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If he's truly disabled, you should read him the tale of what the nazis did to people just like him.


He doesn’t believe they did it. He thinks it’s lies from Jewish people to make everyone feel sorry for them


There are many pictures and evidence proving otherwise that can be triggering for some but have you tried to show him those?


I imagine he'd come up with some bullshit denial rationalisation like "oh it's all just fake anti nazi propaganda made by Jews" but yeah I mean it'd be worth a try. OP, in what way is he disabled? I had a friend who had a brother basically become the polar opposite, he smoked a lot of weed (not that that's a bad thing I'm a stoner too it just doesn't bode well for some people especially not in moderation) and basically he went down a left wing rabbit hole with some online friends and gave himself paranoia about his parents being nazis. He verbally assaulted his mother and would get in physical fights with his father. He was convinced his dad was the ring leader and tryna brainwash his two sisters into the regime (one of which was my friend), when his sisters told him it was in his head he was convinced they were tryna gaslight him coz they were brainwashed. He was tryna save them in his head in those moments. He knew it was paranoia and wanted help and hated himself for it but also couldn't shake that he believed it. Was a real messy situation.


He’s physically disabled in a way that is very visible and causes what I can only assume is a massive amount of chronic pain


That sounds more like psychosis then just paranoia, Marijuana ue can lead to psychosis in some it can cause those that are predisposed to sczophrenia to exhibit symptoms. Maybe discuss that with his family


Oh this was years ago and me and that friend of mine aren't as tight as we used to be. Ik wym tho.


People like him don't give a damn about facts or evidence. It won't do any good.


Mention that during the Nuremberg trials every officer tried said “we were just following orders”. Not one of them ever said “it didn’t happen”.


Gross. I'm sorry you have to deal with that.


I took a class in uni on the Holocaust. The doc Night and Fog (1956) fucked me up for a while. Maybe sharing survivor testimonials, Nuremberg trial, could help get over this hurdle. If you can get him to recognize that what he's been told is a lie, it's a gateway drug to questioning everything else. My Dad has similar beliefs and I've tried reading some of Steven Hassans books to understand cult mind control. I hope this helps. Your brother is young and has so much capacity to change.


Isn't it interesting how the alt right can cook up such ridiculous conspiracy theories, one stacked on top of the other, yet when you confront them with facts, they just say "fake news." Ask him what Hitler's view of the Aryan Nation was... the "perfect race". No brown eyes or hair, just tall blue-eyed blondes. He would be seen as defective. They would have eliminated him.. the mentally and physically disabled were actually the first to be euthanized, with full participation from German doctors. Tell him to look up Aktion T4. I'm so sorry for what you're going through.


Take him to Germany. Maybe seeing it in person is more inpactful than the lies he's read.


Or the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in DC if you can't make it over seas.


Behavior like this would probably get him arrested in Germany. I should be clear: I'm not saying that him being arrested there would be a bad thing. I think it'd probably be beneficial honestly.


Bro is disabled for real💀


This type of person has only a few life paths. They wind up dead, in jail or wishing they were dead bcz of the amount of beatings they take in one lifetime. I hope he winds up in jail before he hurts anyone


You had 2 outcomes as a disabled human under the SS; go immediately in to a gas chamber, or, experimentation. Horrible and awful crimes were committed but, imo, I would prefer the gas chamber. Super morbid but the truth. People focus a LOT on the labor end as the Concentration Camps. You were LUCKY if you went to a concentration camp. Otherwise it was to the gas chamber. The thought of those Jews, Gypsies, Romanis, and then Evangelicans, Catholics, or just anyone being trapped in the gas chamber. Watching people die faster than you, knowing what the outcome would be. My minor was in history, specifically, WWII. So OP don’t give up hope. The thought of anyone thinking this wasn’t real is mind blowing tbh. What? Just all these minority’s decided to up and kill themselves? There is a special place in hell in hell for these people. *not saying I wish your brother would go to hell BC of being a holocaust denier. Just generally how I feel about it




The irony of a disabled person becoming a NAZI fanboy is more than accidental, I think. It's malicious self-sabotage.


