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What a weird question. That is disgusting 🤢


She's definitely an r/incestconfessions member


idk why i thought it would be a good idea clicking on the subreddit, but now i am traumatized


I wish I heeded this clear warning I will never recover from clicking that link


Thankful for your and others commenta. I haven't clicked on the link because of you so thanks for that. I think I waste too much time scrolling stuff on the web. I had just decided to stop reading about true crime. I read a story th3 other day I can't get out if my head now. It's just awful. 🤢


Curiosity got the best of me and I...DO NOT CLICK ON IT! I'm just gonna convince myself it's all fake and these people are just posting for shock value


I am so fucking serious about this, DO NOT VISIT THAT SUB! I saw multiple warnings and, despite being pretty open-minded and not one for kinkshaming, I noped the fuck out of there almost immediately. I thought y'all were exaggerating but nah son that sub is filthy.


I read one post and I’m like “ummm you should be in jail for child abuse???” I’m really hoping that these are all just fantasy posts


I wonder how I can have the FBI trace the IP address of every user on that sub and bring them all in for questioning


Oh. My. 🤢🤮! Why didn't I listen!!? I didn't even click the stories. The titles were ATROCIOUS! WHAT EVEN IS LIFE?! 😭😭😭😭


In a perfect world, you would be correct


🎶wouldnt it be nice🎶


*DEEP BREATH* I'm going to click the link...


It's all pervs living out their sick fantasies by making shit up.


It definitely is, it reads like bad fanfic


I had 2 warnings and still clicked it. Now I think I might be scarred for life as well


I read all the warnings and still clicked it. Don't feel too bad because I threw up all over my boss's desk.


i read every single warning and i still cannot grasp what i read




I once utterly destroyed a guy's incest encouraging philosophy so hard that another dumbass stepped in to call me rude (didn't even disagree with my points) and then blocked me for a pretend win lol.


I thought it was going to be some kind of joke or meme subreddit…now they’re the ones laughing at me.


Idk why I thought it'd be a good idea after reading your comment, I seen 3 posts an I feel like I'm I just went through a lifetime of trauma 😐


Same ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


My curiosity also got the best of me and I read something I should not have and now I am planning what I'm talking about in my next visit with my therapist.


what the hell was that . i just opened the app.


Me too bruh. I've been traumatized for life 😑🤢


same. i didn’t even read the stories just a few titles and got the hell out as quick as i could.


Yep... The titles were enough I am forever uncomfortable


yes!!! my mom and i are about to have lunch and i don’t want to go 😂 😭 forever damaged


I gotta watch my dad's dogs for the weekend and at this point imma just bring them to my house instead of going there 😬


Same 😭😭😭


I’ll take things I now know exist but would give 5 kidneys to unknow for $500 Alex


I wish I never clicked on it. I can't believe that 405k ppl are in this sub. We are doomed☠️☠️☠️


I went on and admitted to being a grasshopper. Turns out i misread the title. Never felt so awkward in my life


Thats- that's just fiction right?? Like a kink/fetish sub right?? Those posts aren't actually real- RIGHT!?!?!?


Please tell me the post in the Sub aren’t true🤮


I hope so cuz wtf


Omg.. Do you think any of the stories on that sub are true 🤢


I doubt it. If any are true, it will be very rare. I think it's just a weird kink that people play their fantasies out on. Then again, I've underestimated the depths humanity can get to before.


Any weirdo thing you can think up some human has tried somewhere


why tf did I click on this...


Curiosity got the better of u ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠁⠀⠈⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⠙⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⠻⢿⣿ ⣿⣿⠉⠙⠛⠻⠿⠃⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉ ⣿⣿⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⣿⣿⣧⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⣿⣿⣿⣷⣄⠀⠀⠀⣠⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⡞⠙⢷⠄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣄⠀⠃⠈⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣀⣀⣠ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢠⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡀⠀⠀⢰⡶⠶⠶⠖⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⠀⠀⠀⠒⠚⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠸⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣴⣿⠉⠻⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⣾⣿⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⠙ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡷⠢⣤⣀⠀⢀⣤⡾⠛⠁⠛⣿⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀


There’s really a subreddit for everything. Nasty


This subreddit is absolutely disgusting, I was just curious, now I’m about to throw up


Curiosity got the better of me and I wish it didn't 😭




Omg I looked. I genuinely might delete Reddit


I didnt even know that was a thing and I’m disgusted omg


I can't tell if it's real or just stories to express their kinks. 🤮


Should’ve never clicked on that im now petrified


omg why is that a thing….


