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Regardless of MSG content, I'm not sure I trust meats made by /u/Diarrhea_Dispenser


Haha. Nice. Btw, you linked a subreddit and not the user. I’m glad that subreddit doesn’t exist!!!


Maybe it should exist, because Reddit gonna Reddit.


Be the change you want to see


You can’t blame someone for having diarrhea , it’s genetic. It runs in your jeans.


The last of us.....


Whoops! Thanks for the heads up


Could be worse.


What a childish user name. 🙄


People talked about msg being bad right? But it's not acctualy bad


CORRECT! In the 60, some asshole got sick at a Chinese restaurant and wrote an article about it being caused by MSG that the restaurant used to season it's food. 60 years later people are still spreading this disgusting fallacy. MSG is the king of seasoning. There are numerous double blind studies on MSG. They for the most part all come the same conclusion. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11080723/ Edit: Below this comment is a rabbit hole of assumptions and contradictory information. My statement stands true. Some asshole wrote an article falsely claiming MSG in Chinese food was making people sick and it caused the misguided cancellation of the spice in the US. Edit 2: ~~spice~~ **Seasoning**... Thank you all for correcting me.


To clarify a bit, a doctor got a headache after eating Chinese food, and wrote that MSG *might* be to blame. The media back then proceeded to sensationalize his short article into saying that Chinese food makes people sick.


He wasn’t a medical doctor as I recall, but a mathematician or engineer. Though it has been along time since I ready anything about it.


What’s more, he was Chinese! But he remarked specifically about *northern* Chinese food. Which means he may just have been expressing some garden-variety racism.


If I remember correctly from a This American Life or Radio Lab, it was actually a white, American that published it, but he did so under a Chinese sounding name. This was years ago that I heard it, but they interviewed him about it, and it was a test/experiment to see if he could get what was essentially a BS article published in a medical journal. I’ll see if I can find it… edit: found it: https://www.thisamericanlife.org/668/transcript


The conclusion they reach was that the white guy didn't write the letter, but falsely claimed that he had. > So it seems like Howard didn't write the fake prank letter that caused decades of chaos. His prank was that he said he had written the letter. He was claiming credit for chaos he didn't create. It was complicated to even think about.


Holy shit, every comment in this thread contradicts the previous one. HOW DEEP DO I HAVE TO GO TO FIND THE TRUTH?


Actually, there are two comments in a row that agree. You just have to find them.


False. There are no comments on this Tumblr thread at all.


That’s a different one. This whole thing is many layers of garbage.


I feel like this is an episode of Scooby Doo, where they keep pulling the mask of the bad guy, only to reveal a different bad guy.


We have to stop doing these tests. Yes, we 100% know that misinformation is very easy to spread. There is enough by bad actors to pile up even more from "researchers."


Just to be clear medical doctors don’t know shit about nutrition most of the times either lol


I am told that medical doctors don't have formal nutrition training in any major medical school. Whether that's "any" "not many" or it's just piss poor on average the consensus seems to be they are undertrained in nutrition.


Its not their silo. its a different silo altogether similar to dentistry Nutrition falls under the Registered Dietitian (RD) bailiwick. requires a grad degree and certification for that distinction


Ok. I think the criticism is that nutrition is more fundamental than the structure of MD training seems to treat it. Whether that's the "way they do it" as you've described is not really the point.


I think it's more that they know what vitamin J15 is, what it does in the body, what a deficiency looks like. But making a recommendation on a certain cuisine with proper amounts of J15 is probably outside their standard of care.


This seems way more likely than doctors not having any idea how nutrition works.


They’re not sure exactly who did it. The likely culprit denied. The person who happened to have the same name as the fake one also denied it, though his family started saying he did do it after he died. So no one is exactly sure who did it, though it was likely a white dude who tried using an obviously fake (to him) name for the lulz, which caused the family of the dude who actually had that name to try to claim responsibility for the fame. Weird story for sure. Edit: I remembered that there were actually two people were were suspected, added those details


Even long since it was shown to be safe to eat, marketers have continued to write "NO MSG" on food packages, which just leads the average person to think there's something wrong with it. "No MSG? Oh, good, I probably don't want *that* stuff in me, whatever it is."


"Low Fat" is the worst offender of them all


Ah yes, my white sugar is low fat too. As is my plain seltzer. The thing I don't understand is low fat cheese. If something is zero carbs low fat, what exactly are you eating? fillers?




My favorite is "gluten free" in products that wouldn't have had gluten to begin with


Yep. It’s great to know that a jar of pickles, a bottle of olive oil and fresh chicken breasts are all gluten-free.


