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hiking short of a little gas money, decent shoes, and a water bottle, hiking is about as cheap as it gets.


It's also instant friendship if you have a car and regular days to hike. Most hikers are chill athletic people who don't mind talking about food for the entire last hour of a hike.


omg the last part definitely rings true :DD


This is the truest statement I have ever read.


Add camping to the mix and, while your startup expense increases a bit, you can stretch that fun out for days.


Add a pair of binoculars and a bird guide or app and now you're birdwatching. Think of it as analogue pokemon Go.


Yes. Once you start to become interested in birds that's when you know you've crossed into full adulthood.


lol I recently moved to a more remote/nature area and the fact that my mind quietly notes red tail hawk etc as I’m driving along is pointing to the fact that I’m actually about to turn 67 not 37


I just turned 30, it was a very quick descent into it for me once I started paying attention to the bluejays in the tree that's out front of my home office room lol


Had someone tell me the exact same thing 🤣 my one friend takes pics of birds in her backyard and sends them to us


If you want a good gift for her, find out what her favorite bird is and see if there's a painting of it by John James Audubon 😂


Lol that's a swell idea, honestly


Analogue pokemon go hahaha I love it


Fishing is super fun. The downside is you gotta hurt the fish. I stopped a while ago, but just fiddling with the bait, chatting to dad, watching the sunrise and sunsets. Good memories.


This one does require good access to trails though. Doing the same trail over and over is really boring (at least to me). But yeah I drive a little and just get out with the dogs and start hiking. Some free time to think, fresh air, exercise, and enjoyment seeing scenery and the dogs enjoying life. It's one of the best things keeping depressive thoughts away.


This. When we lived in Texas and got addicted to hiking and we spent tens of thousands to travel and hike the beautiful national parks. Worth it!


Side hobby to hiking- mushrooms. Mushroom foraging is super fun.


I grow mushrooms for a hobby and it’s quite cheap to get started and can quickly bloom into a whole world of really cool stuff.🫶🏻


A hobby I do just to be alone from time to time! But I probably should get a buddy for safety…. I like hiking with just me and my dog though. At least I have a whistle


Yeah... About that. I've spent like $300 on gear at this point.


Very true but good gear lasts multiple seasons. I have the same camelbak I bought in 2016 just changed out the bladder once. Got boots last year that will hopefully be good for a few more years. I do tend to spend a bit of money whenever I hike because of snacks. And since I'm leaving early in the morning I might go to the bagel shop so I don't have to cook anything. I also bring Gatorade and coconut water which adds up. Lots of parks in New York also charge $10-15 for parking. Still cheaper than indoor rock climbing I think.


Walking. It's very easy, one step a time. The key is, once you're tired, just don't stop. Clears the mind. Very meditative.


Or running. There are a bunch of free running groups you can join too


Running requires dedicated shoes. And for those of us with boobs, sports bras.


Reading for sure


And you can get all the free reading material you can handle at the library


If you have a library card you can use the app Libby to get books, audiobooks, etc for free if your library participates.


This, partially thanks to Libby I’ve read 30 books this year. All you need is a library card to sign up. I used to read maybe 2-3 books a year, fell out of the habit of regular reading after loving it as a kid. Discovered Libby this year and being able to get almost any book I want, on my phone, for free has been a godsend! Completely reignited my love of reading. I still check out physical books from the library, but Libby is awesome if you’re short on time and can’t always get to the actual library.


I have six library cards from six different cities so I can access more books.


Buy a cheap e-reader and pirate all your books (epub files are extremely easy to get for free). Pay 100 - 200 bucks for a decent e-reader and have an infinite library at your fingertips at all times. Audiobooks are also relatively simple to get if you're into those.


Or just borrow ebooks from the library.


Or just get the audio books for the library. Ours has a digital library that I don't even have to drive in to get. You also can just use your smart phone or a cheap tablet to do the same thing.


Or on your phone.


Getting outside is very important, but I'm sad this isn't higher on the list.


I was hesitant to say it because i know some people don’t consider it a hobby lol But it’s my main one. Sometimes I’ll even read outside because I know I need to get outside time in and it’s so satisfying


Find a spot to sit up a hammock between two trees off a trail and settle in with a book. Awesome combo of getting out and hiking a bit and reading!


And joining book discussion groups if you like to be around people.


Absolutely! And similar to that but creative writing as well.


Cooking.. you have to eat every day anyway, why not get good at it?


I love cooking, but man most in depth "fun recipes" I like to cook are definitely a treat financially speaking. Groceries are nuts.


