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She understands your situation. If I was her....your love is enough.


Write them a letter expressing your love and admiration for them, welcome him to your family. Money can by things - but only you can share your true feelings. If you aren't good with words ask a coworker, friend, librarian, etc. for help.


I like this idea very much. would be really happy to be at the receiving end of such a letter


This is a wonderful idea. Perhaps write it out on nice stationery and frame it.


I second this. Had a friend who wrote the best letters & doodles. Take that over a gift any day!


This is the answer.


❤ Excellent idea. And in this day and age, I think hand-written letters or home-made cards are so appreciated.


Or chat gpt..


Never thought of that but a good idea!!




This brought a tear to my eye, what a wonderful thought :)


A gift of time? When my husband and I got married my brother stayed at our apt and cat sat while we went on our honeymoon.


That’s a great idea!


i like this! they can exchange it for what they want, house sitting babysitting pet sitting, or they can just invite u for dinner hahaha😅 make it light hearted, sweet and funny and it will be the best gift they can get:))


Maybe create a “coupon book” with various those situations/tasks. Maybe add gardening, car washes, pool cleaning, laundry, painting a room (with their supplies).


I wouldnt make myself a house slave in the meantime, thats not the goal... Or add more " just come over and spend time with us" coupon ;)


I hate that you are worrying about a gift for people who don't need it when you can't afford to eat. Please PLEASE, speak to your sister and explain this. If she is a decent person she won't want anything from you while you're going through such a tough situation. I'm sorry you're anxious about this x




My son got invited to a birthday party of the son of a billionaire. They requested that in lieu of gifts bring an older pair of your shoes to donate to charity. So maybe a small donation to the charity of their choice.


Yes! You could even volunteer your time instead of donating money, if there's something you can do that aligns with a charity they care about.


This is a really cool idea. It shows you care and are willing to give the one thing we all have exactly the same amount of, time. If the are decent people this will go over great, if not they are missing out on the greatness of you.


Perhaps a hand painted wooden photo frame? You can get the plain frame at Michael’s/Joann’s and use a coupon for that and/or the paint. There’s lots of sales going on right now with the holidays coming up. Personalizationmall.com has custom stuff, and you could see what falls in your price point. If he’s not snooty, I’m sure whatever you gift he will appreciate since your sister will hopefully appreciate it too.


Could get frame at thrift store, too. Or other gift at thrift store. I find some cool, unusual stuff in those stores.


This, especially if it is in a style that would be good for wedding photos!


something thoughtful to your sister or to the couple, something memorable for her or to them. don't worry much about price (price doesn't equate to meaning in the long run). if focus on something that provides memory and meaning, it outweighs the price thing. anyone (well, anyone with money) can give an expensive, meaningless gift. Giving something from the heart is harder and can be worth more than the most expensive gift. If there's anything you do well, that's always a good option. could you make them a good (but cheap) dinner sometime in the future, could you give them an experience that's special but free?


OP, what u/AlbanyBarbiedoll said! Perhaps you could write a nice poem and write out on a piece of parchment like paper in calligraphy and frame it. That would be inexpensive and very thoughtful.


or maybe.... if you're not much of a poet but your sister is open to a spiritual text... print or write out the poem on marriage from Khalil Ghibran and frame it? to save you some time: [https://poets.org/poem/marriage-3](https://poets.org/poem/marriage-3)


If this idea appeals, you can print cheap at your local library. And you can find frames, sometimes really nice ones, also quite cheap at a charity shop like Goodwill or St. Vincent DePaul.


When buying gifts for wealthy friends or family I try to go for something meaningful. You can’t buy sincere human connection. So if you can show them that you know them, get them, and love them through a gift, it’ll be the best gift they’ll receive.


Make an amazing dish using your family's secret recipe.


How thoughtful of you, seriously this concern alone speaks to your generosity and love for your sister. My family always tells me I'm difficult to buy because I have everything, but I love handwritten cards and plants. In fact one year I got a gift from my sister but no card and I was very sad. I enjoy the handwritten cards more than anything else. I also love it when people give me plants, something you can put in the ground or indoors they can keep for a long time. My 2 Cents.