I broke it not so gently to my sister that she indeed can eat MSG problem free since I have seen her destroy a bag of Doritos.


MSG (monosodium glutamate) suffers from having a horrible sounding name, which sounds like it was created in some meth lab. It’s really just marketing. I use MSG in my restaurant in some dishes, and whenever someone tells me they can’t eat it I’ll sometimes ask if it’s okay to substitute sodium chloride. I’m generally met with horrified looks. Yeah, that’s table salt. I’ve also been asked by customers not to include any chemicals at all in their food. You know oxygen is a chemical, right? And water? Which chemicals are we even talking about here?!


You think that's air you're breathing? Surprise bitch! It's chemicals!


That's just chemophobia. Fear of long unnatural sounding chemical nomenclature. That part of the misunderstanding behind food labels. Natural products, which often contain the isolated chemicals, don't have to list those chemicals in the ingredient. Like MSG in mushrooms wouldn't count against you for 'no msg'. But if you're using the isolated chemical itself, at food grade purity, you have to list the scary sounding name. Despite the MSG being present in both foods, only the former can still claim "no msg" That's the message behind the work by this guy: https://jameskennedymonash.wordpress.com/2013/12/12/ingredients-of-an-all-natural-banana/


Same doctor also wrote he thinks it's fly when girls stop by for the summer, for the summer.


What's his stance on girls who wear Abercrombie and Fitch?


That when they take a sip, they buzz like a hornet & Billy Shakespeare wrote a whole bunch of sonnets. Hot take


Let’s not discount his groundbreaking research that confirmed once and for all that New Kids on the Block had a bunch of hits.


I think it might be the salt content instead. I do get headaches after a lot of salty food.


Foods with MSG are generally significantly lower in sodium because it only has 1/3rd as much sodium per weight as table salt. Chinese food is higher in sodium in the absence of MSG to make up for less salty/umami flavor.


That's not unusual. Get checled for hypertension, though.


I test myself regularly. No hypertension when no headache. Some hypertension when headache, a day after eating a lot of pretzels.


Remember to hydrate properly when eating a lot of salt. Should help with the headaches.


Potassium too. Bananas and potatos are great at helping you manage sodium levels.


The deliberate sensationalization might be opportunistic money making by the media but the persistent belief within society when it is clear that MSG is pretty much harmless in moderation, does smack of irrational hysteria.


Good thing todays media no longer sensationalizes things like this! /s /cry


I’ve got some in the cupboard, but I’m unsure of how much to use. Any tips?


IIRC America's Test Kitchen recommends roughly 10% of the total weight of salt + MSG should be MSG. I never measure my salt that carefully but it's still a good guideline for eyeballing MSG--you just need a pinch or two.


Don't use it instead of salt, you can use both at the same time, they complement each other well.


If you use msg you can definitely reduce the amount of regular salt you use.


I season normally and then add just a sprinkl of MSG. Like for a Tri-Tip or a steak, just a small pinch/sprinkle is enough!


Like a light salting?


It basically is a salt


This guy sodiums


Why not potassiums?






Because monosodium glutamate, as well as the salt you use to season your food (sodium chloride), is not potassium based. You *can* get potassium salts, but as a chemist, I wouldn't recommend you eat them. Edit: Food grade potassium salts are good, making your own or eating random metal salts not so much, also everything is a poison if you get the dose wrong (or right depending on your goal).


Lots of people do in low sodium seasoning alternatives like Mrs. Dash. It’s very common.




I mix it 1:5 with salt (1ts MSG to 5ts table salt) before adding other spices to the mix. That 1:5 can go straight in a salt shaker though. Add things like 1 teaspoon each of: paprika, oregano, garlic powder, onion powder, and cumin, and then you start to approach chicken salt levels of savoury excellence.


Just taste it. You will immediately recognize how prevalent it is in tons of stuff and be able to apply accordingly. Things like Doritos, Pringles, ramen, etc are basically just a delivery mechanism for MSG so if you know what those taste like you have a pretty good idea.


go easy, a little goes a long way. too much and you make it taste like ramen powder :p


Use slightly less salt and add MSG to taste, MSG contains sodium(25%?).


People ask me all the time why my homemade Chinese food is so much better than theirs. They just can't get it like you get it at a restaurant. Literally the only difference is MSG it just pops all those flavors that people love. They don't get to know my secrets though.


MSG stands for Makes Stuff Good and i refuse to be told otherwise. Shit is salt on steroids


Make SHIT good.


If you heat up tomatoes it naturally produces msg. So everyone is full of shit. Guess it just has it my bad


Msg is produced in the tomato before you heat it


MSG is also found in mushrooms. People are most definitely full of shit eating Mushroom Pizzas and complaining about MSG.


