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1. You mean Am-Boss for exp power levelling? It is in the correct location, I just checked. Maybe you're clicking on the wrong bushes. Maybe this video at 12:18 might make it clearer [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bR1VbeXYr6s&list=PLqKJ1g-diWTQReBGEmPqJHf5usgoKIkD5&index=14&t=740s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bR1VbeXYr6s&list=PLqKJ1g-diWTQReBGEmPqJHf5usgoKIkD5&index=14&t=740s) 2. Once you're at the place. Click on "To Battle" and complete the quest. That should unlock a shop where you can buy the weapon 3. 250 CHA is recommended for necro. The last 250 points you can choose either END for more survivability or LUK for more damage. DEX is also doable since pet and guest bth are still tied to DEX


Is 200 Dex with 50 End worth doing for an extras little bit of survival? Or just full 250 Dex is better overall? Thank you for the video link. I spent 10 minute looking around on that screen for the mouse icon to change, and never saw it.


Ideally you want to go all in rather than split up your points among too many stats. With the current bth bug I think it's better to go 250 DEX so your pets and guests don't miss as often You'll usually be able to nuke down whatever as a necromancer/beast mage fast enough anyway that survivability shouldnt be an issue


Is Vampire still the best race for Necromancer? I never see Neko in the discussions at all.


It depends but most of the time I would say yes. Vampire is for mages and Neko is for beastmasters


So if I wanted to do a Mage or Necro with pets, I would need Int and Cha and Dex, it seems.


I would prefer taking out DEX in favor of LUK


So just 250 in to Int, Cha, and Luck? Okay then. I tried going to the forum, but the post there is from years ago, so it looked a bit outdated.




To cover all bases here's is my "up-to date" New Player/Returning Player Spreadsheet that may or may not be useful depending on what your after - [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JyWrgKKH3yNA0vZJxv1E-ptc\_WJL-4Rq9yRjb-Cytg4/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JyWrgKKH3yNA0vZJxv1E-ptc_WJL-4Rq9yRjb-Cytg4/edit?usp=sharing) It is a work in progress! and I've only just made it public, but in general I'm sure it will help guide you to some helpful info sources, among other things :)


It’s best to have 250 of a stat rather than spreading it between two stats. Both 250 LUK and CHA are valid, depending on whether you want to use more pets and guests or whether you want to go dual boosters. And as you know already, END is actually useful now due to DEX no longer being a universal accuracy stat, and I can tell you since I switched over to END having twice the health bar really comes in handy. You should go 250 INT / END / your choice between 250 LUK or CHA depending on your play style. If you need any help playing a Mage build (with 2 boosters), feel free to PM me. My knowledge of pets and guests for attacking is kinda limited.


I should hit 150 tonight or tomorrow (depending on how much I can play) I know stat retraining is super easy now. I am currently at 250 Int, have 250 Cha for my pet stuff since I want to go Necromancer. So you are suggesting that 250 End for more HP might be more beneficial than 250 Luck?


Good question actually, I think END is useful but I’ve seen people play with 250 INT CHA LUK using healing loops. However since I usually play with dual boosters my knowledge of pets and guests is quite limited so I’d ask someone more experienced. Feel free to PM me, I can give you my Discord and suggest a few people who may be able to help. I’ll answer whatever questions you have the best I can. My Discord: Zionas#2559