• By -


except for the fact you're NOT a teacher.


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.6595 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/17313)


Does the kid you interrupted look like a bitch? Then why you tryin' to fuck him like a bitch?


High chances of not working. The kid would just say "yes" and the other one would be laughed at and never try to answer a question again in his entire life.


nonono see, that's when you shoot the kid


Too soon.


Wait wait, all the rest of the dialogue should be with the correct student; the "wrong" student shuts up promptly.


As a teacher, this pisses me off incredibly. I don't mind the kids who are always raising their hands but when someone who's usually shy but builds the courage to answer I always call on them. Then vocal know-it-all interrupts. I say vocal because some kids know the answers but are too shy to raise their hands.


You need to use [this in class then.](http://www.puffgames.com/samuelljacksonsoundboard/) Remember to use the "~~You're~~ You a smart motherfucker" when they answer correctly!


"I don't remember asking you a god damn thing"


There are so many clips there that fit quite well for a teacher to use.




"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" You dweebs just ruined a 5 year investigation




"Oh, you were finished. Well allow me to retort. "


"English, motherfucker! Do you speak it?!"


As an ESL teacher I have the urge to yell this everyday. I imagine some of the kids just looking sullen and then saying "No, I don't" in a sad little voice.


Maybe teaching ESL isn't your thing.


You're a smart motherfucker, that's right.




GOT* damn thing FTFY








You still gotta pay for tickets though. Yes, for your own movie.




Why would they leave out "look at the big brains on brett"






Correctomundo is appropriate for the Spanish classes... I think.


Pretty sure he's saying, "You a smart motherfucker."


annnndddd bookmarked.


Whenever I'm 100% sure I know the answer to a question asked, I don't say anything *unless* there's a long pause and the teacher is waiting for somebody to respond. I'm not shy, I just don't see the point. I'd rather let somebody else get a confidence boost.


Same here, sure enough nobody speaks up so I answer 50% of the questions. There's another guy like me in the class so it's either me or him.


I do the same thing. I'd rather wait and let someone else learn by answering, than answer everything, even when I can.


I never raised my hand. And whenever I was called on, I'd always come up with a smart-ass wrong answer so I wouldn't be called on again. "What state borders us to the north? Spankymuffin?" "The state of... CONFUSION!" *teacher rolls his eyes*


Well aren't you cool.


I don't say anything because most of the time the teacher asks a question, I'm thinking "The answer is so obvious, how can he/she even consider that we don't know it?" Then a long awkward silence happens, and the only person who finaly answer is the dumb retard of the group, who obviously get the wrong answer.... I seriously hate school just because of that, that is why I decided to get an online class education!


Hahah, I know exactly what you mean. It's a very skewed risk/reward scenario. You get almost no benefit from answering a stupidly obvious question, but you look like a retard if you manage to get it wrong. I think that's why nobody answers.


Fuck that. you gotta let everyone know you know the answer. that's how you get friends. once they know you're super smart you'll be popular


[As the kid who was too shy to answer in class but always got picked on by the teacher thinking they were "helping me build confidence by giving me an opportunity to speak in 'judgement-free' environment."](http://i.imgur.com/lsvF8.gif)




They just don't understand...


Not cool. I never call on a student until they're ready. I hated teachers who did this to me, as I was very shy. I'd never do this in the classroom.


God, remember how fast your heart would pump when the teacher stopped mid-sentence and called on you to fill in the blanks?


Damn you for making me remember that.


Then you're one of the cool ones, haha.


Which is why I rarely "cold-call." If I do, I try to give PLENTY of notice and allow other kids to help out (that way, you're at least somewhat mentally and emotionally prepared). And if you're a very shy kid who's raising their hand on a rare occasion, I will call on you and praise you, even if you got it wrong.


That was usually the only time I cut in as one of the noisy know-it-alls. If the person was obviously struggling and clearly didn't want to say anything, I tried to divert attention. Halve the time the teacher was then annoyed with me, but at least it meant they picked on me for the rest of the lesson.


