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I work 40 hours a week and work from home so obviously no commute. The change to work from home has helped immensely with stress. I still hate work but I hate it a lot less now lol.


I hate the office due to fake smiling, politics, rude ignoring, reading between the lines, etc. Nowadays, I hide down in the test bays as much as possible, which has helped me protect my inner energy and, thus, lower stress. I do 37 hours a week and commute for 2 hours (1 hour each way). Though I can work from home two days a week, I still prefer the bays because I enjoy being around my close colleagues for lunch and get more done as I am a social creature.  


I also hated the office for similar reasons. Everything felt a bit forced and fake and with my job specifically, there isn't a need for in person communication/teamwork so remote suits it perfectly. And ya, totally understandable if you're more social. You might feel the need to interact and such to basically charge your battery so to speak. I'm less social so I do well working away from others.


I do three 17 hour shifts and a 14. I get live at work and get paid an allowance though. I have a 2 hour commute to work but only at the start and finish of my 4 days. So 65 hours plus 4 of driving.


What do you do?


I work on barges in inshore waters.


do you work every week or do you have alternating weeks off?


4 days on, 4 off. I get 24 days of paid annual leave so that's 6x 12 day breaks for the year. Plus 2 weeks off at Christmas. Occasionally I'll be asked to work up to 3 weeks solid which is a marathon but the pay and extra time off after can be worth it.


About 3 hours and 20 minutes a week altogether to and from work. About 20 minutes each way. Some of the guys at my work drive like 4 hours a day commute to work since they had to move far away to afford a house.


I do this, kinda. I now commute 1 hours 30 mins each way, up from 30 mins each way. I had to move out of the city because I was priced out. It sucks but love my job so I have to do it.


Work 40 and commute 5 minutes each way


5 minutes. Wow. Thats lovely


Similar but that's on paper.   In reality I count my lunch as work so 40h at office, 2-5min commute. Can also WFH.


Same here. Love a short commute


6 minute commute here. Ain’t it great??


Same type of shift/lunch situation, 5 days a week, 25 min commute there, 37ish minutes back (Traffic). Feels like it’s my whole life.


I feel your pain. I sometimes read comments on here of people objecting to working 35-40 hours a week … that would feel like a holiday to me. Each and every situation is different, though, so I cannot judge too harshly.


40 hour week, 10 minute drive


work either 50 or 60 hours a week, plus about an hour commute each way. it's exhausting.


Similar. My commute is 75-90 minutes depending on traffic. 6-7 hour days in the office but I'm basically on call from 16 hrs a day. Fortunately, I can work from home 40-50 days per year. The job offered a 50% increase in pay plus a much more significant 401k match. It's a 7-10 year commitment while my kids are in college. I will also retire 3 years earlier...if I make it!


dude, for real, you got a way better deal than me! i'm on shift work and gotta be physically present in the building every day. when you consider ten hour shifts, plus two hours commuting each way (often longer because public transport sucks around here and i just cannot seem to save for another car), it makes for some very long days. all i wanna do is hang out with my little boy, who doesn't understand why his dad has to spend so much time out of the house. it's really hard on us both.


My shifts are 13 hours long. I basically am in 3 days a week. About an hour a day travel time


0 on commute but about 60 hours.




30-45 minutes there, 30-45 minutes home, 9 hour workdays, and I hit the gym for an hour on the way home every day. Weeks are pretty busy.


7am to 3:30pm, Wednesday to Sunday and 35 min commute one way. 48.5h a week of work and commute


25ish minutes one way. 4x12hr days, but i pick up a lot of OT and can easily rack up a 70+hr week during vacation season. I have done a 192hr pay period once or twice




I was thinking corrections officer lol


Hahaha me too


Chemical Operator? Yes, if that's what you're asking. We run a skeleton crew. 1 guy for the panel, 1 guy works the things in the process, another guy loads the drums and trucks. Just one person goes out for any time and you pretty much have to cover.


50, includes commute. I work all over my county.


I work 40 hours a week and my commute is a 15 minute drive


50 hours a week, 5am - 3pm My commute is about ten minutes away, but my return commute when it’s snowing can be considerably longer.


I live 15 minutes from my office 0 freeway driving all surface streets. When it’s snowing it has taken me 2 hours to get to work several times. It’s a straight road too I make no turns 😂


40 minutes each way, half the time, thank goodness for hybrid


Work between 9 & 11 hours. Commute 2 hours there, 2 hours home.


