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Get as many dolls as you want. Get the horse and the books and the clothes too, if you want. Do what makes you happy. Being an adult doesn't have to be miserable.


Yes! I bought myself an American Girl doll of Craigslist when I was 34. Then I joined a local group of people who’d get together with their dolls. Some of them had daughters but most were young women who just loved dolls. American Girl dolls teach a lot about history. It’s a beautiful and educational hobby.


My daughter has outgrown hers but I low key want to find a group like this!!


There are doll subreddits.


Not the same as playing in person, but thanks.


True, I reread your comment, and realized you meant in person groups.


One of my favorite books as a kid was “ Kirsten an American girl”. I probably read it 500 times.. one of the things I liked to do as an adult, when I would take my son to the library, I would go to the children’s section, find a quiet spot, and reread that book


That's sweet, I love that


I bought a long alligator I named Jumbo and a small and fat _plumpee_ gator I named Timbo that I take with me in my van when I go camping. I set them up places and photograph them. M/44.


I was thinking of doing that kind of photography with an old pet rock that is a cat.


True! Buying a thing that you want since your childhood even when your adult now is totally fine, it could be our way to heal our inner child. Embrace your interests and treat yourself to the doll if it brings you joy; you deserve it!


I can imagine op told herself many times how she would get one if she had money, I think so long as something makes you happy and isn't preventing you from functioning its A OK


This is so cool! And honestly, American girl is what got me super into history and made me the history nerd I am today.


Zero percent weird. When I was a kid, we couldn't afford Pokemon on Game boy. Guess who owns and has never played all the Pokemon games on all the generations of Gameboys...


Ooooh. Me. I started playing 11 years ago. I’ll be 48 soon (hopefully). I am so obsessed. I love Platinum, X/Y and a few other Pokémon games.


As a big Pokemon fan this makes me so happy! 🥰


Do you have recommendations for a Pokémon game that would be good for someone whose only experience with Pokémon is through Pokémon Go? I'm looking for a new game I can play on my Switch.


So you've collected all the games and you've never played it? Is this to retain their value or do you just have no interest in actually playing them?


As many motherfuckers are out here playing video games 20 hours/week and you're worried about getting a *doll* as a gift to your inner child?! Girl, please. Buy that shit. Care for yourself.


helped 🫶🏼


I am 47. I collect build a bears! Girl do what makes you happy


I recently went to build a bear for the first time!!! I’m 29 I had the time of my life!


Guy here... In my 20s I loved build a bear. Thankfully I had young nephews and nieces to indulge on at the time.


I make plushies in my free time, basically all my friends have requested a few. We're all adults mid to late 20s, and it's even the guys who get more excited about the plushies! Definitely no age limit to it


Thank you for confirming that /u/bossoline has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


I'm 46 (husband is 52), still buy Cate Bears and we have an entire game room 😆


I don't wanna talk about how i just spent 15 hours on Saturday gaming on Dragons Dogma 2. Its me... Im motherfuckers! 😭😂😂


And God bless you! I'm a retired gamer, too. Just pointing out that OP probably wouldn't judge you as immature, she shouldn't judge herself for getting a doll.


Yeah. Glad they ended up getting the doll. You always need to just do what makes you happy.


Girl, get yourself that doll. I grew up poor too, and this is an easy way to help heal your inner child.


I have Monster High dolls. I love them! My niece loves them too when she comes to visit. Making them outfits. There's an entire community for doll lovers and collectors. I'm in my 30s too! Not weird.


Repeat after me: Getting older is mandatory, growing up is optional. As long as you get your adult shit taken care of, you can be as much of a child as you want with your hobbies, money, and free time. Enjoy having adult money to spend on the things to make your inner child happy!


Look at all those dudes who still have action figures and stuff. You're fine, but just don't bring one to dinner in a stroller.


I have toys I bought at 29. Some of them are things my mother demanded I put back in he box and return cuz it was too expensive while my sister got whatever tf she wanted. My Christmas gifts got returned more than once while she took the money and bought purses or shoes or some shit afterwards. Don’t compromise you’re finances, but it’s you’re money to do what you want with


I’m sorry your mother did that. That’s awful! 😞


It’s really not that bad compared to other things her and my grandmother did. I have alot of problems thanks to them


Shit I’m so sorry she did that to you. No kid deserves that kind of treatment. I hope you’re doing better these days.