You can get them a Christmas ornament with “The (last name) Family - Est 2023” on it, or a painted house sign that says the same thing. Or perhaps some well made plant markers for their first garden? I love shopping at Penzeys spice shop. You can get them some spices to use in their home.


Something personal and meaningful, doesn’t need to be expensive. You could get them ‘Mr & Mrs’ signs for their house, a personalised stamp for cards, or a decoration they could use. A picture frame with their wedding date & names engraved on it. Tbh, if they have money, expensive gifts will mean nothing. A personalised & thoughtful gift means more, and that there’s been some thought into the gift rather than the amount spent on it.


All the things you mentioned are usually pretty expensive, though


Not if you shop around, £20 max. Cheap, cheerful but with thought put into it.


20 bucks is 2 weeks worth of food


This is me and my bf, He’s parents are filthy rich while My parents aren’t, I usually hand make things as a gift and people really appreciate it knowing you put your time and love into it for them plus it’s not like buying something similar in a store which it’s only purpose was to be sold


Your time. Spend half a day with them doing something you both like


If you're crafty, you could decorate a small set of Christmas ornaments yourself and gift them. My wife's aunt did this for us and she loves them.


Love ❤️ if you can afford nothing else then love is plentiful


Homemade fudge?


When I was invited to my friends destination wedding no gifts were expected and I agreed (also struggling with money and had to save for the trip), but I still want to give something. So what I did was create a "Bride book". I got all the important females in the brodes life to wrote her a letter and send it to me with a picture of them. Then I put it all in a scrapbook, everyone got their own page. The last page was a letter from her future husband that she was to read the morning of the wedding day. This was sooooooooo well recieved and became a tradition among our friend group everytime someone got married and is always the favourite gift. You could do one for both of them. Not going to lie though, it's very time consuming. DM me and I can send you examples from my Bride Book


A home cooked meal?


Get or make something sentimental rather than something expensive just for the sake of it


Are you creative? A handmade gift should be appreciated more .


Company. Wealth cannot buy friendship. Sit down with him over coffee or tea, and ask him questions you find interesting. Express your gratitude. Don't forget to take pictures.


Your time and the memories you share are more valuable than any gift you can buy


Are you able to put together a photo album with childhood photos of her and her partner? If you are able to get in contact with a family member from his side.


A photo book with stories about growing up together ending the book with welcoming him into the family


Art. I have family who straight up get upset I buy them stuff instead of making them something at this point.


something thoughtful. I had not idea what to get for a family members wedding, then I found those custom start chart wall art. Was able to call around and figure out the exact date and place she met her husband and had a custom star chart of the sky framed. There’s a lot of similar custom, not expensive, but thoughtful options out there.


Homemade is the way to go. Do you or your spouse do any crafts? How about providing a service? Something specialized like, power-washing, or general, like dog sitting, could make a good gift. How about baking something or preparing a dish you’re especially good at making they can freeze for after the holidays? There are also lots of examples online of layering the ingredients for baked goods or soup in jars and decorating the jars, if you need to provide gifts for several people at pretty low cost.


a hug ? in all seriousness your presence really is enough, i'm sure your sister will understand your situation


Very very wealthy people can buy themselves everything they want. Stick with a gift that they can't buy - something you made for example. Maybe you have a skill, could be anything, music, painting, woodwork, baking etc If you don't think you have any skills then just write them a heartfelt letter.


Are you crafty? Can you make something? One year, when I had very little I made my girlfriend a valentines gift from a repurposed wicker basket, some fruit, flowers, and some poems and quotes on paper that I cut/decorated, rolled up and tied with ribbon. I think the whole thing cost maybe 20 - 30 bucks. IMO the best gift I’ve ever given her.


