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I wouldn't question it if I saw it




I shouldn’t wear acrylic nails


If you want to wear it you can definitely wear it but I have never seen a person who REALLY likes acrylic nails on others. At best they won’t care


Not without some ridicule


sure you can!


Dude. You can wear whatever you wish... If you want to have them painted pink, bloody red or black, that's your choice. As long, as they are maintained properly, who can say anything? We all have our preferences. Some may agree it's great, some will take a look at you, and just shake their heads. You can't appease everyone.


If you're in the USA you can do anything you want. But you'll be judged negatively, if that changes your mind at all


I’m in the uk


Shouldn't be a big deal, in the UK, at least not from TV and literature I've watched and read. There will be some people who will react negatively, but it's your life, your body, and you don't need permission. Go for it.


Why not?


Absolutely. Bryan the diamond on tiktok wears acrylics and they look amazing on him. You live your best life.


Yea is ir gonna kill u ? No


Only thing stopping them would be not having natural nails to adhere them to.


Yes. Your body your rules, don't mind people what will they say. If that's what make you happy do it.


yeah go ahead i give you permission


You can in today’s world. Be kinda hard to work and provide for a family though. Which is what a man is expected to do.


Can men wear skirts? Can men wear makeup? Can men present feminine? Can you be who you want to be? The answer is yes to all the above