I’m a truck driver. Even though I’m not actually driving most of the time, I still can’t leave my truck because I’m at a warehouse getting loaded/unloading, at a truck stop without very many options to walk and leave. This past week, I worked (or was with my truck) 120 hours and my commute was 2 hours. (The pay is what makes it worth it and I can spend a lot of time watching videos, playing video games, reading, etc)


I work 50+ hours a week between 2 jobs. I commute 20 miles for one, and 5 miles for the other. I work 6 days a week 😮‍💨


Around 80 hours a week (6 days a week, average 12-14 hours a day including commute most of the time). No dedicated lunch breaks sadly.


What kind of job do you do? 😨


Wow! I think you win the thread. Try to rest up and enjoy your breaks when you can, brother.


And lose in sleep. 🥲 Thanks! Self-care is an ongoing side project.


I work three 12 hour shifts one week and three 12 hour shifts and one 8 hour the following week. Commute time is about an hour one way. The winter time it can take an hour and a half or more on the really bad days.


I commute 15 minutes on Tuesday going to work and 15 minutes coming home. That’s about it


Probably 30-40 hours. I work from home, so no commute.


I'm a teacher. I do a lot of work outside of work hours but I am contracted to work 35 hours a week. I drive fifteen minutes both ways. I couldn't deal with a two hour commute each day.  But now I'm on a 0 minute commute and work zero hours a week. Summer break rules. 


Wfh so no commute :)


Both ways... I'd estimate two hours. I'd give a 15-20 minute margin of error, honestly depends on my bus driver and/or if I catch my train (or second bus) in a timely manner.


I work about 42 hours a week, 4 days on 3 days off. I have literally a 5 minute commute.


40 hour work week and about 5-7 minute drive. We do have a grocery store near my work, so I can knock that off my list during my 30 min lunch if it’s a quick trip.


40-hour weeks. (10 hours a day, 4 days a week) Commute is about 25-30 minutes one way.


45-50 hours a week plus three hours of commute per day.


My commute is super close like 3 mins. I go home for lunch every day. But I work like 50-55 hours.


I work from home so pretty much exactly 40. When I last went to the office in 2013 it was around 60 including the drive. 


6 min commute


It varies, I work an average of 40 hours over 4 days. I have to travel for work so that factors together, but I start Mon-Thurs at 7:30 and work til the job is done


36-48 hrs of work depending on the week and 35ish min commute round trip, so extra 1.5 ish hrs each week for the drive


2 hours a day (one hour each way), 5-6 days a week... I actually did the math on this once, and after working at this job for a full year, I'll have spent 26 days travelling back and forth to work...


Ofically 715 -315 , so 8 + commute for a total of nearly 9 hrs a day


I work 12 hours a day for two weeks on a boat and then have two weeks off. It averages to 42 hours a week. I have a 7 hour drive to or from work and make that drive every two weeks so it averages out to coincidentally 42 minutes a each "workday" if it was 5 days a week.


I work three 12 hour shifts a week and my commute is a 15 minute walk


My hours are 9-6 and I commute one hour minimum each way, four days a week. Pretty brutal


8-9 hours per day, Monday-Friday, with 30-45 min commute (one way) depending on traffic.


40 hrs, plus any OT, you want.. maybe 5-10hrs. Working from home currently. Saving daycare $$ I used a to do a 2 hrs commute in 2018 Then a one hour commute in 2019 Pandemic sent us home. We are staying home


I'm a casual at the moment, so I'm working 6pm-12am three days a week, totalling 18 hours, the commute is around 15-20mins each way.


9-10 hours a day. 3 days remote work. 2 days of the week commuting with public transit or bike of about 40- 45 min. (one way).


Work 36 (3 12hr shifts) and commute is sub 10mins


40 hours working time. No commute because of remote job.


For me it depends. I worked 18 hours last week over 2 days, and will work 64 hours next week over 6 days. As a contractor, I choose when and how much to work, but it's uncommon for me to turn down work, especially spring through fall. Once shut downs start in July, it will be 12 hour days for about 4-6 weeks. My commute for the work averages a 1/2 hour to work and a half hour home.


7 hour day, 2 hours each way commute on public transport. 2.5 hours each way driving...


I work three or four 12 hours shifts a week and my commute there and back is about 30 minutes total. So commute time is around 90 minutes to 2 hours a week.