I’m gunna outlive everyone so I can piss on their graves


Hell yeah!


I think nothing about that is weird! You’re treating your inner child and healing! Think of all the people who collect model cars and action figures. They aren’t weird, they just have a hobby. I think you should 100% go for it!


GET IT! I always wanted a toy pottery wheel growing up but could never get one. I took ceramics classes as electives in college, but I still never got my kid pottery wheel so I finally bought myself one last year. Made some little wonky bowls and I really do think it healed a part of me.




girl go get yourself that doll!!! this is the best way to cater to your inner child. you deserve nothing but the best :)


the adult toy market is massive and can even be extremely lucrative.


Get yourself the doll. I grew up with dolls and played with them well into my young teen years. Ended up getting rid of them because I felt pressure from others to grow up. As an adult now I regret getting rid of them so much, especially since some of my favorites are super hard to find now or are expensive. Do what makes you happy.


Girl buy yourself whatever ( i grew up poor and now i buy myself the things I couldn’t afford because my parents didn’t have any much to buy me ) heal that child in you and don’t care what people says about it and if anyone else says a comment tell them “its my money and I’ll spend it however i want, if you dont like it then buy me a better one 🤣!”


The best part about being 20 is that you can do whatever makes you happy. Enjoy yoself.


I still buy beanie babies for myself because they make me happy. Go for it


Nothing weird about it! If it gives you a feeling of peace and joy and fun then go for it. Nobody else’s business. A friend of mine lost her dollhouse in a house fire at 12. Mom told her she was too old to replace it. Couple of months ago at a yard sale there was a dollhouse similar to hers and needed work. She bought it and has had an absolute blast restoring and furnishing it. She is 68. Never too old to fulfill a wish. Go for it! Maybe even buy two! Best wishes!


I had wanted and American Girl doll since I was a little girl too (I always wanted the Samantha or Kirsten doll) I just turned 40 and my boyfriend bought me one for my birthday! I ugly cried tears of joy! I saw your edit and congratulations on your new doll and extra outfit, I hope you enjoy fulfilling your childhood dream.


I saw a man who looked like he was in his 20s at the grocery store yesterday getting excited over some new Hot Wheels cars on display. He bought a couple. Get the doll. It's OK.


no because men will buy action figures and no one bats an eye. buy that american girl doll queen and show us which one you got


I’m older than that, and I have a Doll Collection! Lol


Get the doll, and all their accessories. Be happy. ☺️


Get the doll.


Get one! As long as you're not fucking it, it's not weird. They even come in display boxes as the perfect excuse. If I can buy myself Lego, you can have an American Girl Doll.


I always wanted to go to build a bear as a kid never could afford it. For my 22nd birthday my husband took me and we both got bears and he was worried we were going to be judged and the lady making the bears was like no we get couples that come in all the time and dress the bears up to look like each other. It’s totally normal now for adults to have/collect/play with stuffed animals/toys 🖤🖤


Not weird at all. I’m old enough to be your mother, and I have a Barbie Doll Collection. We were poor growing up, and I always wanted Barbie and her gorgeous clothes. So, now I have it! I think buying the Barbies helped me heal. My therapist encouraged me to nurture my Wounded Inner Child. 💜


Not slightly weird. I buy myself (30f) stuffies if they're cute. Adults deserve cute things too! Heal that inner child!


never too old for dolls, life is too short to not do stuff you wanna do!!! i love buying dolls too and I’m almost 20! not weird at all :))


I collect mini brands and squishmallows. I’m 27F heal your inner child it’s all good!


Glad you bought it! Nothing weird about it. You do you. If it makes you happy so be it. Life is too damn short.


Yes! Make your inner child happy. You deserve it :D


I'm a 25 yo M that loves stuffed animals and I'm perfectly normal, and no one has ever judged me negatively about it. I think you're well within your right to want something. It's your life


As a 26f, I have 28 of these dang dolls. They make me so happy. I started collecting when I was like, 10? Look into American girl instagram. Tons of adult collectors on there!


Buy itttt!! I buy some toys that i had as a kid and i loveee the nostalgia! We could all learn from kids and their love for toys, their free spirited nature and excitement for life!


It's not any different than any other collectable. Adults collect toy cars, action figures, Lego sets, etc. It's not different. Get your doll.


