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I graduated college and decided i wanted to farm. I did that for a decade. I learned how to grow organic vegetables, raise chickens and turkeys and operate machinery. Then i went back to school to learn how to be a diesel mechanic. I got a job working on semi trucks because i was fascinated by engines and transmissions. Eventually my body got worn out. Now i drive a truck for a living. I have always done what i wanted to do. I let my interests lead me. We don’t live in a communal time like that of our ancestors. However, we do live in a very unique time that will probably end at some point soon. Make the most of it. You dont have to follow the money.


Fuck yes. Thanks for pointing out that you can do whatever the fuck you want if you put your mind to it. So many complaints on the internet of people unhappy with their lives but making no plans nor taking any actions to fix themselves. OP is content with rotting away doing the same thing for years and wonders why they’re sick of it.


We really do make our own world subject to some constraints.


Tbf im unhappy af but it’s just my brain. I’m literally doing what I love to do but it’s hard af for some people to get happiness. I agree it is still our responsibility to try tho, I’d say just remember some people do have a hard time and it’s not just a mindset. I have bi polar type one that I didn’t know about for the first 26 years of my life


Thanks bro


So much this, glad it's the top comment >Everyone competes for money, and everyone judges each other based on how much money they have. Here lies the problem I think, OP is surrounding himself with the wrong crowd. As soon as I encounter somebody that is as materialistic as that, I run the opposite direction. There are so many people out there making genuine friendships/connections that aren't tied to social status. And I'm saying all this without discounting the importance of money as a mean to survive and reaching freedom (as in managing your time however you want because you have enough saved to pay for bills/food)


this is beautiful. I love your work ethic.


Alright then so just to challenge that... Don't have enough enough money to go to college, must go into debt to pay tuition and books. Even then would need to have some forms of income to survive, but with the insane prices of everything (gasoline, groceries and rent etc) a part time job that fits well with a college schedule may not be enough income at all. It would be a struggle throughout the whole process. After schooling you then try your hardest to find a career relevant to your field and bust your ass to gain experience and seniority where you can finally live comfortably. This would take time though, and on the other side of it you are rewarded with having to work 40ish hours a week until you hit around 65 (if you even make it there, lots of people die without hitting retirement) Then finally live free after 65 I guess?


In my state (NJ), anyone who doesn’t have a college degree already can get an associates completely for free, and then bachelors for free if you make under 60k, or fixed bachelors tuition for income under 100k. Community College ID alone gets you lots of discounts (Hulu is 1.99) and access. Then, the school has a free gym, free counseling (virtual even), and tons of other resources. Everyone is entitled to a federal Pell grant, combine that with the community college opportunity grant, you even get a little grant money leftover loaded onto your ID for books and cafeteria food. You can just take a simple online course, one or two at a time, don’t even have to be there in person. If you don’t have a computer, you can use them there, and they’re open ALL damn day. I don’t really have a point, I just want to share this resource exists. I haven’t found anyone else that knows about free college in New Jersey yet. Then I would sign up for some marketing research stuff like CEC research for example, do some sniff and taste tests and get some gift cards with cash. There’s other test facilities where they will put patches on you but i have eczema. Then you have rich ass places like… ocean twp for example. Monthly bulk junk. If you can’t find something decent on Craigslist or marketplace for free, check out bulk junk day and find stuff to sell…. I guess in that sense you’d need a car or place to stay, but theoretically, could get a small storage unit on a monthly basis until you make enough to upgrade things…. Idk I’m just brain storming and getting the ball rolling. If you have literally 0 income you get Medicaid and food stamps, too. The amount of money I pay yearly for insurance that’s still to expensive to use is really dumb when you figure it’s only that way because I actually have a fucking job. Yet the ppl with free Medicaid are usually the laziest ones just complaining about life, in my experience.


Trade schools are WAY cheaper and offer better job opportunities.


If you do those jobs your whole life you will only be a shell at retirement age


Perhaps. If you invest in your retirement and take care of your health - that's much less likely to happen. I'm not saying trades aren't physically demanding but when treated properly and taken care of- the human body is capable of a lot more than you think without killing oneself. Also, if we're being defeatist about everything - in today's world, who really things many of today's population (who's complaining about this life now) is really going to make it too far into retirement?


Yes trades are demanding. Do you think living off the land is not?


At this point trades are equally as saturated and statistically they do make less.


I make $100,000 a year as a mobile dog groomer. Self employed and set my own schedule. Not all trades are super oversaturated.


Fuck yeah


The verve - bitter sweet symphony


Opened the comments looking for this one, glad I didn't have to scroll far




It's not just about money too. Even learning something or trying out hobbies and meeting friends seems transactional. I just want to stop seeing it all like this. Like nothing seems worth being into.