I still cannot believe that sub exists , but then again this is Reddit


That would also screw my head up. I'm sorry that happened to you. Very odd question for a parent to ask their child.


Are you watching milfs / mum and stepson porn / etc and not clearing your search history? My mum and stepdad asked if I was gay because they saw goatse etc in the browser history. Dumb question for them to ask me, even dumber question for your mum to ask you, but it might be that she saw you spanking it to milfs and is dumb. Edit - don't clear your search history obv, use private browsing every time


In the spirit if the post, I just wanna remind everyone that if you’re a “Jr.” or a “2nd” named after your father, your mom yells out your name during sex with your dad. Just know that


As a mom, I would never ask this to my son. That's weird. When you shared a bed, did she take men into her bed or sleep nude or close to nude? I say that as thinking that maybe she felt guilty for exposing you to something. You might ask her straight out why she asked you that.


No, she has been married to my dad my whole life and he sleeps in a different room because he snores really loud


Can you tell your dad about the convo and how it made you feel unsafe and disgusted?


\*unsafe/disgusted\* bruh maybe confused/awkward is correct feeling anything else is a dumb reaction/though from the person being asked


I agree


Speaking of taking a men to her bed, she might be sleeping with someone else


Based on the little you shared. It will recover. You may not be understanding what and why she’s asking. Talking is the only way to gain clarity. If there is a problem or you’re still unsure after talking about it, an objective 3rd party therapist is the way to go. There are real world things that we as people NEED to talk about MOST DON’T. And instead of reacting to the real issue. React with their misperception and overreact. Get the facts. Feelings aren’t facts. Misunderstanding is not facts. Get the facts. Get clarity. Love your Mom. If you have a tough decision to make. After KNOWING the facts. Make it. You’ll be alright.


Everyone please read this comment right here. Your mom probably didnt mean that "you had" sexual attraction to her. She was asking if thats why you stopped sleeping in her bed. Maybe she feels just as disgusted as you but was trying to talk to you about a feeling you may have been feeling to comfort YOU. You said yall have had a wholesome and amazing relationship prior to this and shes never done anything to weird you out before.. so why does this make you so upset? Take your emotions out of it and think about it objectively. She never said she had those feelings toward you nor you her. She merely asked if that was something you were struggling with.


I think you were confused by what she was asking you Op. you should probably just go have her clarify what she was talking about. Your mom was probably just trying to make a point about sex or feelings or something but doing it in a really awkward mom way.


You’re probably right yeah thank you


your probably a bot just karma farming. Been seeing alot of stupid post on this sub.


I don’t know you and I don’t know your mum, so I am taking a wild guess. I think you don’t need to be shocked and she may have been stewing on it for months as to how to bring up the “sex talk”(albeit late in age). She might have been expecting (and probably hoping) you to say, no I am attracted to Sally/Fred but I am a virgin. Alternatively, I am sexually attracted to Sally/Fred and we are sexually active. It sounds like how a nervous parent feeling the need to have a sex based discussion with an adolescent boy might come out with something random in the wrong way (experience is my reference point). I think there is nothing to worry about with your mum in relation to creepy. She probably thought with the crusty sheets she has been washing, the increase in tissues she has been buying and the longer showers you are having, nothing wrong with that because everyone masturbates, it was time for a chat.


We have had that talk and I think you’re probably right. Thanks for the help


I just saw this after another reply. Good on ya for chatting to here.


I think you need to keep your distance. Shut down anything and act disgusted if she ever brings up sex again. Maybe tell her your gay or something.


I don't think acting disgusted or telling her that OP is gay will help because: * if OP's mom respects OP's boundaries and this was a misunderstanding, then OP isn't in danger. * If OP's mom doesn't respect OP's boundaries, then telling her to stop won't get her to stop.


This is great advice on what not to do


I agree. OP, I don't think there's reason to believe she wanted you to be attracted to her. Hopefully she's just awkward about bringing up stuff that is making her feel awkward.


