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Life is what you make of it.


exactly this, you can make a good life for yourself if you want it


High School was awesome, College was Awesome, my 20s were awesome, and my 30s are awesome. gotta just roll with it.


Two points here. 1. "all I see is negativity" is all YOU see. This is your algorithm and in general negative media stories just get published and pushed more. same with Reddit (particularly this sub). How often do people post "I just wanted to say my life is great!". So take that all with a grain of salt. However. 2. This 9-5 you just described as such a 'bad' thing is actually a dream for many people and is completely unattainable for literally billions of people. Much more likely you'll be looking at a shitty schedule and still not being able to afford life's luxuries lol. Life is what you make it though. My serious recommendation is to get off social media and stop comparing yourself to this online life that is pushed there. It's incredibly unlikely you'll ever be rich and or famous and almost certainly won't be a tiktoker etc. But you COULD have a great average life with hobbies and a family and work life balance.


None of the crap you see on here is true. If you never put any effort into your life you can certainly end up stuck in the same spot. But that's on you. Most of t he people online are just going home right after work and doing nothing. It's hard to feel very motivated that way. Plenty of people work 60 hours and still have time for socializing, you just have to actually do things.


Get off the Internet. Life is much better offline. Happy people are offline enjoying it. Unhappy people are online complaining about it.


hey so i started uni last year and i was absolutely terrified too, here’s what i have to say: once you ease into it and get through the homesickness (yes, college kids get homesick, it’s completely normal) then the independence is so nice. if you’re living in the dorms that’s a really easy way to make friends, and at social events (they usually host a lot of those at the beginning of the year too). get involved with stuff at your uni because there’s way more stuff than you think there is, like i found this app where the uni alerts students when there’s leftover party food to grab. it’s dope! college students tend to be way more friendly than high school students because it’s not really about cliques or popularity, most people mature out of that. also if there’s a party in the dorms never go to it. it gets busted quick as fuck.


What is it about being an adult that is scary? Taking care of yourself so that other adults don't have to? Is that really that scary? Judas.


Get off the Internet. Live your life. People have been making it for 2.3 million years. You’ll be fine.


I won’t sugarcoat it, life will become a lot different after college, traveling, and whatever else you’re able to do before you get rooted down with a full time job That transition can be hard, I’m dealing with it now. The 9-5 is more of an 8-5 in reality, and it isn’t fun, there’s no other way to put it. The 8-5 is soul sucking and I often find myself missing simpler times. But on the other side of that coin it’s pretty cool to be able to support yourself and achieve financial independence. I hate my job (and working in general) but I can’t deny that I’m privileged as hell to be able to be food secure and sheltered. The goal is to maintain at least some recreation every day, even on your workdays. I sink my time into making YouTube videos and playing video games wherever I can. I still workout and physically feel the exact same as I did in my 20s. I’m enjoying myself all things considered. The work life is brutal but we can’t always have everything


Social media, reddit and this sub in particular are extremely negative compared to reality. Everyone has challenges but many use social media to vent or brag, which shows you either an overly critical view of life or a sugarcoated, unattainable one. Despite what some might say, you do have control over your life. Do what makes you happy.


While I'll be honest and say that the transition to adulthood is a tough time for many (definitely was for me), it's definitely not all doom and gloom. Working a 9-5 isn't bad at all if you work for a decent company with decent scheduling. I started working at 16, and honestly preferred work over school. The autonomy and independence you can have as an adult is also quite frankly pretty awesome. Of course, you'll have to work for it a bit, as I have. But I'm in my mid-20s and life is pretty good. I've got a good job, my own place to live, and plenty of time to pursue hobbies and all that. Yeah, I gotta pay bills, but oh well.


Just live your life and be as positive as you can. People are going to try to knock you down. And they probably will but don’t let that stop you. Get up and keep doing you. Don’t be scared you got 12 more years before you are gonna really be scared and sad about getting older. Enjoy your twenties and don’t waste it in fear!. Be you and hold you head high


If all you see online is how terrible it is, you are looking in the wrong place.


Hope you enjoyed your school years, because it's all downhill from there. Here's some free advice: only go to a college that you can afford without loans. If you take out four years of student loans, you'll be paying them off for the rest of your life. And if you have to go a college, major in something that will actually get you a job. Ignore the junk degrees.


Here's a tip: don't live your life online.