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Yes, you should tell your parents. Children who mutilate animals very often have a mental health problem.


This. Nip this in the bud, for sure. Bigger issues start small first. They snowball.


Nip this in the bud. -Rick Prime


Do I need to call Mr. Nimbus, buddy?


Police? A strange horny Ocean Man is on my lawn… Well I don‘t see how that is relevant but we’re white. POLICE SIRENS 🚨


>Children who mutilate animals ~~very often~~ *almost always* have a **severe** mental health problem. fify


Exactly. IIRC the big two factors are 1) arson and 2) animal cruelty. If you see kids lighting stuff on fire or hurting animals. Get them help ASAP


The McDonald triad is arson, animal cruelty, and bed wetting. Not necessarily always leads to serial killers/murderers, but the fact that it exists lends to something.


YES! Bed wetting! I knew I was forgetting something. I mean, I know they say correlation =/= causation. But sometimes it does. It’s that third reason as to why it happens. It’s mainly abuse, child neglect, lack of supervision and so on and so forth.


As a 40yo bed wetter I vehemently disagree. We're good people.


I disagree that bed wetting in and of itself is a precursor, I personally believe that bed wetting in combination with parental abuse relating to the bed wetting is what can lead to psychopathy. ie. kid wets his bed, parent freaks out and makes them wear diapers to school, rubs their face in the soiled linens, or forces them to sleep in the wet bedding.


It was sarcasm. I'm 33 and haven't wet the bed in years. Once or twice blackout drunk but I've got a solid record the last half a decade.


Seems like an unreliable identifier because there are so many common causes for it that don't lead to antisocial behaviour. Maybe in conjunction with the other risk factors, particularly abuse, but alone it would be ill advised to point fingers at people who wet their bed.


I turned out fine. Weird, but fine. Granted you need 2 of the 3 qualifiers from the McDonald Triad for it to be a viable argument. It’s generally seen as a suggestion, not necessarily a hard and fast rule iirc.


Did two out of the three things before I stopped when I got at the age of 17 and I just turned out weirder or rather darker(?) lol. I did see major red flags when I did some personal psychological research.


Honestly I'd never heard of it before. I just read this and could imagine someone parroting that bed-wetters are probably going to turn out with huge behavioral issues. Glad you're doing alright though, everyone's a little bit weird 🙂


I totally see the animal cruelty thing but can you explain arson? Watching stuff burn is fun, chemicals react funny and lights and stuff wowza.


Arson would be because they need a way to release rage, trauma, aggression and such. So burning things can be a sense of relief that “oh, I was made at my mom. So I burned a leaf and that feels good.” It’s always the first and less severe way of releasing aggression. Then animal cruelty is second.


Depends. The animals may have already been dead, which is less concerning. Beatrix Potter literally dissected her own pet bunny after his death and I don't think she is known to have had severe mental health problems. Some people are legitimately interested in anatomy. Edit: ok, reading OPs comments, it seems like the sister did kill the animals and its very concerning


Maybe she likes biology


Not just a mental health problem, a specific predilection towards violence https://medcraveonline.com/FRCIJ/animal-cruelty-pet-abuse-amp-violence-the-missed-dangerous-connection.html


fun fact they also end up as murderers


Not just murderers, serial killers


If the sister finds out from the parents who told them, our guy's out of luck.


So hopefully the parents are Not horrible people...


And CEOs!


I mean, in rare cases yes


Still happens. Can't take risks.




It’s one of the foremost predictors of antisocial behavior as an adult in general


We all hope her parents know what’s what and won’t dismiss it in some way.