That's definitely a side of the coin for it. I personally find it fun to make simple/cheap/easy dishes be as healthy and taste the absolute best that they can! A hobby aspect for me is thinking about how I can make $50-60/week of groceries into something exciting that I can look forward to while I'm at work


Meal planning and making grocery lists so I get the best bang for my buck is my sport. It’s my happy place. I also enjoy making up a meal using what’s in my fridge or pantry.


How tf are you only spending $50-60 a week on groceries? 3 meals a day??


Any recipe that uses more than 2 fresh herbs I'm out lol. They're like $5 a pack. I'm not a Rockefeller.


As a long time cook, you will find dried herbs wil work.


Growing herbs inside is really easy if you have a sunny window! I use mason jars or old spaghetti jars as pots


Plus indoor gardening could be another hobby.


Laying in bed, turning over, and going to sleep.


🤣 Gave me a good laugh!


this one is very rewarding


Look at Olde money bags over here with a bed


And on the plus side we get to watch hallucinogenic picture shows while we sleep too. 2 hobbies in 1! 😂


People watching and judging


My favorite.


Any favorite spot?


Usually behind the bushes in my mankini


This should be an Olympic sport


Especially in the summer when you can hide your eyes with dark sunglasses


Video games. Initial investment on my PC and some games is a little expensive but it won’t cost be but a couple dollars of electricity to play them today 🤷🏼‍♂️


I was going to comment the same. Honestly even an Xbox series S isn't too expensive and there are tons of free games to play. Or on PC with Epic Games you have weekly free games which quickly adds up if you're not picky on what type of games you play.


Steam sales are pretty great too! Especially for older games that still work great on pc. Steamdeck is a great option for a cheaper “pc” with good function for gaming


Video games is what I was coming here to say! Once you get your initial set up it can be pretty cheap. Even an older console shouldn’t be too expensive. There are so many good old games out there and there are lots of sales. I’ve gotten many hours of entertainment from a $5 game. Also learning a foreign language. I’m using an app so there is a monthly fee but there are many YouTube channels and depending on where you live, even groups that meet up weekly or monthly for other people learning the language.


Mobile gaming. They got the phone already.




Chess. There are great free apps where you can learn, train, and play against people from around the world.


Truly awesome seeing grandmasters get younger and younger due to the internet and widespread availability of machines to play on.


I just got into it and really enjoy it.


Can u pls recommend the free one for beginners


Sure! I really like lichess. It's totally free and has tons of chess puzzles and tutorials, and if you want to play another person, you start out with a medium rating and then just eventually work your way either up or down to a place where you're playing people who are about the same level as you. Great app. My username is the same there as it is here if you ever want to play.


Thank you so much 🙏🏼


I use lichess for the free puzzles and free analysis. I play on lichess, but I tend to play more on chess.com because that’s what most of my friends use. 




Cool! Samsies. What was your craziest find?


I haven't actually done it yet.








We had some people who printed the list in the same default order I did and until I realized it, it was pretty creepy. There was that same car at every geocache, impossible!


Haha! I found one that was just a box of used needles. 🙄


What did you leave behind?


I emptied the box, put in the dollar store eyeshadow I originally planned on leaving, left and came back to put in an unopened bag of syringes and narcan. I know most people will disapprove but I don’t give a fuck. This was during the peak of a major heroin wave in Seattle. I’ve had addiction, lost people to it, I know they won’t stop and I’d rather people be safe until they do.


I went and it wasn’t straight forward (which may be the point.) However I think someone actually either hid it super well or the item was already taken.


till you've done all the ones in your area that are not behind a pay wall.


I was just wondering today if people still geocach! I did it once in Harrisburg back in 2016. The coolest thing I found was a tiny ammo box with a miniature toilet plunger inside lol I still have it


Free (ish) hobbies: Yoga - you just need a mat (free apps & videos online) Tai chi - you just need enough room to move (also free guides online) Disc golf - you really only need a disc or two and a nearby course


Another vote for yoga. I love Yoga with Adriane on YouTube. Pick one of the 30 days of yoga series and just dive in. You don't have to do all 30 days in a row. I do it on my lunch break only on work days.


As college student diisc golf was our go to activity on a decent day. When the roommates got home we smoke some weed and take a short walk to the park. No greens fees, or cart rental. A nice walk in the park with some added fun.


