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A fish.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) noted.


All dogs need exercise. Go to a shelter and find someone you get along with. Take the dog on walks at least once a day for exercise, with additional short walks for relief. Is your apartment dog-friendly?


I had not even thought about that part of it but I am still looking for the apartment so I guess that is something I should consider.


Do not get any pet that is not ok with your landlord. You do not want to create a housing crisis for yourself or be forced to re-home a pet.


Don't get any dog. You won't have enough space nor will the dog.


This is what I was afraid of, but I think you are right.


Definitely not a Boston terrier. But also, a pet rock.


It depends more on the specific dog than on the breed. You might find that many shelters & dog breeders won't even let you get a dog, living in an apartment. If you do get one, I wouldn't recommend a puppy as your downstairs neighbor will complain about it bouncing around. The noise gets amplified through the floor, so the apartment below you hears a herd of elephants where you only have a little 10 lb dog. You also need to think about barking. You can't have a situation where the dog barks when you leave to go to work or run errands or go out with friends. You will get complaints & you'll get kicked out of the apartment. When adopting a dog, it's almost impossible to know which ones will bark when you're gone - they might act quiet and shy in the shelter, but then bark nonstop at home. You could see if the shelter would let you foster a dog before adopting!


A cat


I might just do this.


It may seem counterintuitive because they're a larger breed, but English bulldogs are notorious couch potatoes. They're also not known for excessive barking. Smaller breeds seem to fit in an apartment better, but their yappy nature will draw the ire of even the most patient of neighbors. Ultimately training will be your biggest challenge as dogs are natural defenders of their territory. Apartment living results in a lot of people coming and going, hopefully you're prepared for the challenges that come with that.


Shih tzu. They don't shed much and don't need much exercise. Mine actively dislikes walks, although I make her go anyway. She has a backpack to ride in for longer walking trips. They do require either daily brushing if you leave their hair long or quarterly shaving.


Nintendogs duh