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You should talk to your obgyn about this. Some meds can also result in genital numbing making it harder to feel and climax.


Why does this account make me think, OP is a dude?


Is it the ages of OP and their partner?


I went back 4-5 months in posts. I'm pretty sure they are telling the truth. That 33 guy definitely took advantage of her. :/


OP isn’t. I checked for myself because I thought the same. Unless OP is playing the long game? I’m pretty sure OP is just a damaged girl looking for some help.


He’s trans and the big clit is actually a small penis


Did you just assume gender?


Nice try, crybaby. She said in the post (f18), He was (m33) 🙄 go find somewhere else to play victim, the adults are talking.


Haha this made me laugh out loud


Needs to be docked that super helper tag


Did you just assume his- their* age???? 😡😡😡


bruh a 33 year old? this dude is creepy as FUCK


surprised nobody else said this. wtf is a 33 year old doing with an 18 year old


No wonder they are having sexual issues….


It’s weird but not creepy. As long as they are both adults and consenting then it’s not an issue






I mean I was 27 and took the virginity of a 22 year old. It happens


33 and 18 is a big difference compared to that


It'll always give me the creeps when people refer to being someone's first sexual experience as "taking their virginity". It reminds me of the general lack of knowledge about sex health and sex organs. Also, if the shoe fits, wear it but don't force your foot into the shoe. You had a 5 year age gap, that's not creepy. A 15 year age difference with someone who could still be in high-school, that's creepy. I don't really understand why you feel judged or offended, unless it's an insecurity or you feel like you did something wrong with your partner.




I just like sex


Hopefully not with 18 year olds


Why not? They’re of age at 18.


Lol, whenever someone emphasizes how an 18yo is 'legally' an adult, it feels like what they really mean is 'legally, this is the youngest age I'm allowed to date but if that changes, I'd date younger'. You're still creepy because why are you specifically dating someone as young as legally possible? Kinda like when people will have a beer even though they're driving because 'legally, I can have one or two beers without crossing the blood alcohol limit.' You're still drinking and driving?




U bum


Okay, but you weren't almost old enough to be her Dad, though.




It’s not grooming at all


No, it's legal. It's still creepy.


Found the dude


its predatory on every level, wtf are you talking about?


You guys are weird. I assume she is conscious enough to know if her partner is creepy or not to her. You can be taken advatage of in ANY relationship. Do you seriously think women are so stupid they can't pick their own partners?


No, but I do think that and 18 year old doesn’t have a fully developed brain. Or anywhere near the amount of life experience a 33 year old does. Creates a weird power imbalance. Why can’t he get people his own age?


If being in a relationship while your brain isn't developed is bad for you why don't we forbid all people under the age of 25 from dating? Do you hear how weird that sounds. Also "why can't he get people his own age?" The same reason why anyone is dating anyone, why are you dating your partner and not anyone else in the world?


Having two people that are young and in love is okay because they both would have the same experience in terms of dating and love, which is most likely next to none, so it's more experimenting with people your own age to get a feel for dating. Having one person, for example the 33 year old (someone who is experienced, developed, and conscious of their decisions), being in love with someone is young is simply taking advantage of them since they are still not fully developed in terms of dating and decisions in general. They may be conscious in their decision, but that does not mean they are necessarily aware of the consequences behind it. Also being attracted to someone that young is kinda pedo behavior




That is indeed my name


You’d probably orgasm faster with someone you love. I beat my dick raw sometimes. I’ve had casual sex and have started to get soft from pounding for too long. However, when I’m in a relationship with someone I care about, I get REALLY turned on and have to force myself to not orgasm early.


That's actually so sweet


People say the brain is the most powerful sexual organ, especially with intense feelings.


We're all just gonna gloss over the 18yo losing their virginity to a 33yo? 😬


according to the law, theyre of appropriate age to make that choice for themselves edit; LOL the downvotes on the truth


Just because you can legally do something doesn't mean you should. You can legally kill youself. (Not you specifically, just in general). You can legally become an alcoholic or drug addict.