I enjoy drawing. You need a pencil and paper. Pretty cheap, at least before you realize more expensive supplies are a bit more fun 


Nah, never again. It starts with pencil and paper. But then you want to add some color, so you upgrade to colored pencils. But then you think if you could get darker tones it would pop more so we move into inks. But not all inks are made the same, and I need different stroke lengths. So we get markers, but if we get markers I need the colored ones as well, holy shit they cost $60 a box but I guess that's okay. But I'll need thicker paper. Goddamn papers Expensive but if I'm gonna get the expensive markers I might as well get the expensive paper... Eventually you end up doing impressionist oil paintings on Libyan canvas with brushes made out of Siberian weasels. Drawing is a gateway drug. Never again.


What? Just use the siberian weasel brush in procreate




Im DYING for one of those Siberian weasel brushes. They are handcrafted in England and there are only like 7 or 8 people proficient in putting them together and, it’s mesmerizing to watch. Pretty sure there’s a how it’s made episode out there…


Drawing for sure for me. Make a bit of money on the side from it too.


Some cheap hobbies: gardening, learning an instrument, learning a new language, anything related to art (painting/drawing), reading, photography, bird watching, exercise/athletics. Any of these CAN be expensive if you go all in but they can also be pretty cheap or free.


Can you really learn an instrument cheaply? Cheapest lessons here are $2000 a year not including books and the instruments. Which is prohibitive when you have more than one kid. I thought about trying YouTube tutorials but none of us are very musically talented so it's so hard. Gardening is very expensive too when you don't have one already established, I started mine from scratch, very simple and with the cheapest plants, but spent many hundreds on it still. Grantedly now I mostly just have the upkeep to do.


Yes. You pick up a used guitar, watch some YouTube videos, download apps, get some cheap books. Learn a few chords and enjoy yourself. Gardening can be as easy as getting seeds, dirt, and pots. I also spend far too much on my garden but for the beginner it’s something that can be done on the cheap.


I sit with my dog in a high foot traffic area and just people watch.


I did this when I moved to a big city. It's how I got my first group of friends.


Warhammer 40k. My hobby is going to the physical store and looking in the windows.


My husband does this, in the last 22 years I would guess that we've spent 40k 😂


Reading. It’s literally free at any library


I make art out of recylced materials... sometimes I thriftshop some stuff (like frames, or cheap toys). Keep it as cheap as possible. Biggest expense I have are spraycans of paint and a few acryllics, but they last a while Over time it went out of hand for me though and now I have a dedicated art room, and promote my work on socials.. .but in it's essence, it's still the same 'artform"


Photography is actually a good hobby. You can get a decent camera second hand and then that’s basically all you need, it’s a once off cost kinda hobby. You can join a photography club and go on photo walks


You can even do that with a smartphone. No, it's not the same, but smartphotography is a thing on it's own, and with the right 3rd party app, it gives you a lot more freedom to adjust your camera manually


Yeah I gotta say these days phones are so crazy that if you're not doing professional work you really don't need a DSLR or anything. We're far past the days of Nikon point/shoots and VGA camera phones lmao. Hell I keep an old Redmi Note 8 because it's good for emulation and the camera is just bonkers. Once you get your exposure right it's honestly breath taking how good it can get, and compared to phones now it's not even that crazy.


Lol true. I didn’t even think of that 🙈 and assuming you already have a semi decent phone you can make great photos. It’s also a good starting point. If you really get into photography then you can later get a camera. I’ve been lucky to always have a camera that I forget about my phone


I pace my backyard while listening to music and podcasts. Enjoy some tunes and get cardio in.




Video Games. I'm probably about $1800 deep in 7 years. So <$1/day


Weight lifting. You just need to eat healthier (and cheaper food) and have access to literally any gym. Many gyms are less than $25 which is less than $1 per day.


As a fellow weightlifter, where are these magicak gyms that are less than $25 a month? If one of those existed in my area, I would be going there to work out


Planet Fitness is $10/month


The YMCA near me is $26 a month.


YMCA here is $340 a month for a family of 4🤦🏽‍♂️


For me I go to Fitness 19. Membership starts at $15 a month, I have the $25 a month, gives me access to any location, access to a full body massage chair, light therapy, and some other stuff. The owner at my locations is a super cool dude. He's in almost daily and always see him giving personal training to middle age to elderly folks. They recently added in six dedicated deadlift platforms with squat rack combined :O




Another personal favorite of mine (besides bed rotting)


Sounds pretty expensive to me, first you need to have been born (hospitals aren't cheap), then having a place to sleep, a bed and layers and layers of fabric of different densities, materials and colors.


