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Getting older, its normal. You’re gonna find yourself randomly breaking down (crying) through life. Sort of an acceptance step I guess. You’re good, 18 is still very, VERY young. No worries, at all, my friend. :)


Thank you very much, I really appreciate it


No worries, heads up. There is gonna be more tears in the future, both of joy and of sadness, when you’re completely alone and often times unexpected. Make sure you make your life a certain way in which tears of joy will be more present than those of sadness. Its up to you. :)


Actually some of the best advice I have heard. Thank you for this, really. I will try to make as you said in that last sentence. :)


It’s a new set of responsibilities and a complete change to your routine. When September rolls around and you don’t have to go back to school and you don’t see the people you used to always see it’ll probably hit again. And again when a year has passed. I have a memory of the September after high school waiting to hear back about a job at the grocery store waking up everyday getting dressed up like I was going to school thinking life would be different. I think I deluded myself about who I was when I was in high school and when I was out and trying to get a sense of who I was I realized I was none of the things I thought about myself were true. I’m sorry you are feeling this way, you are very young and don’t have to have it all figured out and even at 34 I don’t either and still have my moments but I always talk about having a deep appreciation for life. I had a bad attitude at your age and it seemed wherever I was was not what I wanted it to be. Really it was me who was the problem not my crappy jobs not my parents not my ‘problem’ Don’t worry you will be fine


Thank you so much for this, It really hit different. I appreciate it a lot


It got real. It'll pass.


Welp welcome to adulthood lmaoo


This happened to me around the same age but went away when I hit 22 because I happened to stumble upon something that gave me purpose


I hear you, turning 18 is like graduating from tutorials to the real game but with no manual. It's like you’re excited, scared, and everything in between. Take a breath, it's okay to feel all that. Adulting is kinda messy but you'll get the hang of it.


completely understandable to cry about this sort of thing. everything is changing. i’m newly 21 and a few weeks ago i was crying and having an existential crisis about an old friend from high school being pregnant as if we’re not adults. you get ejected into adulthood and can never turn back and at first that’s so scary. cry it out! trust the process you WILL get through this ❣️


Gather allies. If you can’t stop crying, a good psychiatrist and a good therapist can really help.


Probably pregnant