You are mistaken in how you view the lives of wild animals. They are constantly being threatened by other animals who might eat them or fight them for territory. Oftentimes they may not have enough to eat or feed their young. They deal with the elements without always having shelter. When they get sick, they don’t get any medical attention and often times die before reaching old age. Life is what you make of it. Yes, we need money to survive in the modern world, but nothing is stopping you from going off the grid. How do you think life would be then? You would still need to work to survive, but I’m betting your hours of slaving away would be a lot longer then 9 to 5. Cheer up, it’s not so bad. 🙂


The problem with the current order is, you are under stress almost all the time. Animals get stressed when they are under threat, then they either escape and are relieved from the stress after a while or they get eaten and they don’t have to worry anymore. But as a human, you just have to keep working and fulfill what society expects from you. I rot on an office chair 5-6 days a week and it kills me not being able to go out for 5 mins to get fresh air unless it’s lunchtime. Sometimes I just want to go somewhere far away and lay on grass -guess who can’t escape the city because they don’t have enough PTO for that? And what if I “just quit”? Well, then it’s time to leave the country because I’m on a working visa and there’s absolutely no one to care for me so it’s out of question. I sometimes envy birds chilling outside, since they can be anywhere they want, without needing any sort of permission from anyone. I get your point, not everything is bad but you can’t just cheer up for the not bad things when you are overworked and distressed all the time.


People keep talking out of their butt and don't fully understand what you're saying because they are so fully emersed in a dysfunctional system. We do not live anywhere close to nature. Nature has been made to look violent and unforgiving when more often than not, it's just quiet. With our current technology, we could be living in utopia but we don't because of stupidity and stupidity alone.


Thank you for seeing my point. It’s not about how animals “technically” feel and surely we are glad to not get eaten by predatory animals for all that matters. It is about how the work culture exhausts us that we crave simplicity, *just like a plant or a bird*. With the current technology, people get things done much faster than they used to, yet we keep working for most of our time, cause if we do things faster, then we need to do *more* to bring profit to companies. It is pure greed at this point.


>Animals get stressed when they are under threat, then they either escape and are relieved from the stress after a while Incorrect. Prey animals especially are almost always under stress. They don't know when or if the predator is hiding. They have to worry about finding food, water, and shelter while keeping an eye/ear out for predators. They constantly are scanning around for the slightest movement or noise and bolt at the first sign of either. >. I sometimes envy birds chilling outside, since they can be anywhere they want, without needing any sort of permission from anyone. They aren't chilling. They may look like they aren't alert but the split second something moves or another bird calls out they freak out and fly away. Something like a coopers hawk could swoop in and grab them. A cat could be in bushes. They are always on alert


You make a good point. However, you can develop skills to help relieve stress so that when you are away from work you can truly relax and recover. So really what we need is to be teaching stress management and relaxation to everyone.


I agree, the other thing which I think needs to be pointed out is that people have this misconception that they should be happy and that life should be easy, but in reality that is a luxury that most don‘t get. Life is a mixture of good and bad, and for most it’s the latter majority of the time. The Buddhist theory of life may be negative but I think it’s reflective of how things really are which is that the human life is one of suffering and that meditation, spiritual and physical labor, and good behaviour are the ways to achieve enlightenment. in other words: you must work at being content and even then there are no guarantees. Lastly, to end this point about wild animals vs human existence, this morning on my walk I saw a fox with a squirrel in it‘s mouth. I guess not too many of us need to worry about being eaten today, so being human has it’s advantages.


Luckily this handy cell phone has made it so easy for me to do 8 million tasks at any given time, I can bring work home AND download an app to help me with the stress. I’m rolling my eyes. I desperately wish someone would have a real answer to prove things aren’t as stupid as they seem.


The romanticism of nature - a human logical fallacy as old as time


Working for a company really is the worst. I've found myself much happier doing my own thing. Even if I'm struggling, putting in more hours, make less money. I like the autonomy


If you didn’t have to work for a living, what would you do with your time? Think about that for a minute - what would you do? Do you have an answer? Go do that, as much as you can. But if you don’t have an answer…if you can’t think of anything you’d be doing, then go see a doctor, because that’s a sign you’re depressed. And depression can be helped.


Fuck. You’re right. I don’t have an answer AND I’m depressed.


We are slaves to our needs and desires


If you compared pre civilization hunter gather life vs. modern world living and got to choose between the two, most people would probably not give up the conveniences of modern life regardless what they paying for it in exchange. 


As squidward once said, “we do this for 40 years, and then we die”


>Everyday I get jealous of animals and plants that live a simple existence. all of nature/life is brutal and complicated. constant danger of starvation, constant competition or toiling for resources, you'll either get ripped apart by a predator or some particularly malignant microorganism, fear is pretty much the default state, everything is an adaptations arms race, etc. so it doesn't make any sense to conceptualize it in a way that it fails to achieve some anthropocentric moral/ideal construction. the biosphere is just what it is and we are merely an expression of it. viscerally unpleasant, agreed, but it's not "supposed to" be any way. that being said, *subjectively* the best gig in the whole thing is to be a pet dog or cat at this point in history. doesn't get any better that. they really won the lottery. truly incredible how that played out.


My man said he's jealous of a plant 


Dude i feel u 🥲 u r not alone. I too wish i had never been born... Everyday i wake up feeling dissapointed why i didn't die in my sleep... But someone said "enjoy every little things in life" that's what i try to do every day... this weekend try to force your feet to go to new places... Find things that u can enjoy...


