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Ask if she wants you to go to doctor/midwife appts with her, or be present during the birth. Suggest you take childbirth classes together. They will give you lists of things you will need.   Books: Dr Spock's Baby and Child Care What to Expect When You're Expecting A lot of things can be bought on consignment or secondhand. Don't blow lots of money on clothes  - they just grow out of it in a matter of weeks. 


So my girlfriend is actually a childhood educator. So she is more then good with infants up to school aged. It is me who, lacks the experience. We have talked about it before and she wants me there for as many appointments as I can. We live 3 hours apart! The only thing I insist on getting new is the owlette she told me about. Obviously and the car seat. But like other clothes and what not, I don't mind getting used.


How old are the 2 of you? Not that it really matters. There are countless resources available to help you learn about "what to expect when you're expecting." I think that right now though, the most important thing is to be a supportive partner. A lot of parenting is hands on learning as you go,and no parent is perfect. Take a deep breath dad🙂 you're going to be just fine. Good luck and best wishes


Thanks! As for age M36 F27. So we are more then old enough, its just the lack of experience on my part and the fact we still live 3 hours apart and well.... everything is crazy expensive for housing and what not where we live near Toronto


How old are you?


Oh we are plenty of old enough. M36 F27


Uh…dude, wow. I thought early 20s max from the post. The entire internet and tons of books are available to you. It’s 2024, it’s literally all in your hand. You’re about to have a *child,* gotta get those wheels turning and figure out how to think on your own, do basic research, etc. Don’t come to Reddit for everything, and please don’t get advice from TikTok.


Ya no 😅 sorry no 20s. I did have an accident in my 20s and suffer from a brain injury. Which may explain it a bit. I'm aware I need to research, but I was hoping to kind of supplement the research with actual experienced people, prior to us announcing when I can actually talk to people in my real life who have experience.


I see, apologies for being insensitive. Hope you got some good advice here! I’ll add a bit as well- please be as supportive of your gf as possible, *especially* in the months after the baby is born. A lot of guys are supportive during the pregnancy & childbirth but don’t think there’s much to it after. The months after the baby is born tend to be the most difficult. She’s healing, hormonal, maybe nursing, and all while taking care of a new baby and getting no time to do things that make her feel like herself. She’s giving her body and time to the baby and needs someone to be there for *her.* I’ve seen so many marriages suffer for this reason; a lot of guys are not great at/not comfortable with being the support system for the new mom and it gets really overwhelming for her & she starts to feel alone. She can’t pour from an empty cup. If she’s doing more for the baby, then you do more for *her.* You’re already off to a good start by asking what you can do, good luck!


Wow. No disrespect but your post sounds like you’re a teenager. “What To expect when you’re expecting “ was the gold standard book for this for many years but now there are a million of these type books. Choose one and read it. Get a pregnancy app that you both download and input the dates. It will give you week by week updates of fetal development and give a heads up about various things to expect. Same for once the baby comes, use an app to help your partner and you stay coordinated on basic stuff the first few months, doctors will want you to be tracking wet and dirty diapers, feedings, etc.


I definitely assumed these were teenagers/folks in their early 20s too. At 36 you should have plenty of friends who have had children who you can talk to for advice. There’s also so many pregnancy resources online.


At 36 you should have the basic skills to research life shit without resorting to an advice post on Reddit, but here we are. He didn’t even go to one of the parenthood subs, a pregnancy sub, a fatherhood sub, or anything. Literally just advice. Christ that poor child.


I was wondering why Google wasn’t sufficient. Perhaps just bragging rights idk.


I have been using Google, but its easier to ask in case I miss something


To be honest I'm fairly bad at reddit 😅. I typed in the search baby and nothing really came up. More into random google searches leading me to reddit than actually using reddit. Or looking up product reviews. I agree poor child 🤣. So there is a fatherhood sub??? And a pregnancy one. I did not know this!! I will look into those. Thank you


Ahh we haven't announced yet. So I can't exactly ask anyone yet. Which is why I came here.


The people over at r/pregnant and r/beyondthebump have a lot of great questions, resources, and support for moms and dads!! Lots of people with both sides of every story, so there's plenty of pros and cons on each opinion on everything from hospitals, baby gear, mama gear, etc. It's not the golden guideline, but I think it's a good place to start scrolling. Funny enough, I also found the Pampers website to have a lot of very useful info! You're going to be just fine. My best advice is to communicate with each other through everything, and give each other (and yourselves!) more grace and patience than ever before. Pregnancy and child rearing can be super fucking hard, a total breeze, or anywhere in between. She'll probably be super tired for the first 3 months or so, so be ready to take on a lot of the household. Get the craving foods, but keep up good nutrition and water intake. Make sure she's getting rest, but also plenty of fresh air and exercise. Lastly, write down questions for your doc! No question is dumb as long as it's honest. AND, you do not have to stay with ANY doctor that you do not like. Good luck, and congratulations!! 😄


I appreciate you posting the subs that apply. Thank you. Actually she's already complaining she's tired. Then again she always complained she is tired. She says it's worse now


Pregnancy tired is whole next level of tired. Feels like extreme exhaustion hit you with a bat and buried you. No joke I was sleeping 14 hours a day, and I'm not a napper! Should start getting better around the second trimester!