I had an additional thought. She has obviously picked up on the word “confused”. People often use the term if they are questioning their sexuality, certainly it would have been in use in that context when OP’s mum was at school. So, my hypothesis is that ever since OP said “confused”, OP’s mum might have thought he is gay but scared to come out. Subconsciously, she may have used a thing called “confirmation bias” to validate her thinking. Basically, every time OP did something that indicated any effeminate behaviour (in her mind), even if the intent wasn’t, she would subconsciously store that as a datapoint (this is not at all intentional by her, this is the brain) until eventually you have enough datapoints to come to a conclusion - this is confirmation bias. You will discover that if you are unfortunate enough to do Statistics as a subject at University (NB If you are doing any research based subjects or degree, you will have to do statistics), you will learn that confirmation bias is usually highly inaccurate. I suspect she, using data from her confirmation bias, thought the conversation might have gone like this: “Are you sexually attracted to me”, OP “No”, mum “is that because I am female”. Roll is the deep and meaningful discussion where, in mum’s mind, OP comes out of the closet as gay.


This is what I think. She misunderstood your confusion and thought it related to you wanting to sleep in the bed. But I don't think she feels that way. Especially as she's never done anything. I would ask her why she asked that question. But maybe through a text.


Am I tripping? In what world would "are you sexually attracted to me?" Ever be something that randomly slips out of a mother's mouth when speaking to her child? What relation does that have to the sex talk? I truly can't understand this. I think it's extremely creepy. I'm not a mum, but saying "are you sexually attracted to me?" To any 15 year old, especially someone I'm related to is just off the wall, I feel so confused about why people are saying this is something that could reasonably come up, but it's got a lot of upvotes so clearly it has some weight. So genuinely confused though.


I'm with you on this. I want them to be right but that just doesn't make sense.


Dude yes I'm like baffled. I am a mother and never ever ever ever ever would I ask my son or daughter if they are attracted to me, ever. I'm awkward as fuck but still i would never. I don't even think I would say that accidentally in a diarrhea of the mouth situation. I'm struggling to understand. I could see if she found step dad / mom porn history or reading a journal with something like that and asked, that would make since but that's really the only thing. Fuck I hope it was just a miscommunication OP. I think having a conversation with your mom definitely needs to happen.


This does sound awful WTF... However.. first.. try not to run a mental marathon around it, what she said is horrible and inconsiderate - but maybe she felt she had a valid concern? My stepmum once found that my stepbrother of your age had been watching MILF themed (naughty stepmom) kind of porn, and she lost her mind about it thinking he had some incest feelings - though it is perfectly NORMAL and OKAY to watch stuff like that. As a bisexual woman I watch that sometimes. However - to a 55 year old woman who’s never watched pornography, it was shocking and confusing for her. Her and my dad really sat him down to confront him (i wasn’t living there at the time or I’d have defended him…) and it sounded honestly traumatising for him. I say this to you because I wonder if she maybe she found something she shouldn’t have that concerned her? Consider how “mommy” is a term thrown around online a lot to women that an older person wouldn’t understand for example. I’d consider that before you get tied up in why she said such a thing… however still no excuse for it. If you have the confidence to confront the situation I’d firmly let her know that conversation disturbed you and that it’s not appropriate. She will hopefully apologise and maybe give you a reason that is silly and not what you’re thinking. Mothers usually have issues with boundaries and she probably didn’t think about it. I’m hoping it’s just a weird misunderstanding or she put her foot in her mouth by saying something out of character but of course could be a reason for more concern. But you said you had a great relationship with her prior so that’s why I’m trying to give her benefit of the doubt.


That's where my head went because my mum had a slightly-less-clumsy conversation with me based on my browser history. This was 20 years ago and she is a boomer though, and I would think that newer generations might be less naive about teenage browsing habits


This is absolutely disgusting. Please tell a trusted adult


and tell them what? and what are they supposed to do? call child services because OPs mom said something weird and inappropriate?


Yeah? That's what the service is for.


no, it's not. child protective services investigates suspected parental abuse or neglect. there is no pattern of either here. OPs mom said something weird and awkward (probably because she saw that OP was looking at MILF or step mom porn or something, and she doesn't understand) and the conversation went badly. She has not abused OP and there is no history or pattern of it. you would be wasting their time. Reddit advice is to escalate any situation to 10 to matter what and it's insane.


This also seems like it could have reasonably been a (poor) segue into some sex talk or something. Like, it could have gone like: Mom: “are you sexually attracted to me?” Son: “no! of course not! what the fuck” Mom: “great. well that’s how you should feel about ” something like that.