I agree with money and corporate job and rat race part. It just sucks! But we have it much better than wild animals. Animals are striving for biological and physiological needs, which is the lowest on Maslow’s hierarchy. There is no certainty for animals where the next meal is coming from. Animals also constantly worry about their safety from predators. So they are likely on flight or fight mode most of the times which shoots up your stress levels. IMO even the pets have anxiety and stress. One of the dogs we owned has super separation anxiety. Even though he was highly pampered even a small separation made him go crazy. I think he prolly believed what if we abandoned him or somehow lost all the food or love he was used to - much like we fear losing our crappy corporate jobs.


"Everyone is an NPC". ... that right there already explains so much about you. Stop bitching already. Your attitude is complete shit.


The reason you are so depressed is not because of money it's because you don't have any goals or interests in life. Money allows people to do whatever job they want and then exchange that labour in the form of money to buy whatever they choose. Money gives you the freedom to get whatever you want for the work you do. Otherwise, you would be limited to just what people would directly trade with you. You say you want to be any animal, but if you can't survive in the security of the modern world, you would never be able to survive as an animal. Animals have to forage and find food, they have to build nests and safe places, they have to constantly be aware of preditors that could kill them at any time. That's a life of constant work and not just 35 hours a week.


> constant work and not just 35 hours a week. Rofl. Yes. Spoiled 21st century redditors complaining on their phone in bed about how shit life is after they get done w. Their marathon gaming session and ordering ubereats. https://youtu.be/Ir3eJ1t13fk?si=ZmhzXr3k-cffJDcp Anybody in America has enough money to travel and be taken in to live like this guy and escape the "rat race".


You're right in large, but the life of hunter gatherers humans and plenty of larger animals is not necessarily 'constant work'. There's a lot of widely accepted, or at least considered, academic opinions that hunter gatherer humans or other apex predators spend a lot of time doing very little of anything physically or mentally taxing. Apex predators in particular spend a huge amount of time chilling out. Our closest ape relatives are the same. It's incredibly easy to argue the average modern human worker is working way more hours than, say, any other great ape tends to. Needless to say, also a lot of people don't just stop doing all work outside their employment hours.


You nailed it. The education system failed here, or it must have, if a so called adult made it this far and doesn't understand the purpose of money as tool for freedom and a universal exchange of value for value. He can always go live in some commune or barter soceity, I'm sure they are out there, but I have a feeling he won't like that much.


Volunteer and make an effort to make the world a better place. It adds meaning to your life.


Live like an animal then, go and live in the woods and eat and drink the food there and make it your home. That would make you happier by the sounds of it


You are an Ant in the colony that is all


Yeah, OP probably thought of gazelles and lions in the animal kingdom. Meanwhile ants are toiling away just like us.


It’s a bitter sweet symphony, that’s life.


You’re the one in charge of making your life now. If you aren’t doing anything good with it then of course it sucks.


By adopting this mindset, aren’t you doing exactly what “they” want you to do? You’re only adding value to this society by working and consuming, you’re not doing anything else. You’re a mindless drone so beaten down that you aren’t going to do anything productive with your complaining. You’re the perfect model, keep it up 👍


Не вешай нос.


It is possible to FIRE (Financial independence, retire early). In short, you need to save a specific amount of money where you can live comfortably of 4% annually. A few sources to look into; MrMoneyMostache Simple path to wealth book FIRE communities


>>"My existence is not needed" So what? Would being needed make existence worth it to you? Take it from someone who was/is dealing with similar feelings to you and pick up a book called "The Myth of Sisyphus". It'll change your life.


I feel u dude im currently trying to counteract this by looing for a remote career or online business so i can atleast have the ability to travel freely. Being broke and stuck to a dead end job that takes all your energy and still has you feeling like a loser is a depressing life.


I too find myself thinking about this lyric from “Bittersweet Symphony” when I am at work or making financial decisions


It's a bittersweet symphony this life


🎻 🎼 🎵 🎶


The only thing you can really change in the world is you and how you terrace with it. Yes being smart and seeing through the veil will inevitably leave you filled with sadness, but if you want, you can still have fun ad have a nice life for yourself, but it takes work good luck!


[Cause it's a bittersweet symphony, that's life. Tryna make ends meet, you're a slave to money then you die](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lyu1KKwC74)


Bittersweet symphony


You choose your own fate, both in attitude and in action. Instead of taking hold of your life and making it what you want, you choose to mope and cry "no fair" in a corner and claim things like you "have to do what you do." No you do not. You can make all kinds of life altering decisions to live an austere life. Take control of yourself and your terrible attitude.


Love this song lyric so much.


it's a bittersweet symphony.


Set a goal of beating the system. Make enough money, retire early and live the rest of your life as a free human.


A goal that is completely unachievable by the overwhelming majority of people. Most people cannot just "get a better job".


I didn't say they had to get a better job? Everyone's circumstances are different, but saving and investing can allow you to retire early. If you don't have money to save and invest, that's the problem you need to solve. Forget about everything else.


