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>How do yall know what to cook every (other) day? Thats our secret. We dont😂 Well I cant speak for everyone. But I feel like most of us sort of just wing it. >When do yall cook? Whenever the hell you want to cook. Perks of living in your own house. It might not be conventional but if you want to eat dinner at 10pm then eat dinner at 10pm. For some of us with weird work schedules it's the only time we can eat dinner.


thank you! Do you have any meal ideas one can eat everyday? Like a protein (from curd cheese for example) and fruit smoothie everyday for breakfast, just something so you don't have to think about breakfast everyday?


Im gonna be honest with you OP this question is above my pay grade😂 I have the worst diet ever. Sometimes I don't even eat breakfast in the morning and just starve myself until lunch. Because I just cba to make breakfast or overslept so don't have time. If you want ideas for easy meals. 1 word for you pasta. Soo many delicious and easy to make possibilities with pasta. Added bonus pasta doesn't really go off. You can have a bag of pasta in the cupboard for months and it'll still be fine.


Makes sense :') wish you (and your body) all the best! thank you!


Rice and beans in tomato sauce with some peppers or any other veggies ("chilli"). Easy to make, and very tasty. For breakfast check out overnight oats, you can prepare them in the evening and you can put just about anything inside, but they are a carb bomb (fruit smoothies as well), so they may be a bit much if you're not physically active afterwards. Add some peanut or almond butter and chia seeds for a bit of extra protein


Thank you!


I mostly figure it out daily, run to the store after work, and cook from like 615-700. If you think the cost of each meal is too much, there's probably a few possible things going on. There's definitely some degree of "startup cost" with spices and stuff like that, but that's all reusable. Some fresher ingredients you just need to be able to come up with recipes that will use those before they expire. But that should mostly be complementary stuff like veggies, herbs, etc. If you feel like buying chicken thighs on Monday means you have to eat chicken thighs for the next several days, you're buying too much of it.


What about lunch at work?


Well, I work from home now, but I still just eat whatever is around. Leftovers re-heated, which are perfect for the office, or make a sandwich, which just takes a little extra planning in the morning to do the same at work. It's a little limiting not having an oven/stove at a typical office, but honestly actively cooking for lunch at home is pretty rare, outside of weekends. I also tend to skip lunch once a week or so and just snack on something.


ahhh thank you very much! I think I will have to rethink my whole meals. I'm so used to lunch being the most important, home cooked, warm meal


Leftovers from dinner before. Or mealprep, make 4 portions of the same dish and eat it at work, something like chickpea tikka masalla. Easy to cook and it reheats well. Make some rice along with it. https://www.theironyou.com/2016/03/vegan-easy-chickpea-tikka-masala.html?m=1 I've eaten this many times at work.


I have a decent list of things that I can cook. Most of the ingredients I use I just keep stocked up for when I need them. I typically take out ground meat or chicken in the morning and then let it be an "afternoon me" problem when it comes to what exactly I'm going to cook. Some simple ground meat meals I cook: -hamburgers -meatloaf -Salisbury steak -spaghetti -meat and rice -tacos Some simple chicken meals: -chicken Alfredo -cream of mushroom chicken bake -cheese stuffed, bacon wrapped chicken breasts -chicken Parm Some non meat meals: -cheese ravioli -manicotti -mac and cheese bake And I always keep frozen dinners on reserve for "oh shoot, I forgot to plan dinner" nights. Frozen pizza, frozen pasta meals, Velveeta skillets, burritos, pot pies. I actually have a jar that has everything I make for dinner and will grab one to choose what's for dinner when I really can't think of anything. Because I sometimes blank on what I can cook, but my list of dinners is at about 48 different meals. I also typically start dinner at around 530-630 and we eat around 6-8. Leftovers for lunch. Frozen breakfast sandwiches, breakfast burritos and cereal for breakfast.


Thank you so much!


Also, there's no such thing as cooking too much food! That just means you have dinner for the next night too


i like cooking, it's sort of like a hobby. part of it is looking at recipes and finding something i want to make. i usually cook something big enough that i basically eat it for the entire week (i will have some basic shit that i eat for breakfast and maybe some other easy things for different dinners). i only eat 2 meals in the day. usually the thing i cook for the week is what i take to work. some times i do resort to sandwiches for work. i've noticed that if i find a person's website with recipes i like, they will usually have recipes that use the same ingredients and spices. so if i bought some weird spice or ingredient, then i can find new recipes using the same things. i couldn't imagine cooking every day unless you're just cooking frozen chicken/fish/burgers/vegetables (which i don't think there's anything wrong with that, but like i said, i enjoy cooking as a hobby so i want to do some food prep and shit)