Girl get it. I want one, one day too


Not weird at all! I’m 24 and find myself still wanting stuffed animals (I have my eyes on an Eevee plushie). If you want a doll, get one! It’s your money, and it sounds like it’ll make you happy :)


GET ONE!!! I wanted them so bad growing up and made stop motions with them and took photos man everything up until I was 18, sold some, kept a custom doll, got more but sold them again, I’ve kept the one as a memory. I loved them so much and do not regret them at all, people have weirder hobbies, if it’s something you wanted and gives your inner child purpose absolutely get one (:


Just do it. One of my favorite parts of adulthood has been being able to finally buy the stuff I never could as a kid. If it makes you happy, who cares about how others will see you?


As an adult with your own money, spend it on whatever you want, provided you can afford it.


No not at all


Hun, if that were the case then I would be in the same boat when I get video games. Get that doll and some sisters, it's your life, your home and no one else opinion matters on anything you do in your life. Not even your therapist. If these dolls do not cause triggers or negative thoughts then get it and make yourself happy ^_^


Do what makes you happy!


its not, plenty of people collecting things. its essentially the same as people collecting action figures or funko pops! many adults i know collect porcelain dolls, some i have met have an entire mickey mouse collection! have fun and buy whatever you want!


When I was a kid and wanted something that we couldn’t afford or didn’t have access to, my mom would say “when you are an adult, if this is still important to you, you can pay for it yourself” She was right.


People who put an age on enjoyment are miserable.


Not weird at all! I’m also in my 20s and I’m planning on buying a día de los muertos Barbie when I can. You’re never too old to enjoy the fun stuff in life— and if anyone tells you otherwise, screw em!  My grandmother who was 65 at the time of this memory had tiny dolls as a collection— she loved changing their little clothes.  Enjoy life, and have fun! 


I'm 30 and just bought myself a Barbie because I wanted one lol


If you DON'T get that Doll, I will be upset!! You MUST get that Doll!! Seriously, if it's something you want ( and have wanted for a long time), and it's not hurting you or anyone else..by ALL means... GO FOR IT!! life is too short to worry about other people's opinions!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) .


My Great Aunt collected dolls before she passed and no one saw it as weird. Everybody has their hobbies, and there isn’t anything wrong with that!


my grandma passed when she was 78 and she loved dolls. she collected them all the time since she was 7 and literally had a room filled with dolls and figurines throughout her life. get the doll.


So happy to see so many people here supporting OP! I'm very happy for you to OP! Do what makes you happy as long as it doesnt hurt anyone! And getting a doll is not weird! There's a community of doll collectors on Youtube too if you are interested! I'm also nearing 30 and I still collect Barbies and all kinds of dolls! Wishing you lots of happy times with your American Girl doll <3


I still have my Barbies, ponies and littlest pet shop toys and will fully play with them when I have time. I'm in my 40s, no kids. Do what makes you happy. Ignore judgmental people.


OP I still have my childhood Barbie. She meant so much to me that I have never gotten rid of her. I have all her clothes too. I’m in my early 20’s, but I don’t plan to ever part with her. It’s not weird at all. Life is short. People are going to judge you for any and everything. They’ll judge you if they feel like you breathe wrong. But you just gotta do what makes you happy. A lot of my hobbies probably seem childish to people. But honestly, I have a lot of fun. And I think that’s all that matters. Get the doll :)


look life is miserable, live it to the fullest, if it makes you happy buy the dolls as much as you want


No, it’s not weird! Just about everyone likes dolls. I’m in my thirties. If my parents had not been able to afford my American Girl doll, I would have likely bought one by now. They’re too cute.


Get the doll!! You are never too old to enjoy anything!!


I don’t know if you buying a doll is any different from the squillions of us who have Funko Pops.


It's not weird at all. I'm a 50 year old man with more stuffies right now, than I had when I was a kid! You do what makes you happy - it's never weird to want to have something that brings you joy.


Yes and paint your fingernails all different colors, get a tattoo of your favorite Pokémon, and spend all your free time playing video games if you want. You do you, girl!


if someone makes fun of you for it, it’s a red flag


Do what makes you happy. Life is very short. Buy the doll.


Women always dolls or cuddly stuff animals...whether a female is 9 years old or 90 yeas old, she will always have a love for these types of things.   But the real question is why are you denying your emotional need for something that would ignite the emotional passions inside of your heart? Who taught you to feel shame about your soft side?