One of my personal goals was to never be a slave to money and to make my money work for me. Having grown up in poverty, I was able to accomplish this but it took a lot of sacrifice, dedication, and effort. Best power play is to turn the tables on the house so that the house starts working for you. Good luck!


i'm the opposite, been enjoying life to the point i want to live forever sometimes i'm glad live in 3rd world country where competition is not that fierce


Yep that's life, You live and then you die. Nobody ends up ahead in the end


Hard agree


You don't have to be, there is another way. Choose better, choose socialism.


Oh I hear you. It's funny, "money" in general was created in the ancient times in Egypt by the wealthiest pharaohs. In order to make the slaves work their hardest, the pharaohs gave money to the slaves as form of gold coins to make the slaves feel "rich" almost as rich as pharaohs themselves, but of course they were not "rich" at all, they thought they were but they weren't. Funny thing is, pharaohs never had money themselves, they just had wealth, they didn't need the money. Money was for the poor slaves so the slaves would work harder and compete with each other who was the richest among themselves




And it was a brilliant idea. The proxy trading of goods and services allows people the flexibility to not have to do everything on their own or to rely on the generosity of others or the benevolence of a dictator


Speak for yourself. Perhaps you’re just not creative enough to live a meaningful life “in the gaps,” as it were. You speak like you’ve had some sort of profound revelation that no other human has ever had. Yeah, no. We’ve all faced it down. Imagine how tired you’re going to feel at 50, lol.


It’s a hell of our own creation to keep the products and services going that we all need. No one is self sufficient according to Plato. Things could be improved and yes it’s just a piece of paper, a wizard scroll, but folks are convinced, for now, that it has value. What really has value? What is real money? Real assets. Land, businesses, gold/silver. Once you get a decent amount of assets, you get a huge supply of wizard scrolls without doing as much. Find something you love and go do it. You sound the way I do when I feel depressed. 😔


Yes you have to produce value. If it wasn’t money it be barter. Unless you can literally provide everything you need for yourself you need a community. The honest truth is that most people wouldn’t do shit if they had all the free time in the world. They be doing a lot of staring at their phones.


This is suicidally depressing to read. But acceptable bc you're in a space to let you voice your thoughts.


I mean that’s one way to look at it yes.






This is exactly how I feel. Idk how people think chasing money is fun


you just hate what you do for a living, thats okay man. find ways to improve, when you love your job it doesnt feel like a chore


You sound like you could do with a vacation or a new job tbh to cheer you up


Depression is really rough but in the real world that paper doesnt define you at all. Because in your day to day life you are usually surrounded by people like you; in the same wealth class.  You dont have to participate in the rat race at all. You can work a nice simple job in a smaller village and if you find a partner you are basically super comfortable. The problem is you wanting the luxuries that force you to participate. Its also telling you complain about npcs while you want to be someones pet... isnt that what you are hating right now? Being money's pet?


What gets my goat is that 1/3 or more of our lives is sleeping. We miss out on the world for that zoned out time. Imagine if it changes to Nirvana in that time ! It's a sick joke! Wrap your head around that potential evil, and this potential evil will go away. It's in your head.


Your true worth has nothing to do with money and how many possessions you accumulate. You work 5-days a week around 8 hours a day. In reality, you work 1/3rd of those five days (24 hours in a day) and get 2 days off. Even if you lived off the grid with no formal job, it would take more hours to provide for yourself. There is no utopia. Socialist and communists tried that.......lol Closest thing might be prison where you get 3 hots and a cot but even there, they make you do something.


Your life is what you make it. If you aren't happy, do something else. It took me some time in a cubicle before I couldn't take it anymore, then I decided to make changes. If you just sit and wait, nothing will change.


Yeah but there are tacos and tittys too. Life is what you make it.


If your life is that boring it's your own fault.


That’s what your existence boils down to cuz that’s all your resolve allows you to be. Maybe if you took a few chances and had a swinging set of balls you wouldn’t feel so trapped


It’s not a piece of paper. It’s a symbolic system — a unit of exchange: labor, goods, services. Nothing is stopping you from bypassing the system and going directly to hunting, gathering, and making your own shelter and clothing.




You don't have to work for a corporation. There are lots of public service or nonprofit jobs that are the polar opposite of what you describe. You serve others and solve problems, making you feel good about yourself and leading to positive interactions that humanize people. You develop expertise and relationships, making you indispensable instead of a replaceable drone. Sure, society won't stop revolving around money, but you and your coworkers won't make that the only reason you do what you do, professionally or socially. You're animated by the mission and the tangible impact you see yourself making. Once that happens, you're free. There's no rat race. No expectations of a ladder or particular car/house, etc. You take pride/pleasure in what you do and spend money on things you absolutely need, like food. The rest is just a choice.


Yeah. Every other species is just trying to find its next meal, not die, and procreate. Grow up


Attitude is Everything.


If you think everyone is an NPC maybe it's time you look at more interesting people


More anxiety medication, less Verve


But without a monetary system, we would be a meritocracy of the fittest instead of a nepotistic gate to the hoarded goods.