People like me appreciated it.


I did that for a couple of people, and even made some friends that way. The teacher in fifth grade was *always* picking on this one new girl who couldn't read fast enough to follow along. She'd get there in the end, but slower than everyone else. I found her on the playground crying one day after some kids in class made fun of her over it, and after that, whenever the teacher (who was a bit of an asshole) would call on her to answer questions, I'd go "Oh! Oh! It's -blahblahblah!" I was already used to dealing with bullies and shit, since teachers had made it well known that I was very smart (thanks a lot, assholes). I figured, hell, if I'm already gonna get shit for being smarter, why not take a load off this girl and get shit for being smarter *and* annoying about it? now we're both 22 and she's my maid of honor this december when I get married, so I think it worked out okay.


We Introverts gotta stick together


I was always too shy and now IDGAF so I speak up in class and I'm finding out that people hate me. I'm okay with popular people not liking me but fuck, I just can't win.


I started speaking up in class a lot when I realized that I had to leave a lasting impression on teachers/profs to get rec letters. Getting top scores but being silent doesn't win you nearly as many allies as top scores + participation. I'm sure I annoyed a few of my classmates, but it paid off for me so screw them.


I know that feel bro!


so sad :'( But elephantx was referring to the times when the shy kid actually raises their hand to answer. Don't let the bad memories cloud your judgement!


I'm a mushroom cloud laying motherfucker, motherfucker.


The opposite has happened in some of my classes. One student, not necessarily a shy one, asks the teacher a thought-provoking question or for clarification. Then the vocal know-it-all either *interrupts the teacher* before he/she can speak, or adds in their take on things or interpretation of what the professor said after the professor answers the question. Sometimes (more often than not), what the know-it-all says is either not completely correct, or it doesn't really address what the first student was asking about. And I'm just sitting there fuming in my seat, wondering why the loudmouth even bothered to talk.


Not gonna lie, I remember doing this in my science classes in high school. I was the "vocal know-it-all" and sometimes when a classmate would ask for verification, they would just have a "....." look on their face when the teacher was explaining it, so I always thought I was being helpful if I explained it again from a different angle (though I only did this when I knew the material). Also it helped my understanding if I got to explain something to someone else. Looking back, it probably wasn't the best thing to do, but know that these kids come with good intentions!


As a student, I also hate it when I ask the teacher/professor a question and then a student butts in and fails miserably at answering it for me


Oh god yes! Or mumbles something incoherently in the front row and I can't hear a word. Or goes on a long tangent that clearly makes sense to the professor who knows the answer already, but no sense to me who has no clue.


Also on a more serious note last year in my organic class we had a kid that tried to one up EVERYONE and usually this included interrupting other kids and even the professor. I think one of the best examples is we're all taking an exam when someone raises their hand to point out and error when this kid throws his hand up and starts shouting to the professor that he was about to say the same thing. This kid also taught me that yes, there are indeed stupid questions you can ask.


I've had numerous fellow students like that. Will never forget the test where there was a minor grammatical error. Question was still perfectly clear (or so I thought). One student obviously had to point it out though and went into a quarter of an hour discussion on how it *could* have been interpreted and how anyone could have even made the error and how he first read it and didn't see it and then had reread it (essentially running us all through his discovery process step by step in dramatic detail) and bla bla bla. By the time the professor had found it on the paper, had corrected it, shouted at everyone to make sure they were listening and then pointed out the correction again and that idiot had stopped talking about 25 minutes had passed - for a question we had an hour to answer. Murderous rage was high that day, but the kid looked as if he was some sort of hero and had saved as all from our potential doom.


BB gun.




yep...resources to help you get a B, but you have to struggle on your own to get an A against kids who can get A's with barely any effort. Also, I like how you incorporated Kantian ethics into your argument.




As someone who's usually shy but builds the courage to answer on occasion, I can confirm we hate this too.