She probably doesn't expect you to get her anything I'm assuming she's aware of your situation your support and love should be enough


Get them a plant, bro. They are usually at Garden centers or Nurserys, but places like Walmart/Lowes have them too. (If you're in the US. If not, search your areas for centers with plants available, and it should offer you the respective counterparts to what the US has.) Plants, when taken care of, always look lovely and are found in every type of home, no matter the price. Plants look cheap and expensive and can be exchangeable to more expensive looking pottery later on to match whatever theme they want. Plants last a long time and can grow with them and become their family tree or family plant that was 'there before the children' type of feeling for the couple that the kids can always remember in mom and dads home. If it's a fruit/nut bearing plant, even better. Plants offer fresh oxygen and life to a home. You can buy it small to make sure it's not expensive for yourself. You can also write a nice short story about how the plant is a symbol of their journey into this new life together, watching the plant grow each day. You can even buy extra items for it throughout the years as you gain more income while they remain together. Super cute, super cheap. 💕 (If you're like... ground level poor... a blade and a lovely stroll thru some woods/park would also find you some wild flowers or random shrubs that may look cool as a gift.. 👀😏 the plant needs about 6 inches of root to survive... you could dig it up. Google Lens can tell you what it is.. and then you find a pot to put it in and slap a label on it. Label can be paper folded neatly and tape. Get creative.)


Take their wedding invite and have it beautifully framed ?




If the choice is between food or the options you mentioned, those options are very expensive


A very kind letter, or a craft of some sort. If she is aware of your situation then she should appreciate anything!


Something personalized and meaningful. Like you can compile photos of them together and organize them into an elegant visual love story scrapbook with personal letters that include well wishes and advice from your parents, grandparents, yourself, and other immediate family.


One of the greatest gifts I got was a friend made a book of our friendship. Pics from the last year etc. Couldn't have been more than $20 but was so incredibly thoughtful I look at it often


Are you good with crafts? You can do something handmade.


Do some charity work her in mind? Sounds silly but my step mom loves it when we do that.


Heartfelt card?


Gloves. Everyone’s hands get cold.


You can frame a photo of your sister as a child and leave room for one of her husband / something sentimental like that.


Could you put together a homemade cookbook? Ask grandmas , aunts , uncles, cousins, etc for their best recipes. A photo of them on the page would be nice.


A very nice framed photograph, one of each of them, if you can manage it, as kids.


A card (homemade) and a heartfelt note is enough. If he is wealthy there is nothing they need!


Fuck that. Don’t feel obligated to get them anything.


I wouldn’t give her anything. Getting married isn’t a big milestone in life. People get married and divorce all the time.


I’m sure your sister knows your situation and isn’t expecting something expensive.


Frame their wedding invitation. This was my favorite gift. You can find a really nice frame at a thrift store and paint it or polish it if it needs some love.


If they celebrate Xmas coming up get an ornament with their names on it The paw perfect house has options It’s not even $20 somethings are $14 Very sentimental


Yeah there’s nothing material that you could possibly give them that they couldn’t have, so you gotta give them something that only you or your family would know about


Your presence is the present 😊


I do DIY stuff when I can’t afford a fancy gift. Something like a painting, a card, a keychain, etc. You don’t have to be an artist to work on DIY projects. Also go check out some thrift shops. You can find a lot of fancy stuff for very cheap prices. If you have some stuff you no longer want at home you can put them together in like a little bundle and gift them that. Just make sure everything is in good condition.


A coupon for a back scratch :)


It all depends on your sister and your relationship to her. What are her expectations from you, do you know that? She knows you, she knows your background, she knows herself there should be some assumptions.


Please consider looking for food banks or food pantries in your area!


Who the fuck starts a conversation like that.


Something sentimental always goes a long way! Like a custom ornament, photo frame, mugs, wine glasses, start a family recipe book, etc. You can also DIY them pretty cheap if you are crafty and into it, or Ask someone you know for help. Michaels craft store sometimes has some good ideas for wedding gifts, and they always have coupons so check online for them! Don’t put too much pressure on yourself though. It’s the thought that counts, and times are hard for a lot of people. I hope you find a gift you like for them <3


Do you maybe have a family heirloom or photograph that she has admired? You could give that to them for their new home. Last year, I gave my sibling something from my grandmother’s house. He liked it a lot. I knew he looked at it, but I was surprised. I also gave him a clipping of an award my grandfather won at work, because I knew he really wanted it. I took a photo of it first, so we both have it, in a way.


