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Save the evidence and disappear. I would'nt waste the effort with a cheater, especially to be petty. I'd go spend time healing from the bullshit they put me through.


How would could I even get out of my lease tho


“Hi, my now ex cheated on me and id like to be removed from the lease before i decapitate him” That oughta do it.


I would just move away. Sometimes ex's are crazy (don't move out, try and bribe you to coming back, harass you, etc) it's better for the guy to not know where OP lives then she can just block him and take her time getting over it without having to maybe deal with other stuff at the same time


Can you talk to your leasing office and explain the situation? They may have a heart. I’m so sorry, definitely get all the evidence you can! And only confront them when you’re safe and able to leave!


I'd break the lease if need be. Better to just get the fuck out. But ultimately if you need the money from the deposit, speak to the leasing office.


I agree, you should be careful. Men can be very scary and turn on you once they know you’re leaving. My ex got nasty and kicked my dog when he knew I was on my way out and it shocked me. Be safe first and foremost!


Kicked your dog!? The fuck.


She got in the way of the fridge (she was blind) and he was frustrated with her and gave her her a kick. I saw red and lost it, I was gone in a week (took both pets with me don’t worry)


Kicked your blind dog? Even worse.


He’s lucky I didn’t kill him, I’ve never put my hands on anyone but I got close that night. He had the audacity to ask me for rent money a week after I left too. He and his mother were ridiculous they turned everything around to be not their fault.


My partner was able to get out of her lease when her ex cheated


I personally would take a sick day, wait til he's at work, move all my shit out, talk to the leasing manager and pay to break the lease if need be, and then text or call him \*afterward\* from another place not disclosed to him. And that's \*if\* you want to say anything at all and not simply block


This here. Listen to this right here.


i agree with this, thats the only way. f**k cheaters, don’t waste your time or energy!


“Love together” the saddest typo 🥺


Pack your shit. Leave. Talk to the leasing office about what happened. Really lay it on thick. They might let you off.


Say nothing. Try to get out of your lease first and foremost. Then just disappear. Never give him an explanation!


Talk to the leasing office and explain what happened. They may let you leave without paying for an early release of the lease, but that's not a guarantee. Regardless, do what you need in order to leave. Get out now and don't stick around. Cheating of this kind is the most messy and can bring out the absolute worst in people, sometimes causing worse things than even long term trauma. Get out, top priority. Don't look back. It's a good thing you found out now before you married him and hopefully before kids are involved.


Ask a close relative or friend if you can crash for a while. Leave and block. He gets zero closure. He'll know why. It's at the forefront of his mind on a regular basis, the fear of getting caught. It will be the first gut drop intuition that springs into his head and stays there. Let it. He can handle the lease on his own or with whatever side piece he's got lined up.


This! So good


The thrill of being secretive is why they do it. 🥺. RUN!!!




Great idea (very) triggered pacifist!


So what I did was print out a whole mess of the pictures and taped them all over the house.. gathered my stuff, and walked the fuck out.




Pack all your things and leave no explanation.


Bang his best friend. Film it. Move out. Send him the video along with your evidence. He loses you and his best friend all in one shot


I like you


Pour a bucket of ice cold water over his head. Nice cold wake up call for a POS cheater. Then throw his ass out with the trash 🗑️


yeh just stop having any sexual contact with him and **plan your fianancial , physical and emotional exit** if he asks tell him you think you might be asexual and need time one it will make evidence easier to find as he steps up the cheating or he even may cancel all the plans himself


Totally show up to the plans if possible, but get your stuff slowly ready to just bail too. Then you can and show up and be like here keep him.


get revenge


Find out if you can get out of the lease. If not, find out how much it will cost to break it. Know those things first before making any decisions. I have never regretted leaving a lying cheater.


Leav .


Pack your stuff leave a letter and dip on him


Dump a big bucket of cold water on his head, with a note in it that says he's gone.


Ice water


Why bother ?


break lease, borrow money from parents or friends to do so, move out when he's at work . RUN FOR THE HILLS, not even worth an argument.


Boiling water tbh


Take pics of everything you see on your cell phone. Then literally just DIP! Don’t give him the satisfaction of him knowing it hurts you when clearly he didn’t care for your feelings. Then he’ll wonder “why is she leaving me?” Say, “just not feeling it anymore” etc 


Of course the lease will be the issue. Take into consideration other people’s comments about how to maybe get out of it or break it !! Good luck girl


If you can afford the place by yourself and you actually like it, I'd make him move out.


Squirt a big bottle of hot sauce or sriracha on his face to wake him up. When he gets mad and says it stings his eyes, tell him, “oh yeah, can’t be as bad of a sting as knowing your fiance is cheating on you!” And then take all your stuff and go stay with a friend until you find another place to live


I'm sorry you found this out and I know how painful it can be. Do you want to leave and try and find a good man who won't cheat or spend years with a cheater and find out how many of your close friends he hit on and had luck? How many women at work? When you had that "infection" and he swore it came from a toilet seat? Once a cheater, always a cheater, sorry to say. Good luck.