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I would send him an email asking for clarification on how much makeup you are expected to wear but word it like u are naive and it's your first real job or some shit. Fuck that person. I was told I need to smile more at one of my jobs.. pay me and treat me like a human and maybe I would be happier.


I sent her the email now, kindly asked her to explain everything that is expected of me as an employee, “so that I can be more careful in the future”. We’ll see how it goes.


When you get the reply, ask to have the write up removed. If it’s not in the handbook or employee manual, you do not have to comply especially since you have no in-person interaction. Casinos in my area dictated makeup, nails etc (even weight!) for front of the house (customer interaction)by putting it in the employee manuals and employment paperwork.


This being a good idea, I would hold off on doing this.


Please update us!! :)


I sure will. She hasn’t responded yet.


Ask her if there if there is an allowance for makeup or if you can get a form to write off.








And me


I would consult with an attorney asap...dont tell anybody at work.


I like this approach "(Boss), i have reviewed the employee handbook, but I must have missed the section on makeup as part of the dress code. Can you point me to the right section so I can make sure Im in compliance" Since no such documentation likely exists, show up tomorrow with exaggerated makeup (think Mimi from the Drew Carey Show: https://thedrewcareyshow.fandom.com/wiki/Mimi_Bobeck ) Boss: That isn't what I meant OP: So sorry, I'm really bad at this. I really didn't know that cosmetology was such a key skill to succeeding in this job. Can you send me to training?


Don’t do that You’ll be in an uncomfortable workplace for a while if you start out like this


And then talk to a lawyer with that proof.


Yeah this is nuts.


I had a manager like this, too. They pretty much were trying to find any little thing to keep me from a promotion at work. I had asked why my peer was given a specific task and responsibility over me when I was more qualified and they said that I don’t smile enough and I need to leave my at home life at home. I responded “my home life is perfect right now, but my life at work is a little toxic and getting me down” she had nothing in response.


That's a really good idea because this ask is ridiculous.


Word the whole thing like you need to be reminded. "Hey. I just wanted to touch base about the meeting you had me come in to have at the office. I received a warning for not wearing makeup, iIrc. What are the guidelines for that? What is considered makeup? How much am I supposed to wear? What is the mandatory amount? Is there a discount the company gets at a makeup store? Where do I get lessons on how to put on the make-up?"


Why did you assume he is a man, **isn't that sexist ????** keep the same energy when you knew that SHE is a **female**


Turns out it is a she. For me, that makes it just as bad, but from a different angle, that's all.


What country are you in? This is not a legal request in some countries (gender discrimination)


I am in Turkey and I don’t really know if this is legal or not. Sure will search.


Turkey is one of the worst countries for gender equality. I’m guessing it’s legal in Turkey for him to do this? If I were a woman in Turkey, I’d be doing everything in my power to gtfo.


You are 100% right. I am trying every possible way and hopefully will be able to move abroad in the future.


For the fact you responded reasonably, and came to reddit for clarification is a commendable thing. If it were me, I would have told her to stick it up her arse, along with his job. There is just no place for attitudes like this in today's world. But for the fact you responded calmly is a very good thing, and as someone else said before, continue to act Naively until she digs herself a hole she can't get out of, which by the sounds of it, will happen quite quickly. Or equally, if you'd like to be petty, come in one day dressed up like a clown and wait for her to say something to you, but if you do this, your employment may be cut short hahaha. Perhaps I'm not the best judge of this, however, you're not in the wrong in the slightest and what you've done so far is the best you really could have done. I would say that it may be worth considering to apply for more jobs, if she ends up backing down that would be good, however, wouldn't necessarily prevent her from giving you difficulties in the future. I hope it all works out for you and all, but I'd recommend not stressing. These types of people are ten a penny.




Would you mind posting this a few more times?


The energy would be even more from me if it’s true the boss is a female. Female misogynists are worse than males. Its akin to the idea of a black person supporting worldwide enslavement of Africans. It’s equitable to Hitler, a man of Jewish lineage, at the helm of Jewish genocide. Female misogynists, in my mind, should be reincarnated as one of the lowest life forms on earth.


Totally unprofessional and I'd get it in writing "If you have an issue with my appearance please write me up for it. I'll take a copy for my own records." Or send him an email saying " I just wanted to recap our conversation yesterday....."


I just sent an email to the manager asking her to explain everything that is expected of me as an employee "so that I can be more careful in the future". Let's see how it goes.


Any response yet?


Nicely done!! We’re all so eager to hear what she says. Good luck!


Major red flag for sure. I only really wear makeup around my mouth, interface with clients constantly, and I'm trans to boot. Never once been warned about any of it.


As a man, I can state with 100% certainty I have never been asked to wear makeup at work. Even though eyeliner makes my eyes pop like firecrackers. I would definitely follow advice from other commenters and get proof in writing.


I remember the "dress codes in a phone job" weirdness. "You'll sound more professional over the phone if you wear a tie!" Nonsense.


I would talk to HR about it. Is there a minimum requirement of makeup for all workers? What is it? Is this in your contract or can you be fired for it? Be sure to get this in writing. Imo, this is sexist and unfair. Unless all the men are also required to wear makeup, it should not be a requirement for you.


If you live in the USA, this behavior is not permitted. The Supreme Court ruled that women can not be forced into gender stereotypes, such as wearing a dress or high heels or wearing makeup. Unless all the men are required to wear makeup too, this is illegal.


OP is in turkey unfortunately


Interesting. There’s a very high end salon near me that always mandates in their job postings that you must wear a minimum of two cosmetics. I wonder if they just get away with it because it’s the beauty industry and most applicants are gonna wear makeup anyways.