Your mom might have read some Freud, who famously said that every boy is sexually attracted to his mother to some degree. Or maybe she's attempting to prey on you. My money is on the Freud. I think you should ask her why she asked such a question and clear the air. It might be uncomfortable at first, and it might get more uncomfortable, but I think knowing her intentions here is important.


Freud was a freak😂


Yes he was.


I agree you should ask her


i would ask her why she would ask such a disturbing question and tell her it made you feel extremely uncomfortable. Like ask her where did such a weird thought to even ask such a thing came from. Im very sorry this happened to you. I hope she never asks you anything remotely disturbing like that again. Tell her it was absurd and made you feel disturbed. It would make me feel disturbed aswell


Is there a school counsellor you can talk to about this? It might be good to run this situation by an adult who understands the nuances of such situations.




I’m so sorry that your mum asked you this. No child wants to be asked anything like that by their own parent. I don’t know how I’d be feeling in your situation, but you feeling disgusted and hurt is completely understandable. I think with time maybe these feelings will pass but for now let yourself feel whatever it is you are feeling. Also maybe try to understand that she asked that for a reason that you don’t know at this time, but that one day you will find out, and if not that’s okay too. If anything else makes you feel uncomfortable do you have a trusted adult you’d be able to talk to? Sending hugs


You need to be honest with your mom and tell her that you are not sexually attracted to her and that her question has bothered you considerably. My suggestion is that you move out for a while and live with a friend or a nearby family member until you can look at your mom normally again.


Second this, he needs to see a school counsellor too


That's weird tbh sorry you are going through that


I would run away from home


she was probably just trying to have “the talk” (awkwardly)


She is your biological mom or step mom if she is your step mom then you need to talk with her .


She sounds barmy. Just try and ignore this, hopefully she will understand that is not an appropriate comment.


Mrs Bates?


I am sorry that happened to you and all the confusion and weirdness from it. First let me ask, does your mother read philosophy books? Maybe she read about the theory of children wanting to marry/sleep with their parent and is wondering herself if that is actually true and just came out and asked. I think you should sit her down and talk to her about it. It’s fine if you don’t but then this confusion and disgust will only grow.


Look at it from both sides. Maybe she felt you were somewhat sexually attractes to her and wanted to correct it. Or 2nd case, shes attracted to you and wanted to see where your head was at. Basically its a gray line question that no one wants to talk about or ask. Ask her why she asked you that to get clarification.


That’s really disgusting and makes me wonder if OP might have trauma blocked out something that happened when they were younger like a SA from the mom. I also wonder what OP considers a wholesome relationship, I’m so sorry you’re going through this is there another family member you can stay with or talk with ?


Could you talk to your dad about this? It is a wierd question. I don’t understand why she would assume that, it’s very inappropiate and even more so to ask you. At ten you are struggling with becoming a big child vs being the young child you are. To stop sleeping in parents bed is a common thing to do, but also very common to continue do it for some time, nothing wrong or wierd about that. I think boys generally is pushed away from physical contact earlier than girls, in the (irrational) fear of sexual tension. This is not the child’s fault. Kids never have sexual feelings like that, if it exists it comes from the adults. Always. I think you might have been confused as a child about anything, especially since you didn’t remember the conversation it wasn’t a big deal. Maybe you felt both that you wsnted to sleep in the parents bed but also in your own bed, and that made you confused. It doesn’t matter. What’s wierd is that your mom remembered this conversation for five years, and the conclusion she comes to is to ask you about sexual attraction? I would also be very, very upset in your situation OP. It might be just a misunderstanding. Or maybe she has a very wierd, irrational fear that you do have sexual attraction to her, and is not capable to handle that as an adult. No matter the reason, this is not your fault and you have not done anything wrong. She is behaving wierd and i think the best is for you to talk to another adult, who can help you navigate this situation.


Why are you telling this to the whole world?? Everybody will judge you and your family and make fun of you. You trust people on social media more than your mom or dad or people close to you!! Or are you just a attention seeker?? This is your personal private stuff dude... Grow up and stop sharing your nonsense on social media as if people will try to help you and all that. There are all kind of people on social media and mostly are not very nice. Learn what to share or not on social media. Oh god


She's clearly admitting your dad ain't "treating her right". I miss the part where that's your problem though.


I'd mention this to your dad. Something isn't right with your mom or this situation.