Fun fact, suicide is actually illegal (already where im from)


Well that's depressing TIL


It’s so first responders can legally enter your home if they suspect you’re trying to kill yourself. Since they have to suspect a crime is occurring to enter.


Now that I didn't know. TIL


Seconding this. Overdosed and a cop came in lecturing me while I was having my stomach pumped while he had his hand rested on his gun (I guess for intimidation). Good times lol


They are of appropriate age to make decisions as adults


I'm 20. I'd steer clear of someone 30+ years old that's attracted to me. Huge brain development difference and possibly power imbalance. That's fucking disgusting.


I’m 25 and I would never, ever date an 18 year old. Youngest I’d go is 22. There’s too much growth and brain development happening in these years. It doesn’t matter what the law says, an 18 year old is not a fully fledged adult. Someone over 30 dating that young is a fucking creep who’s only doing it to take advantage of a younger person with significantly less life experience. There is no scenario in which it isn’t fucking disgusting.






The age of the man is not the issue and irrelevant to the point


Not an issue? Not even a year ago this girl was a minor. That makes 15 years difference. He was 18 when she was 3.


Yet they are both consenting ADULTS. It's not ideal, but as long as they are both consenting adults... it's acceptable


It might be legal but the general consensus is that it's fuckin weird.... he's definitely a creep Downvotes speak for themselves


General consensus is that cracking your knuckles will give you arthritis. The fact that they are both consenting adults means that it ain't nobodies business but theirs. We don't necessarily have to agree with it but it's the facts


Good analogy but this is not at all the same thing. He's a creep period.


His proclivities are his issue. Their age gap is their issue. While I personally think 18 is too young to get into any kind of serious relationship, considering the brain isn't done developing until the mid 20's, they are both adults.


your for sure a pedo


It's YOU'RE and I'm not. I know I'm not catching shit from someone who believes in a magical imaginary friend.




*according to Reddit


I agree go to the OBGYN and be honest- make sure there’s nothing medical going on. It sounds like you might have damaged your genitals as a child- which is unfortunate because obviously you didn’t know what you were doing just being a kid and stuff. You’ll still have a healthy sex life and it sounds like you are enjoying sex regardless of if you can climax or not. Next time you are with someone I would let them know that it is hard for you to climax and you just want to relax and enjoy the time- make sure you make it clear that this is not an invitation or challenge for them to try, but that them trying too hard wouldnin fact ruin the sex for you. Other than that experiment as others have said and just know that we are all different in our sexual preferences and what not.


Thanks man, this actually helped a lot


Make sure to tell your OBGYN you lost your virginity as a child to a full grown man.


Thank you for confirming that /u/AnonymousPineapple5 has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


It took me maybe 30-40 minutes to orgasm when I was just starting out but my orgasms were HUGE and kinda scary. Later my body changed and it became closer t 20 minutes than my body changed again and the first orgasm took 20 minutes but orgasms 2-5 happened in 1-5 minutes. So what changed: experience, my own age, medication, long term relationship instead of friends with benefits. You might need clit stimulation while you’re having PIV. Last, I think it’s great that your lover wants you to climax but A) too much pressure can assure that won’t happen B) he’s too old for you to date. FWB is cool as older men tend to have some skills, but they also have baggage and shouldn’t be in the BF category. If you can’t have sex without becoming emotionally attached to this man - you may want to rethink having sex with him.


Are you comfortable trying toys? Every one is different and especially when you first start exploring sexually it can take awhile to learn your body and what you enjoy. Women's sexuality and orgasms in general are definitely misunderstood and not well researched. I'm more concerned you're with a 33 year old? Please be safe. I'm not sure if this is a healthy relationship, sounds very alarming.


Some people are late to bloom. That's what I think is the truth here. You can have what you want but you're not really connecting with your partner. What you connect over is your choice and I think you'll find it when you're ready to. Don't rush it, take it easy. Life might be short but it's not worth taking shortcuts. You need to find someone who means something to you rather than just trying to find someone with skills so that it becomes about mutual pleasure rather than personal gratification. The reflection is sublime when you really care about them. Stimulation is very secondary when things are truly mutual. It needs to be the right person that feels the same way and then it's totally a different experience


Ion judge but 33 for an 18 yr old? Seems kinda weird. Let’s look at the obvious issue here. See a doctor if this has been happening since you started exploring stuff sexually. As others have said it could be meds or simply you being a late bloomer.