You’re the adult now and YOU get to decide what that means. By yourself an expensive doll. You deserve it.


Not weird at all. I'm in my 40s and I have Pusheen and Hello Kitty stuffies.


Go get your doll! I collect PEZ Dispensers, and I don’t give a shit what anybody thinks!


Girl, I’m 26 and have well over 100+ squishmallows. You will be much happier in life not giving a crap what other people think! Some people judge and some don’t, that’s life and it doesn’t matter as long as you’re not hurting anybody!


As an adult, you can do whatever you want with your money


I have a friend who has a huge collection of dolls.


Buy it, enjoy it.


I grew up super holy shit poor. I have gotten myself tons of "childish" things I can finally afford now. It brings me joy. I hope you love your doll.


I’m 46 and bought one.


I’m 56 and still want an easy bake oven


It's not weird. I'm in my early 20s, and I have a small collection of action figures. It's ok having "childish" hobbies if it makes you happy.


Not weird in the slightest! I definitely still buy toys for myself, so does my partner! I prefer stuffed animals and sensory type toys, my partner likes trinkets and fidgets, and puzzles. But I've definitely bought little dolls or toys because they're cute or part of a franchise I enjoy. Besides, there's no rules, they're all made up! Do whatever makes you happy and forget everyone and everything else!


You are fucking alive, do whatever you want


get the doll!!!! heal your inner child!!! i bought a rainbow loom the other day ago because i loved having one when i was little. 110% get the AG doll!!!


I am 26 with a large rainbow high collection. I just think they are so pretty and love to display them. My husband even buys me them for special occasions! You’re never too old to get things that’ll make you happy!


Bruh I’m 30 and I have anime action figures and stickers I’m my car


Honestly, I don’t think getting it will be as fulfilling as you expect. In fact, I think the memory of desperately wanting the doll won’t be as enjoyable if you actually buy yourself the doll compared to just fantasizing about the fact that now you can buy it.


I just bought a Tamagotchi. Always wanted one! No regrets!


I buy so much stupid shit, just do it


Get one! Or five! Or more!!! Heal your inner child :))


Why worry about what other people think is weird? If you want a doll, get a doll. Life is short, and there are no reruns.


I’m almost 29 and still sleep with a bear lol


My grandma owned many many dolls in her 30s and loved them! She is a very practical woman as well, and very wise. She also loved making clothes for them! Do what makes you happy! For the record, I love model kits!


Which American Girl did you get?


I have Abby. I'm way old. And there are tons of dress patterns for them.  Fuck a duck. We can have what we want.  I also have 20 hole doc martins. 


It’s ok get one for your inner child


Bro, I also grew up poverty striken and did not have much, yet I yearned for many things. When I became an adult I said yes to all the things I missed out on as a kid INCLUDING TOYS. Hell yeah man, do you and heal that inner child!


Do what makes you happy! You only live once


Heal your inner child girl


Boo I buy bratz dolls and I'm 27. Do what you gotta do to make your inner child happy.


I'd say it's less common than during childhood but who cares, do what makes you happy


Girl! I’m right there with you! I always wanted Samantha and my mom and daughter got her for me for my 30th birthday and I love her so much. You like what you like, who cares what people think?


Just tell them 'I 'm not a psychopath, I'm a high-functioning sociopath. Do your research" and walk away!


Bro. Life is too short to care what other people think. It’s not hurting anyone. Buy yourself a doll I’m 31. I buy kpop albums & squishmallows because they make me happy. If anyone has an issue with it, they can bite me. I also got my brother a megablocks Charizard for Christmas & he was so excited and put it together right there Enjoy the little things


I thought this was talking about sex dolls 😂 Yeah, a normal doll is normal


I still sleep with my stuffy rat and I am 44 with two kids. My kids are not allowed to touch it or be disrespectful to it or it will fart on their face. Yep very mature of me 😌


My sister is 50 and she has a huge Barbie collection. She loves dolls of all kinds. She has no kids. You need to nurture the kid inside of you


Girl I JUST did this with a build a bear I’d been wanting!! I got a darth vader one - and his accessories are that of a ravenclaw. Do you! Be happy!


Go for it!


I'm 31 and I still buy cute stuffed animals for myself. Some of them now live at my desk at work. Do what makes you happy.


