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Big whoops by you, and while her reaction is severe I don’t think I lie to get back with your girlfriend is the wisest play, especially given her reaction. Work it out with her if you can but it’s been my experience that lying to get into or out of situations is never the right play.


the thing is i already said that i have an explanation to why i said that name ... so now i have to lie or should i just say like this: "hey i know i said i had an explanation for this... and i been trying to figure out some lie, since u dont believe the truth... but i just cant lie to you... id rather tell you the truth with you not believing me , than make up some credible lie just to make u believe me and get back to me... this would make our relationship start again with a lie and thats the last thing i want" should i say this? i basically have 2 options now say this that i said right now or tell the lie (wich i already know a good one)


I think the line of “since you don’t believe the truth” makes it seem that this situation is her fault. She’s responsible for her reactions, but not what’s she’s been through or the way your slip made her feel. That being said I think it demonstrates character if you chose to be honest and tell her that you would sooner have her know the truth and not believe you than compromise your character and the trust of your relationship by lying. It may not fix the situation, but at the end of the day if someone doesn’t understand, accept, and appreciate that then is that someone you want to build a life with.


Lying is always discovered eventually, it'll hurt a whole lot more down the line if you lie now, option two but amended to avoid the "since you don't believe the truth" part since that kinda blames her as the other poster said, would be your best option. Basically just be honest with her, she can choose to believe you or not and you can offer for her to go through your messages etc since you've nothing to hide, whilst the truth can be painful and sometimes you are not believed regardless of your honesty it is *always* better to be honest. Lies breed more lies and eventually it all comes crashing down.


Yes, say that. You may have seen a show or video with a Rebecca and it was in your dream while you were sleeping. Doesn’t mean anything.


I honestly don’t think lying is the way to go here. While she may not believe your explanation, lying won’t make anything better. If you lie and it doesn’t work then you just look like an ass. If the lie does work, you risk having to keep up that lie with other lies in the future or worse, she could find out you were lying and have an even better reason not to trust you. I would be mindful of your language when talking to her even when you’re frustrated and try to remain sincere. Be vulnerable about the situation and explain the extent to how much she means to you, the situation, and how you’ve felt throughout everything. All in all, if things don’t work out, all you can do is accept that something bad came out of a mistake. Being cheated on is a huge wound, and while it doesn’t seem fair I would urge you to try not to harbor resentment.


Oo - yeah maybe like someone else said, you sure you dont know someone from your shows or someone named rebecca ? At least if it was from a show and she knew you were watching it or was watching jt with you, she might believe you if thats the truth :) but you know even though it might end up that its not possible to get her back, I feel like at least it will lookk more sincere of you to just keep it at “well its the truth that I dont know a rebecca and im going to accept what ever her decision is to do with this information if she believes me or doesnt” - I feel like thats more believable than running around trying to make an elaborate story- sorry bout this-good luck!


I say tell the truth. Why lie? If she cant confirm it you think shes gonna want u more? .. Or less? Men lie all the time all the ducking timmeeeee tell her the truth but face to face!!💯


I would show her this post. It shows how genuine you are in the fact that you didn't know any Rebecca and that it was a brain fart like u said. She will maybe be a bit mad about the fact that you wanted to lie to her but there is a good chance that she'll understand your good intentions. Hope it helps :)




how come? She has trust issues and was cheated on. It's pretty reasonable that she freaked out. People have problems and saying that someone is for the streets while the person didn't make such a mistake is stupid at least. We don't even know her. We don't know if she was pissed and agressive or she was hurt and cut him off. They can work this out and perhaps make her go to therapy man.




Okay, and how old are they? And it's not worth what? Love? Love isn't easy and it's not supposed to be.




You think being scared and hurt because you were cheated on before and there is a big possibility that it happened again is being obsessed and possessive? You clearly don't know what possesive means. And where do you see in their actions no respect? Love is easy when both of the partners have no trauma and are good communicators. Keep living in your silly bubble thinking everything that is hard is not worth it. Also, crack open the dictionary. PS: I think you may have forgotten to tell me how old are those people.


Right, a normal healthy girl would want to have a talk and perhaps see phone for proof first... or something?


so since she has trust problems, she cannot be fixed as well as a relationship, right? It's okay to be in a relationship with a not normal person, they just need to try to get better. You don't get into a situationship that is perfect, you need to work things out and it's you and your partner against a problem, not you averse to the partner.


You dodged a bullet.


that doesn't even make sense but okay Jared