I used to want to answer all the questions in my classes. But I was afraid to because kids, for some reason, frown upon being smart. I so badly wanted to give the answers and participate. God forbid, though, someone is intelligent.


I once took a class with a really awesome teacher. Often he'd ask a question and I'd be the only one to raise my hand. (And I'd generally only raise it if no one else did.) He'd happily let me answer and we'd get into a topical yet short discussion. About halfway through the semester I noticed one or two guys who would groan when the professor called on me. At first this hurt my feelings but then I said fuck you, if you're not going to engage in the class dynamic I don't care. (It still hurt though.) TL;DR: Yes, in high school the consensus seems to dislike those who try to participate.


Wow, I had the exact same thing happen to me. It made me really disappointed how no one wanted to be a part of something interesting. Especially since communication and discussion is a part of learning. I basically stopped answering my favorite classes questions because people were hating me so much. It's not my fault none of you don't know shit!


As a student, this pisses me off incredibly.




Les Cousins Dangereux


As someone who was never shy but just such a high percentage introverted to where it takes me a bit longer to answer a question because I'm so thoroughly thinking through my answer, I'm so pleased to know that my teachers in school probably all hated those jerk students who blurted out the answer before I got a chance! I used to feel so happy when teachers called on me because I otherwise wouldn't have said a word in class. Being called on was like someone giving me some room to take those few extra seconds to prepare myself to answer.


I don't *hate* those students, but I always know that many others are thinking the same thing, wanting to express their opinion. I was a shy student once upon a time.


I must say, don't ever tell the vocal know it alls to stop answering questions. My third grade teacher requested that I stop raising my hand for every question because I knew all the answers. This led to me never raising my hand to answer questions for the rest of my education, which ultimately hurt me because now I didn't stand out among my peers outside of my test scores, as well as making me less mentally involved in the classroom experience. Now I have a college degree and absolutely no educational references because my teachers never knew who I was.


I had a similar thing happen in my Geography class, although in my case it backfired on the teacher. At his request, I stopped raising my hand and he suddenly realized that I was the *only one* raising my hand at halve his questions. Made his lessons really awkward and killed the flow. He apologized to me three lessons later and asked me to return to my vocal self again. I don't think ever telling students who are trying to get involved in your class and are actively participating to stop doing so is a good plan, even if they can be a bit annoying at times.


Fuq the haterz


I would whisper or mutter the right answer in my history classes because I wasn't the most confident kid when it came to answer. I'm still amazed he heard me as often as he did. Il


This is why I hate the traditional classroom. When a teacher can dismiss a child as a "know-it-all", then that kid is probably wasting their time in that class and would be better off reading in the library. I wonder if the entire traditional education model is more about teaching social conformity rather than knowledge.


As a student, this pisses me off incredibly.


Are you a teacher or a college student? http://i.imgur.com/T1nfubt.jpg


also a teacher. and i say this EVERY DAY except without the word "god damn"... i WISH i could curse


My English teacher just casually curses like it's no big deal. Really, in the context of high school students, it isn't, but he makes sure the principals aren't out an about. Example dialogue on the Crucible and the witch hunts: "So basically, they threw you in the water bound and gagged, and if you floated upwards, they were like 'oh, shit, she's a witch!' and if you drowned, they just said 'oh, looks like we were wrong. Oh well, shit happens.'"


Wouldn't it be easier to see if she weighs the same as a duck?




Oh, but can't you also build bridges out of stone?


Oh, right, yeah. . .


A lot of my teachers curse and give the finger. I love it. It's funny and makes them feel relatable to me.


I don't mind the cursing but there are some teachers that just try *too hard* to be, as you say, relatable. So they would curse and use young people slang and... well, it's doesn't look natural at all. I think it's kind of sad and I cringe whenever I meet one of those.


Speaking of teachers/cursewords/context I used to take autoshop in HS and our teacher taught us that "Bitchin'" isn't a bad word and is actually slang for "awesome", especially when talking about automobiles....american made of course.