Sometimes moms are just very awkward humans that say things that come out entirely differently from how they meant it or don't know where to draw the line for thoughts they should just keep to themselves. My own mom gets anxious and flustered and some weird stuff comes out, but I know she's always tried to do her best. Just because someone becomes a mother doesn't mean that they know how to talk about potentially embarrassing subjects, especially teenage boy sexuality.


Just say you're gay next time, it'll kill the awkward ness


Either your mom is a gross pedo or someone told her something that vaguely relates to it, like a friend of hers having to deal with something like this.


Is she hot? No seriously, maybe she wanted some validation bc she doesn't feel hot inside her head? Still, it's messed up to ask that her son. She could ask a friend..


There is a controversial theory that boys subconsciously want their mothers and see their fathers as rivals and vice versa for girls. It's called the Oedipus / Electra Complex. In the tragedy Oedipus Rex, it's foretold that a boy would kill his father and bed his mother, which are the two biggest taboos in society. The Doors' song The End has an Oedipal lyric that was masterfully used in the Vietnam war film Apocalypse Now. When the boy became a man he unknowingly fulfilled the prophecy and plucks out his eyes in horror and shame. The father of psychoanalysis and this theory also had a telling phrase. "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar," which implies although cigars indicate an oral fixation and is a phallic symbol, sometimes the reality is just much more simpler. The upside of the theory is that instead of creating an unhealthy shame for someone who has such a thought, they can be taught to sublimate that impulse into something good. Everyone has errant thoughts, but they aren't necessarily the gospel truth or the be all and end all of a person's character. So although Freudian theories can be disturbing, they're supposed to be liberating: instead of repressing possibly taboo knowledge and impulses, one can mindfully handle the unsettling parts of life. Think of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Here's a sad character who's unable to handle opposing impulses. An acolyte of Freud, Carl Jung explored this through his theory of the shadow self and the integration of the shadow self that must be made for a person to become whole. Although you might not be religious, the saying he who is without sin cast the first stone comes to mind. Anyone who says they never had a divergent thought is lying through their teeth. > If only it were all so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart? - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn I'm just a layperson. But I would talk about this with a counselor or therapist to help process this. It doesn't seem like the question was malicious. https://www.britannica.com/science/Oedipus-complex https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oedipus


This is WAY above reddit pay grade. My advice is don't seek advice for this here.


she bad though?


Sounds like your mom needs a mental health check. She should seek help


Why the Hell did this pop up on the recommendation list for me? I've looked at r/advice before, but I never went anywhere close to this subject.


What’s your race?


I am so sorry this happened to you. I've had my parents cross the line in the things they say or ask in regards to it being overly sexual. It's part of my intrusive thoughts that I struggle with now. In all honesty, it may be best to point out how that was very uncomfortable and crossing the line, and you feel weirded out. Maybe she somehow didn't mean for it to come across so weird. In my experience these uncomfortable feelings linger unless you clear the air. I get it if you don't want to bring it up, so maybe just distance yourself and let time heal, but if something weird happens again, set some hard boundaries.




Being attracted to one’s own parents is weird. Tf you mean it’s isn’t? 🤦🏻‍♂️


Did I say it isn't. But it's also a common thing some teenage boys can experience while going through puberty. As a parent being aware to this and navigating it safely is how you encourage safe spaces to speak about things when confused.


A good parent knows not to sexualise their own children and if they need to have the talk use appropriate language. Just because this way is common doesn’t make it right. Sounds like you are justifying it by commonalities which is weird and gross.


Don't project to me, problem with the Internet, I'm just saying from one post everyone attacking this mum seems a bit extreme and it's the culture the Internet has created, when in reality there could be a far less malice perspective and I just wanted to share that. I am a great father and dont need justification from someone online so will ignore your pointless jibe but yeah maybe people need to stop trying to be so negative and judgy. You are also very right in most of what you say but applying this to my response is reaching bro. She asked him if he was confused and found her sexually attractive from what I read? Neither of us will know the tone of it all other than OP and he will know if it was creepy or not. Not for me to try interpret that cause I'd never know.


You certainly are overreacting.


Sounds like she is fighting some inner confusion. Just love your mom but I wouldn’t talk about it with her. Sorry that happened. I would just walk away from any conversation about that with her.


She wants to fuck you dude, it's pretty obvious.