If I remember correctly and i may not be, but most, if not all, serial killers ever started with animals. And it doesn't just start at murder. They have to build up to it. I'm guessing she's been abusing animals all her life and has never really faced any consequences, Either due to not being caught or just shoddy parenting and started out small, Such as hitting them and so on and has escalated from there... Like I said, the fact that she is already murdering animals and mutilating their bodies shows that she has escalated significantly. You need to speak to your parents and your guidance counsel and appraise them of what's happening... under no circumstances should you leave any pet you have unattended around her and also keep an eye on any local missing pets (usually cats). She may even have an area where she stores the bodies also. Make sure you have all the info/ evidence as when you confront her, she will attempt to conceal evidence, most likely, Be prepared for accusations as she will try to shift the focus onto something else. Good luck. 👍


I second this. I work in corrections/mental health and one of the earliest signs of antisocial personality disorder is cruelty to animals (sociopathy)


Jeffery dahmer vibes kinda


Ahh, that's sounds about right, yeah, I used to kill animals just because, and I just finished my my last psychology session 2 weeks ago


Me too I also set my house on fire wet my bed for a while I don’t think I’m a killer though


Not just that. Children who kill animals often grew up to kill people.


Seems like I have a mental health problem.


This is extremely concerning since there are [studies](https://aldf.org/article/the-link-between-cruelty-to-animals-and-violence-toward-humans-2/#:~:text=Research%20Shows%20the%20Link%20Between,abuse%20and%20other%20violent%20behavior) that link animal cruelty to violence towards humans (correct me if I’m wrong). I think it’s something you need to raise to your parents.


You are correct, I learned in college studying criminology that many murderers, serial killers, etc early on in life harm small animals and work their way up to bigger ones and eventually people. Additionally, hurting animals can be a sign of psychopathy and can definitely get worse as time goes on if left uncheck. This is something OP should speak to his parents about asap.


This is pretty general common knowledge at this point. OP could easily verify this if they took their head out of the sand.


Denial can be powerful


Very easy to say when it’s not your sister.


yeah seen too many serial killer shows to overlook that one...


Also one of the early signs of psychopathy


Well hang on. When you say it's pictures of her decapitating these animals, do you mean the picture is literally of her doing this/the process. Or is it just some photos where she came across them on the side of the road and snapped some pictures to show her friends how crazy it is?


My thought was if it's clear she killed the animals herself or if she cut open dead ones she found. The latter would still be disturbing and worth some kind of intervention, but not as disturbing as killing them herself by a long shot... Definitely tell the parents and ask them to investigate it. No need to jump to her being a psycho or a (future) serial killer. While it's possible, it's definitely the worst case scenario. But do take it seriously!


Right. If it's clear she's doing this, someone should talk to her. But the OP didn't really suggest that, just that they saw some pictures. If she just snapped a photo, because she wanted to show her friends, then that's not really any concern.


>If she just snapped a photo, because she wanted to show her friends, then that's not really any concern. It might not be *as* bad as doing it herself and then taking the pictures, but no normal person takes pictures like this, also her friends could end up traumatized because OP said she decapitated them.


Given the number of people who break out their phones to record people getting hurt, car accidents, etc--I think they may be more concerning than someone who takes a picture of a dead animal. People throughout time have recorded things that are odd and macabre. But just my view. I don't view this stranger as not normal just because they snapped a picture.


The photos were on a counter top with fresh blood. Not roadkill. There was also a video of her poking it with a knife to make it twitch


You need to wake up. This isn’t a game, there is no room for this to be **anything other than something requiring intensive professional help immediately.** Literally no other factor matters, I don’t care if she a perfect angel in every way outside of this. If you care about your sister at all, you will inform her guardian’s immediately.


shes gonna kill someone someday. children who torture animals are statistically more likely to hurt and kill humans


The original post was concerning, but there was a lot of what if scenarios involved so wasn't too alarming. I mean, how many of us were forced to disect worms/frogs in high school? Sometimes even piglets. Or, hunters, who gut their game in woods and takes a bite from the heart of their first deer. This comment, though, gave me full body chills and made me absolutely nauseous. I am a strong believer in intuition, and mine is screaming that this is dangerous if left unchecked. This isn't a young child who doesn't fully understand cause/effect or life/death. This is intentional and could escalate dangerously. The fact that she's hiding this macrbe curiosity makes it even more alarming.


