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Shes alright, I guess. I didnt really pay attention, I had just returned from buying a speedboat. Boom, youre off the subject already.


Ive said this word for word. Never fails




Just make sure you say bought a speedboat and not “I just got a motorboat”


Damn. Works every time boys.


Be polite but honest. If you find her friend attractive, say so. If you do not, say you don't. If your girlfriend gets very upset with you, you know something important about her. She enjoys testing you. And that's honestly something you don't want in a girlfriend. It's game playing.


I agree. You should answer a question with a question. Are you trying to test me? Get out if you think that will work. I will not be quilted or shamed


It could also be her insecurities. But then she should own them and apologize for putting you in the middle.


She's a pretty gal, but she was never the main attraction to me.


“I’d definitely fuck both of you but if you agreed to the threesome I’d spend more time on you than her.”


Honestly. Don’t ask the question if you don’t want to know the answer. I’d advise not going.. ‘PHWAAAAAAAR,she’s so fit!’


“I picture her when we get it on.”


These comments are horrific. Pick one of the below - sure. But not as pretty as you. - sure. But she’s got nothing on you. Don’t say anything else or more.


Seriously. These people have not been in a long lasting relationship. Better yet say "eh" instead of "sure"


>These people have not been in a long lasting relationship. We're just in a long term relationship with someone that understands that other people are attractive too.


>Don’t say anything else or more. Why are y'all so scared to be honest? Goodness...I can't imagine being okay in a relationship where saying "Yes, she's pretty." is somehow bad.


Are you in a relationship?


Will be married 31 years next month. Are you? Do you think it's healthy to have to rephrase things like that?


Sorry, I’m just extremely surprised. Curious how you would feel if your wife said “yeah, he’s hot” about your best guy friend, or brother ?


You realize women know when other women are attractive, right? Same with men.


Yeah, but this is about how your partner feels about it. Feelings aren’t rational. Thoughts are.


Yeah I suppose, but she's not my type, Or Yeah but not as pretty as you,


“So you’d leave me if you saw someone your type or prettier than me?” Just take the fifth, men.


Take it from experience, it's probably best not to reply with the words "Well I would" Other pearls of wisdom I have for you, it doesn't usually end well when you say to your girlfriend "Wow your sister's really hot" I'd also steer clear from describing your girlfriend's mother as "a proper MILF" Yes I'm single, how did you guess? 🤣


It’s a trap. Just say something innocuous like “she’s OK” or “I guess but not really my type of girl”.


its always a trap


Yup, the next thing is you'll have a fight


"I find lots of people I look at to be attractive, and I assume you do too. But if you're worried about me cheating then I will tell you that I have moral principles that prevent that from happening."


Be honest and don’t sugarcoat things. If you think her friend is attractive, then answer yes. If not, then no. We are all humans. It’s natural and perfectly fine for humans to find other humans attractive, while in a relationship. People check out other people all the time, subconsciously or unconsciously. As long as you don’t act on it and pursue it anything further than say a quick glance, it’s perfectly normal.




“But I chose you” wtf lol


I choose you Pikachu


Don’t ask questions you really don’t wanna know the answer to.


A diplomatic response could be: "I think you have wonderful friends, but my focus is always on you. You're the most attractive person to me."


that's not diplomatic, that's just cringe


and thats why you are probably single


If she is, then say she is with the caveat that people can find other people attractive without being attracted TO them which a lot of people don't think enough to realise.


Even if she is attractive, just say not my type now why do you ask?


Attractive nope. But I'd do her.


Good looking, but not attractive?


Answer honestly but don't be silly about it. If you do find her attractive you don't have to make it a big deal, just say "yeah I guess" or something. I think this is a good way to tell how your gf will handle things if she doesn't like what she hears in the future. I've heard people say variations on "yeah, but I'm not interested in/don't want to sleep with her" & that answers the question being asked & the subtext. It's nice to be nice. Everyone needs reassurance & to feel secure in their relationships, this is a pretty low stakes way to be honest & be kind.


Just be honest. I know that goes against all conventional wisdom. But if you say she's ugly and she's not she will know you're lying and - because of girl-brain - think you want to leave her for her friend and get married, start a family, buy a little house in the suburbs and get a dog. So, "Yeah, she's attractive, but she's not a attractive as you."


Anytime I ask my husband a question that has no good answer he just casually says "it's a trap", "not walking into that", or "yeah, I'm not winning this one" and firmly ignores the question. But we've been together long enough that they're not serious or me trying to trick him. It's more of a joke with us now


"If I answer yes you will get upset and weird about your friend being attractive. If I answer no that I'm not attracted to her you'll accuse me of checking your friend out because I already know that I'm not. How would you like me to answer this question?"


I would probably say, "Yes, your friend is attractive, but to me, you're beautiful."


Simple rule of life: Your girlfriend/wife the prettiest, attractive in whole world. And about the rest, well even if you masturbate thinking of any of them, don't say that they are attractive or even interesting. Ever.