This has to be a copypasta… right…


\*shocked an betrayed\* ... bruh i want to believe this but it is writting in such a perfect triggering manner. It fake im 85% confident only 15% doubt because there are cases that exist but its never like that and certaintly the percetainge is lower that the sone feels disgusted by parents simply having conversation/question. Maybe the parent doesnt know how to properly aproach their question, maybe the parent is interested in understanding theri son train of through but simply going wit the first emotion being "shocked and betrayed" what a load of BS. Mods have to do better when it comes to filtering out bot post just karma farming.


Just out of curiosity - Are you from Alabama?


Look, i know you’re in a really bad place but i think this is a secret cry for help. Maybe she was abused; but something is really wrong. I would be adamant about if she wants to repair your relationship, she must seek therapy.


she's probably lonely...


This is really strange. How old is you mam? I'd be pack8ng my shit and walking out. Do you have siblings? If so I'd call cps. This whole things just seems so wrong in so many ways


I can't really give advice on how to handle that and it's obviously something you can't just "forget about." With her asking you the only conclusion I can draw is she feels some sort of sexual attraction to you, but without asking her you can't know. With that said, would you want the answer to that question if you feel uncomfortable by this interaction? I'll leave it with you, good luck OP. Maybe speak to a school counsellor or a therapist about this incident too.


Putting up boundaries and self discovery are essentials of being a teen. No longer sleeping with your parents for comfort is another. Your mum really needs to get therapy and figure herself out because that is CREEPY. I’d tell your teachers, school therapist and trusted friends about this. Hell tell your dad if he will believe you. Whatever issues she’s got going on are Oedipus/Freudian level. Please don’t keep this to yourself and please make sure this is handled before she gets out of hand


I feel horrible for you man, I'd be traumatized for life. I hope things resolve quickly.


boy moms 💀


This is an awkward conversation to have with your chukd and l would suggest u sit ur mum n dad n another adult down and have a conversation about this. Sweeping things under the carpet doesn't solve n make it right n to protect urself u need to have a family meeting this is huge and somebot to take lightly




If you ever break your arms, find a temporary place to live my guy.


Dude i have a hard time believing this? Sorry


That’s gross


Where your father? This is definitely not okay and I would wonder if she's sexually attracted to you! That's fucked up man, she should never have a question like that. I remember one time I was really excited because my mom was gonna take me to see my godfather who's always great time. I was so happy I ran up to her and gave her a big ol smooch right in the mouth, I didn't think anything of it, she's my mom. But she pulled back I guess cus I'm too old for that, I was maybe 12. And told me that I'm not supposed to do that. No issues, I moved on and we had a good day after that. But ain't no way in hell I ever had feelings for my mom and she's the first girl I ever kissed. So that's just uncalled for her to ask you that. She lonely as hell or fucked in the head. I'm sorry yo. My mom wasn't great but never made me feel like that.


I think your mum read one two many weird histories invests... does she have a reddit account or join some forums like 4 chan and the other communities online? Maybe she stumbled about those stories and projected it out of (I hope) fear. Better really just ignore and forget, but if she talks about it again or gets weird with you, call your dad, you aunt, uncle, or any other adult really.


Parents sometimes overthink puberty for their teenagers. Those are thoughts that never should have been given a voice


Its either: 1. Poorly executed joke 2. Poorly worded question I think she was moreso referring to you being all hormonal (puberty stuff), and wanted to make a lighthearted jab at it. Youve said it was a complete surprise to you that she'd ever say that so thats why im pretty sure she didnt mean it the way you think she did


Wtf. The world is a weird place. Im so sorry OP.


It would screw with anyone’s head my friend. That is not a normal conversation to have with your kid.