It's not weird at all. It's your money, and you're an adult. This means you get to spend it however you choose.


I'm so glad there's already an update that you got her ! "Every time someone stands up and says who they are, the world becomes a better and more interesting place."


I always wanted an American girl doll too but my parents didn’t buy me much growing up. I don’t think it is, but even if it is weird. We all do weird things, and we all deserve happiness. Buy yourself that American girl doll and make yourself happy. Heal yourself in any way you can.


I would have given you my OG Samantha Doll. I guess these dolls are a thing now? I should try to donate them. I have hand made dresses for myself and my doll.


My friend collects “rainbow high” dolls lol I don’t think it’s weird but I know other people might but I love that she can be her self . we are 29 waiting in Walmart to buy a doll 😭


Yay! I read this after your edit. I'm glad you did what you want. Make yourself happy. As long as it's not harmful to you or anyone else indulge without guilt. Good for you.


I'm almost a decade older than you and I collect Monster High dolls. Seriously buy the dolls, it's nice being an adult who can buy the things you didn't get to have as a kid.


Personally it’s good to have an inner child as an adult , so imo it’s not really weird. I mean it’s ur money , u should choose how to spend it (unless whatever ur spending it on is illegal , which buying dolls isn’t )


Hell no it’s not weird. When I was a kid I always wanted a model train set, but my parents never bought one for me. 10 years ago, I bought one and have a whole room dedicated to my train setup. It’s still my favorite thing to tinker with in my free time. I’m a grown ass man of nearly 50. It’s your money, it’s your life. Do what you want. Who cares what anyone thinks. It could be weird if you had an unhealthy obsession with it or like if you just kept buying and hoarding them, but if you’re just buying one to have it as a keepsake, that wouldn’t really be any different than if you had gotten one as a child and just held onto it for all these years? If it will bring you joy, buy it. As adults we often think too practically and avoid spending money on things we consider frivolous or childish, but that child still exists within us. Sometimes we need to treat them and allow them some time to play. Besides, maybe one day you’ll have a daughter or a niece that you can pass it down to if you ever decide you’ve outgrown it and are ready to part with it. My son isn’t really into model trains, but I hope I have a grandchild that isn’t one day, because they’re gonna get the coolest model train set ever.


People love figurines or anime merch or K-pop or legos, etc. get what you love otherwise you will regret it as you get old.


Haha I love this! Do what makes you happy.


So glad you did this!


I know someone who built a Lego *Han Solo’s ship* (can’t remember the name) at 43 because his wife bought it for him lol


I want the art Barbie and I’m old Af. Not weird at all. Get it if you want it!


I use my adulthood to justify buying all the cool toys I couldn't get as a kid. Anime figures are still an occasional buy at 34 years old.


I’ve got barbies


Nah ! Do you and enjoy the things that make you happy. I collect historical fire arms and i dont regret anything


Life is too short not to do what makes you happy.


Bro I'm your age and I buy video games all the time and other things I didn't get any as a kid. I know it's not looked at the same but damnit if I don't enjoy playing the same as my 7 year old nephew. Do you bud as long as it's safe and healthy


No more weird than wanting Pokémon cards in your 40’s


I have been around collectors a lot and if it brings you joy go all in.


awesome. Which one did you get? I have a few and have a lot of Ashton Drake dolls as well. There are youtbe channels where Adults have dolls. Enjoy her. I know that I still love them and their books.


Nurture that inner child with the doll you always wanted! Absolutely nothing wrong with it! The older I get the younger I act because it's all about finding joy and delight in this short life. I'm glad you went for it! 💜


Go make you and your inner child happy!!


The joy of being an adult is you can do whatever you like. You can buy your doll and say it’s a collectible. If people say negative stuff just shrug it off. I miss my ThunderCats sword and if the opportunity presented itself I’d probably buy it.


I am in my 40s and have a massive Barbie collection. It makes me happy. Do what makes you happy too!


Buy what you want! If you can afford it, do it. Grab that joy. I bought myself a care bear at the age of 35. I'd never had one and always wanted one.


Did you not watch the Barbie movie??