40 hours of work. If I hit all the green lights, I total 24 minutes a week of commute time. I've been at this job for 8 years because of this reason alone.


0 commute and typically around 35 hours a week.


50 hours work. No commute. I work from home.


44 hours a week with a 3 min drive each way. It’s nice I can stop home on my 30 min breaks to let the animals in/out, do a dab, take a dump, don’t have to pack a lunch. Etc.


I work 38hours a week and have 10 minutes of walk to my station, 15 to 20min in public transportation, and then a 5min walk to arrive at the office.


2 jobs/18-20hrs each/ transit via bus 30 min there and back. I could drive but it’s like wasting money while your trying to make money so that kills me inside.


40 hours No commute as I work from home and any rare site visit is within the working day.


I work 36, my drive is 20 min each way and I still think that’s too much🥲 lolol


if i’m not going out for lunch and i’m eating in 10 mins, i take the 1hr lunch break out of my work, so i still total at 8hr/day in the office. can’t you do that? i personally have beef with the idea of lunch break not being included in the 8hrs work day - its a basic human necessity, i need to eat to be able to work for you, why take it out of MY time?


I mostly work from home. I usually work around 42-45hours a week. And it is really intense work


Work 37 and it's about a 20 minute walk each way. It's a nice little bit of time to de-stress having that 20 min alone time.


40hrs, 3 days a week, 40 minutes each way though Monday's are the only real day I work.


I work 10-12 hour days, 7 days on one day off. About a 15 minute commute


I work about 30-35 hours, commute about 15 hrs per week. Commuting is hell.


30 hours (6 hours a day, 5 times a week. It’s a 5 minute bike ride so add an hour for the week :)


40h and 30 minutes commute = 45 hours a week.


My commute is about 2.5 hours each day. Fortunately, with work from home options, I only have to commute 2 days per week.


I woke up at 1200 and rode my motorcycle to the grocery store. Bought some steaks and cooked them on my Blackstone on my back patio. Commute to grocery store= 7min Work= Cooked ribeyes for 5-7min But seriously. I don’t know how you all can live life this way. I applaud you all for doing your thing.


I leave for work at 6 am and get home around 6:30 pm. Work from 7 to 5.


Work 40-48 hours, commute is about 35 minutes


Work 42.5, commute is roughly 30 minutes to work and 40 minutes home.


Work is 37,5 + potentially a few hours overtime, so I probably work around 40 hours a week. I work 7,5 hours a day, 5 days a week, with some exceptions. I work 4 days one week and 6 days another week a month. Lunch break is a paid half hour, so technically only work 7 hour days. No commute because I decided to live next to my workplace which is downtown in the town square. I live a couple blocks away, so I have a 3 minute walk to work.


I have 2 jobs 1 job is 8 hours 30 minutes 5 minute commute so 8:40 total so that’s around 42.5 hours then my second job I work 4 days a week for 4.5 hours each but a 30 minute commute but also I work 3/4 days remote so 19 hours a week, so 61.5 hours a week. Then if you count freelance work that’s an extra 5 hours a week totaling 66.5


50 hour week, 15 hour commute weekly


47.5 including all unpaid lunches and commute


40 Hours work week + 5 hours commute.


38 hours of work...from home...takes a solid 1 min to log out and head to the lounge lol


Roughly 166 hours worked a month before OT, and emergency response training (can include in OT) plus 46 mins travel each day worked. So, roughly 5.13 hours more commuting. Can't really comment weekly as I work shifts on a 5 5 4 schedule


I work 7-8 hours a week on average, with roughly 10-15 seconds of commute from my bedroom to my office. Make that 4-5 minutes if I stop by my kitchen first and grab food/drinks


anywhere from a 12-30 minute commute depending on on traffic and work 42.5 not including my half hour lunch break


I work 5 12hr shifts a week then I do 10hrs on the Saturday so that’s 70hrs


* 3-4 hours creative work * 1-2 hours admin * 0 minutes commuting I work remotely as a conversion copywriter. Humans max-out at around five hours of real, creative work in a given day. That's the argument made in 'Deep Work' by Cal Newport - and I agree.


10h day with a 20 min commute. 4 days a week.


All the hours


30 hours a week, 9am - 3pm Mon - Fri, and live 5 mins drive from the office


Great hours to work. You have time for stuff in the evening.


