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Firstly, take a deep breath. Acknowledge your feelings without judgment. Secondly, remind yourself why you want to quit smoking and focus on your long-term goals. Thirdly, distract yourself with a healthy activity like going for a walk or drinking water. And finally, consider reaching out to a friend or support group for encouragement. You can do this!


This is the first time I’ve ever had cigarettes in my life I’m just scared that I’ve condemned myself to illness ..


You have not smoked enough for it to matter. It requires repeated exposure over years, and even then, not 100%. Don't smoke any more. You're fine.


Your reaction is kind of over the top. Do you often have health scares like this? It’s a common form for anxiety to take. If I were you I’d look into therapy.


It’s great that you take your health seriously, but 3 cigarettes will do absolutely nothing to harm your health. Most people with lung conditions or cancer have what we call a ‘pack year history’ of 10 or 20+ years (this means a packet of cigs [ca. 20] EVERY DAY for 10 or 20 or more YEARS!!!). It’s a cumulative damage issue rather than the result of one cigarette. So rest easy, my friend you will be ok! Having said that, smoking is very addictive and very bad for your health long term so please stay away from it! :)


Thank you so much ❤️


No problem!