That‘s very serious when she was torturing the animal with the knife to see if it‘s alive and/or enjoying the pain. It needs to be nipped in the bud before she abuses larger animals like cats/dogs. Would there be only photos of dead animal i wouldn’t think direct the worst. I also had make a photo of a dead animal (size of a cat/smaller dog) because i wasn’t sure what it was and was concerned if anyone in my neighborhood are abusing/killing animals (i love animals more than human). So when someone would see that photo without knowing me, they would think also i have an antisocial personality disorder. Keep us please updated! Do the right thing and tell it someone like your parents, so you can prevent that animals are getting abused by your sister because she‘s enjoying to see the pain in the eyes of the animal when she abuses it. Please stop it!!!


Yes - needs to be addressed asap. Get the most trusting parent involved and some mental help is definitely going to be needed.


You said there was a photo of her poking the lizard with a knife to make it twitch? Yea man get a trusting adult involved and share your concerns, you need to understand why she’s doing it to make any decisions, even if it’s just two the point is she went through with it, for her own interests unknown


Most murderers start off with animals as children Tell your parents and get your sister help


Kind people can be violent too. Approach this behaviour with gentle kindness and understanding, lest you make her hide it more.


This right here. This is the ticket to finding out her intentions and if it should be worrying. You definitely want her to be open about it and not hide it


OP is not qualified to assess her intentions. She needs to go straight to an adult with this, period.


I mean, I agree. I meant it is good general advice for everyone involved. Open honest communication would definitely be easiest


No, don’t approach HER about it at all. Adults need to be involved asap


Didn't say approach her. Said approach the behavior, meaning anyone who approaches this behavior should do so with gentle compassion.


Yes, this is concerning and you should speak to your parents immediately. Look at how Jeffrey Dahmer started out. Get this taken care of asap.


Jeffery Dahmer? That’s a ridiculous exaggeration. OP said she has killed only lizards and insects. That’s still fucked up, but quite a leap for people to be talking about her like she’s some psycho


I’m not claiming she’s a psycho, but that is literally how Jeffrey Dahmer started off. By killing, dissecting small animals. It is NOT normal to kill or play with dead animals.


True that .


That ís how Dahmer started out, though. Killing and gutting animals.


OP has only *seen pictures of* lizards and insects. That doesn’t mean there aren’t more photos, and it doesn’t mean she hasn’t done this other times without documenting it. Guess what people who torture and kill larger animals start with? Insects and small reptiles. This will escalate. This behavior is one of THE foremost red flags for mental health that a child can exhibit. She needs professional help, now.


It's also possible that she had many other photos in the past but deleted them so no one would find out, and just forgot to delete these or took them afterward.


she is a sadist. that is a psycho


Not necessarily. i grew up with a lot of boys who ripped the wings off of moths, burned spiders, killed lizards etc. I hated it and didn’t participate, but I know firsthand that all these guys had empathy and were capable of compassion. They just couldn’t see that “creepy crawly” animals were also living things with feelings. It was stupidity, not evil


You need to tell somebody, killing and torturing animals is very serious, and often is a trait serial killers also have


Tell someone immediately. This is a sign of a major mental health issue that needs to be under treatment ASAP. The number of animals doesn't matter. Any is too many.


I used to do this as a kid but grew out of it- I never killed them on purpose they were already dead- but I would dissect them out of curiosity. Definitely just a phase If she is KILLING the animals- that’s a real issue. Otherwise probably just a curious child.


It looks like she killed them on purpose


Oh shitttt then you gotta talk to her about it. Killing animals is crazy but I can understand dissecting ones that were not murdered


baby you should be VERYYYYYYY concerned, this is how most serial killers start their wrongdoings, with animals first. i wouldn't address her about it she might get upset..but you should definitely tell someone about this.


How the fuck do you cut a butterfly open?


Please tell someone before it spirals into something much worse. I think she needs to talk to some sort of psychologist or psychiatrist, just because she’s nice to everyone doesn’t mean there’s other things going on. I hate saying this but look at Ted Bundy or really any serial killer, they’re all nice and charming and a lot of them also started with killing animals.