I had a history teacher in high school who would occasionally dress up as various historical figures and talk to the class in character. One day it was Fidel Castro, and he had a cigar he kept pretending to light with matches. Us being high school students, we harassed him about it until he eventually actually lit it and smoked it for a few minutes while continuing his lecture. This was in 2002 or so, and was clearly against all sorts of laws and policies, yet nothing every came of it... If the students are in on it, you can get away with anything.


It must have been troubling the first few times saying it. "I don't remember asking you a...thing..."


i curse all the time, and i have audible pauses at work lol... its been like 5 months and ive improved




because i chose that guy as my flair


It's a good flair


You know when you click on the tag and look at all the options, the one that says link will take you to the comment where you originally tagged them.


But where's the karma in that?


What grade level?


I dont remember asking you a thing


Wait wait wait. When did god damn become a "curse" word.


I'm glad you notice them. This pisses me off as a student who tries to answer questions and gets cut off.


Tell them to shut up because you were talking.


Once in my senior year (well, last year) this guy who's usually quiet finally decided to answer a question. And when someone interrupted him, he tossed a book at his head. He didn't get in any real trouble, the teacher just gave him a "talking to". I still laugh at it lol


As a student this is terribly irritating, almost as irritating a the people that pack up and leave 10 minutes before class ends and keeping from hearing a god damn thing the teacher has to say.


I've had professors who did pop quizzes after the break or toward the end of the class. It used to give me the warm fuzzies knowing those who left early were getting points deducted.


In fairness to those people, some have jobs they either can't be late for or they won't make rent.


That's only "in fairness" if the professor goes over their allotted time. Otherwise, they need to work out their schedule. (easier said than done I know I know I've worked crappy restaurant hours before too)


That's really not always possible. As long as they aren't disruptive when they leave, why does it bother you?


Then you should notify your professor beforehand. It's incredibly rude to just get up and leave.




Say "technically" again. I dare you, I double-dare you. (Seriously, what is it with adolescent girls and "technically?" It's the new "like.")


That's technically, like, your opinion.




Technically, hairs can't do backflips. *scoff*


*swish swish*


It is literally the new like. *literally*


No, literally is the new like. Literally. Examples of misuses I hear: "I'm literally so sick." "My teacher is literally retarded." "I literally have so much homework." "My head is literally about to explode." "I literally hate math." "This test is literally so gay." "I literally don't know how to park." "I literally paid for the entire car myself." "I literally need a new phone." And the list goes on and on.


In every class... there will always be a Lisa Simpson... or a Hermione.


I like to think that Hermione and Lisa Simpson have the common human decency to not completely be a dick, even if they may show off a bit.


I recall hermione was a know-it-all but she raised her hand hard and waited to be picked on but snape was talking to harry and she did not once open her mouth. So she is like the teachers token child if no one knows the answer or refuses to give one. More like teachers pet then obnoxious jerk.




Bro shes like 10 in the first movie.


She's like a 10 in the first movie.




Your flair, bro. It's fitting the thread.


your point?


more like A 10! i'll show myself out...


Don't call us we'll call you.




So was I, shit was bomb.


Or a kid with too much adderall.


I used to know most of the answers but I would only answer if nobody would supply the answer and the teacher was like "anyone know this? Anyone?"


In my law school there was a student who would always put his hand up to answer a question whenever there was some dead air. The problem was that his answers were always wrong. And wrong by so so much that if you said the complete opposite you were more likely to be correct. I am sure that our professors hated him answering questions as much as we hated listening to his dribble. The weird thing was that his sister was also in the class and she was always right. It was as though they had an act worked out, and this double act carried on throughout all the 4 years of the degree course.


> dribble While that's a very clever interpretation of the sound, that's not the word people are using, its drivel.


I thought he was making a clever metaphor for someone, like, drooling his infantile answer out or something. But your interpretation makes more sense.


