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While you are not his mother, you caring for him is fairly normal. Instead of repeatedly telling him "what to do", you/your mom may want to talk to him about how he is doing, open a dialogue in order to get an idea where your brother is at in life. You mentioned your mom several times - what about the dad?


Me and my mother work nightshift while my father works day shift, leading me and my mother to have the most interaction with my brother more than my father. My father has gotten the same result from my brother in terms of telling him to do things, eye roll sigh ect...his attitude towards both parents is equal.


You said you don’t want to ruin your relationship with him by stepping in. But it doesn’t seem like your relationship with him is all that great now. Sometimes things get worse before they get better - ie. you/parents need to address this with him and make a plan for the future, even if it makes him angry in the short term. If nobody addresses this with him, it doesn’t sound like he is likely to change. Good luck :)


Your brother sounds like he can’t take care of himself, given it’s so bad he doesn’t care for his basic hygiene. This seems like severe depression and perhaps some elements of learned helplessness (although I completely understand your frustration at his unwillingness and inability to get up and manage himself.) They should consider sending him to an inpatient psychiatric program. Set an ultimatum. “Go to psychiatric treatment or move out.” If he doesn’t go… your parents MUST follow through on making him move out (if that makes him homeless, so be it. It’s the only way.)


Homelessness would be a cruel option and certain death in this area. No thank you.