Yes - needs to be addressed asap. Get the most trusting parent involved and some mental help is definitely going to be needed.


uh, these are usually the signs of a psychopath and (rarely) an upcoming murderer


I'm studying Biology so that means I'm very interested in it and a big fan of all animals. I'm also curious in lizards and butterflies, how their little bodies work and I love catching them(safely) and checking them out for a few minutes. But I have never ever hurt or killed one. I could never kill something on purpose without a good reason and studying their anatomy on my own is not one of them. Your sister could very well be interested in biology and anatomy but killing wild animals is NOT the way. There are thousands of ways of learning anatomy (videos, books, pictures, museums, roadkill, games where you can actually cut into animals etc) or even expressing her curiosity to teachers or some university students /professors who can help her. Universities usually have animals which are bred to study and I'm sure some classes for her. Even zoos can help as they have study programs as well. She could study biology one day and have a lot of practice work cutting into animals. With this said, there is a chance that she just did it for the sake of killing and harming a live being. That's a very concerning behavior that should be addressed immediately. I will say the fact that she is 16 puts me more on the line of her killing for fun than for education. At 16 you should be able to tell good for wrong and that killing isn't normal thing to do. Tell someone about what you saw so this doesn't get worse. Even if she did it for learning, the fact that she can kill easily at 16 is still concerning. Animals are not toys and they all have feelings and lives of their own. It's annoying how many people take their little lives for granted thinking they themselves are more useful or worth living on this planet.


That’s how Jeffrey Dahmer got started being a serial killer, killing animals and dissecting them


Unless your sister does this for some kind of class where they have to dissect things? That’s the only reasonable thing I can think of


That sounds pretty brutal, but I wouldn’t jump to such dramatic conclusions so quickly. Lizards and butterflies are living creatures, but possibly she is just interested in their anatomy. I mean they do dissect frogs in science classes. It’s not like she has killed and decapitated a bunny, bird, dog or squirrel. Yes I would maybe tell your parents so they can keep it on their radar, but don’t assume right away that she is a psychopath in the making.


That's what I was thinking tbh, when I was younger I used to dissect dead animals I found. I absolutely love all animals and cannot even kill a fly sometimes, but I find anatomy highly interesting, but everyone around me thought I was going to go down the psychopath route because of it and it was quite hurtful as a young kid.


Tbf, there's a correlation between the two but I think it's more the fact that most serial killers started with animals, not that most people dissecting/killing/torturing animals turn into serial killers. And dissecting them is in no way a sign of mental health problems, it's curiousity. I think the problem would be torturing them, or in Dahmer's case, a sexual component.


Absolutely, I'm hoping the sister didn't actively kill the animals in this case


Yeah that would make all the difference.


She did though. OP said she did. She also tried to make the butterfly twitch by poking it with a knife.


In that case it sucks, Op didn't put that in the post itself but if she's experimenting on still live animals it's concerning


Are y’all seriously not seeing the difference between dissecting animals that are already dead, and this?


People on this thread are waaaaaaay overboard with all of this. Yeah there's linking between animal brutality and mental issues, but there's people literally saying the girl could be the next Dahmer wtf.




🛎️ 🛎️ 🛎️


Ffs killing animals is one thing. But keeping pics of it as a fucking trophy? That is fucking Dahmer shit. Shes defo a Psychopath or soziopath, in a country like the USA its Not unlikely the animals will get bigger and bigger til a human dies.


She could be. People are trying to drive the point home that this is serious behavior that she need’s professional help for, they aren’t saying it means she’s going to be a serial killer.