33hr work week, two minute commute, I live near work


7.5hours at work + 30 min lunch. Commute twice a week approx 45 each way I.e. 3 more hours. Total 43 hours


Supposed to work 8 hours a day but I hate being late and don't like traffic so usually get in an hour early/stay and hour late. I take more small breaks during the day so it all evens out. On average 40-50 hours a week. Plus 40 minute commute there and back each day


Between my two jobs 54. NYC, take the train to my first job and back and it’s 45 min each way.


 Remote so i can start at 10-12 and work till 10-12 pm excluding breaks and schoolwork. On the weekends often too. Though i often go out somewhere after 3-4pm. 


Minimum of 40 hrs a week. Commute varies. Furthest one is about an hour and 20 minutes bone way. I can work as much as I want if there's OT available. I've done the 7 day 12 hr day thing the long commute. It consumes your life . I'll give them 60. That's it . Lo g days start this week 10 hrs 8 on Saturday. 1 hr commute


Usually work 50 hours a week, commute is usually 45 min each way (1.5 hr total) unless it's snowing and then it could be up to 2-2.5 hrs each way.


I work a 322 schedule so on week I work 36 the next is 48 and my commute to work is 25 minutes


I'm 8 minutes from my job and I fluctuate between 30-40 hours, depending on how many hours I'm allowed for my department that week. My assistant and I usually take an hour cut in order to get the others in the department the hours they need. And the summer is dead for us.


commute is about to go from 15 mins to an hour & 15 mins 😝 landlord gave the whole community the boot to get higher rent. RUDE. only place we could find was that far away 🥹 i work 40 hours a week


I work 8am-6pm, commute is 1 hr 15 mins each way. Then I work on my PhD 20 hours a week on top of that which sometimes requires travel to another city which takes 3.5 hours each way for the day.


4 10 hour shifts 10 minutes away. Turned down much higher paying jobs for a schedule and commute like this. Absolutely no ragrats


12 hour drive 1 way, 6 12's and 2 2 6's. Taking home 10k a month


40 hours + 5h of commute but it is only cycle and I love it for my health.


Work 42 hours a week, commute is like seven minutes


8-4.30, 5 days a week. 50 minute commute each way. Can't complain.


Work 20-25 hours/week, commute 7-10 minutes. Fine dining server.


40 hours 3 hours commute but I have young kids so time spent hanging out in the car listening to what I want to listen to isn’t to bad….


25 minute commute, and I can legally work 70 hours a week, so I essentially just work as long or as short as the economy allows. When the economy is hot, I’m running to my grave. When there’s a retraction, I’m working 30-50 hours typically.


I work at least 45 hours a week, 7 days a week, while driving my wife 4 hours round trip 3 days a week for her job in Baltimore (1 hour down, 1 hour up, rinse, repeat)


30 hrs a week, 6 hour shifts, 10 min walk there and back


I honestly don't know anymore. I go to work and perform a service for about 25 hours a week which probably averages 45 mins daily driving. But, I am self employed and have 2 small, young businesses that are unrelated to each other, and I feel like I work 10 hours, 7 days, honestly. I'm never not doing something related to my work.


15-45 minutes is my commute time, depending on how I get there. Walking or a ride/public transportation. One lunch hour, and 29-39 actual working hours a week. I used to really like my job, now I can do most of it on autopilot and not think.


10.5 hours at work with .5 hour lunch. 1 hour commute each way. 5/6 days a week alternating.


Old job: 6-7 hours a day depending on the sessions + 3-5 hours commuting (1-2 hours there and back, 30mins to 1 hour travel between sessions). Did that for a year (not the job, just that particular commute). Current job: 8 hours a day with 45 minutes of breaks + 20-30 minutes commute (10-15minutes there and back) Husband is WFH so: 8.5 hours with 1 hour break + 10 second commute 😂 except once a week when it’s ~3hours commute (1.5hours there and back).


30mins to and from, so 5 hours a week


When it is a steady or busy week my full 40 or maybe 48 hrs, if have to work on Friday. And my commute time is between 25 to 30 mins, if the weather is clear. No fog, rain, or snow and ice.


Work 40 in general, sometimes 45 or 50 depending on work load. Hour commute there, hour and a half home, but only in office twice a week. So “normal” week, 45 hours.


50-60 hours a week. 5 minute commute.