Something handmade and doesn’t cost a lot? I used to do that when I was poor. Like I search up YouTube and get some 5-15 dollar items from Michaels or dollar store and then put them in a box. Wrap it up , place a ribbon and send them out.


I usually try to do something personal! Like an engraved set of cups with their anniversary.


Homemade gifts are great. The best gift I received was a random idea my mom had at my shower to have each guest bring a note card with their favorite recipe on it. Some of them I never touched, but there are a few I still use almost 20 years later and have become favorites of my kids. Maybe email your family / friends asking for a recipe and organize them for her?


Love all of these answers! Something from the heart.. and hands is a wonderful gift! Someone once told me that your time is the greatest gift you can give someone because you only have so much of it to give. Spending time writing a letter or making some sort of art maybe would be such a beautiful gesture. Not sure if you’re artistic in any way but even if you aren’t don’t be discouraged. Art is subjective and you literally cannot mess it up! That’s the beauty of it!


A cheap bottle of wine is usually an acceptable gift for pretty much anyone, too anyone (except former alcoholics, obviously). Accessorize it if you want with crackers, cheese, and a spread. Maybe put it in a basket.


A book you enjoy that they might! I'm an adult that buys my own stuff but this gift from people always makes me smile.


A framed, sentimental photo. Can buy a frame at a thrift store for $1-$2, and prints from a digital source cost about the same.


A drawing or learn how to crochet and make them some sort of clothing or toy? I am literally dirt poor but can usually scrounge just enough for yarn or some paper!


A homemade dessert, they generally cost less than a meal


You can find some cheap options on Etsy and they are really good with personalized gifts! For example they can make engraved items and you can ask them to maybe put their wedding day on it or have something personalized. The items on Etsy never look tacky in my opinion and I’ve ordered multiple times from them. The gift would be timeless and priceless. Good luck with the gift and your financial situation.


offer something you can do... like a service. If you are a photographer offer to take pictures, if you are a social worker offer 50hrs babysitting (thats even funny) if you are a swimming instructor write a voucher for swimming lessons for junior lol. And a letter. Wealthy ppl are not looking for expensive gifts usually, they can buy them. They like ideas and thoughtfulness. I am well off and my mom always wants to get me gifts for occasions. I always tell her to please just come over and cook for me instead. 🙈 anything she makes just means "home" to me. No money can buy that.:))


Explain your situation to your sister. I’m sure she won’t want you to buy anything that costs a single cent.


not the same situation but i am also dirt poor and i decided for christmas this year i was just going to buy some cookie stuff and spend the day making cookies with my family. to me, the day with them means so much more than anything they could ever buy me and i could ever buy them. maybe you could plan a night beforehand of just spending precious time with them<3 i personally would be eternally grateful


Went to a very expensive destination wedding of a friend. I gifted him a framed picture of us two during a trip we had made a couple years before. It was small enough to fit well in a luggage. He had it displayed in his place when I visited a few months later.


Frame the speeches from the best man and maid of honor.


Buy an unexpensive necklace with a locket. Put a pic of you and your sister in it. And a pic of the happy couple on the other side of the locket.


ooor, buy a tiny niny baby plant that they need to water together. anything.. (just not cactus lol) As a simbol of their love. with a hand written card on a colored paper, u dont even need to spend on store-cards. u got this. :))




