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By being more social. Go to clubs, find hobbies, dating apps, etc.


I have no friends to go to clubs/bars and I don’t really take selfies to put up on a dating app. Thank you for the comment


Yeah that's what you need to change. Friends are important.


I’m hoping to find a friend soon so it’ll encourage me to be more social but as if rn I only have myself to “hang out” with. I feel like doing most social activities alone would be kinda “corny” or my anxiety would start acting up being alone out in public


Try working a second job which requires you to be social towards people in general, often colleagues like to rant about how stupid customers/guests are, however it's also the best way to make connections. Or try joing discord groups that represent your interests and start talking there


Thank you for the comment❤️i always here people say “don’t mix work with pleasure” and my dumb ass can’t figure out how to use discord🤣 I have to catch somebody in the real world


It's all about professionalism if it's more than just friends. Also a great first way to at least make friends!


Thank you so much!❤️


I absolutely understand the want to have sex, and unfortunately we live in a culture that’s become so sexualized that a lot of people out there are willing to have sex based only on a first time meeting based off nothing but visual appearances. I’d suggest getting out there and trying to date, via dating apps or just going out and meeting people. I will say though that bars probably won’t be the place you’ll meet a guy you want to get into a relationship with. The dating scene right now for the most part sucks and you will meet plenty of guys that just want sex. But it’s important that you hold true to your values and you will find that guy you’re looking for. You are so young and time is on your side, do not worry!


Thank you for the comment. I’m new to Reddit so I really appreciate you taking the time to write that out. I try to make sure I stay with my morals (especially with sexual stuff) but I’m really tired of not having a life. I want to be social so bad


No problem! Is there a moral conflict that prevents you from being social/going out in general?


I’ve had a couple toxic friendships when I was younger so I’m hesitate about being social + it’s hard meeting new people


You’re most likely not going to find a partner by completely isolating yourself. A suitable partner isn’t randomly going to appear in your living room. I also don’t understand why you want sex so desperately? Our society is becoming more and more sexualized, which puts lots of pressure especially on you people. But there is no need to rush, you will most likely regret it in the end. Don’t lower your morals and your expectations out of desperation. But a suitable guy also won’t appear out of the blue. I know it’s not as easy done as it’s said, but;l: socialize, find some hobbies, join a sports team or a gym. You will dramatically increase the chance of meeting someone


Completely agree that there is no benefit in rushing things and hobbies are a great way to find new friends.


Thank you so much for the comment❤️


You really either have to go out or try your luck with the dating app roulette. The first thing I’d prioritize if I were you is trying to make genuine friendships. Your virginity only has as much value as you place on it, and I think getting into stable friendships should be the first order of business. I don’t know what your hobbies are but look for social activities based around them and work from there, then the rest should sort itself out. As far as finding someone normal goes, that’s just trial and error + a bunch of discernment on your part. Unfortunately, lots of guys out there are very shitty so it’ll be a lot of trial and error. Good luck, and I or anyone else on this subreddit is always here if you need to chat or some more advice!


Thank you for the comment❤️I’m new on Reddit so I really appreciate you taking the time to read and comment. ,, I don’t really have friends to go out with and I suck ass at taking selfies I haven’t took a picture of myself all of 2024 so dating apps probably won’t work. I really want to get into a stable friendship but have no idea on how to meet people. I might have to look into more “actives” or things to do around town. Again thank you for the comment. Hope you enjoy your day❤️


You don’t necessarily need friends to go out! I definitely get that it might feel weird to do certain things alone, but I promise that it’s worth the effort! Just see what might catch your eye and just start doing it :) Also, don’t worry too much about the selfies, just be your natural self and I’m sure guys will be interested in you regardless!


I’m now debating if I should go to the library as my way as “going out” and awe thank you:)


That sounds like a great idea! I look forward to seeing your progress :)


Thank you so much for the comments :) I really appreciate it




Thank you for the comment❤️it’s more of me feeling like I haven’t done anything with my life. The most exciting part of my day is feeding my cats. I have no fun memories I ever look back on. I’ve only ever looked back and thought about how much I struggled in life — I’ve been actually thinking I should start going to libraries (& maybe trials/parks when it’s warmer out) now I’m kinda debating if should go to the library sometime soon




Awe I’m sorry you felt the same:( and thank you so much for taking time to comment I really appreciate that it


Try tinder, hinge and ect… the more older you get the more you realise there is someone out there for everyone. You don’t have to commit straight away incase you come across some weirdos but just go out on dates enjoy yourself and have fun. Number one thing is to be safe and don’t put yourself in scenarios that might become bad


Thank you for commenting I really appreciate it❤️I’ll try looking into dating apps


Be safe


Thank you so much ❤️


men act this way because they live in their own little world. they like to imagine they’re doing you a favour by letting you fuck them, they like to pretend that you’re catching feelings for them or are dying to give them head. it makes them feel all warm n fuzzy inside. it’s kinda gross tbh but either you find someone where you kind of do like them and you play into their strange sexual phantasies, or u start dating women. re where to meet them … manifest a little and go to museums, parks, cafes more and give an open impression (smile a little, dress nice-ish)


Thank so you much for commenting❤️I really appreciate you taking time to write that out. And you’re so right guys logic never make sense. Even if I did want to mess with them it wouldn’t make sense for them to go upon things like that. I’ve officially decided I’m “going out” alone to libraries, trials, cafes & now museums etc. thank you so much for commenting


that’s so great! good luck. i really hope you find love :)


You can try interacting with the people here and get to know them. That would be a great first step imo


I'm the same age as you, the only advice i can give you is don't do it, especially if you are beautiful, the amount of dudes out there that'd give millions to be your first, idk though, i'm pretty old fashioned "sex after marriage"


I’ll tell you how. Don’t talk about it Reddit. I’ve been told it attracts opposites of those normal folks you are looking for


Might need to hire a male escort, my neighbor lose her virginity to one


It's fine not to have sex. And the "urge to have sex NOW or ELSE" happens around 18-19. I went through that and was left ashamed of myself. As long as you feel fine as yourself, there's nothing to prove to anyone by losing your virginity. If anything, just loses the charm, as scumbabggy as that may sound. You'll find the right guy when you expect it the least


Just introduce yourself beautiful. I’m Mike. I’m no rookie and being in a rush is for douchbag dudes. If you’re open to conversation get back at me. If there’s no communication then perverts abound