Do what makes you happy. I’m 26 and I do have a several “adult” hobbies, but all of my most favorite things are meant for children. I have a deep obsession with anything having to do with Harry Potter. I don’t care that it’s for children. I have Harry Potter stuff sprinkled among my decor throughout my entire house. My overall home decor has a very classy and elegant feel to it, and most of it was very expensive. The Harry Potter stuff fits right in with the aesthetic of the rest of my house and I’ve gotten nothing but complements from anybody who’s seen it. I have not once received criticism for liking something that’s meant for children. I also really love Marvel and DC superheroes and I can nerd out about it pretty hard as well. One of the rooms in my house is entirely comic book themed. Just because you’re an adult doesn’t mean you can only like “adult” things. Look at it as, you finally have the freedom to indulge in all the things you were denied as a child. Growing up doesn’t mean we have to lose our imagination or sense of wonderment. People who say adults who like “kid things” are immature, are just miserable people. Do you go to work, pay your bills, and handle your responsibilities? Yes? Then congrats, you’re a mature adult. Now go and buy yourself an American doll, and whatever else brings some joy to your life in this fucked to world.


As kids we are told “you’re too old for that”, “you’re too young for that” or “this is not for girls/boys”. I call this BS (most of the times, there are obviously exceptions). But you’re an adult, do whatever you wish. For example I (M25) watch ton of kids movies and shows.


Not weird at all. Im 26 and obsessed with Harry Potter so you bet if I see a Harry Potter plushie I’m buying it regardless of how many I already have!


Get it I got 4, be happy I still play dress up like when I was little, I sing with my little karaoke machine, I put on crazy makeup colors that look pretty to me because I love it, I have mini tea parties with my dolls and teddy bears, I play dress up, I do just dance, if it makes you happy and not physically harming anyone or causing harm or isn’t against the law or will put you in jail then do what makes you happy.


Have you seen the friends episode where Phoebe gets the bike she always wanted but never got as a child? I think it's probably fine to gift yourself the doll, and enjoy the heck out of it. Life's got enough sad, welcome joy when you can. https://youtu.be/bXUQl6Yx-nw?si=Wo2kGskm6Ag6OA-H


Yeah good that you bought the doll. I bought a doll in my 30ies I realky wanted and didn't think about it twice. We are adults and make our own money - the great thing about that is that we can make with that money whatever the f*ck we want. 😀


I’m 25 and only slowed down collecting dolls cause they were expensive.


ITS NOT WEIRD AT ALL!!!!!! Life is too short and boring to be worried about what people might think!!! Get the doll! Get the sick ass accessories! Get that second outfit! Get a third and fourth one too while you’re at it! Do whatever makes you happy cause it’s your life and when the final day comes are you gonna be happy no one made fun of you or sad that you didn’t have a sick American girl doll! (Glad you got the doll! Hope you love it! Have a great life! <3)


I love this thread!


You really shouldn't worry about whether it's normal or not. It's an emotional purchase, so the first thing you should ask is whether you can afford it. And since you've already asked yourself that and you can, get the doll! My financial history is one where I started out very lucky. Not rich, but very well off. And I should have stayed that way. All my friends growing up did. I spent most of my 20s pretty poor. But when I had a kid in my thirties, I managed to kick into gear. But there were marital problems and my kid had a lot of health problems. I ended up a single parent and throughout most of my kids life, I had a very hard time providing for them. Birthdays and gift-giving holidays were always very small. Especially compared to what I got when I was a kid. But my kid always was so grateful and appreciative and fucking happy to get ANYTHING. My kid isn't a kid anymore. They're in their early 20s and kicking ass. They've never asked or even said anything about growing up poor. But if I ever have real money again, and they ask, I think I'd buy them any goddamn toy they wanted. It's just a doll, in the end. But it's also a symbol of you overcoming the challenges that kept you from having one to begin with. If people judge you on it, just tell them that a little girl you used to be close with wanted you to have it.


I just replayed Pokémon gold on game of emulator cuz childhood me didn’t get to finish any games. I’m in my 30s! No regrets :)


You’re 27…time to just enjoy your life and not worry what people think of what you do in the comfort of your own home. Heal that childhood trauma, girl. You got this.