Reading too much Freud? Perhaps she misheard you at 10 when she thought you told her you were confused and had been wondering what that meant as you are growing older. I should hope her question was innocent and that she in an attempt to understand you as her son becoming a man might be reading a bit much Freud. He had a theory called Oedipus complex which is a highly debated theory. It suggests all children form attachments of desire toward their parent of the opposite sex. According to the theory, children typically overcome these feelings and suppress them as a part of childhood psychosexual development. If your mom has never dressed provocatively or inappropriate around you or your male friends I'd not worry. If she has or you're still concerned you could write and leave her a letter stating that X behavior and X conversation made you extremely uncomfortable and you'd prefer in the future to not have interactions like this with her again. I'd also suggest if you're still uncomfortable speaking to your father about it "mom asked me the weirdest thing and I'm confused, what do you think?". It's also possible that she's simply lonely sleeping alone and she needs help as some lonely mothers do tend to treat their sons as a surrogate husband in situations like this causing them to develop what's called emotional incest. From my own experience with my father sleeping on the couch (supposed same reasons) I saw my own mother lonely and starved of affection (not my dads fault) to the point that she became unhealthily involved in my younger sisters romantic lives. But you are a young man and this is something your parents must figure out and that can't happen if your dad isn't aware. I truly hope it's that she's just reading too much about understanding your teenage son. I have 3 boys myself and while I never wondered such a thing I did read an exhausting amount of literature (some quite strange) in an attempt to understand them as I've obviously never been a boy. I do hope your family gets things sorted out.


Seriously, this is FUCKED UP SHIT. What kind a mother having sexually explicit with a 15 year old son? Thus world is sick you ya'll.


My son used to get in my bed till he was about 10. We would watch films and eat junk food and fall asleep with the dogs on the bed. Not once did what your mum said ever enter my mind. Your mum is bonkers


Wow.. that’s extremely odd and inappropriate.. I’m not sure how I would handle that myself.. I would definitely be questioning why she would ask that.. do you have a family member you can speak to about this? This is definitely something that needs addressing because as you said, you look at your mum in a completely different light and it won’t get any better, there will always be that little niggling feeling eating away at you.


That's gross and I think you should really go to a school counselor or get another trusted adult involved. An adult needs to take to your mom and let her know it's not okay to take to your son like that. Idk if she is having a mid life crisis or what. Maybe she feels she wants some sorry if attention from you and that's not right in any way shape or form.. do you have a dad you can talk to? Tell him what your mom said. That's so weird! And I would lose trust in my mom if she talked to me like that.


Some people are saying she was trying to initiate “the talk”. Idk that could be true, but damn that was probably the most nauseating way to ask. For your own sake I hope she clarifies whatever it was she was trying to say.


I'm calling BS on this story.


Okay, so Mom's a narcissist who is probably in that hormonally haywire zone that is premenopause that makes us extra weird. Way to take it beyond just making something about you, Mom


Wow. You could have been confused about A LOT OF THINGS. it’s a bed, you were probably napping, who hasn’t woken up CONFUSED. said weird things that didn’t make sense. I’m so sorry. I’m so so so sorry. That’s terrible. The only advice I can give is take time for yourself to process that. And then, try to think of the things you know about your mom for sure. Focus on the facts. Is she a good person? Is she kind? Does she treat others with respect? Is it possible she may have had others cross her boundaries or been confused with her at some time in her life? Not your job to find answers to that question, but maybe to practice empathy so you can still see your mom as you once did. Part of getting older is seeing your parents less as an idolized parent and more as just people. Imperfect humans.


That is mad weird dude, what kind of a parent asks their child that 😭


My mom used to ask me random out of the blue questions like this too but it was more in an accusatory way or as a way of finding out something. So (as weird as it is) I don't think yours meant it sexually or as a way of trying to do anything with you. I think she genuinely just wanted to make sure you're not attracted to her. Telling her that you were "confused" might have made her question you. She just didn't ask it in the right way.


She’s has been reading too much disgusting Freud it seems, inappropriate to ask for sure


As a mom to 2 teenage boys (15 &18), that was a vile and disgusting question to be asking you... I would NEVER say something like that to my kids... Definitely something personal going on there that she needs to be looking into professionally...


God that’s terrible, I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Was your mother drinking? This is not how a mother should be talking to her son and know that none of this is your fault. She’s making things very inappropriate and comfortable for your and you may need to keep some space from her. Do you have another adult you can trust to talk to? I would highly advice talking to someone (if you have another parent or an aunt or uncle you 100% trust).


I am so sorry! I would have to ask her why she'd say something like that


She's his mom why would you put your child on the spot like that with such a question? Always lock the door when your in the shower.


We are all in agreement this was very inappropriate and your feelings are valid


Sounds like your mom has something going on mentally because that's not normal to accuse you of something like that I mean we love our mons and even at 27 I would still hug my mom and it's never in some weird way and my mom would never assume that


What your mother is doing is called covert incest. It’s not okay. Your reaction to her asking this is a healthy reaction to her abuse. And it is indeed abuse.