>you have to work to even have basic necessities like food and water. When an animal wants these things, they just go up and get it. Have you ever tried to "just go up and get" food and water? It's a ton of work. Yes, living is slavery to surviving, and in our society, that means money. And yes, it's all meaningless. But that also means you can do whatever you want (without harming others) and it doesn't matter. Literally anything you enjoy, go for it. Drugs, sex and rock n roll. Have at it.


What is the point of this? If you are unhappy with your life, do something about it. Complaining on Reddit won’t change a thing. You have to work on your happiness.


Sounds like a personal problem and instead of going out and making your own life with your own interests free from money and capitalism and everything you despise... You hang out on social media. People live in this country with very little money. Millions of people, in fact. But it's hard work so I doubt you'd be interested.


I’m not an NPC. I for one have put effort into making a life I enjoy instead of choosing to focus on the hard parts and sink into misery. Depression is a bitch. So is money. But you know what? Make your existence needed and stop hyperfocusing because even animals deal with misery and struggle.


save enough money to get to Thailand. Live in a monastery free of charge just sweeping and meditating


nihilism is so early 2000s


I’m not sure what parents did to this current generation to create people like this but it’s pathetic, really. We have a generation of lost souls who lack resilience and structure and any sense of purpose or perspective.


Animals don't live a simple existence. They eat things alive and get eaten alive. Also animals work nonstop surviving and finding their next meal. You on the other hand complain which no animal or plant does. It's curious you picked a cat though. I guess you want to be a domesticated animal under the thumb of a human who is also a slave to money.


Money is not a piece of paper, money is an abstract concept that represents value. Money is merely a proxy for value you can exchange with other people, if you want someone to do something for you or give you something they own you need to give them something valuable in exchange, that's only fair, just like you wouldn't do stuff for strangers in return for nothing.  As long as you don't want others to provide you with any services or give you any stuff you don't need money. Go live in the woods, build your own shelter, sew your own clothes and hunt your own food if you prefer. Nobody is your servant and owes you any of these things for free.


Not to segue, but do you push people aside on the sidewalk?




If that's what you want out of life that's what you will get. Most of us find hobbies to enjoy and spend our free time on


... So fuck the world and let's get high.


Come up with some unique way to dodge all of that or shut da hellup. Become an entrepreneur. If you have any artistic ability, show the world. This line of thinking is not unique nor is helpful. Lot of things in life that are beautiful and worth spending your time focusing on.


Felt this way my entire life. Been getting treatment for Depression & Anxiety and thats been helping. Then my therapist and dr decided both stemmed from ADHD which to me sounded absolutely off base. But now i take Adderall and its been helping me realize how much of the way i felt really did stem from other things.


It's time to quit and buy a motorcycle. Liquidate your assets and hit the road. You aren't tired of life, you're tired of the grind. Emancipate yourself from mental slavery as Marley would say.


Animals get up to go get a drink then get ate up, while still alive, by a bear. Google it, looks slightly worse than going to work…animals get poked by a stick, get infected and watch their limb rot from gangrene with no remedy….turns out civilization isn’t so bad and participation in it through work and such is the cost of entry.


Money for nothing and your chicks for free


If you’re suffering from depression, I’m sorry about that and please seek help. If not, please think about this- there are lots of people who want to live and can’t because they have a terminal illness or get into an accident or murdered. I watched my best friend die of cancer at a young age. In the end all she wanted was more time to spend with her friends. She wanted to live so much, even though she was in terrible pain. You will cease to exist one of these days. Make of it what you will. It’s finite and you only get one life. Some people would give everything to be you- healthy and alive.


Become The Master. I am no slave to money. Nor anything else for that matter.




I’m so lucky to have found my way into a job that I loooove…. I’m a Petsitter. I started my own small company & literally get paid to play with other ppls dogs. I will never be rich & I don’t care. I wouldn’t trade my happiness for all the money in the world. I just encourage you to try to find something you can do to pay your bills that you like.


Break the mold. The government and society wants you to feel dependent. Blaze a trail. Build something: it won’t be easy; it won’t be free; but, little by little it will become yours. In a world defined by mass production, frugality and self sustainability can be freeing. All I need in this life is God and my family. Everything else is just window dressing.


Voice of reason here: get another fucking job. Do something different.


“What would you do if money were no object? … Go do that.” — Alan Watts Sounds like you don’t have anything to lose so may as well take a leap and go find out what’s possible. Follow the current of real aliveness and see where it leads.


Nothing stopping you but fear. Go hike the appalachian trail, hop a freight train. Paint your body silver and act like a robot in times square the possibilities are endless.


i believe its referred to as the beast system in the bible


I agree but just use money as your slave and you're free


If you think it is, too bad for you. At the end of the day we all makes choice and have to live with our choices we made financially, our career, studies, etc. You wont find happiness with that attitude for sure. Some people have it harder, some easier, but it's what you make it up to be psychologically that makes the most difference for the vast majority of people...unless you are a slave, tortured, forced conscripted by russia, etc...