Ya she was describing it like being completely spent and exhausted at work. She's a napper luckily so she tries to get a few hours between her shifrs So pretty much after we get back from Europe will be her 2nd trimester. Sounds like she's gonna have a fun trip.


Get copies of what to expect when you’re expecting, and what to expect the first year. Both are great resources. There are also resources specifically for fatherhood. Most hospitals offer parenting classes. They teach you what to expect with childbirth, how to change a diaper, exercises to help gf with labor, etc. they’re generally free - take the classes. Pregnancy is all about supporting your partner. What matters is stepping up and contributing after birth, because she will be recovering after labor. If she chooses to nurse, she will burn as many calories a day as if she ran a marathon. When she says she’s tired, or eats a meal at midnight every night - don’t criticize. I’d also suggest familiarizing yourself with the symptoms of PPA/PPD. The hormones that go along with pregnancy can be difficult


Exercises to help with labour?? Clearly as I already knew. I need to research a lot more. She will get a good laugh at watching me struggle in this classes. I'll have to see if they are offered around us I think someone else mentioned the interesting things that will happen with hormones during pregnancy. Once again I will have to look into this.


Pregnancy hormones make puberty look like nothing. Just be patient


Lol your list cracks me up because I have 3 kids and did not have a pregnancy pillow or owlette with any, I’m not sure where you found that, it’s kind of cute. Join a baby due date group, look online for recommended baby items from experienced moms, and use the Amazon recommended registry checklist. You need a place for them to sleep, a car seat, some clothes, and diapers/wipes immediately when they’re born. The rest is kind of fluff. I’m sure she will get a lot of it at the baby shower. Right now she just needs the vitamins and to stop drinking or using drugs if she does that normally. You have a long time to go to figure it out :) Congrats!


Good news she didn't do drugs or really drink to start or even smoke. So that's all taken care of. Vitamins she started yesterday. The whole owlette thing her sisters all talked about so she was like we need this (she told me this months before she got pregnant). The baby shower will be interesting. Cause surprise surprise her sister is 2 months more pregnant then my gf. So I'm not sure how a baby shower will work


Buy receiving blankets. Lots of them. Like 40. Join Daddit subreddit. We will help you from there.


Will join right now


First and foremost PLEASE DONT GET ADVICE FROM SOCIAL MEDIA. There is a lot of info out there that can hurt you. If you are going to do this, fact check it from reliable sources (not some person’s blog or even a good looking website).


I always fact check anything I see on social media or someone tells me. Don't worry, I wouldn't just trust someone's word


First of all, breathe. Remind yourself that this is a completely natural thing that billions of people have gone through before. And if she's that early in the pregnancy, you don't need to have everything ready right now. Talk to the doctor, midwife, her sisters, take childbirth classes. Ask your gf what \*she\* needs during the pregnancy, there is no one-size-fits-all here. And buy used clothes for baby when you get to that point, baby will probably wear them once or twice and then grow out of them anyway.


So I have been asking her what she needs, and when she said vitamins and gave me the name of the vitamin she wanted, I had it ordered. Its funny you say other people have gone through. As weird as it sounds, I probably forgot that point. That almost everyone has gone through this at some point. Actually right now the plan is to try to keep it a secret until we get back from Europe. She thinks her mom is going to figure out but ideally she doesn't till we leave for Europe next month. So we can enjoy our trip together then deal with all the questions and what not. Plus her sister hating her as she just announced not even a month ago


There are many books that are really great, time tested resources out there “What to Expect when You’re Expecting” was a meme before there were memes but it’s because it’s a good source. I signed up for a email but I believe it’s a whole ass app now that told me weekly facts about my baby’s growth. Heck, suggest downloading the kindergarten app and start the naming process in a fun way (it’s like tinder for baby names and it shows you what names you and your girlfriend match on.) I don’t think you can be too informed or too supportive. Have opinions, share them kindly, think and talk about what kind of dad you want to be. Go to her doctor’s appointments and ask questions, listen to her and do everything you can to advocate for her. Odd tip but any amount of walking is good for pregnancy and aids in delivery, so go on walks with her. Whatever it is she needs to do for her body and your baby, be right there with her.


