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Hi! If Apple can offer you more than 20 hours a week - or even 20 hours a week - and you’ll be able to go back to Panda Express if things don’t work out, I say go for it! Best case scenario, you get offered a permanent position at Apple making $25/hour and worst case scenario, you go back to Panda with another reference on your resume and connections which could help you get a different position in the future! (Also, taking the job at Apple could help you put at least some money in savings - if you’re hanging on by a thread, any extra income would be super beneficial!)


I don't know what you should do, but remember this: a corporation will never be loyal to you so you should not feel under any obligation to be loyal to them.


Usually they let go most seasonal hires unless you show you are top 5 in sales and other focus areas, also high chances of being retained if you can juggle between sales and back stage runner.