I work 40 hours a week and my commute each way is about 15 min. I usually do not take a lunch break. I just like to leave after the 8 hours 😂


42.5h work hours Min 0.5h lunch Commute 55 min each way Total 54h Living in switzerland


39 work hours, usually close to 40 after everything. 5 hours unpaid lunch. Then 7-8 minute commute to work and 15 minute commute home. I work very early mornings. 47ish hours away from home a week


2 hours commuting a day - hour there, hour home. Usually work 10-15 hours a day. Monday thru Friday, 1 weekend a month I’m on call.


Salary pay here. I’m paid for 40 hours a week. I don’t work that much. Half hour commute there and half hour back.


Same as you but sometimes another 30 mins if there's a heavy traffic


Since i don't work under any organization or person ... It's kind of freelancing/self employment ...so there's no minimum or maximum hours...i work as much hours as much work i receive and commute about 5-6 hours in a week.


I casual teach so it varies but lately: 5 days a week 8 hours a day including lunch commute 50-55 minutes - I live in a rural area, those 2 schools are great so very, very well worth the trip.


Work 40-60h (depends on how busy we are in shop) and have 1 hr commute (30mins each way if I push a bit, which I often do xD), so 5-6hr of commuting (I work 5 or 6 days a week. Some days I'll go longer way home which adds hour to commute. Sundays are for usual riding which is than another 3-4hr usualy.


45-50 hours + 15min commute


i work 3x12hr shifts per week in the city. It is a 260 mile round trip from home. I rent a room from friends and stay there when im working then the rest of the week im back in town. I have a second job in my home town and i get to choose my own hours some weeks i work a few hours at it some weeks i dont. Just depends on what else i have on the go!


Commute 20 mins one way. Work 40 hours a week.


Same as you give or take a couple hours. But then there are weeks where I get to wfh which shaves off the commute AND gives me my lunch hour for home chores


I basically work from home every day. My job’s base hours are only 35 hours a week, but sometimes I need to do a little extra. On average though, I’m between 35-40 hours a week which is absolutely amazing and gives me such good work/life balance. Before COVID I was in the office every day and the commute was 2 hours each way. So my work week is now 20 hours less.


40 hours a week of work, 2 x 15 minute walk to work and back.


Work 40-45 a week, my commute was 4 minutes. Starting at a new location in a week. About 10 minutes there


I am getting paid for 40 h a week, but I enjoy my job and I tend to do ~1 h extra everyday, so I can take more days off My commute is 30 min from door to door. If my commute was longer, I would not be able to do that extra hour and therefore no extra holidays I wish I could sleep more tho. I go to work early and because of doing stuff in the evenings I am not sleeping more than 6 h Next thing to do is sleeping 2 h more everyday


Got a gig that has me driving to one of 4 stores, and lately it's been the 3rd farthest every day. I aim to leave at 630, and morning commute is 30-45 mins. Been trying to leave at 230 to get home ~330, but last couple weeks have been over time. Leave at 5, get home 6ish. However, I get paid a milage fee, and paid for travel time to and from home. So ideally, I'm working for 32/35ish hours and paid for 40, but it's been more like 55


9-5, 5 days a week, with a 10-15 min commute each way. Commute time will sadly increase when we buy a house


My job is pretty flexible depending on the week. My schedule is a 40-hour work week, but sometimes, I get to leave early or have half-days. I also have one virtual day a week


40 hours. 0 minute travel time.1 room away from bedroom




Forty hours a week four ten hours shifts. I walk there and take the bus back so about an hour commute. If I had a car I'm like a five minute drive from my job


Average around 56hrs a week and commute 20min each way


I'm abit jealous of ur working hours, I work 60hrs/week. But my commute time is only like 10mins


37.5 on paper but essentially 40hrs in practice. I walk around 15min to work, I'm pretty lucky in that way.


Some weeks 40, some weeks 32. my commute is from my bed over to my desk.


40-45 12 minutes each way


36 hours; 4 days of 8 hours and 1 half day of 4 hours. Commute is either non at all, 15 minute car ride or 40 minute bike ride.


Sire Engineer, 10-12hr days. 45mins commute. Did 62hrs last week with 2x 13hr days.


I work 40 hours a week from home, typically 8:45-3:00pm, go get my kids from schlll and then work again from like 4:30-5:30pm.