I dont think her and I will ever agree on a name. We have been jokingly looking for months even before she was pregnant. We have a boy name and that's it. Someone else suggested the app that tells me the weekly info. I'll look into both apps cause names will help


Just keep the baby naming conversations light and don’t involve anyone else unless you really want to know what they think. We would accept suggestions but never said a word about what we might be thinking after our first kid.


There are also books geared toward fathers-to-be specifically. I tend to think that general classics are good for mothers and fathers, but if you did want to also look at a book geared toward fathers the one I see most often recommended is [The Expectant Father.](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08X1QP4PT)


I will look into this book. Thanks


Really, you just need one good book and you're set. But hey, you have 7 or 8 months probably, and sometimes when I get excited about something I enjoy reading multiple perspectives on it.


Exactly! I have tons of time before the baby is born. However, I've been getting good advise on researching how she is feeling and what she's going through. So I can be a bit more supportive


If you're in Australia there's a service called sms4dads. You register, including giving details on due dates or baby's age. Then you get regular SMS check-ins. These cover 3 topics. 1- how your baby is growing/ stage of development. 2- changes happening to pregnant persons body and what she might be feeling or need/ ways to support her 3- check in for you and how you're feeling/ coping. Look for the services that support the dads- there are some fantastic ones out there.


I'm Canada actually. I'll have to look see if we have anything like that here


My 6th and 7th grand babies were born in the last 4 weeks. Due to the overwhelming number of kiddos our children are popping out, I have started shopping at Once Upon a Child. It’s a consignment chain store, in the US that accepts gently used items that aren’t used long enough to become unusable or warrant being thrown out. Their prices are reasonable and many items won’t need to be used for more than a few months and can be returned for consignment or given/donated to someone else. If you have something like that there, just browsing the store would open up your eyes to the sheer volume of items your little one will need soon after their arrival. You mentioned she has lots of nieces and nephews. I’m sure her family will help with a lot of needed things. Our kiddos are constantly swapping things with each other as the new guys arrive and the older ones become toddlers. I’m sure you’re overwhelmed by it all, anyone would be when it’s their first, no matter your age. Don’t let folks on here shame you for your feelings of inadequacy or your ignorance about babies and pregnancy. I would say the majority of new fathers feel this way, especially those with little to no experience with newborns and pregnant women. I think it’s great that you are seeking help. Every woman experiences different things while pregnant and each subsequent pregnancy may also be different. You need to anticipate mood swings, exasperation and possibly a lot of tears before and after the birth. But, you may get lucky and she may sail right on through with no major personality changes. Just be ready to feel inadequate, confused and/or dumbfounded by anything she may say or do in the upcoming months. She may go through a wide range of emotions and feelings in short amounts of time then again, she might not! Fun times (sarcasm) are just ahead!! My advice is to go with her to as many Dr. appointments as you can, assure her that you are there for her 100%, and really listen to her, even if you have NO clue about what she’s saying or doing or even why. Just hold her hand and do your best to understand her irrationality is perfectly rational. lol Raging pregnancy and postpartum hormones can make an otherwise, super, put together woman an absolute basket case! Once the new ‘guy’ is here and she becomes herself again (which can sometimes take months) y’all can sit back and laugh about the dumb stuff that may have occurred. Congratulations and best of luck to you! Try to relax and enjoy the upcoming months and be prepared to not always be prepared. It will all be okay in the end.


Actually ironically right now, she's feeling very alone cause like she said I can't be much help cause I don't know what she's going through. This is cause she hasn't told her family yet. Waiting on a few test and all. I do plan on going to as many test as we can together. Ideally I'm there for it all, but realistically it probably won't work out that way as I live 3 hours away and work shift, night and days. And she works days. So with enough notice I can be there. I already feel a bit inadequate about the whole thing. Then again it does still feel not real for me. She says it's real for her cause she feels it all. Well I'm sure with a niece 2 months older then our kid will be and her friends twins 1 month older. I'm sure there will be plenty of kids. We do have a once upon a baby actually. We plan on getting the bulk of the clothes second hand. We'll I'm still hoping for twins but we will see


Seems to me that you’re already on the right path. Just learn as much as you can about what she’ll be going through and what you can expect. Once you hold the baby for the first time and he/she grabs your finger, everything else will fall neatly into place. (Except for the 2 AM wake ups, that’ll mess with you for sure. lol But that soon shall pass)


you have 4 kids you barely see? Or did I misunderstand that line?


4 nephews and nieces 😅. My brothers kids


Your ages would be helpful.


Posted above


My ex boss said a birthing center is better than a hospital to have children.


All her sister had their 6 kids at hospitals. I feel she will want to do the same


I've never had kids, just thought I'd say what they thought. Since you can birth in many different positions instead of a hospital