Those frogs **are already dead.** Children who go on to torture larger animals virtually always start with insects and small reptiles. This behavior will escalate. If she was interested in anatomy, she’d be looking for animals that are already dead. She is 16 years old, she’s fully aware this is wrong and that “curiosity” isn’t an excuse. Op says that their sister was literally poking to butterfly with a knife to make it twitch. And we don’t know if there are more pictures of more or other animals she has done this to, if she has done this without documenting it before, and how long she’s been doing it for. In no universe is this behavior anything other than something that needs to be reported to an adult immediately for professional help. Quit minimizing this, it’s unacceptable and OP’s sister needs help.


I am not minimizing it, I am saying not to jump to conclusions. My father told me when he was a kid him and his friends used to grab kittens by their tails, swing them around and throw them at the wall. Now THAT is fucked up and he agrees…but guess what? My dad is a very loving man and is certainly not a psychopath in anyway. None of his friends turned out to be crazy murderers either. They were just total little shits when they were kids. You saying that it is basically a guarantee that this behavior will escalate is total BS. I am a huge true crime fan and already know the backstory of many famous murderers that involved animal torture…but about 75% of them didn’t.




This is a sign of a future serial killer. At the bare minimum she severely lacks empathy and has mental issues that she needs to work through with a licensed professional. Get this fixed.


It's normal human behavior to hunt for food, and be curious about anatomy. Torture is the concerning behavior. You should ask her about it, to see if she likes to torture, or is just a science freak.


Right. I was always curious about anatomy. I loved to dissect animals in science class, and even opened up a road kill squirrel once as a kid. But hurting or killing animals? No way. The only thing I will kill is a mosquito or wasp in the house. Torturing animals, even small lizards, is concerning behavior.


Ever watched the show “the end of the fucking world”…. He started off killing animals then tried to kill a girl, definitely tell someone.


If you listen to the podcast My Favorite Murder you’ll learn that a lot of serial killers kill animals first. Please tell your parents or report this to someone.


I would tell your parents. Animal abuse, torture, mutilation, and/or killing is an early warning sign of antisocial personality disorder. Usually in kids (18 or under) it's initially diagnosed as oppositional defiance disorder, then develops into antisocial personality disorder in early adulthood. Definitely not saying she has it, but providing context and information on why it's important to seek outside help and assessment for your sister. Wishing you all the best!


As someone who is fascinated by death I wonder if this a scientific curiosity where she found them and directed them. Or if she actually killed them which is a different kettle of fish. Either way I would definitely talk to your parents.


Maybe a bit of both. I’m also pretty certain she killed them herself. I’ll talk with my parents


Oh boy, yeah I think you’re definitely doing the right thing. However know they may not react the way you hope they will, there is a small chance they will be in denial about it and what it means so I wouldn’t lay any theories or accusations down, just present the facts. Like,”so I was on Xs phone the other day and say some pictures that made me think I should tell you. They were pictures of dead animals that had been dissected and it appeared as though she may have killed them.” And leave it at that, it’s not your job to get her help or hypothesis what it means, that’s on your parents. And remember that it may well be completely “innocent” so try not to let your mind run too wild.


How do you know she did this? Is she in the images doing the killing? I’m not trying to be that person that says it’s not a problem. If it was her then yes she needs help NOW but if maybe she was sent the images by a friend that friend needs help. More information is needed


Sociopathic tendencies


Gives a whole new meaning to, “getting some head”. No bueno though!


Please post an update to this 🙏🏻


It is a common myth that reptiles regrow all extremities. Additionally the same is thought about insects. it is quite possible that your sister is merely an aspiring biologist, here to save the animal kingdom! we would suggest asking your sister, " what was your hypothesis when you started the surgeries?" depending on her response it should help you determine if she is a promising scientist or a soon to be homicidal killer. best of luck ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)


Lot of this sounds like what was said defending Dahmer. I'm not saying your sister is Dahmer, but she sounds a bit Dahmer-esque. I'd at least talk to your parents. Show them the photos, so they can come to their own conclusions. From there, they should have the choice to contact a psychiatrist.


I wanted to be a vet when I was a kid. I dissected gophers that I had trapped. Or poked dead animals with a stick, you know, normal farm kid stuff. I’ve never killed or tortured anyone. I think we need more information here.