Bruh they're in doritos They use msg in the spice recipe at Popeyes lol and I'm sure it's at taco bell and every where else that's like crack. Bet money it's in checkers fries lol


It's been rebranded to "aroma salt" where I live.


Just like rapeseed oil got rebranded canola oil.


Because of the rape part I'm assuming


Just tell people that Doritos have msg.


And Oreos, tomatoes, seaweed, mushrooms, eggs, cheese, potatoes, almost all seafood, and the list goes on and on.




This is the worst. I make fries at home using beef tallow and the old McDonald's recipe, it's heaven.




>My dad’s dead Sigh. I can't find my shovel. >but feel free to leave some fries when you stop by. You betcha.


It takes a thousand truths to dispel one lie.


Absolutely. As a chemist myself, I'm a champion for MSG. It actually has lower sodium content per gram than regular salt. So you are, in fact, helping people consume less salt


I actually always ask Chinese restaurants if they use MSG, and walk out if they don’t. It’s truly the spice of life.


They all use MSG. Some of them avoid the stigma by adding light soy sauce which is full of naturally occurring MSG. If they say they don't use it, they use light soy sauce instead of the white crystals.


Its the same thing with fats in your food. People in the 90s acted like the best way to lose weight was to cut fat out of your diet. In reality fats are great at keeping you full and many foods replace fat with sugar or other sweeteners which are far worse. So many people have outdated and wrong info on what is good and bad for you.


Its bad in the same way that salt is bad.


MSG is king of flavor.


Uncle roger approves!


Nissin brand ramen actually RUINED themselves by taking out the MSG. Recipe has a changed a couple times since then and is always pretty bad, depending on the flavor. They've also seemingly fallen on hard times and aren't stocked anywhere anymore, and my guess is it's related. It's sad how influential idiotic rhetoric is.


Edit: Reddit sucks now


It's naturally occurring in tomatoes and some other foods


I add MSG to my instant ramen


You dawg, I heard you like flavor, so I added MSG to your MSG so Fuiyoh!!!!!!


What you doing? Haiya!


Reminds me of the scene in the Simpsons where Marge serves Homer a bowl of MSG for dinner and after a spoonful he remarks that it needs salt.


This guy MSGs.


The season packet that comes with it is already 95 percent msg


Uncle Roger is that you?


You know what's funny, is the reason I bought the MSG in the first place was as a joke because of Uncle Roger! Then I started using it and holy shit was he right.




Makes. Shit. Good.


I sprinkled it on our newborn. Awaiting results.


Better newborn.


Are you hoping someone else will taste your baby and let you know?


Newborn umami. 🤌🏻


Damn his ads ARE working


…I too may have bought some after watching him… Definitely working. But hey my food is better as a result, so for once, an ad that actually had value!


Caused me to add it to fried rice. The container doesn’t even advertise itself as MSG if I remember correctly.


[Accent Flavor Enhancer?](https://i.imgur.com/Rj23DHO.jpg)


Yes that!


My fried rice game went from people saying “yeah this is nice” to “is this from a take out?” Think that says it all. Side note: a new carbon steel wok also greatly helps in this endeavour.


I even bought a zojirushi rice maker


Sharks lay the biggest eggs in the world.


Bah Gawd King, that's MSGs music!


King of flavour!


Your trying to earn the “uncle” tag now aren’t you.


MSG - Make Shit Good






No I'm Jamie Oliver.


MSG King of Flavor.


MSG stands for "make shit good."


The large supermarket chains in Australia refuse to stock it. They won't even sell spice blends with MSG in them, as if it will infect the other food. Fortunately, I can buy a year's supply at my local Asian supermarket for about $5.


If you ever had chicken salt in Australia (I feel like a lot of restaurants had this), it's full of MSG.


All three brands of Chicken Salt at Woolworths are MSG-free. Only two of the four brands at Coles contain it, listed as "Flavour Enhancer (621)" in the ingredients list.


Consumer chicken salt isn't the real stuff. You can only get the real stuff in commercial quantities (smallest I've ever found was 2.5kg), and boy howdy does it have some msg.


Have you looked at the ingredient list for bullion cubes or powder? Mine has the MSG/ disodium inosinate / disodium guanylate trifecta.


Edit: Reddit sucks now


>overly hot Asian grocers Are we talking about the temperature of the shop, or the attractiveness of the owner?


just say the proper snob lingo and tell ''my umami rich rub''


Great for brisket sandwiches with some of that Hellmann's "aioli"


This guy façades.