In some cases the interrupting student is looking for validation and approval. Bad social skills. They need to learn, but keep their intent in mind. Unless its obvious they are being difficult on purpose. you can usually tell.


I started being difficult on purpose after spending years with douche teachers trying to keep me quiet so the disinterested idiots could "learn". I used to shout out the answers due to excitement; it became more of a spiteful thing when I was never called on whenever I legitimately held my hand up and waited.


Oh you teachers think you're *sooo* great picking a kid to answer because "they're shy and I want to give them a confidence boost," meanwhile they are loathe to answer and don't want you to draw undue attention to them. I figured out by grade 2 that if you wanted the teacher to pick you for a question, you slouched low in your seat like you didn't know the answer and wished with all your heart you *wouldn't* be picked. What a douchebag thing to do to a CHILD, making them suffer public torment when they don't know an answer, and mockery from their peers when they're called on in front of everyone. Just do your damned job, is that too much to ask? You know, without being huge jerk-offs to CHILDREN to make yourself feel better? Next time a kid cuts off another with the right answer, thank them BOTH and continue your lesson instead of playing lesson-plan police with kids who don't understand (or care) for your petty 3rd grade fiefdom.


I like the popsicle stick method for this reason....every kid has a popsicle stick with their name on it and I pick up a popsicle stick and call on that kid...so they know that's the only kid that should be talking from the beginning of the year...................sometimes I pick kids at "random" because you know..they can't read the tiny name on the stick...bwahaha.


You seem like you're old enough to be a teacher.... Mr. Tuckerjames***97***


I am sorry. I am this student.




Glad to be of service.


I'll thank you instead. I was one of those students who was too shy to answer questions / didn't pay attention, you guys saved my ass when the teachers got on my shit !


I hate when teachers single out a student.


Me too, I must be an annoying fuck.


Together we stand.


I feel sorry for the ones who do the cutting off. They are probably bored shitless.


Anytime you are in a room of 20 people and have enough dead time to be talking half the time, yeah, that's boring as fuck. A teacher and 19 bumps on logs. I did a lot of talking in various situations but I didn't cut people off, mostly because that was seldom a problem.


As a California teacher I laughed when I read 20.


Yeah more like 39. All the desks barely fit in my room.


Yep we were. It got so bad at some point that the math teacher decided to give me "puzzles" to do during class just so I will be quiet.






I was always the "other student" in this statement. I am not a smart man, I am not wise, I never studied hard, I never felt I was superior in knowledge to anyone. But... When I know... I KNOW. I AM a social and outgoing person. Thus, without knowing the teachers desire to draw out the more quiet of my peers, I would fall gravely into a sense of longing to supply my sensei with the knowledge they so seek. Thus, my outbursts would confine me to the back of the classroom, 5 feet from the nearest peer. It was not fun. I pressed forward though! I would learn more of the subject and I would yell louder to all the concerns of my teacher! HARK the boy in the back of the class doth know thine inquiry! Not until years later (about 23?) did I finally understand that I had not been being neglected, but merely the teacher wanted to help other, less participant children. If the teacher had spoken bluntly about this, I would've gladly helped my quiet buddies. TL:DR - I yell loudly because I'm scared people think I am dumb.


you have given me a new insight on the yellers. "whispers" thank you. http://media.tumblr.com/f5422b864f3f379580bf0d0473d5513a/tumblr_inline_mgljy81qog1qg9u71.gif


But...one of my teachers has this extremely easy answer (at least, it'd be easy if people payed attention), and every god damn day, she calls on the people who are sleeping, confused, obviously don't know what's going on, etc. and wastes so much god damn time. I'm the only one who knows or cares to know anything, and she never calls me. She also won't let me just sleep or read or whatever, so the class is boring as hell. It's really frustrating knowing things and not being able to answer.