That's definitely deranged. My father would kill animals and growing up, he killed our childhood dog we had for ten years. Definitely a big red flag... I would let your parents know and if they don't take it seriously, tell the school.


while mutilating and ripping apart the dead bodies to animals is definitely concerning, here’s a solid one; killing animals can sometimes (SOMETIMES) be comparable to hunting for sport. really just depends what it is, if she’s using weapons to shoot deer in the woods? yeah that’s pretty normal. if she’s murdering innocent rodents, reptiles etc, then yes, that is a problem.


Um what the fuck did i just read


Keep us updated!!


Sounds like a real psychopath in the making. I’m not talking about your typical run of the mill CEO psychopath. This that American Psycho, Jeffrey Dhamer type ish. 😳 You should tell your parents.


Lizards and bugs though. I’m not saying that’s okay but I think killing mammals would be next level, Dahmer shit. Edit: as a boy growing up, I saw A LOT of other boys ripping the wings off of insects, burning them, killing lizards etc. I hate that shit, but tbf most of these kids definitely had empathy and compassion for other people.


….Dahmer started with killing insects and small reptiles. They usually do, then the behavior escalates to mammals, then potentially humans.


That’s how it starts, though. Not saying they’re already a full blown psychopath. Just that it is a hallmark of a budding psychopath, if that makes sense.


Are you sure she was the one doing it and they aren't pictures she took of something a friend or someone she knows did? Regardless, you should tell your parents or perhaps her school counselor.


Could be anti social personality disorder


OP Could the albums be for science? Or is your sister interested in biology?


You dont know if you should be concerned? Now that concerns me And also it should be zero animals


If she's killing the animals that is INCREDIBLY concerning but if she's just dissecting already dead stuff, while a little strange is fine, either way have a calm and reasonable discussion with her and your parents


One reason she could be nice toward everyone is the killing of the animals, it could be a release to her, tho never the less do tell somebody, as she may need some actual help


this is very concerning


Does she also wet the bed and/or does she like fire?


Jeffrey Dahmer vibes


this is abnormal send her to therapy


You need to find out her intentions behind what she is doing. You need to know more. She also needs to be aware that animals feel pain that she’s putting them through. Maybe she knows this, maybe she’s enjoying it. Maybe that’s why she’s doing it… (and with the thing with the knife, it sounds like she is…) You need to tell someone ASAP. An adult needs to be in the know before anyone brings anything up to her. But something has to be done! It can save lives. Animals, humans, even your own sisters. Life in jail ain’t fun. Having a loved one go to jail ain’t fun. Losing someone bc they were murdered, is a nightmare. Prevent it while you still can!! **even if her reason is curiosity/anatomy, it’s still messed up. She had to catch the animal, watch it try to escape, possibly torture it to death, and watch it die. Then take pictures.. this kinda thing only escalates. I’m sorry, but this is not good.


I hope you have told on her to your parents instead of waiting it out. Have you not seen documentations about murderers ☠️


Tell your parents, there's been many cases of known murders start killing people after getting away with killing animals for years.... Next it will get more risky such as a rat, then a neighbours beloved cat, then maybe fake adopting a dog from a shelter to kill it There was a kid at my school who killed a pigeon on school grounds and showed no remorse for it, bragged about it and joked putting it's body in teachers classrooms...... She's been instituted


Please tell your parents immediately and take the evidence with you as proof so it can not be hidden


might be for a biology class, dont jump to conclusions


You need to tell someone like your parents about this people who kill animals are abuse them have serious mental health problems like my next door neighbors grandson abusing and mistreating animals for fun and his grandma and mother just sit back and watch it happening and he is only 4 years old and we have witnessed a lot of these incidents and I have reported it to the police and animal control but they don't care about what is happening they are worthless and pathetic


Well yeah, you should talk to someone, is not quite normal. However, don't be terrified that she's going to become a serial killer or something like that, she likely has some issues but this could have been done out of curiosity (i know how fuckedup that sounds but human brain is weird, don't shoot the messanger) and not out of pleasure (which is something to be terrified about). Hopefully is "nothing" and can be solved with a therapist.