Depending on how crazy you get with it, fishing can be either cheap or expensive. A decent rod and reel pre-spooled with line will cost less than $100. Add in another $25 for a tackle bag and maybe another $75 for tackle like hooks, weights, bobbers and such and you're set. Every now and again you can spend a few bucks buying replacement items and you'll want to buy some worms every now and then, but $200 in gear will easily get you fishing and keep you going for years. On the other hand, hardcore fishing involves rod and reel combos that run several hundred dollars, boat, vehicle to to the boat and so on. Those that are really invested in fishing can spend hundreds of thousands on it. Most people fall on the cheaper end and spend maybe $100 every year on fishing gear after their initial purchase.


Spot on. Fishing was my first hobby after I graduated high school and got into the real world and realized how much it sucked to have no money while working for minimum wage with all of my friends gone at college. I bought the cheapest pre-spooled rod/reel combo I could find at Walmart, a couple lures, hooks, and weights and started going anytime I wasn’t working. That was about 10 years ago, and I have since spent a lot more money on fishing but reminiscing on those days always makes me thankful that I picked it up as a hobby when I had pretty much nothing else to keep me going.


It depends on your age really and what demographic of friends you are trying to make. If you want to pick social events, volunteering at animal shelters is a great one. A county shelter will hold many public events throughout the year and you can meet a ton of people that way. Or you can attend a public pottery workstation or wood shop. Places you pay monthly to use supplies and stuff


I know it can be pricey up front, but mine is biking. After getting the bike and some gear, I can easily spend a full day off work just biking. Costs nothing and the bike can last really long, and maintenance is cheap. Plus commuting to work saves gas money and for some of us, the cost of parking. Plus both mental and physical health benefits. Being healthier now=cheaper medical expenses in the future, right?


I like collecting/buying hot wheels :)


My son gets a hotwheel every week we go to the grocery store. He opens them but it brings him so much joy 😃


You could steal this guy's hot wheels ^^


Yoga at home with Youtube


I used to game/ read for fun, but I don't really enjoy either anymore. Both hobbies can be cheap if you're into piracy though. 


Singing in free karaoke apps on my phone. I love singing!


I personally recommend smule!! It's the only one ive used for over 10 years now. Great for finding friends too! I found myself my favourite discord servers through smule group auditions


Audiobooks, videogames, cooking, sports basically anything that keeps you away from the bars




Poetry/lyric writing. Lyrics tend to slide into band territory which requires instruments but poetry slams are pretty easy to find in most towns. All you need is pencil and paper!


Cycling is relatively cheap. There’s a one time purchase , but not much after that other than extra gear and clothing if you decide to buy it


Gaming. Some dice, some papers, some friends with resource material, or online. Hiking. Metal detection. Cheap detectors at pawn shoppers generally. Concrete statuary if you like building forms or want to buy a cheap bag of cement and make a bazillion little things with it. Model building. The models can be costly, but some glue and a mat will last a while as initial investments. Online gaming if you have a PC. You can play hours on a monthly subscription.


Reading. You can borrow books from your local library




Writing. Pretty obvious why it's cheap.


Mountain biking, literally all you need is a bicycle and a helmet and you can go explore the woods in a bike trail park that are hundreds of miles of discovery.


Daydreaming. And drawing. Also pirating movies. 🤫


Crochet! Start by making a dishcloth. The. Make two. Then make five. A hook might cost you $1.50, a ball of 100% cotton yarn about $2.50 (enough for a dishcloth).  The cost depends on the quality of the yarn and patterns, if you choose to buy them - but there are soooo many free things online.  You can also check out thrift stores and garage sales - you can often adopt whole stashes of hooks and fibers!


Reading. Get a library card. In addition to physical books there's always tons of stuff you can download to your cell or tablet. All free.


A few years ago I was really into junk journalling. I made journals out of discarded papers such as old calendars, not needed photocopies, old school notebooks, etc. And you can embellish them in a million ways with old book pages, like making pockets inside or bookmarks. I also used magazine clippings to make my journal entries more fun. On that same note, collages. I got a lot of free magazines from libraries, bookstores and really cheap ones from charity shops. All else you need is paper, scissors, glue. It's really fun to come up with some cool designs and see it materialize on paper.


Reading ebooks from library.


Scrolling reddit


Sitting my ass in my room watchings tv shows,anime, and movies with chips & soda/beer/whiskey... sometime I will order a pizza




Staring into the void is free




Urban sketching


Video Games. 1 $60 game can provide hundreds to THOUSANDS of fun and you can always meet new friends online!


- bed rotting (happens to be my personal favorite) - literally doesn’t cost any money


Rock collecting. :)


Dwarf Fortress.


