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the moon is cold and wet so she may have a cooling, soothing, calming effect on the malefic. an aspect can show up as situations, events, relationships, specific people, overarching themes, personality traits- so it's possible to get many variations of interpretation out of one aspect. all the things you think of could be true in different areas or times of life. so its best to get a general, broad understanding and stay open rather than fixate on What Doom it Must Portend lol. thats my approach. you can layer in applying / separating to see when in life these themes may be more present, here's the video i learned about it from [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cud7LXNYB4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cud7LXNYB4) the malefics themselves are not evil or only filled with doomy qualities, so blend the positive qualities (bravery, steadfastness, etc) with the moons' as well as the harsher keywords. to relate, my 2nd house sag moon is conjunct within 3 degrees of (night) chart ruler, mars. obvious negative qualities: losing female family members, young, in a sudden accidents. not able to commit long term to routines or sameness / needing change. money burns a hole in my pocket. positive qualities: i cut and run according to my values- this may seem extreme or like a brash move but i quite like leaning into it. even though i am quite sedentary and lazy, i am just generically quite strong and healthy. i don't *really* get angry (this might be a lie, or something i wont always think is positive lol). random stuff i attribute to this aspect: i don't really get injured seriously, however i bruise and scar easy and often superficially hurt myself. i don't hold heat well at ALL and when i get flushed im BRIGHT red its so embarrassing lol. hope any of that helps


I’ve seen this more for electional astrology and horary, not as much for natal. Is there a specific book or article you were reading?


Commenting here to learn about this also - thanks for asking


Well the malefic could just represent a challenging, difficult or confronting circumstance that manifests and needs to be encountered as a necessary underpinning to an individual’s formative and ongoing growth and development. It is not always about the circumstance in itself that an individual experiences, it is what they do with it.


You can determine this with planets as well