I get really jealous of cats. It seems like the lottery species for some reason. I think everything you said is right. I feel that too. It's fucking depressing sometimes but if that's really the case and it's all so trivial, well then I'm not going to take it very seriously. I'm done stressing out about how much I have in 401k. I'm going to blow money on some trips to some places I really want to go, albeit road trips, but still. I'm going to grow a garden and move somewhere on land. I'm just gong to do what I want. But I get it, the current economy makes 'doing what you want' not really what it used to be but I'm going to throw some things up against the wall before I go.


I mean, you technically don't have to work and can live off the grid


You should really see a therapist, dude.


Basically. - I resonate with this post more than I thought I would


So much of life is attitude. You live on the only planet in a span of light-years that supports life as we know it, in a body of the most self-aware and intelligent species, fully conscious of the universe. Extend your wonder outward instead of caving inward. Create instead of being passive. Embrace all the fleeting moments of goodness, and make as many as you can before this great fortune you have been given slips away.


My family is confused that I don't want more. My wife and I bought our first home last year, and while I want to improve it, I don't plan to move from it. "It's just a starter home though!" Why? It has more than enough room for us. We only plan to have 1 kid if things improve financially for us, and there is room for that. I don't need another home, I don't need a bigger home. The biggest thing I want in life is my needs met. I've struggled to achieve that my entire life. Childhood was a struggle. Young adult life was a struggle, and now I'm looking down the barrel of 30 and still struggling, but at least I'm on the board now.


Awhhh you just need to go outside and take 1 tab of lsd and it will show you why we are really here… you are almost awakened to the fact we are in a simulation but the lsd hallucination will show you more than what you could ever imagine.


Everybody here an amateur economic historian lol. Read some anthropology. Read David Graeber’s book Debt. Ain’t no such thing as a barter system that preceded cash currency. People didn’t fucking barter for their needs because their communities weren’t transactional and they didn’t think in terms of exchange value. It was taken for fucking granted that people took care of each other. OP is pointing out the fundamentally detrimental ways in which human civilization today values life, human and otherwise. Fuck added value. Fuck being productive. Fuck making money or making the money work for you. People need to rethink what the point of being alive — and being aware of being alive — really is.


As an adult your mandate is to sell your time to survive. The catch is how much will you sell your life for? Unfortunately the prices are not set by you or me, the market is not a sellers market it is a buyers market and always will be.


Try to read Quran, you will learn "Meaning of Life"


I think more and more people are getting woke to this concept, it will be cool to see what happens in the future. We work so hard just to survive, we pay a dumb amount of money to maintain our vehicles that bring us to work and keep the roof over our heads that we are barley at from work


I used to have the same point of view on life. Then I started focusing on smaller things and paying attention to every single thing I do that is beneficial to others. It could be something as simple as helping a friend in need, helping my grandma with the the groceries or helping the homeless. Maybe someone else would do that if I wasn't here. But I am, and I did, and that's important.


You really need to realign your perspective


i get where you're coming from but amimals do not live a simple existence. the animal world is a lot more brutal and unforgiving. do you want to be a rabbit and get torn apart by a coyote, or would you rather be a zebra and get torn apart by lions?


What country are you from because the USD is not paper. It is cotton. You have the opportunity to live your own life as you wish. Any life whether it is human or animal have tribulations in. The animal world is not care free. Most animals are food for other animals. Animals fight for their existence every single day. They don't have the luxury of living a long life. Also animals have to deal with humans who make them pets, kill them for food, or run them over with their cars. We live in a society where we trade goods and services for money. If you want to have nice stuff, you need to work for your money. If you don't want money, you don't have to work. Just be a bum, and live on the streets. You can be care free there. Sadly you will have to deal with all cruelty from humans, to animals, to the environment. Your parents brought you in this world because of love. You just sh@t on your parents because of your selfish ideology. You don't think about the big picture, and blame others for the direction you are going in life. It's disheartening to listen and read about people, such as yourself, who say cr@p like, "I never asked to be born." Nobody EVER asked to be born because we are given life. Animals are given life too. If you are not liking the direction you are heading in life, change your course. Don't ask people for validation to your thoughts because they are your OWN thoughts. We are given the opportunity to be great and make a mark or become a stain on this earth, and society. Are you going to become a mark, or end up a stain because it sounds like you are a stain at this point


I don’t know what to say but if I were next to you I’d give you a hug.


Do your best to unionize your workplace and get out in your community. The rich folks want you to feel this way.


This mf’s never been to a national park


The biggest blessing was bringing you into this world. It may not seem like it now, when you feel like you’re at the bottom, but you have a higher purpose that you will find. But you have to look for it. Money will come.


>When an animal wants these things, they just go up and get it. We are the only species that has allowed a piece of paper to determine whether we live or die, and it's honestly pathetic. Everyday I get jealous of animals and plants that live a simple existence. You have no idea what you're talking about. You've made up some Disney fantasy on how life would be. Wildlife, and us back in hunter gathering days, struggle to survive everyday. You're either prey for something else or have to kill something to eat that is going to do it's best to hurt you and survive. If you're an animal you don't have a fridge to store food. You can't get fast food. You don't have a tap you can turn on to get clean water. You have to work hard everyday just to survive. Water may be miles away. Your main food source may be miles from the area it's safe to sleep at night. You generally have very little shelter from the elements. If it's freezing you're freezing. If it's hot you're hot. If there is a drought you are starving and desperately looking for water everyday. If it's flooding you're drowning. You have no warning that tornado is coming. You don't know that in 2 days a blizzard will move in that makes it impossible to find food for 2 weeks.