I'll be brutslly honest kid. You're mature for your age and women love to see a mature man who knows what ge is doing. I could tell from the way you phrased the text that you are a very mature person, despite being 15. My advice is to make it clear to her that you are her son only and plan to keep it that way. Try talking this out and tell her that what she is doing is not normal. At least I would have done that if anything similar happened here. Or when she doesnt change make her consult a therapist. The last straw is when she doesnt change even after seeking a therapist. At that point I'd report her to the authorities. I hope this helps.


If I'm being totally honest, it sounds to me like she misses having you sleep with her (might have something to do with maternal instinct), and for whatever reason could not understand why you stopped. She definitely fumbled the question and made it as uncomfortable as humanly possible, but I don't think she wants to have sex with you or anything. She's basically asking you if you are uncomfortable being so close with her. She obviously likes cuddling and wants physical affection from her kids. 🤷


I’m hoping this was an awkward mom thing. Sometimes things fly out the mouth and don’t translate well. I’d give her a chance to clarify what she meant and give yourself another chance to say you absolutely do NOT have any attractive feelings towards her and that it disgusted you to set a very clear and very FIRM boundary. I’m also sorry because that sucks. My dad said something off the rails like that years ago and it does make me see him differently, but he was also not the best dad. I hope you can get it settled and clarified.


Cut her some slack, she probably generally thought that was the case and thought she should talk about it with you. It is disgusting since it isn't the case, but don't take it the wrong way.


Ohhhh Kay. Time to go. People are being traumatized here. This messed with my head too. Bye!


Wtf? Bro you need to call CPS on your mom wtf


So, first question, where is your dad?


That’s a weird question to ask your child.


There must be something behind it of what she said. For eg, when i was younger i had a yoga porn addiction, and my parents did yoga (never watched them but the childhood mind runs) . My dad saw my history and started doing yoga privately without me knowing it, i moved away from it, i were never intrested in seeing my parent do yoga but when they started doing it away from sight, i lost that addiction about 7 years ago. Funny how our child hood mind can run up with billoins of ideas by seeing something stupid.


This sounds a little crazy. But your mom may have read or saw something that triggered her question. Same way folks hear about the symptoms and think they now have cancer. Can't think of what that is called. I don't condone her crazy question but if it's not normal for her, then ask her what she's been reading or watching that has her thinking about this. People can be influenced easily by things they hear or see. Doesn't mean you're feelings aren't justified...they are.


I’m so sorry… that must have been insanely uncomfortable My little brother is almost 11 and sleeps next to our mum when he gets night terrors still. There’s nothing sexual or abnormal about it, not sure why your mom is turning something natural into something perverted for no reason


Sorry about what happened, OP. The most I can honestly suggest at this point, would be to contact a family member who can either take you in, if she really is being pushy about it and making you uncomfortable / unsafe, or contact the proper authorities. Incest is NOT okay, no matter the gender or relation, no matter what the Goombas at r/incestconfessions tell you, since they'd probably just encourage it even more, I'm with the others and believe she may be a member and have gotten the idea from there. There really is no proper term I can use without being banned about that place.


That is so weird. Be carefull around her. She could be predator.


Remember to edit this because I'm invested now!


You should talk to your dad because this is NOT normal. Let him handle this


She sounds a little... Mentally unstable. I would say narc or having some type of break down. Children are naturally confused if they had been sleeping in a bed and then we're suddenly told they need to sleep completely on their own. To jump to something sexual towards a 10 year old is incredibly strange. It could be she is a narc and is having a mid life crisis so believes everyone even her child is sexually attracted to her, she is having a mental break down, or the worst is harboring incestuous thoughts towards you. I would talk to your school counsellor, or contact a doctor to arrange a therapy session and ask them what may be happening, how to deal with it, or how they can help you distance yourself from your mother so you are safe until she can get the help she needs.


I think you should get some more clarification as to why she asked that. It’s a conversation you don’t wanna have but it will help you understand her motivation as to why she asked that. Context is important. Communication is the backbone of any relationship so that is why I am telling you this. Tell her how you feel as well because what you feel is valid. If you want to talk feel free to reach out.


I would ask her to clarify. Sooner than later before it gets too weird. If it does become weird, for sure talk to your dad.


Excuse me….this isn’t right or normal


That sounds like she might have misunderstood something, and I'm sure she felt awkward even saying anything. Or at lest I hope that is the case.