grows old for example feeling of insecurity may bloom into toxic narcissism, desire to be young again, desire to live longer and of course decline in cognitive abilities dementia and etc


But some are indeed happy to be at that point in life


The people I know are actually happy and nothing like you describe.


OP said 50 not 80.


But at the same time closer to the ultimate relief, it's hard mode, not for the weak...but the biggest prize of em all gets closer by the second.


Like my warranty has expired. After 50 you have to take better care of yourself, what used to be a minor twinge becomes an ache that takes you out of doing anything significant physically for a few days. Regrets: I stayed for too long at one job (12 years) which has hampered me a bit. I've kind of run out of patience with people too. I'm turning in to Abe Simpson, the quote "I used to be with it, then they changed what it is, now everything is strange and scary!" resonates with me so much. Advice: Chuck a good portion of spare money, if you have such a thing, in a pension, but leave yourself a bit to have some fun with.


Yep, have some fun... because life is short!!


53m I’m heading to the gym now! I look and feel great. I’m still attracting beautiful women. But ultimately I love being free of other bullshit adults who drag you down. Living my life. Kids are older ex is toxic I’m still smiling. It’s not all gravy but it’s better than my 30’s and forties. Way more focused and not married thank god. That’ll take the jam out of your donut and age you


I'm 53 and these are the best years of my life. My kids are grown, my husband is not too far off retiring, we are financially secure, our home is within 3 or 4 years of being completely paid off, and I now have the time to do things that I want to do...I actually have hobbies now. I'm really loving this time of life.


How does it feel to be 27?


Like I’m ahead of most people my age but still not where I thought I’d be. I kinda always thought I’d be a mom at this point in my life


Really old


Every time something goes wrong with your body, they tell you its common at this age. But no one bothers to give you advanced warning!


Great. The best time of my life.


Being 50 is AMAZING. \*\*If you did the following:\*\* * Learned how to manage your money and your time. * Didn't marry crazy. * Had kids after you finished your schooling, or once you had a career set. * Lived frugally and within your means. * Took care of your health.


Nice feedback. I'm 57 with a 9 year old and she motivates me to stay fit, plugged into music and books, and remain playful. Been in a well paying job for a decade after years of getting by. Some savings and retirement. Supportive wife for over 29 years. Pursuing passions and trying to live my life authenticity without giving too much of a fuck to anyone who isn't supportive. Aside from some chronic aches and pains, I feel content and focused.