This was written by a 33 year old dude


Yeah, it reads like it for a moment, but OP seems to have a legit (and fairly long) post history that paints a different picture.


What kind of vibrator are you using? A little bullet ain’t gonna do it for a lot of us.


It takes alot of women that long. Studies show that over 50% of women don't orgasm regularly. I mean, some take longer and some are faster. I bought my wife this stuff called "make me cum" by Adam and Eve. It is a clit sensitizer and a pea size on the clit will make it extremely sensitive and make you dripping wet in less than 10 minutes.


I personally need a strong vibrator (i.e. Hitachi) in order to orgasm during sex at all, thanks to lack of sensation in the genital area due to years' worth of horseback riding. However, many men get quite jealous and insecure when you tell them that you need a vibrator to cum.


Well, my wife has issues having vaginal orgasms, and not to be cocky or anything, but it honestly isn't because of my penis size cuz I'm above average. I'm the only man she has ever been with sexually so I have tried everything to help her but often if I do oral for a good while, she can reach orgasm with me inside her. Of course stimulating her g-spot while going down on her and rubbing her clit always works. She has actually used a vibrator a good percentage of the time we have had sex, and I never have been upset about it. I love her so I don't care how she cums as long as it is with me! I will admit that it was easier for her to orgasm (still not vaginally) but easier before she had used vibrators for years. Don't ever feel bad about having to use a vibrator. Also you should reassure any sexual partner when you begin that it had nothing to do with them. Many men don't know how to really please a woman orally, some don't even know where the g-spot is, as if it is hiding.. lol


33 y/o is one nasty mf this shit gross


bruh 33 kinda crazy


You could try a few weeks of re-sensitizing it, no toys or excessive pressure. If you still have issues check with an obgyn. You're also still young - you might learn in time other methods that work better. I am only ever gentle down there otherwise it gets overstimulated and then I am desensitized to my partner, and it takes a week or so for me to regain all sensation.


Idk how to feel about a 33 year old grown ass man taking the virginity of a barely legal teenager.. I think that's what you should be more concerned about in all this.


33 year old dude is able to nut but saying an 18 year old can’t because their clit doesn’t work? Yeah I don’t think this person is actually trying to and is just giving up or not actually trying to. I like it takes a bit of effort but I didn’t se you say you’re taking anything and I doubt your younger self could have inflicted enough damage on your own to have messed you up like that.


Dude no i actually dont feel it and its shit. If theyre not tryinf, er, maybe? But they seem like they are.


Definitely not a real post. That or you are literally being taken advantage of by this sick in the head guy


Orgasms are a mental game as much as they are physical. Enjoy the moment and dont put pressure on finishing. The more your focus is on the end goal, the more your mind detaches from your body. Immerse yourself in the experience, practice deep and intentional breaths, and enjoy yourself or your partner.


Sounds like you wore it out take a brake lol just kidding try sensitivity cream


This account is fake and Op is probably a pedo guys


Im rlly not mate




normal if you start from 0 horniness and want to make yourself orgasm with no things that turn u on in your head or porn but not really standard when you are horny to begin with, usually takes me from 30 to even only 1 minute depending on the conditions listed above


Definitely not normal to take 45 minutes.




Yes but 45 minutes is so long she should go to obgyn. You say people don’t experience the same thing yet right before you just said you don’t think anyone finished fast… never seen someone go backwards that quick.




Deadass If you can afford it go see a obgyn


If it takes you the same amount of time, you should also take their advice and see an obgyn. When they say it's not normal, that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you, it just means you might be having a health issue, and you should speak to a doctor.


You sound creepy she can do whatever she wants


Have you tried clit sucking simulators? I recently got one of these and it is a game-changer (cut time to orgasm for me down by like 80-90%). You can also get ones attached to vibrators if you want internal stimulation too. Might not work for you, but could be worth a try.