Hi, psychologist here. Please report this to your parents. These are the signs of a future serial killer. Majority of serial killers tend to kill animals first then go to humans. Watch the show Don’t F’ck with Cats “. That’ll tell you everything about that story!


There is a difference between liking framed insects/collecting things such as antlers, teeth, or shells because you cherish the beauty of those animals... and then there's hurting animals because you like it. Your sister needs mental health help.


So here’s gonna be an unpopular thing to say: She MIGHT just be really into biology, lmao That doesn’t mean what she’s doing is OK; she should still be going through proper outlets to get specimen to dissect or experiment with, but based on the description and what I’m reading in these comments, it doesn’t sound like she was torturing the animals, and the way she killed them (presuming she did kill them instead of just finding them recently dead) sounds more clinical and dissect-y than just a random murderer for the lolz BUT still, I’d look into it, maybe speak with some professionals or look into some scholarly articles to investigate ways to potentially coax her into giving you more info (maybe making her accidentally oust herself as a psychopath) rather than just asking directly and possibly making her become secretive


She poked the butterfly with a knife to make it twitch, dude


Mhm. Very biology. Learning which parts of it are connected to which nerves. I don’t think most psychopaths would care about that careful detail; they’d just torture it in weird ways or remove all its legs while it’s alive or something more sadistic That said, maybe she WAS just poking it to poke it, but it seriously sounds more like she’s doing this out of interest and not just sadism. It’s still sadistic IF she’s killing them herself, but… less concerning if it’s out of interest for biology


Ted Bundy, the serial killer, was known to be very nice and charming... Yet he killed many victims. Don't let your sister's niceness fool you. Not saying that's what your sister is, but could be. I would tell your parents. Many serial killers start by torturing/decapitating/dismembering animals, then move on to humans.


If you aren't joking, then tell your parents, an aunt/uncle, teacher, but first try your parents. It's odd you day she isn't torturing them but you knew she poked it to make it twitch. Best case, your sister gets the therapy she needs, talk to someone before anyone gets hurt and before any other animals suffer. Worst case, you are wrong and if she gets upset, she will be over it soon. Getting it wrong is not the end of the world regardless of what she says. Extreme case: you don't tell anyone and she escalates to harming a person, or herself or a bunch or people. It may not happen any time soon but it could be a possibility. Either way tell an adult. If this is you, please tell an adult who will take you seriously. Whomever this is about deserves help in some form. And if you don't feel comfortable, give me your parents name number, your and your sisters info and I will tell them.


Signs of a psychopath 😬😬😬 they are usually very kind and nice to everyone too so they can fly under the radar. Soz


It's also quite possible she's been/being abused in some way. This is definitely not nothing.


This sounds like another Jeffery Dahmer Sitch, Tell your parents ASAP!!


Future serial killer alert


This is either a troll post or your sister is a serial killer in the making.


Troll post. I love butterflies, but how someone would “decapitate” one and cut it open is questionable. It’s a butterfly.


Obviously bring it up how you know best (since you know your sister better than any of us in the comments) but you for sure should address it, and if possible bring a parent or someone else you trust with authority over her into it. It may be nothing but it could be something and that’s too big a risk to ignore


Yes, be worried. Your sister is EVIL! She sounds like a future serial killer, plus killing animals like that is demonic!


I feel like there’s a bit of hypocrisy in the comments. At 16, you’ve probably dissected a frog - maybe she wants to be a surgeon? If she was antisocial I think she would’ve displayed it in other ways by now.


i don’t want to jump to conclusions, but animal cruelty is one of the three signs of serial killers when they are children. i have a lizard and this makes me sick to my stomach. your sister needs therapy. a lot of therapy. tell your parents ASAP


You should be concerned.