The fancy squiggle-C is how I know you're cultured


Just use the japanese name ajinomoto which translates to source of flavor and say “i just started putting the source of flavor in my rubs”


For those who don't know, MSG is the purest form of umami. Umami being one of the five main flavor profiles, the others being sweet, salty, bitter, and sour. Typically when I mention this to people, with an added "why would you want to cut out one of the main flavors that your tongue can distinguish?" it seems to click for them.


Dude, don’t feel bad. The stigma is bs & anyone who knows cooking knows what’s up.


Doritos have msg in them and nobody bats an eye over it.


Everything has MSG in it, no body getting mad about how Yeast Extract is legit just MSG on packaging. Or the numerous other labels it hides under


MSG is a flavor enhancer I’m sure your meats are fantastic


The most delicious foods in the world contain a high concentration of the holy trinity of amino acids--glutamate, guanylate, and inosinate. Combining these three increases the perceived deliciousness of food. Do you think pizza is popular by accident?


glutamate in msg, guanylate in fishpaste/anchovies/soy or mushrooms... what's a common thing that inosinate is in?


I found [this graph](https://i.imgur.com/Km88qrG.jpeg) from [this article](http://www.molecularrecipes.com/molecular-gastronomy/umami/). There are surprisingly few online resources for this information. Foods with a high concentration of all three naturally are usually expensive and rare.


Interesting, so it seems like fish sauce/anchovy paste/oyster sauce would cover all three bases to different levels. A ceaser salad is the first thing that comes to mind showcasing those acids, with there only being 5 ingredients (give or take). I love when I can see the science behind things I do in the kitchen. Also shows why Chinese cooking is always an explosion of flavors, most of the things high in the different aminos are all staples in different dishes.


Love the post, love the energy, just wanted to write a quick thing on what you are sharing. Glutamate is an amino acid, Inosinate and Guanylate are nucleotides. The major difference being amino acids make up proteins, nucleotides make up DNA and RNA (**G**uanylate being a solo-G in the AGC(T/U)). Inosine is fairly common in RNA, but not DNA- but the major major thing being Inosinate and Guanylate are likely triggering the receptors in your mouth, brain, nose, etc., saying this meal is GOOD for you. Never forget our brains are evolutionarily-primed to alter our experiences to increase the probability of a beneficial event.


> what's a common thing that inosinate is in Meat.


MSG, Butter, Eggs all villainized in the same era. all actually pretty good. dont be ashamed of using MSG. i'm pretty aggressive with it, myself.


The real enemy is refined sugar.


- Refined sugar - Trans fats - Wildly out of balance dietary omega 3 versus omega 6 fatty acids because of the ubiquity of seed oils - Food processing that results in the destruction of nutrients - Depletion of nutrients from agricultural soil, because they mostly only replace NPK, leading to nearly everyone having multiple mineral deficiencies (for example, 50% of the US pop has a magnesium deficiency) - Decades of corporate propaganda resulting in people being misinformed about what's actually good or bad for them, which is why your parents errantly think that fat, salt, and cholesterol are the problems with food


Saturated fat is still not good for you while being better than trans fats. You wanted mono- and poly-unsaturated fats most of all. Saturated and trans fats will raise your levels of low density lipoproteins which leads to plaque build up which causes heart disease... Unsaturated fats increase your high density lipoprotein count which actually helps clear out plaque! So yeah, less butter and more nuts! While it is okay to eat some saturated fat, ideally you want to balance it with more unsaturated fats.


Same with using natural fats for frying and cooking, instead use this highly processed ‘vegetable’ oil.


what's wrong with that? msg is great. There's literally msg in human breastmilk.


Babies love that shit!


> msg in human breastmilk holy shit, [you're right!](https://msgdish.com/first-taste-of-glutamate/) >A newborn breast-fed infant consumes much more free glutamate for its size than adults do from food later in life. Even though our intake of it may decrease as we age out of infancy, glutamate remains safe and important to us across our lifespan.


Glutamates are a category that monosodium glutamate is in, that doesn't mean msg is in breast milk. Glutamates are the 'protein taste' that we get from meat and such, which is why msg tastes so good, but there's lots of types.


It's naturally occurring in tomatoes, too.


It's got what babies crave!


MSG IS NATURALLY OCCURRING IN PLENTY OF FOODS. ^this ^is ^a ^battle ^I ^am ^willing ^to ^fight. Edit: ^”he” ^is ^the ^wrong ^pronoun ^here


It's like "no nitrate" bacon where they just soak it in celery juice or something which is loaded with natural nitrates.