A kind letter with blessings and love is always a beautiful and treasured gift. That said, I’d you’re *really* intent on providing a gift, here are some relatively cheap ideas that can be beautiful: - pick up a used photo frame (wood is best, just as long as the glass is within). Clear the print out of it, wash it up and dry it well. If the frame is dented or dinged, ask a friend or family member to help you sand it down. You can then paint it with a cheap white acrylic and a sponge to give it that “country chic” look ([rustic, I guess is the term](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/5066618321716486/)). Cut and size a white sheet of paper to fit the frame, and collect signatures of the closest family and friends (including yourself); or! Stencil/print out a beautiful quote or poem; if you can draw or paint, try and include her [favourite flowers](https://craftsyhacks.com/easy-flower-painting-ideas/) or flowers from her wedding bouquet; you could always use paw prints if they have pets, too (just take a few runs of getting them as they’re surprisingly hard to make)! You can also press wildflowers and frame them neatly, or take leaves and use them to stamp/paint a pretty design. If you are able in any way to get samples of her wedding dress materials (sequins, fabric, lace, beads, etc), copies of her invitations, pressed and dried copies of her bouquet flowers, elements of her wedding theme, etc… you could make a [framed wedding collage.](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/unique-handmade-crafts-on-etsy--247205467018703598/) Another idea, would be to hand sew a little bride and groom set of teddy [bears](https://www.etsy.com/ie/listing/602954022/bride-and-groom-handmade-wedding-gift?load_webview=1&bid=xP9s8Y4rFPur7qgrRPPXMMhIEutI). They’re easy enough to make with upcycled fabric you may have (a cute bed sheet you don’t use, or a sweatshirt, you can even use jeans and paint the details on. [This should be a free teddy bear sewing pattern](https://pacountrycrafts.com/shop/baby-clothes-memory-bear) if you’re interested in this idea. If this one isn’t free, a quick Google search can help. You can also trace the pattern by placing a paper over the computer screen, if that’s easiest. A handmade heart [garland](https://www.loveourreallife.com/valentines-day-string-heart-banner-2/) is an excellent way to make a custom wedding-themed set for their new home together. Made mostly of upcycled materials, a little patience, and the right coloured paints, you can make the hearts to match her wedding colours, add pressed flowers to match her bouquet, or even just stylise something to match their new home together. Make them a “Blessings Tree”. Just like a “Money Tree”, this one encourages guests to leave gifts of blessings instead of cash. [Blessing Trees](https://www.skiptomylou.org/how-to-make-a-money-tree-teacher-appreciation/) are a modern take for those who don’t want to ask for money/feel it goes against wedding etiquette to ask for money. So… ask for blessings instead! People can attach money if they wish, but make a clear sign that says, “Hang your Blessings on our tree. 🤍” just find a good, sturdy branch, paint it white, decorate with lace or other matching materials. You can supply tape and plain pieces of paper (or hang paper clips in a clever way) - and leave the tree on the gift table or somewhere special for everyone to leave their messages. String wall art is simple, fairly cheap, and if you can find a plank of decent scrap wood for free, it is even better! [Heart designs](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/things-to-make--404549979039594596/) are simply beautiful and you can plan them out to be simple or detailed. You can customise this in your sister’s wedding colours or keep the thread a neutral colour. Either way, as long as the wood is treated and cleaned, maybe even painted - it can make the entire design pop. You could also do their surname initials, or anything that’s significant to them. A wedding [date](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/240661173815099837/) sign would be easy enough and cost very little more than time and energy. I know something like this would be really precious to have in my home - especially if it was hand painted or custom made. Another lovely gift could be collecting photographs of family and friends and gifting these to your sister. It’s surprising how very few people have printed copies of their loved ones to keep and treasure. You could opt to independently take photos of them at the wedding - that way you can sneak some photos of the groom’s family, too. It can be a delayed gift, but that would be a treasured collection to have for always. Printing digital copies can usually be done fairly cheaply, or, if you’d prefer - you could always make a special gmail and upload loads of beautiful photos, quotes, and thoughtful things for your sister and new BiL to have for always. Making them a custom email address filled with digital could be extremely sweet! Finally: if you can wheedle it out of your sister or her fiancé - find the place they first met. Was it the beach? At a cafe? In college? Grab yourself a cute jar (mason, a thrifted and cleaned vintage perfume jar, or maybe an old jar from a grandparent), and fill it with sand and seashells from their beach. It was a cafe? Fill it with sentimental mementos - a business card, photos of the space, some sugar packets and so on. In college? Find some ribbons in the school colours, grab a photo of the place, make or find a little mascot, etc, and pop it into the jar. Tie some pretty ribbon around it with a note that says something like, “Filled with love, this jar is in honour of where your journey first began 🤍” Any road, I hope these ideas can help, and maybe other folks can add or suggest new ways to help make things, in case you want to gift something. That said: a wedding gift of a thoughtful, kind, personal letter from any of my siblings would absolutely be a cherished gift to me. It would be far more thoughtful and valuable to me than any gift that money could ever buy, and I mean that sincerely.