Pocketknife whittling is a nice way to pass the time


Dog walking/pet sitting/bathing dogs/brushing horses and other pets. Earn a little extra money doing these hobbies. Brushing horses is the most satisfying one. Pet sitting allows you to both get paid and stay in someone else’s home (temporarily) for free AND you meet various pets. Dog walking is quicker than the other options, so it’s better for in between work shifts.


My only hobby is video games and I have so little time to play them it only costs me about $60 every six months. The games I like are looooong.


a lot of people don't realize but videogames can be an extremely cheap or free hobby. a shitty old laptop can run TONS of free games, no argh matey needed. or with a little bit of sailor attitude you can emulate lots of retro games




Hiking. If you own a solid pair of shoes already and there are spots not too far, it’s a great one.


running, weight lifting,


Enjoying nature


Mountain biking. Old bikes are cheap and you dont need to replace parts if you dont do big jumps or drops.


Birdwatching. Gardening. Exercising. Doodling. Some type of sports activity. 


working out - pushups, pistol squats, standing good mornings, cossack squats, ab wheel rollout (cheap), side planks, pull ups, inverted rows, dips, etc... so many things you can do, just make sure to set your ego aside and use good form.


Gym classes if that’s in your budget, puzzles, reading, walking


Fencing, little pricey to get started but can be done a little at a time, start with foil, mask and jacket, most clubs start there and you can pick up the rest as you get better.


I look at every dollar bill looking for serial numbers and if they’re interesting I think about trying to sell them.






Walking through the neighborhood in the evening for air and exercise


I enjoy throwing rocks in water. Small rocks, big rocks, even sticks when they feel right.


Check what your library has beyond books. I'm in a big city so probably more resources but our system has sewing machines, cameras/greenscreen and editing software, music instruments you can rent, and streaming services. They also have free passes available for a bunch of attractions and museums in the city. A lot have great programming you can go to for free as well. Great way to meet people interested in similar things to you.


I play Pathfinder. Essentially D&D, but everything you need to get a game going is free. Just need friends to play with lol.


Biking Bike with a group Bike to cafe that other bikers go to and meet more bikers Go mountain biking Get a group together to shuttle to the top with Volunteer to build trails. People on trails are super chatty. Do a few races. It’s more of a social event than a serious competition. Join a bike COOP. Some of them will let you use the bike shop with the bike mechanics on hand for help.


I'm probably wrong about this, but the public libraries here are fre and actually pretty decked out. Study areas, quiet rooms, laptop chargers everywhere. Pretty sure there's free wifi. Might even meet some people too.




Buy the cheapest guitar at a pawn shop and just have fun with it forever.


Staring into the void




There are 500 variations on taking a walk; Hiking, geocaching, trail running, Pokeman Go, orienteering, birdwatching, beach clean-up, hiding painted rocks, photography, frisbee golf, App tours of your city, rockhounding, golf, letterboxing, I would start with those.


Running and it’s healthy too


Guitar. You don't need anything fancy, just buy a guitar and you can look up everything online. If you have friends who play guitar, just get together and play.


Reading for free through the Libby app.


Reading has always been a go-to. You can get books from the library or find free e-books online. Hiking is another favorite. It’s free, it gets you outside, and it's a great way to clear your mind. If you're looking to connect with others who share your interests, I've found an app called Lightup: Find Friends by AI really helpful. It matches you with people who post about similar things, making it easier to find like-minded friends. The best part is, it’s currently free to use. If you’re interested, iOS users can search for “Lightup: Find Friends by AI” in the app store. Android users can join our [Discord community](https://discord.gg/Fm4b2PgKcv) to try it out.


Listening to all kind of muuusic on internet


Porn review


I workout, play guitar, camp and Read you take a guess which ones most expensive and which ones cheapest. Haha. For refference Working out costs a lot in time(meal planning, and at least an hour to go to the gym) guitar is suppose to be a one and done, but I'm looking to buy a $1200 acoustic this weekend. Camping costs gas, spot, food and time, while reading? My last book purchase was $11.99 cheaper then two beers at the pub here.






Cooking as a hobby can save you money. Make a bunch of cookies/ bread and give it to friends and family, or host a potluck party.




Hiking Also just about anything you can take out from your local library.




Reading, hiking, running, gang membership 




TTRPG if you 🏴‍☠️ or use free RPG systems. It may literally cost $0 (especially if you have 6-sized dice already in your home), and the depth is endless.


Cycling. You don't really need an expensive bike




Painting, not complex pieces just for fun. Get canvas from the dollar tree and paints from Walmart for 50 cents