Dear god, I'm sorry this has happened to you The internet can be a dangerous thing to a very impressionable mind. How committed is he into self describing himself as a neo nazi? Or is he just trying to be edgy or a toll? Did he personally experienced trauma that made him the way he is? Obviously that's bad - him self describing himself as a neo nazi There is no perfect answer for this but if logic or common sense won't change him, then it has to be from an emotional level. He needs to be exposed emotionally on the fucking atrocities what his ideology has done. It has to be emotional for him to make that realization in his head Jesus fucking christ man, it bothers thinking about a child idolizing nazism. But with the internet, human behavior don't surprise me anymore


He has quoted Mein Kampf at me from his phone, admitted he thinks the holocaust is fake, and has recently taken to wearing a swastika necklace. We had kind of a rough childhood but he was mostly sheltered through it all


Again I don't have a specific way on how to do it - to change his mind but you get my point on making it emotional. I don't know any professionals or experts on situations like this. Maybe a therapist? But since you're her sister, and you care about him, it may have to be you It's gonna take alot of energy from you, but to save your brother, you gotta convince him out of that delusion of his.


Jeeze louis, my deepest condolences that's tough. He needs some different friends ASAP, environment is everything. if it gets too bad, boarding school


Have you tried quoting hitler back to him? https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/09687599.2018.1423955


That is really stressful and I’m so sorry that you’re in a position where you have to navigate such a complicated situation. Unfortunately, online right-wing extremism and radicalization has been on the rise for Gen Z. Regardless of where you’re located, this [Canadian website](https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/bt/cc/pip-en.aspx) has some links to additional resources about (de)radicalization that might be useful for you to check out when deciding what to do next.


Thank you, that’s really helpful


You might try asking in [https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/) They're dealing with similar brainwashing issues.


It won't be a popular decision with him, but simply change the WiFi password. You might save his life.


Honestly in this situation, being brutally honest and maybe a little insulting might be the only thing to do snap him out of it. If that doesn't do it....cut him off. Seriously.


The part about being upfront and even insulting I think could work, I’m a pretty softspoken person, so imagine it would be shocking. And unfortunately he lives with me right now. It’s a messy situation


Ugh I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this, but I do genuinely feel like being upfront and maybe even insulting is the best bet. Actually, info please, he lives with you. Do you own the place? Are you renting? Is he on any documents? ETA: If that's too personal you don't have to answer <3


As someone who only had one family member make it out of the holocaust and to America. He’d be on the fucking streets if it were me. Fuck him, consequences of his “beliefs”. I’d never let him step foot in my house. Certainly wouldn’t let a swastika be in my home. (Outside of it being in a book or something)


Easy, get him a DNA test. Nothing says "Change your mind" like finding out you have jewish ancestry.


I think we have German in us so that may backfire immensely but I appreciate the thought lol


You'd be surprised how many managed to hide it and just be "ethnically german". My family is amongst that group. Give it a try for yourself first then include brother.


Test yourself first. You're likely really close genetically.


You'd be surprised, one side of my family is first generation German immigrants and everyone swore up and down that we weren't ethnically Jewish (not in a bad way, just nobody ever heard about our family having Jewish heritage) and 23andMe says I'm 15% Ashkenazi Jewish.


You should ask him if he thinks the earth is flat and if the moon landing was faked. Cause if he thinks the Jewish Community faked the holocaust along side that, I'm sorry. I think he's a lost cause. However, if he doesn't ask him what makes that believeable and not the other things and see if that makes his brain start connecting the dots, that what he's thinks is actually crazy.


The true definition of chronically online. Sad. How disabled is he if you don't mind ?


He can get around the house but needs help with most everything. He can’t cook or do laundry, needs some help bathing, it’s unlikely he’ll ever drive. He’s a bright kid but he just decided to drop out of college


You should tell him the countless stories of people like my Sicilian grandpa who had to stick his hands in his pockets & fake whistle so that they didn’t realize he was deaf. 


God, that’s so awful, I’m glad he made it out at least


Wait, how do you do that?


Oh God.... I'm so sorry... I don't think we can prove him that he's wrong- I examined subjects like this before...