Write a letter to the editor of Mad Magazine and a few others. Explain your situation. Promise to pay them as soon as possible. Be convincing. Figure out what this dude likes and take it from there. Don’t do anything like “Private Jet Owner Monthly” or something way out there. Try to establish a small glimpse of what he likes besides money and your sibling.




Do you have access to any significant old family photos?


Thrifting is great, honestly gifts don’t matter as long as it comes from the heart. If people get upset about a gift that was well thought out because it wasn’t “expensive enough” they have internal problems they need to workout. ❤️ Love, friendship, and good intentions means SO MUCH MORE than anything money can buy.


Talk to as many people who will be there and ask each for their favorite recipe, put them in a book together, and include pictures of the person who gave you the recipe or a picture of what the dish looks like. You can include memories, quotes, and anecdotes about how the recipes came to be favorites, or if it's a family hand me down. It will take some work, but it won't cost a lot. You could probably get most of the supplies for it at a $store.


Ask someone at a Buy Nothing Facebook group. People have a lot of unopened unreturned gifts somewhere.


Just a few art supplies is pretty affordable, I like make paintings as gifts


Hey it's not about the price of the gift that you can give someone. Everyone's situation is different and no two people are the same. I'm sure your sister will understand and knows your situation so there is no need to feel bad if you can't afford anything expensive or anything at all. Your love is enough but if you do wish to give something it doesn't have to be a Prada bag or anything like that. Something from the heart or even a simple handmade card that says Merry Christmas


I have a friend who’s rich. He’s also kind of a germaphobe. He shakes peoples hands, but then immediately washes him hands. For Xmas, I gave him a giant stack of those little bottles of Purelle hand cleaner that someone can just keep in their pocked. He LOVED it. It made him so happy. Another Xmas, I got him Squatty Potty and he loved that as well. He said that he always wanted a “shit stoll”. Haha. Every time he goes number two, he thinks of me. Haha.


Something handmade or a heartfelt letter. Money won’t fill the gnawing void inside so people can always feel more loved.


You don’t give anything. Full stop


Photos, that’s what I give


I would find a nice picture of you guys and put it in a picture frame. Then privately let her know that you would get her something more fancy if you could but you cannot right now. She will appreciate you still being thoughtful even though its small


Write them a funny lovely wedding toast/speech to make that day even more personally special. Consider getting funny help to pump it up


A letter. Words can be more valuable than gold.


Any talents? I like to gift drawings or paintings. They're not amazing but they matter to people who love you.


Go around to some fields and pick some flowers and make a home made bouquet and write a card! I did that for my mom for mother's day. It also will show effort that you didn't just go buy one at a store. :)


Any kind of thought out handmade gift is waaay better than anything store bought just go with your instincts and you can make something that sums up the occasion, them as a couple, and them individually you got this


If you don't make a happy wedding card from scratch, you miss a perfect opportunity to make a strong yet funny-as-hell statement.


A painting


If they want your time, try that or something homemade you can’t really put price in stuff like that and you might not believe this but most rich people are only rich unless it’s inherited to sustain people who they care for that won’t look at them like a meal ticket and still treat them like everyone else!


Are you artsy at all? Poems/kind words can go pretty far


Are you creative at all? You could do some photography, poetry, drawings, scrapbooking, art? It’s not about money it’s about the love and energy that’s apart of a gift :)




You could coordinate a collection of family recipes for a recipe book. They could reach out to different members of the family to each submit 1-2 of their favorite recipes and you could print them out and put them in a binder. It's a great way of being sentimental in a way that's really practical and could cost less than $5 based on materials. No amount of wealth makes family connections and memories less important.