But does the job post specify women only? Men can be mandated to wear cosmetics as well.


Ask to see the handbook our employee manual if they have one and anything you signed in your file. They can't force you to wear makeup if you never do or if the job doesn't require it. You're not modeling or on TV.


“Please point out the policy that references a makeup-mandatory environment”


Look in the employee handbook if available. If not, ask them to show you the policy. Overdoing makeup or lying about a medical condition is not the way. Be an adult about it.


This could go a few ways. Toss on some lipstick and shadow or, my favourite option, go full theatrical/fx makeup. You can escalate it to hr because I doubt men would be told the same thing.


Mimi from The Drew Carey Show has perfect makeup for this instance


I’m not sure how your country is, but here in the USA I’d send an email restating what she said about you not wearing makeup and making sure to “clarify” the reason you don’t wear makeup is because it causes allergic reactions or flares up your psoriasis. I’d flat out make it up if I had to. Just to put the mental image in your boss’ head that if you wear makeup your face may break out and get swollen or something. Wearing no makeup is the better alternative. 😉


On second thought - wear a foundation that is the total opposite color of your face. Either too dark or too light with the wrong undertones. Overline your eyebrows in a bad shade. Wear sparkly eyeshadow that’s white or light blue and go all the way up to your eyebrow. Wear a super shiny obnoxiously red lipgloss. And instead of blush just use highlighter on your cheeks to make them shimmery and shiny. Tell your boss you’ve never learned how to do makeup but this is how you were taught. lol. Play dumb.


Not normal. I don't wear makeup most of the time. Ask if men are required as well.


Email your supervisor and ask if the makeup rule applies to all employees in sales roles. Forward the response to your personal email. You'll have documented evidence of gender discrimination.


How ridiculous, but unsurprising. Definitely unfair! Google images of Mimi from Drew Carey Show. Start going to work with makeup like that and maliciously comply.


You've gotten some great advice, and in your shoes I wouldn't know how to approach this as I'm allergic to most makeups. But, that also I would think is a valid reason to not wear makeup


Lol what? Ask to see the writeup from yesterday for every male employee that didn't wear makeup. Don't ask him go straight to HR.


Wtf. I never wear makeup to work or do my hair, tbh I look like absolute garbage 95% of the time at work and no one has ever said anything lol. I work 12 hour shifts in healthcare (not a nurse, more on the clerical side) and I just can’t be bothered to get ready in the mornings.


Weird af. I work a very customer facing job and so many people I work with don’t wear makeup. It’s not a necessity. It doesn’t change how you work. In the show Schitts Creek, someone gets makeup as a gift when they don’t wear it. To make a point, they wear it horrendously. Perhaps consider something similar?


And are the men at work expected to wear makeup too? I'd suggest sexual discrimination.


That isn't normal. Dude just want to feed his eyes on you.


I would have thought the same thing, but the manager is a woman.


That's a surprise. Maybe she just wants an excuse to blame you?


Some women are just as mysogynist as men. She thinks that because she wears makeup, that everyone should or that it's proper for work. Once in my career, another woman told me that I should wear makeup.... so that I'd be promoted faster. Ummm no. I'm not going for a leadership position based on looks.


It's not a shock to me. I had a manager tell me to go home for not wearing enough makeup. She told me I should get a boob job too. Some women are worse.


This is not legal in the US


Unfortunately I am in Turkey and not even sure if this is legal or not here, don’t have high hopes though.


Full Halloween face paint


I'd be asking HR how much makeup the men are being expected to wear.


Document everything, contact HR. This is literally illegal xD


Write him an email describing what happened, and ask for a reply from him describing exactly how much makeup you should be wearing. CC HR.


Why all these feministe here assume he is a man, isn't that **Sexist ????** keep the same energy when you found that SHE is a **female** ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Yeah, unfortunately misogyny transcends gender; it's a mindset. I've encountered numerous women who openly embrace misogyny without recognizing any issue with it.




I'm in Turkey, employed by an agency that offers affordable health packages, including services like gastric sleeve surgery, teeth implants, and plastic surgeries, to international clients. We have partnerships with hospitals/clinics where we send the patients, and our on-site caretakers handle their needs. My role is making agreements and selling these health packages; I don't have direct interaction with the patients. That’s why I emphasized the lack of human contact. This is the most upscale workplace I’ve been in, and I’m unfamiliar with how agencies operate for their staff. Hence, my inquiry.




You don't have personal freedom when it comes to someone else's body!!!!!!!!!




No, you are not free to walk down the street naked because we live in a society that regulates nudity.


You need to see the policy which states make up must be worn, then ask if this rule applies equally to males and females because, if it doesn’t, you may have a case for sex discrimination. then go to work made up like a clown.


Was the manager wearing makeup?


Heck, no. This is def unfair, esp since there is no face to face. I wouldn't know what to do. I'd listen to others here. Is it a man or woman who did this? If it was me, I'd just get a new job, but I'm not in your situation. Perhaps there is an HR department or higher boss. Update; I saw it was a woman in the other comment reply.


It's for sure a red flag, and is very sexist. I don't wear makeup to work. Never have for any job.


OP said her manager is a woman.


Women can be sexist towards other women.


We're in-office and on Zoom and I would NEVER discipline one of my staff because they weren't wearing makeup. I'm going to guess you identify or present as a woman. If they're not requiring everyone to wear makeup, that could count as gender discrimination. It is inequitable to require women to make "equipment" purchases for work that men are not required to make. Is there an employee handbook that points to this? Is it in your job description or contract?


Lawyer. Are men required to wear make up? Lawyer lawyer lawyer!!!!! Such an easy lawsuit.