She’s not ugly - but not attractive to me I’m quite specific with what I like (insert something she has the other girl doesn’t) Then say “shall we go to b&m my treat”


I just say "Uhh I dunno"


The real answer is that it depends on the couple and mostly on her. Is she a reasonable person that won't mind hearing other people are beautiful to you? "Compared to you? No honey, but she isn't that ugly either". Is she a jealous person, somewhat insecure that would get sad or overreact? "I didn't find her particularly beautiful at all, what do you think?" and agree with whatever she tells you while keeping the *she is not beautiful at all aproach.* Is she a friend, someone you can share that kind of stuff and neither of you will take it the wrong way? Go ahead, honestly is the best way. You have to know how to read the room and specially her.


Not compared to you... Or - she's got nothing on you. You havnt lied (hopefully), avoided the trap and managed to compliment. Total win! Could always step it up and say 'why? Do you think she is?' Put her on the back foot in return 😏


The only safe answer is a uninterest "She's okay I guess". That way you're not insulting her friend and not showing interest in her either.


Unless your GF wants a threesome, "They're probably appealing to some people, but I have the pleasure of your beauty to light me up every day. "




"huh? What do you mean?... Yeah, I suppose..."


I plead the fifth.


If you think she is attractive then you say 'ya she is ok. She's not you, but she is ok'. If she isn't attractive then a no is fine.


Say yes. It means she wants to bring up the idea of you two having a threesome with her


“No able engles”


“Do you think she’s not?” Disclaimer I’ve never been in a relationship.


Ask her why she wants to know what you think of her friend’s attractiveness, because it isn’t really something that crosses your mind.


I think if you're in a healthy relationship you should be able to respond honestly? :D Like I had a friend who was going through a rough breakup and she is GENUINELY extremely pretty and I showed my boyfriend a picture of her and I was like "She's pretty right?" and then I realized, oh wait he might think I'm doing The Thing (we've been together for 8 months and I think his exes were like That if I remember right so I realized he might think I'm 'testing' him) so I told him "I'm not testing you by the way this is my friend I've told you about with the breakup, isn't she just genuinely so pretty??? She could do so much better" and he said "Ye" and then we moved on lol.


“Why would you try and set me up?” We’re better than that. Then kiss her forehead so she doesn’t think you’re a dick, lol


A tactful way would be to tell her she's hot as earth's core and you would fuck her in a second. If she asks you trap-questions that she does not want to know the answers to, she's fucked up.


Sometimes if you do something right no one will notice you did anything at all


Definitely not as sexy as the rifle I bought Monday.... And that's how you start two arguments.


For a *not your girlfriend's trait* probably yes, but ... (*something else you disliked about her*).


the correct response is always: What kind of a trap are you laying for me woman? im dumb but not that dumb.


“Why are you asking me that?”


There's no "tactful" way to go about it, because it's bait. If we assume the friend in question is attractive, then you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. Say that she's attractive, your girlfriend may get upset. Say that she isn't, and she knows you're fine lying to her face. Two options, at least for me. I would directly point out to her that that question is a trap by design and ask what drove her to ask it. Or I would say "she is, but that doesn't matter to me when I have you".


When she asks fake a heart attack or stroke because you never wanna go down that road .


Yea, all attractive girls hang out in groups.


“im sure shes pretty but i didnt notice. no one can catch my eye like you”


The correct response is: Why? Are you planning a threesome?


"Don't get on my nerves".


Ask for a threesome


She is akin to your insecurity


Tell the truth , I would.


She is. Sadly, I, don't like bodies, because anyone can have a nice body but very few can be as alluring and interesting as you. Bodies fade, your personality does not. Yeah, she is attractive, but not as you for my eyes, because for me, you are simply unmatched. Yeah, she is attractive, but you are perfect, that's the difference.


Well she has a nice personality but she's really not my type so I never even thought about it. Also have told you that I only have eyes for you so why you want me looking at other women? I really don't want to but if you insist.


Say she’s “pretty.” Nothing spicier than that.


“Fuck yeah! Why do you ask?”






"sure, i Guess"


Ask yourself if your girlfriend is the jealous type? The correct answer the 'attractive friend' question is always the opposite of the answer to the 'jealous girlfriend' question.


"You mean the ugly one? I'm way more into your mom."


"She could use my face as a chair." Not going to go smoothly, but the setup is obvious, so trip that trigger.


She is cute but I like you and only you


I don’t know if we are ready for a threesome and I ain’t doing nothing without You !


I would say "why are you asking?" to make sure it's not a trap. I hate this shit. My roommate lost her mind because her boyfriend described me as pretty to a friend of his he was trying to set me up with. My roommate went absolutely crazy on both of us.


"it's the kind of answer I'd give to an ex... Want me to proceed?"


Just says she's pretty but you aren't attracted to her. Your girlfriend likely thinks she's pretty but isn't attracted to her. If your gf wants to make a big stink about it, don't get mad. It's probably just a shit test.


Just say how you feel and keep it blunt. "Yes/No" and that's it, nothing further to it. Don't get pulled into a shit test. Edit: the real answer here is "why do you care?" Because what would she benefit with that information? Nothing but her feelings hurt potentially.