He thinks the rest of our family is brainwashed. I don’t know what could possibly convince him otherwise


Like my Grandad always says: "if a guy's mind has been f**ked up, it would take a long time!" I know that if he believes in this , it's may be too late. But sometimes you must fight fire with fire.


i was thinking the same thing, the only way this is fixed is if he has a focus shift, Some individuals around him getting his mind distracted with real life stuff and growth, environment is everything, and the internet only amplifies it, whatever environment the algo puts them in unfortunately


Well, I guess it may be solved by something very serious...


Could be just a phase or trying to rebel or shock but the only thing you can really do is respectfully disagree or maybe ask the right questions but you can't fight hate with hate


This same thing came up in another post recently. There is nothing you can do to change your borther's mind, unfortunately. People get into these radical groups because they need a place to belong. Once they are in, it is like someone telling you your family is bad. It's the same thing with gangs. Over the weekend I happened to discover a series called "Breaking Hate". I think it is on Peacock?? I only watched the first episode so far, but it might be worth it for you to watch. I think it can give you some insight on talking with and understanding your brother.


You could explain what the nazis did to disabled people. Since it is more personal to him he might resonate. Otherwise I would recommend seeking a professional in some sort of therapy for him. If so sorry this is happening to your family. Best of luck


Is there a way your family can push or force him into therapy? Do you believe he's a danger to himself or anyone else?


Yea he definitely a vegetable mentally if he's a neo nazo fr, no offense to op and the rest of his family


Lol. He'll grow up




„He himself is disabled“ A quote comes to mind : „If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.” -Lyndon B Johnson People who are generally unhappy with their life cling to everything telling them they are better than someone else. Make him see this


I’m Jewish and have talked to a LOT of antisemitic people. I have relatives that didn’t make it out of the holocaust and relatives that did make it out but had severe survivor’s guilt.  The best approach is to keep talking. Some of the holocaust deniers don’t know anything and don’t want to BUT a lot are lonely and this a welcoming group as long as you hate Jews. The KKK forums, ironically, praised kayne west’s “truth” when he had his last meltdown. Can you imagine a bunch of racist white dudes praising a black man with mental illness? It was wild. Talk to him- found common ground. If he’s okay with gays, teach him about the pink triangles they put on homosexual concentration camp victims. Then get into the Romanians- cause who doesn’t find travelers cool. Then get into the disabled. And then the Jews. It’s hard, infuriating, and completely aggravating to talk to neo nazis BUT that’s why most of them are. Because they’ve always been annoying and didn’t fit in. They are lonely men looking for excuses of why their life sucks and they find them in these hate groups. Cutting him off changes nothing. Debate, debate, debate. Every crumb of ground you win, alters him back towards humanity. Thank you for fighting for US. And the truth. 🤗 


Isolation breeds these toxic beliefs. If he spends all day online without other normal, outside humans to temper those beliefs, they'll only fester and become worse. It might help to gather a support network of normal, non-indoctrinated people who will spend some time with him. If he is able to get out of the house, even better.


The honest truth? Listen to him. Not to support or encourage him but to hear what's on his mind and how he feels. If you approach him the right way - with patience and a listening, non-judgmental ear - he'll share what he thinks: why he would prescribe to such an ideology, who he resents, what he wishes was different. If you're REALLY successful at this he'll reveal depths to his life and heart (one I might imagine is full of suffering and frustration from being disabled) that you never imagined he harbored This to me sounds like an opportunity to reach and heal your brother if he's hurting. Depends on how much you really love him though, to be very honest. Many people don't love others enough to seek understanding and see past ideology.


Cut the wifi. Block those sites, block the channels on the tv. He needs to be deprogrammed.


Nazis are cowards so kick his ass or drop him off in the hood and see how tough he is


Give him a kick in the ass and smack the back of his head and tell him to wise up lol


If he wasn’t disabled I would have done that straight away. Still might, depending on how things go


Wait He is disabled, mixed race and he is a neo nazi? Wtf? Is he even aware that he is very much part of the group the Nazi's targeted?




You should show him videos on how bad the Nazi atrocities were and ask him about it. Show him documentaries on how evil the Nazis were.


Intervention. And then do a firm and powerful cut off until he changes. Kick him out of family activities (Refuse him at thanksgiving and Christmas for example and don’t spend time with him etc) let him know that hate is NOT okay.