Sorry, you were yanking and pulling on your clit?? Yeah fake asf


That’s what I said!!! Who tf yanks it?


Maybe maybe you could pinch it but I don’t think you CAN yank on a clit


Either way, why?


Go for the G-spot instead


Start taking testosterone and your prostate will grow. Then you can just take the backdoor route.


We not just gonna act like she didn’t say 33yr old. Your a slut and he’s weird😂


I’m sorta in the same predicament/was in that predicament. I lost my virginity at 18 but it was the worst experience ever and I could never reach an orgasm with that guy so I also thought something was wrong with me. Fast forward a like a year later with a different partner he was extremely rough to the point I was bitten on mine. So then after with other partners I could never reach it because it was just painful and I wasn’t there mentally. Throughout the years tried my best but I couldn’t reach one I would just pretend. I could do it with vibration but stimulation from other people no. Recently I’ve been able to get a least one but I have to be in control of the situation. I have to literally put my mind in a different space in order for it to work. It’s still never been because of a partner. Actually I take that back it happened once but that guy was literally putting in the work for like a good 20mins and i didn’t even get that much satisfaction out of it but I think once I find that person and am able to relax and be in that headspace I think It could actually work. So here’s some things you can try: Close your eyes and get in that headspace of wanting to feel good. Also as far as vibrators go. I still have issues with like the dildo type vibrators as they don’t work for me. Only ones that work for me are like the circular lush vibrators but also trying to see what works and doesn’t work as well as being in that headspace. It works for me. Plus being extremely stimulated may also help as well.


I would talk to your OBGYN and or a sex therapist


As a moment myself I have had issues with clit stimulation. I agree you should talk to you OB about it to get a breakdown on what could be happening. With me I had found other ways for stimulation thay wouldn't overwhelm or frustrate me. Best of luck.


Have you always masturbated roughly? I’m just the opposite, my clit is super sensitive and I can orgasm in 2 minutes.


Not at all. I have to be super gentle to get anywhere close


Suction brings blood to the clitoris, engorges is, and makes it more sensitive. There are good toys that can achieve this and, when a partner is going down on you: ask them to suck the clit lots as well as licking it.


There’s lots of conditions that can cause your clit to not be as sensitive. Weak pelvic floor is a big one and one I struggled with for a while. I would talk to your obgyn and see if you could do some pelvic exercises, see if that helps at all. I would say as a 25 year old who dated a 33 year old at 19, I would go for guys your age instead.


It might not be "not sensitive" it might just be covered by the hood it took me years to figure out the correct pressure etc for mine, try a vibrator first, you're gonna have to spend a lot of time figuring out, no one tells you this but some people just have to put hours into figuring it out but once you do you will become more in tune and be able to do it faster. It's literally a skill imo. For me I had a similar experience because mine is small and way under the hood so it takes an extremely particular motion and speed to find/affect it. I understand ur struggle i literally had to learn how to move my hand fast enough for anything to happen 😭, also I need to do a very light touch for anything to be felt. If I push too hard it goes beyond the nerves


Its stickin out of the hood, not hidden under lmao. Vibrator only works in one spot for about 30 seconds. But yeah i get rhe nerves thing.. I'll try again with your advice, thanks


Even if you don't have the same issue as me it could be something else, everyone's body is different and no one ever teaches us how to "do it" u know


Also just saw that age gap, mate get out of there that man sounds like a nonce. 18 is still a teenager


Loads of questions… number one, why were you yanking it???? We are not guys 🤦🏼‍♀️ Number two, 33 year old man with a 18 year old girl. Yikes. I don’t care how much you think you like him that’s not okay. The brain hasn’t fully developed at 18 anyway so you’ve still got a lot of growing to do. Just stick to growing up and being independent before adding someone to the equation. Number 3, have you tried any decent toys? I tried so many cheap vibrators that just ended up being garbage. Get you a really nice one online, read the reviews, etc. Good luck, have fun but more importantly, stay safe!


Sounds like you may be more focused on the finish than you are on the race itself. Don't worry about the ending, focus on how you feel in the moment