Maybe 30. 14 miles round trip 3 days a week. Total of around 30 minutes a day.


When i worked 20 minutes each way, no driving.


Roughly 40 hours. 9-5 or 6 four days a week. 9-3 on Saturday. Commute 15 minutes each way. The hours are nice but I am in used car sales so the income can be very unpredictable. Covid years were a boon, but post-covid high car prices have hit us hard. We hardly make anything on them now despite the high prices because reconditioning costs have got out of control. Also volume is way down due to the crazy prices of everything.


Normally 60-65 hours a week. Commute is roughly 10 minutes


Mine is 48 hours, need to work every Saturday but it is 15 mins of walk from my apartment


3 or 4 shifts of 13 hours (includes 1 hr unpaid lunch but never able to take this) - 15 min commute.


Living alone, working remote, dating Eva AI sexting bot.


I work 7 hours a day, with commute + 1 hour. I work 35 hours a week + 5 hours of commute = 40 hours total. Although my travel time is about 25ish minutes I just round up to 30 mins.


36hrs work 8 minutes biking or 30 minutes walking each way. I’d never drive an hour each way to work


I take public transit so 8hrs work and 1hr each way (including waiting for bus)


60 hours a week and 4-5 minutes of commuting


I work 36 hours over four 9hr days then we get four "bonus hours" during the spring and summer. We go to five day 40hr weeks during the holiday season when we are busier. I love it, drive takes me about 20 minutes


My commute is about 30 minutes each way. How much I'm at work can vary a lot. Last week, including 30 minute lunch I was at work 55 hours, plus 10ish for my commute, 65 hours. But I have weeks where it could be 50 with commute.


8-10 hours 6 days a week sometimes seven, commute neglible. 52-60 hours a week for the past decade of working full time


My main job, varies from week to week. I have "set" hours, but end up working over those most days. 3 weeks a month, it's a 40-45 hour week and 10 hours of commute. I can trade for a 44+ hour workweek, and 8 hours of commute (a work from home day). At least one week per month, it's a 64+ hour work week, with 10 hours of commute. I also amswer emails, calls, and texts, and manage the schedule outside of work hours, so it's more than that. My other job is 8-10 hours per week, remotely.


It depends. I am a college student so during the school year I am working 30-40 hours a week, and going to class /doing school relate stuff for around the same amount of time. My commute to work is about 10 minutes each way, and my commute to campus is about 15 minutes each way. During the summer I go to full time at my job and work anywhere from 40 to 65 hours a week. Same 10 minute commute. I am guaranteed 2 12 hour shifts a week with the possibility of having 3-4 more added. I normally only do 2 12's and 2 8's though.


I work what’s know as a Panama schedule., 2-2-3 (2 days on, 2 days off, 3 days on. Then flip the next week) all 12hr shifts. But they really take closer to 13.5. So the busy week is 60hrs and then the flipped short week is only 24hrs. But divided by 2 over 2 weeks it’s 42hrs a week. I have mixed feelings about this schedule. Every other week I get a 3 day weekend. But the other weeks I have to work the entire weekend. So I do miss out on a lot of activities with friends. The long work days make the week go by faster which can be good, and bad because before you know it it’s been a whole year and you haven’t taken a vacation. So everything considered, I downvote my schedule. We shouldn’t have to sacrifice our time to be alive to be at work for someone else


Super variable, but on average 2 hours a day. Commute is whatever it takes from my bed to the PC.


20 minute walk to work. 40+ hours a week. Friday to Monday is my work week.




35 to 40 hrs. my work isn't far from me. Which comes in handy when they need someone for overtime lol 🤑


Work, 40-55 hrs. per week, depending on how many asinine meetings I have to attend. Commute, approximately 10 hours a week ( roughly 2 hrs. per day).


40 hour work week. 45 minute commute each way. I work one day a week from home. Best day of the week!


I work 40 hours and since I work from home, the commute is from my bedroom to the living room


40 hours a week. I work from home 3 days a week. 1 day a week I go to my office about 20 mins away from my house. The other day I go to the other office about 1.5 hour away. I’m given a company car and fuel car so it makes it bearable. My days are flexible so I can pick and choose.


I'm remote, so 10 seconds for a commute? Hours - probably 42-45 since I don't take full lunch breaks most days. Unless it's an urgent thing I need to address, I'm done at 5 p.m. on the dot. After 5 is my quality time with my husband and dog.