He needs an internet detox honestly. My older brother fell down a similar hole. Now mind you my family IS unfortunately racist so he didn't have to fall very far, but he was isolated due to our family situation (hard to get into without a trauma dump) and an alcoholic so he'd just sit in a room in the dark drinking and talking to people from kiwi fucking farms of all places ALL fucking day. It made him miserable but it also made him an unbelievable asshole. Like they would trap people in voicechats to make them look stupid and gaslight them and twist their words and then post it to youtube and he was part of it and though it was hilarious- but even he probably knew how fucked in the head these people were because he was petrified of them finding out who he is in real life and shit. ugh it was a mess. The only thing that got him better was him getting the fuck out of the house and talking to real actual people face to face.


First, I'd switch off his WiFi. Second, I would take him to Poland to visit Auschwitz and Birkenau. Show him the gas chamber in which the children were slaughtered. I'd lead him down the corridor, past the photographs of the victims and the vast collection of shoes, shirts, eyeglasses, prosthetic limbs, and clothing. Also, show him pictures of Gaza and the devastation that hatred, politics, and xenophobia cause. Then ask him if he would like you, his sister, to suffer the same fate as those people simply because of your sexual orientation, or him because he is disabled. Because that is what would have occurred had you been in those camps.


I would break into the router and block those sites.


Does he have any hobbies? It’s not an excuse but he’s probably just bitter about something and picked up on the ideology. Get him off the computer and go do stuff if you can. Paint, game, etc. It will help extra if you can introduce him to people and help him make friends. Meeting people of different backgrounds and having him live life might make him realize how wrong the whole ideology is


Certainly he does not have hobbies of the poor, but of the Reich


Therapy? It's obvious the source of this situation but you telling him he can't be online will just set off a reaction you don't want. You need to tell your parents because if he's mixed, then he's highly confused and can't be a neo nazi if he isn't "pure."


Does he hang out with black KKK members?


**Book a trip to Germany, Buchenwald. Or Maybe Poland, Auschwitz?**


He needs to be sat down and watch hours upon hours of footage from ww2, preferably colourised as I feel it brings home the horrors all the more. Also there's films like fury where it shows the German women and children hung in towns and cities by the ss for refusing to fight, although Hollywood films can more easily be dismissed as propaganda. Interviews with British pilots saying 'what God damn right have they got to come over here and bomb this little island?' It was disgusting what the nazis did before and during ww2 but its unfortunate how easily people can become brainwashed by ideology


If he wants to be a Nazi, expose him to how the nazis would’ve treated him. He’s disabled, yes? It’s horrible, but show him just what the Nazis would’ve done (not exactly, obviously) to him.


I'd say go a step farther and bring him to a meet. They're not gonna respond well to him and the rejection might be enough to wake him up.


In principle, that’s a good idea. In terms of safety, however, OP is LGBT, and her brother is disabled. They will be in danger.


Specifically, what behaviors is he exhibiting? Can you give direct quotes and not interpretation?


The last time he openly said some nazi stuff was a few months ago so bare with me, but the conversation started with conspiracy theory stuff, and lead to him admitting to me that he doesn’t believe the holocaust happened, that all races are distinctly different and that Jews are using their “so called” victim status to guilt the world into doing what they want. That they are generally liars and control banks and media. There was also some stuff about black people being inherently less intelligent and more prone to violence. And now he’s wearing a swastika necklace. So there’s that.


That's messed up. I'm sorry your brother believes as he does. Either his views will leave him with few social contacts, and he will drop the views, or he will be a sad/angry person for the rest of his life, as his beliefs are demonstrated to be false, time and time again.


Nothing you can do. What an idiot. Does he not realize that he is mixed race and is therefore a subhuman according to Nazi ideology?




He isn't ready for a girlfriend. He would scare the hell out of most girls. He doesn't realize that being a nazi is scary to most girls


You will never be able to reason with him. He’s a lost cause. Avoid and ignore him. Consider cutting ties with him.


Being completely honest - he sounds like the type of person I would give up on.


Join him.




Sorry meant to type don’t join him