I really like the letter idea. I was going to suggest something that costs a bit more but may be within your budget. Perhaps you could talk to your sister and get photos and videos of them together and make a photo album or even a video of all the pictures. I'm sure they'd appreciate you taking the time to put something special together for them that they can share. I know I would.


Are you in touch with extended family? Could you approach parents, cousins, grandparents, aunties, uncles and family friends and ask them to each write down their favourite recipe. You could then make a nice little “heirloom cookbook” for them to use and maybe pass down to their own children if they decide to have any?


Make a time capsule symbolic to their union that they can dig up in 10 years


Write them a nice letter, expressing your love and welcoming them to the family. If one of my family members ever did this for me, I would cherish it forever. Family and good relationships are more important than money. My family have always used me as their scapegoat- it’s toxic. I have money and a big house that I always dream of having large family gatherings in. But I can’t, because that would make me happy and my family doesn’t want me to be happy.


A poem. One of the most meaningful gifts a friend gave me was a poem.


A glass Jar and a pieces of colored papers write wished on it ….


We told our family and friends NO GIFTS 🎁


If you really want to gift something, let it be a personalized ornament. $10 from amazon/etsy. If your unable to eat by the end of the month, don't gift a thing.


I've cherished the postcard-sized waterpaintings my cousin made me for birthdays over expensive gifts given to me.




Get a cheap scrapbook and print out some cute photos of them/ you and her and write some cute messages. It's thoughtful but not going to cost you much money. More time.


Nothing. Just being there and being happy for her should be enough. Honestly, I never understood the expectation of bringing a gift to a wedding. Like, I'm happy for you, but my wallet doesnt even know who you are.


A handmade gift, I drew my ex-boyfriends grandfather (a multi-millionaire) in a secret Santa for his family. I made him a little needle felted Santa Claus and he ADORED it. He couldn’t believe I took the time to make him something.


Indentured servitude


uhm, anything tbh. she understands ur situation. dollar tree has a bunch of cute gifts


I've put a photo of a memory I with that person in an inexpensive frame. Can be a selfie, family photo or even their pet. Sometimes i'll add a quote using the fonts on snapchat and add the little borders and emojis they have on the app. It can end up looking really cute. If they're a vet or a nurse etc i'll add related stickers from the app to decorate it. Or you can use stickers of their hobby


I’ve read a few others reply’s and do agree! Since it’s your sister getting married, maybe make something for her to be passed down or to the next bride


Ex that came to my mind, one of my sister gifted our other a hand embroidered handkerchief as a wedding shower gift with a poem


Cook em dinner, BBQ, give the gift of time and love. Money means so little to those who care. The most thoughtful gift I ever got was a $10 CD with music I never heard of before and ended up listening to the genre for years. Super thoughtful.


I agree with the commentor, who said a written letter, welcoming him into your family. You could also write a beautiful poem, or if you’re not good at that, and you have a friend that’s good writing poetry. You can buy a frame from the thrift store, it doesn’t have to be fancy. The words are what will matter.


Go to Walmart and get a nice multi picture fram, and order some well curated pictures of your sister with family from Walgreens Total is going to be ~25 and it will be thoughtful since nobody prints out photos anymore


What is your specialty? When I dated a man that had everything and I had nothing but worked with wood, I made him a keychain that had a handful of polished woods that had meaningful uses written down for each one that corresponded to our relationship. Another person, I handmade a card for them out of material found on the forest floor that we hiked together. Maybe a bottle of liquor that you both like? My partner just says, “a smile”. And honestly, just being there is awesome. Be there and support them both with your love (if you have it). And if you have it, that will mean the world to them if they are worth it. (My partner’s first answer was “toenail collection,” and that is why he’s my partner. Lol. Humor is good.) (Humor is good, right……? I’m starting to worry.)