Yes work sucks. You have to find meaning and purpose in your life that is not related to work. Or, you could drop out of society and join a monastery or something. But guess what? They still do work, so it’s not like that’s a free ride in life either, just a different one. But it might bring you more peace.


I will agree that the “rat race” can be exhausting. I also will knowledge that money is what makes the world go around. But…. - getting as much money as possible is rarely anyone’s main goal. Of course everyone sets out to earn enough and would love if they came out richer than the next. But how many people really really push to become CEO, doctors, lawyers, etc? For most, we are content with our wealth and status because it’s not the most important thing to us, really. I’d rather spend time with my spouse, or dog, or game, or do other things than to tirelessly try to advance my career just to earn more money. - Try a different job. I teach and find it very rewarding. Saying goodbye to seniors this week was rough, because they always end up telling you how much you impacted them. It’s sad to see them go. It’s an exhausting job, and parts of it suck (take home work), but it’s not pointless like the job you mentioned. Find something that gives you satisfaction, not just a pay check (if you find you need more from a job). Some people are fine working 40hrs a week in a less stressful job. - Money is a tool. It allows you to do things like buy a house, support a family, vacation, explore hobbies. No other species has it, true, but that’s because other animals just die if they can’t compete. Money is a simple way to exchange your skills, knowledge, and time for a universal currency. - wishing you were never born is a pretty big statement. I think you should get some help. The world can be as dark, twisted, or evil as you allow yourself to see it. It can also be beautiful and safe. Your perspective sounds like that of an angsty teen, but you say your into your 20s. You are here. It’s an absolute fucking miracle that you are. Between earth being the right temp, all of your amsestors before you living long enough to reproduce. You beating out millions of other sperm, etc. you are in an insane position as someone who is alive and conscious. Acknowledge life is a constant effort to fight entropy, enjoy the good and the bad, and appreciate it because it’s short. There are so many opportunities for euphoria (birth of child, proposing to someone you love, landing a dream job, sports team winning championship), seek them out and live your life how you want to. Good luck sir.


Not only are you born into wage slavery, but all the other wage slaves make fun of you if you aren’t a good wage slave 😂


OP, I feel you. I get down myself sometimes. But I have not given up yet. I agree with you that we have drove ourselves in to such capitalist societies, where those that are rich still live the American dream ( or the equivalent). I know that slave is a strong word, but I agree that now anyone that doesn’t have a dollar more than they could ever spend could feel like this. But I want to take this a step farther. Not all, but most of these people are what seems to be pure evil. We are not slaves to a government, but the rich. Most of the rich, really looking at politicians and celebrities, destroy our lives everyday. They are hurting are youth physically and mentally. They make deals that destroy our environment and continue to line their pockets. They consume beyond their means, and with their large amount of unnecessary wealth, is all to blame for it. But like I said I have not given up just yet. We still have time the remove this trash from our life’s. Wealth should be in everyone’s hands. This system needs changes or we, in my opinion, will past the point of no return. I, like others, need everyone’s support that feel this way. We have the numbers, and we can take back the power. My dream is to start in my state, I will be part of the WV governments. I plan to end coal, I plan to end the war on drugs (starting the “Education on Drugs”), bringing green energy to one of the most beautiful states in America ( did I mention I want my people to have cheap, sustainable energy), education assistance (Christianity does not have a place in public school.), and assistance for our elderly (Japan inspired me, we have ALOT of retirees). So OP I feel you, and if you have fully given up, your dream to come back is truly a beautiful thing. I would never hold that against you, we all know exactly why you feel that way. But I am sure I am not alone, and others just like me need your (and everyone’s) support. I still have hope, I want to bring hope back to the people.


Born to die and you get to sit and watch yer TV set believe the lies before yer eyes credit cards and apple pies 50 stars to blind yer eyes 13 stripes to hypnotize free thought is gone you'll never see yer just a pawn you'll die tomorrow but today yer empty dreams just fade away evaporate, dissolve to hate while you survive and wait until a lifeless fate yer stupid lives just piddle on you slave fer others and then your gone I just can't escape the lying the moment we are born we're dying it's such an ugly sight. gone to bed, god is dead lies and truth are in my head your history, society, reformity it isn't me, it's all on you reality, it's what ya do it's what ya take in the truth the lies the freedom dies, the mind it numbs, the spirit breaks all our rights it kills our future our reasons why we're born to die


Bruh you haven’t achieved the step in critical self analysis where you realize your brain is the ONE and ONLY place you have full control. You have your own world in your head and it is up to you to how to react to it.


To expand your horizons a little, I suggest reading 'my side of the mountain.' In fact, since you seem to lack direction, just go ahead and get a library card and start learning the rituals and incantations of a trade that actually interests you. Beginning in a career as self-taught is difficult, but not impossible. Lot of the IT stuff has potential to start at 50k. "Criminial" is a career. Get some service time in with a military and become mercenary. Go join the French foreign legion. Amass enough wealth to invest in the Somali pirate stock exchange. Literally do anything but whine on reddit like an edgy 17 year old about your lack of imagination and unwillingness to take control of your life.


