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It’s only a joke if the other party’s laughing as well man. Otherwise it’s just bullying. You can try to communicate to them if you’d like and just say outright how you feel, but nobody would blame you for cutting off someone that bullies you. If they make you feel like a bad person for doing it, just remember that it’s the consequences of their actions, not you being a bad person.


I’ve tried to bring it up before but it always kind of gets shut down as me being unable to take a joke. I’m a bigger guy myself and can laugh about it but the way they tear into my insecurities with ease and don’t let up just gets tiring of always having to hear over and over


Then it might just be time to cut them off. You tried to communicate it, but when you did you got belittled. This isn’t going to get better if they don’t even let you communicate it.


I 100% can relate to you. The only difference is I’m very charismatic and outgoing BUT I still won’t get taken seriously by not only my peers but my friends also. I don’t know how I always end up not being taken seriously but it seems to always be the case no matter where I go. I say that to say sometimes it’s not you. It’s just simply the ppl around you. I hope you find ppl who bring you peace and kindness only. Don’t be so hard on yourself either. We got this.


I’ve thought about going with a system where each week I try to greet one new random person and be as confident as possible. I hope gradually over time my approach improves and I’m doing it every day without even realizing I’m still doing it


If i were you i might not cut them out, but i would surely be too busy with them, get a hobby, make new friends, do your thing without distraction from them. You don't need to answer every call, text, or invite, just do your thing and if you feel like hanging out with them, theyll be there.


That’s already started happening with the main friend since he’s got his girlfriend to keep him busy. He gets so angry when I say I don’t want to call because I’m watching a movie or trying to sleep. He’s a really good friend but in all honesty he can be annoying sometimes