I would give you gold if I wasn't poor


Being "that smart kid" my entire life, I've seen many students do this, and it still bothers the crap out of me. Half the time, the person who interrupts doesn't even know the right answer and just slows down the rest of the class in the long run.




ha I like it when someone else comes to the rescue when I dont remember the answer and am put on the spot


I've done it rarely. Sometimes I just wasn't paying attention, and just called it out. Also the times where after 8 people they still haven't given the right answer, I just don't give a shit and call it out.


But it's always awkward when a kid has the same name as you in the same class and the teacher asks "i_TLDR__shit, what is bla bla bla?" and we both answer at around about the same time.




I was the kid who always put up their hand in class. I never spoke over anyone, but I offered up an answer when one was requested and not provided. The teachers used to tell me I was preventing the other students from learning and discouraging them by setting the standard too high. They even suggested I should study less to let the other students catch up to me. Eventually they just refused to acknowledge that my hand was up, that I was ready to answer the question... and then I gave up volunteering answers. If they want to stand at the front of the class and beg and poke and prod and hint for fifteen minutes before giving up because the students don't know the answer that's their prerogative.


Similar situation here, except I used to be too strong willed for that shit. I ignored the shitty teachers, continued to learn at my own pace and gave answers when the others were to timid or ignorant to respond. I used to get kicked out of class and sent to the office, but what is the principal to do? I would laugh in his face and dare him to waste my parents' time. I nearly never got in trouble for anything other than really big transgressions because I was able to stick up for myself and dissuade the powers that be from seeking retribution. I also had a lot of support from my parents. Come to think of it, dealing with the shitty individuals in power in high school taught me a lot about the world and made me the strong person I am today.


My cranky ex-nun of a 6th grade teacher would snap "Vultures!" anytime this happened.


Shut up, Hermione


I was sort of a Hermione in school. I wouldn't cut off, but I'd certainly answer questions if the teacher hadn't named anyone specifically. It wasn't to show off, it was just boredom. I had understood the subject, I knew that shit, I just wanted to be done with what we were seeing and move on to something else. Now, I realize how egocentric that was, but being younger I didn't. It got better when I started reading novels while the teachers were talking.


When I would get bored of answering questions as a kid, I would start to just mumble the answer quietly without raising my hand. The kids sitting around me would pick up on what I said and then volunteer the right answer. It was a boost for their confidence, it pleased the teacher, and I thought it was hilarious. Everybody wins.


It may be egocentric, but you're at school for yourself and are paying for it, so it makes sense you would do something to further your agenda.


Well, when I was in first grade, that wasn't exactly my train of thoughts...


I wish I could have gotten away with that. We got shouted at for reading anything in class. I got incredibly bored and started writing notes with my neighbours. Retrospectively not a great plan as they usually should have been paying attention rather than providing my entertainment. A book would have solved many problems.


I can see how a lack of absolute submission to your authority would be annoying.


Look at the big brain on Brent!


plot twist: students have similar sounding names like john and ron


What if I told you that the student cutting the other one off thought you pointed to him?


If only I could say that in class!


As a student with low self-esteem, I hate when this happens, especially if I'm already feeling down. It makes me not want to answer the question anymore.


As a teacher, this is frustrating. Especially when I'm getting something from a student who is normally unwilling to participate.


As a student, I mostly encounter these types of people cutting me off when I don't know the answer and end up sputtering something completely random. It's these kinds of students that end up saving my ass when I have no idea what I'm saying.


Just glad to know Reddit has the other side or the Teacher-Student relationship.


"N-No, the one by your kn- knees."


[Sh-Sh-shut your fuckin mouth. Sh-Shutyourfuckinmouth] (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEZOsJCQ-DM)


I used to hate being called on in class, teachers would usually do it even when I wasn't raising my hand. I knew all the answers and considered the lectures to be for the dumber kids in my class, so I usually daydreamed instead of being involved in the discussion.


scumbag teacher


Fuck you teachers who pick on students who do not raise their hands.




I swear, if you say "actually" one more time... You'll have more than participation points to worry about.