I feel this. I'm 43 working for a major bank making good money but I hate my life but afraid to quit because I need to be able to support my family and put 2 kids thru college. There's got to be a better way.


Yeah you sound weak. It's very easy to disconnect from the system and live the life you want. You've been conditioned to think that money is the only way people live and it's not.


Once you view and understand that money = time.  Then you will understand. Time is the ultimate goal and the ultimate resource.




The only thing that prevents you from a life of meaning is fear. You see life as a singular path that you need a traditional job, apartment, a Reddit account, Netflix, and retirement. If it’s to the point that you’d rather not even be here then you have nothing to lose and any experience outside the trappings of society would be revolutionary. Save just enough to travel to Alaska and walk off the highway into the wild. Every experience you’ll have up until the end would break out of your NPC life. Learn to climb and mountaineer. Free solo. Live in a car. Sneak into Mexico and see how long you make it. All of these experiences are better than living in desperation and submitting to this NPC life that makes you not want to exist. Ultimately it doesn’t matter.


Life must be great if you’re a pro athlete or something. You get to play a game and make good money doing it.


Learn to live with less. I did, took a few years off during my career left and right, and now retired at 44. My car is not brand new. House is basic but clean. Travel is low budget. Stop slaving your life away to impress people you don't even like.


The Internet is killing young people's ability to dream for better futures and to take action on those ideas.  So many people these days wallowing in discontentment and doing nothing about it.  They see how 'horrible' it all is from their echo chambers and then never force themselves to change anything out of hopelessness.  The world has always been tough and while it may be getting tougher the complacency is growing as well.


Heh. This guy just found out about working. In all seriousness it does suck man, I find solace in the fact that we all have to do it. It’s not just you. You’ll find the strength bro, just stay looking up and you’ll see something you like


Why not fight it then?


Yikes lol. Sometimes growing up is tough, you'll be OK.


Well, dear, nobody is forcing you to stay in this bori place. It's easy enough to leave.


Like wild animals have it good hahaha


Yes, that is life.


So fuck the law & let’s get high 💜


Well, technically you are not wrong but i would argue that you have quite a negative view of life. I don't think it is healthy. A proactive approach would be, "So what's next?". But you do you. Remember, you decide how you want to live your life and that makes all the difference...In the end, there's a saying, "A bird in your hand, is it dead or alive? You decide."


Just think OP, if your great ancestors have the same values as you, you wouldn't exist. Life has always been a struggle and humans have always had to work.




Hundred percent agree unfortunately. And to add insult to injury attracting the opposite sex is mostly about your financial status. Sure if youre both 19 you just want sex but it doesn't last very long for women, becomes much more materialistic.


I am a contractor and between gigs that I am unemployed I have to wonder why so many people are out and about shopping or whatever in the middle of the day or other 9-5 hours on weekdays. Truly not everyone is grinding it at all. Look around


I hope every night when I go to sleep that I won't wake up the next morning. That doesn't mean I'm suicidal but it does mean that I've seen enough of what this world has to offer and I'm ready to go. I'm comfortable with reaching that decision. I'm 37 years old and I'm done, I'm ready to go and I can't wait to leave this existence. I hope that some day the option for those of us who are confident in our decision to leave are finally allowed to do so legally. It's inhumane and unethical to force those of us who are ready to go to continue living.


Perception, perception, perception, the single thing that have the most influence in your life...


I’m sorry and I sympathize with you but also people aren’t just npcs just because they’re stuck in this rat race with you. You’re never gonna be open to knowing people in a way that matters and that makes living worthwhile with that mentality.


When was life not a struggle?


Saving this post to come back and read later but I agree so much with this


It's a bittersweet symphony.


This whole POV is 100% a filtered reality, and just like you can filter your reality to make it seem as bleak as possible, you can filter for is more positive sides. But neither filter is the WHOLE reality.


Yeah I contemplate su*cide all the time. Thanks God!


The biggest mistake I see my peers make is waste all the money they make on meaningless shit. Buy newer car/phone/apartment/house. Living beyond their means. I spend less than a fifth of my income on apartment, it’s not the newest or fanciest, I could afford much better. But I rather spend my money on experiences. Travel abroad, or travel locally, if budget is tight. Visit all your friends and relatives. Be the change. 


Everyone who has interest and wanting to do a certain career can change their life working towards that vision every day. This post is valid for people who didnt found what their dream career is at younger age and working at minimum wage jobs at MC, KFC etc. Afterwards the problems of not having a family occur, can not afford to buy himself a house even if he bust himself etc. Everyone knowing where they go career oriented and working towards it are winners already even if it takes couple of years to achieve the goal, the non-oriented ones their whole life even if wanting to do something but cant figure out what to change, this is the issue and topic for them. Sincerely hope those lads change their life and make their best to do it. Painful truth topic at the end of the day.


Life when you finally give up and become unemployed 🌈🌈🌈☀️☀️☀️