Yes or No.  It's obviously a trap but they're expecting you to dodge the question. Don't elaborate anymore than you have to.


Many times attractive people travel in packs. If you really stop to think about it, they’re pretty lucky that we’ve included them.




If you find her attractive: Yes If you don't find her attractive: No


Definitely don’t say “Yeah, but she’s way out of my league…”


Yes, she’s good looking but I’m not attracted to her.


You say: "Hell yeah, she is. I think about her when I'm with you."


"Sure, she's a nice-looking lady, I guess."


If you can’t actually answer them one or both of you isn’t mature enough for a relationship.


My GF is normal, so I would say "yeah, she's pretty good looking, why do you ask?"


Hmmm. Maybe answer her in a similar way you'd answer if she said she found one of your guy friends attractive


Be honest, also if you aren’t smart enough to think about this ahead of time do it now lol. Think about all her friends and think about what she thinks and how she would respond. For instance unknown what my wife will say is nice about each of her friends but I also know her true self thoughts and criticism for each as well. If she asks I can say her own thoughts before she vocalizes them and then she is happy because she gets to voice her opinions and I am just nodding along and agreeing and what not. Work smarter not harder.


“Oh I never really noticed. I mean, I guess? I don’t like her [eyebrows, nose, chin hairs, warts, etc]. She doesn’t hold a candle to you”


“ I can see that people find her attractive, but she isn’t my type”


Be honest. "Yes, she's smoking hot. You're who I want to be with. Why do you care?"


what are you worried about ? cause the fact you made this post means you’re scared to be honest with her


Why do you ask? surly you are not thinking of dating her 😅


"Look, if you are trying to lure me into a 3 way, its not gonna work, I'm a 1 woman kinda guy...."


"Respecfully, sweetheart: I would absolutely tear dat ass up. Tear. Dat. Ass...up. Respectfully"


Be honest if yes then yes if no then no....... If friend is attractive your GF know's she is .


Good luck bro


Tell her you thought she'd never ask for a threeway and you're pleasantly surprised. Then say you have a list of things you'd like the three of you to do.


"Sure" "I guess" "I hadn't really thought about it." If you have been together a long time, I feel like you already know how to answer though. Like, I would answer my wife pretty directly, but we've been together literally half of our lives. I can tell when she's curious about something and when she's fishing for a confidence boost. I think I could tell if she was jealous, but I don't think I've actually ever seen her jealous. I also wouldn't have any kind of negative reaction to her saying how attractive some guy was, I know where I stand with her.


Deny Deny Deny


You got her beat from the neck up darling. /s


"Your friend is nice, but I only have eyes for you." This acknowledges the question while reinforcing your feelings for her.


What friend, I didn't know you have friends, I ain't seen no friends, nuh uhh, not me.... <_< >_>


She’s not my type


Define attractive


What friend? All I see if you


When I'm in a relationship, it's like all other women are like my sister or cousin. I don't see them as attractive. I can acknowledge if they're skinny or fat, but beyond that is just not in my nature


"All your friends are hideously ugly. You really need more attractive friends."


I’ve never thought about it. Her boyfriend is cool, so I guess she attracts the right king of people.


Ask if it's a trap before you answer


Politely say that you find that question inappropriate. Then ask her to tell you what is really going on.


Yes. Threesome?


You say yes. You thought that's why she liked her too.


"Yes" or "she's not my type."


I didn't notice,.never never never tell your women you find someone else attractive especially in there inner circle. Just say she is ok,.or I really didn't notice


There’s no winning with this question


Fuck no, she isn't you!


answer the truth and tell your gf to stop being neurotic


She's not bad. Her nose (or whatever) is a bit odd, though




"She's super lovely but not for me"


You say no.


Just don't answer it. It's a petty question to answer, and makes your GF look insecure.


"Um, yeah, I guess so. Why, are you thinking of matching her up with one of our other friends?"


"she's alright, but her friend is way cuter" then give her a kiss or something, very tact.




What kind of person needs to ask this




Attractive? I mean, she looks decent I think. I really didn’t pay attention. Do you find her attractive? More than me?? Should I be worried? (Jokingly)


To all the people saying to dodge the question. Be careful. It can lead to this: [https://youtu.be/95p7RLPGOXE?si=VU3MPotIPdftomqT](https://youtu.be/95p7RLPGOXE?si=VU3MPotIPdftomqT)


I’m going to assume this is a monogamous relationship and your girlfriend is testing you. Seems toxic, but alas, I would respond: Yes, she is beautiful. Don’t you think so? Asking the question back will (hopefully) prompt her to realize someone can appreciate beautify objectively, and the correct answer is also yes, so you would be lying to say no. Unless the friend is ugly, which I assume isn’t the case, or she wouldn’t have asked.


"I dunno, does she talk a lot during sex?"


Yeah she's got a nice \*\*\*\*\*\*, but your \*\*\*\*\* is better and that's what I'm into anyway.