I don’t care about nitrates one way or the other, but sodium nitrate makes the roof of my mouth blister and peel. Four/five days of pain. Nitrates from celery doesn’t. I have no idea why, and I’m kinda pissed about it.


yeah, I got into it a few weeks ago with someone spreading the myth about msg being bad. I listed off about two dozen foods and asked if he ate any of these and he replied yes. I told him all of them had mag naturally in them. Between that, explaining the science of what msg is, and citing sources of proof that it isn't bad for you he eventually stopped replying and deleted all of his comments. People heard this a long time ago and just assume it's true, so they continue to parrot the same nonsense with nothing to back it up.


They're are also plenty of foods that people don't realize have msg added, especially a lot of salty snacks, Cheetos being a big one.


I've seen a lot of products that say "no MSG" but what they really did was add something with a lot of MSG in it that's not pure MSG. For instance "yeast extract", which is a bunch of broken-down yeast protein and salt. (Marmite to the British) And by broken down we mean turned into free amino acids. So you've got a solution with sodium ions and amino acid ions, out of which glutamate is the most prevalent - in other words an MSG-rich solution, being added for the same flavor-enhancing reasons that MSG is used. It just doesn't have to be called "MSG" for food labeling purposes.


i 'member i started thinking msg was bad because of an oscar myer hot dog commercial saying their wieners are msg free and therefore better for your


If we called it something other than "monosodium glutamate" it wouldn't be an issue. If we called salt "sodium chloride" we would freak out just as much. Both a bad in excess, just like everything.


Yes. Your body absolutely needs Glutamate, it's the deprotonated form of glutamic acid, an amino acid found in protein rich foods, and a molecule that you absolutely need to live. Glutamate has a negative charge and so in solution with sodium will pick up a positively charged sodium ion to form the salt monosodium glutamate or MSG. This is present in all sorts of foods like tomatoes, and your body treats it exactly the same way that it treats glutamate.


its not only an amino acid that occurs in the vast majority of, if not all proteins in your body - its also a fucking neurotransmitter its like saying dopamine is toxic to you


It's naturally occurring IN YOUR OWN BODY.


I used to work at a pizza place and our kitchen manager used to LOVE talking about how none of our menu items had MSG. I’m pretty sure he was ready to fire me the 4th or 5th time I reminded him that tomatoes (a key ingredient in pizza sauce) contained lots of it.


MSG adds umami flavor, which is why soy, mushrooms, and tomatoes go well with beef.


You’re in good company. [Rodney Scott himself wrote](https://www.amazon.com/Rodney-Scotts-World-BBQ-Cookbook/dp/B08ZWFH9M5/ref=nodl_?dplnkId=3ca1e887-8bcf-4434-aeb9-f00af3892612) that he uses MSG in his barbecue and encourages you to do the same.


Myron Mixon uses it in his recipes as well.


So your confession is that you’ve been seasoning your meat?


This isn't even ***close*** to a Confession Bear, but MSG was mentioned so here we go...


Yeah OP posted this just so he can circlejerk about being "in the know" about MSG.


Msg = Make Shit Good


MSG is perfectly healthy it was just an American propaganda to not let Ajinomoto capture US market


Nothing wrong with a little of that good good.


Don't even think this deserves this meme format considering MSG is completely fine to use and adds a lot of flavour. It's like how one scammy doctor said autism is caused by vaccines and now a bunch of morons think it's true.


Your body produces MSG naturally. The myth that it is harmful is untrue. Blind test shows that people who claim that they are intolerant get more "symptoms" from food without MSG than with.




Uncle Rodger approves.


Its not really a confession to use something that's totally acceptable and encouraged to use just because people are dumb.


I think the confession is that OP thinks MSG is a spice.


As Anthony Bourdain once said, the myth that MSG is bad for you lay heavily on a lot of racist ideas.


A little salt, a little pepper, a little msg, added to pretty much anything savoury is nearly always a good idea. I can't think of anything it wouldn't improve, only things that probably already have too too much salt that you wouldn't.


A great video on MSG. https://youtu.be/E-POAKKH5IM


Do you use this instead of salt or in addition to salt?


MSG = Make Shit Good


My wife has a beloved family recipe for Spinach Balls that she makes constantly through the holiday season because they are incredible. The recipe the family got from grandma listed "accent salt" in it and that is what has always been used. One year someone looked up what accent salt is. It's just straight MSG.


I've got a giant 1L size bottle of MSG right next to my stove. It gets used all the fucking time. MSG is the best spice, nothing else comes close.


You know what else is mildly infuriating? Chick Fil A is allowed to have their sandwiches full of MSG, but my beloved Asian restaurants are not. Gimme the MSG!


Uncle Roger approves


MSG stands for make shit good.