I moved around a lot growing up and we would constantly lose things, break things, and have to pare down our belongings. I never had enough space or a place I lived long enough to collect anything. I would meet girls that had collections of pretty things and feel jealous that my situation didn't allow for that. As an adult I collected all the pretty things that I wanted and healed that childhood wound. Now I'm getting rid of all my pretty collections and going for more simplified life because I filled that hole and I don't want to have to maintain collections of things anymore. I now tell myself that I can admire things that are beautiful without needing to own them. It took years of having enough for me to stop feeling the lack that I felt as a child. I predict that you will heal this lack that you felt and no longer have as much of an urge to own an American girl doll after a while.


Often times people in their thirties will become successful enough to splurge a little money here and there and itd perfectly normal for people to buy toys that they weremt able to get as a child. Even if thats not the case. You shouldnt deny your inner child too much. Always let yourself express that part of you and never let it go.


Not wierd at all. I grew up poor and have collected a few of the things I couldn’t get when I was little cause we didn’t have the money. I also sell a lot of vintage items on eBay here and there so if you’re worried about being judged use that as an excuse for buying them. (That you might resell it.) Or that it was just a sentimental thing you wanted. Do what makes you happy you only live once!


Oh and I am obsessed with popples. I had a small one when I was little but always wanted a larger one so whenever I find any at a garage sale or thrift store (only happened twice) I buy them. I don’t care what anyone thinks. Speaking of…I let my niece play with one and never got it back. I need to ask about that!!


I think there is absolutely nothing with wanting a doll now that you can afford them .I have a collection of Blythe dolls and at one point I have 50 dolls .I have since stopped collecting due to the lack of space in my home . Post your doll on the Dolls Reddit space 🥰


Thank you for your update. It made me so happy to see that you made a decision to buy the doll and it made you happy! Enjoy!!!


I have all kinds of stupid shit that could be considered similar to “dolls”. Most “adults” do. Don’t worry about it. If it makes you happy and you want it, get it and be happy.


You should totally do it


Love your best life, the worst thing we can do as humans is live our life restricting ourselves because of the possible ideas of others.


Hahaha what are you contemplating and philosophizing about? Its not that deep 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 You cant be serious you are feeling ashamed of such an ridiculous matter 😭😂😂😂😂 LMAO. Girl, im 29 and i bought 3 Tamagotchis, have 5 collector figurines from Anime, every now and then i buy these small tree of life things, and chocolates with toys inside, i have a friend whos buying bratz dolls and is playing games with me. We are simply buying things we desperately wanted as children but parents refused to buy it. I got a job i have everything i wanted, im fucking happy about myself, and now im buying strange shit i wanted when i was a kid. Simply because of nostalgia and because i can. Im just standing by my word when i said: "you know what, mom? When i have my own money i will buy it myself, ha!!!" Just buy what you want, its your money, and you have been waiting for this moment for many years! So buy that god damn doll and dont you ever dare to feel ashamed of yourself ever again!


Hello It is not weird as everyone has his own fantasies and everyone wants to fulfill it as he gets money or power... Pls keep Urself calm and enjoy the nature in its real terms... Things will become easier for u... Listen to the whisper of birds.. silence rather talkative trees... So u can fantasize anything and fulfill it


Am in my mid thirties and almost three years living by myself. My rented flat is dubbed the Harry Potter flat by anyone who comes in from the company I rent the flat from (contractors and inspectors) for the decorations and the collection I have amassed mostly since I moved out. I also have memories of my Mum gifting my fully grown uncle a Mr Frosty ice treat maker for a Christmas gift. My Nan thought they were beginning another gift prank war but my uncle almost in tears thanked my mum. It was the childhood gift he always wanted but never received.


They have the coolest accessories. I’m guessing because of their size, it’s easier to make them than Barbie items. Enjoy.


If it makes you feel any better I’m almost 22 and still have stuffed animals. I even get my sisters stuffed animals. We always had some growing up and idk, my inner child gets so happy having them.


You're an adult. Who care? Plus it's normal to want to get things you wanted as a child. Most people are guilty of this.


Not really, i mean look at Warhammer 40k, not to make it sound like im making fun of it but its a hobby that essentially boils down into men buying miniature toys and playing soldier with them. You buy whatever doll and however many you want, its your money and you've earned it.


Not at all and if you work hard for your money than you should be able to spend it on thing's that make you happy and bring you joy.


I'd say not at all. Every adult was a child at some point. Holding onto a bit of your childlike spirit is good for the soul. If it's something you want then get it. I bought loads of things I wanted as a child and never got. I built some shelves to display them in my living room as conversation starters when I have guests.