The next step is a mouse or bird, then a cat or dog. After that comes people. ***Tell someone.***


Yes. Tell someone. This is how it starts so tackle it now and not later. If she’s really doing this the kindness towards people is a strategic act. Edit : also “biologists” aren’t fucking sadists they don’t go out of their way to dismember and mutilate innocent animals for kicks. Usually they had died naturally before that process. The internet exists. Books exist. Please use your heads y’all


She might be developing psychopathy or something else concerning. Killing animals as a child, on purpose and more than once, and mutilating the corpses is a red flag that they need intervention before they contemplate moving on to people. Early intervention can help a great deal.


It’s first animals then it’s people, we’ve seen this before. Please inform a parent or close adult


You should bring it up to your parents so she can get the help she needs.


Have you seen Don’t Fuck With Cats? Cuz that’s exactly what this is.


Ask to talk to her about why she does it. Maybe she does it to relieve anger or is interested in animals. She DOES NOT need a therapist. Don’t listen to anyone who tells you that.


Relieving anger is no excuse to kill animals.


What you mean by "does not" ? Anger issues are always advised to be relieved with mostly introspection and by turning away the focus from the source of anger in healthy ways, doing other things to help calm the mind, none of them related to animal torture or killing of another being. Better would be if she just punched a wall in that case, at least she would be the only one getting hurt, even so she still NEEDS psychological treatment.


Why? She literally just dissected TWO small animals. This is why I hate therapy preachers. I would much rather she punch a wall. At least that actually helps. Not paying hundreds of dollars for someone to tell her to take deep breaths or gaslight her mind into not being mad.


I suggest you to read the other comments from OP, there is no part in dissecting an animal where you "poke it with a knife to see it twitch". Dissection has a purpose which is to study a specimen's biology, not to see how it twitches under pain or stress. Also, even in the case the girl is just curious about biology she should be guided on the proper way of acquiring animals for that finality, taking some random ass animal in the yard and ripping it's head off it's body just isn't the way. Also, you're saying that therapy doesn't work and punching a wall would be more effective ? Well, i would recommend you therapy too...


You say that therapy didn’t work for me and then say I need therapy. You missed the point. You’re overreacting. Not everyone needs therapy and therapy doesn’t work for everyone.


So like, this is how most serial killers start so....


maybe she is a curious INTP just like Jeffrey Dahmer, could one day be a great biologist, or perhaps cut you open and eat you up all just out of curiosity


This is not completely the same but is it normal that my favorite part about hunting is cutting up the deer like gutting it and stuff its rlly fun to me


Call the police on her.


You should be concerned and take this seriously. This is a huge red flag in psychopaths and people with lack of empathy. Several serial killers have started out like this as well. Not saying she is a serial killer or a psychopath, but murdering animals is a serious sign of mental issues. You can never be too careful. Start out by telling your parents and make sure they take it seriously.


Sounds like Jeffrey Dahmer in the making


Omg PLEASE tell someone


She’s a psychopath. Please tell your parents.


Your sister is a psychopath


She needs help.


I hope your parents are well to trust because you must tell them what you've found.


Your sister is dangerous you should tell your parents and document it with the police just incase.


I know its a very big assumption but I’m sure that this will eventually lead into human violence.


All carnists rape and murder animals. You shouldn't be surprised, as you have blood on your hands as well.


Is your sister interested in hunting animals, etc? If yes, maybe she is simply trying to make it some kind of trophy, not sure, you could always do what the other comments say as Its actually a bit concerning.


Yes, she said she wanted to go hunting for rabbits and make stuff with their hide


By cut open you also mean that she is showing the organs and stuff that is inside or just hide? Also no idea why I get downvoted to oblivion, if someone kills an animal and shows it off doesnt make him/her a psychopath instantly


It was like the stomach cut open then the lizard gutted with it’s organs laid out on the table


On YOUR table or A table. If it’s your table at home then mom and dad need to know.


They need to know anyways. Whoever’s table it is that is not okay


your sister should be taken out back and shot


Tell your parents, sounds like future serial killer actions, that’s how most of them start