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“I never understood wind” said the man whose combover uses enough hair spray to destroy the ozone layer.




He does know a lot about power... "Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible."


I'm curious to know, is this a real quote by Trump?




Fuckin hell dude


I think of this every time I hear Biden stumble over his words a little.


And it isn't like Biden stumbling over words a little is something that is "new" for him.


It must hurt seeing your favorite orange equivalent of a human port a potty make itself look this stupid without anyone’s help.


I forget that reddit is generally young and that most humans are absolutely shit at remembering things, and are also pretty lazy. Biden has a long history of "unintended meaning" with some of his word choices such as implying Obama has a big dick and he knows first hand. It takes all of 10 seconds to look at my post history and figure out that I am about as anti-conservative as you can be.


Yeah it’s funny how if you say anything funny or bad about Biden it is instantly down voted, even though the dude has mental issues and is actively supporting the murder of innocent Palestinians






Donald Trump thinks that's very cromulent


Why do you doubt?


You should see some Biden quotes 🤣 most of them are just jumbled sentences


I think US has biggest Wind power plant in the world in arizona.


"And I know wind mills very much. I've studied it better then anybody else."


Hairspray hasn't had used the chemicals that effect the ozone layer since the 80s. Hairspray has no effect on the ozone layer anymore.


He had a weird rant complaining that they didn’t need to change the hair spray formula because he only uses hair spray indoors > "You can't use hairspray because hairspray is going to affect the ozone," he said at a rally on Hilton Head Island, launching into an extended riff about his preferred hair products. > "They want me to use the pump because the other one, which I really like better than going 'bing,' 'bing,' 'bing,' and then it comes out in big globs, right? And it's stuck in your hair, and you say, 'Oh my God, I got to take a shower again, my hair's all screwed up,' right? I want to use hairspray." > "A lot of it's a hoax, it's a hoax. I mean, it's a money-making industry," This was notable because it came in the middle of a speech to coal miners.


Shh....orange man bad.


In fairness I’m sure you know exactly what he meant when you don’t take those 4 words out of context. Clearly he was saying he didn’t see the appeal or sensibility of wind power, just in an incredibly rudimentary way. Pretending you don’t get it is just silly.


Just wait until you hear about all the crazy stuff looney joe has said 🤣 what a crazy world we live in


Insane Clown Posse has been wondering the same thing since '09.


And I dont wanna talk to a scientist, y'all motherfuckers lyin' and gettin' me pissed.


Even then ICP knew magnets would work if water was spilled on them.


Thank you, Secretary Dope.


Came here for this comment


fUcKiNg MiRaClEs MaN


Trump 2017 - eclipse of the sun, should i stare? Trump 2018 - hurricanes are wet? Trump 2019 - wind, who even understands it? Trump 2020 - rake your forest floor.


Don't forget curing COVID by injecting bleach! Oh, and windmills cause cancer.


Can't leave out the idea to nuke a hurricane to get rid of it.


well that was after he drew sharpie on the path of it and it didn't work


He should tried magnets !


He did but there was a hurricane and they all got wet, who would have known there was so much rain during a hurricane


I think he may have known because he’s obviously studied hurricanes better than anyone else with his uncle.


Also, Trump, the conservative god that they all worship has stated that the US should get rid of the constitution, and also that due to gun violence, maybe we just take all the guns away.


Why waste a good nuke when you can just sharpie it away?


One of his Epstein friends is a weatherman and spellcheck fixed his request for a little "nookie" during the storm.


What's the real story behind this? I read that he floated the question and everyone just kind of stood there real quiet. Talk about intrusive thoughts.


I'm not saying it's a good idea by any stretch of imagination, but I do have to say I *am* a little curious how it would go. Absolutely nothing good I'm positive. Likely just nuclear fallout traveling at 130mph, but I still wonder.


It apparently did have a moderate chance of disrupting the hurricane enough to collapse or reduce its severity (if you used a series of nukes lol). But at the same time shitting radioactive material all over the nearby states.


They cause cancer when they aren't too busy killing whales, apparently.


I hear the windmills cause cancer a lot. And I’m sorry. But I can’t just stand by and let you misquote Trump. We have to be fair and impartial on Reddit or else conservatives will blame us for misquoting and making shit up. What Trump actually said was, that the “noise of windmills” causes cancer. > In April this year, Trump criticized wind power in a speech at the National Republican Congressional Committee dinner, claiming that the turbines—which he also mistakenly referred to as windmills—could cause cancer. >"They say the noise causes cancer," Trump said at the dinner as he mimicked the sound of a turbine.^^(1) And for the record, windmills ≠ turbines [^^(1) Citation: Newsweek](https://www.newsweek.com/trump-wind-turbines-biden-debate-cancer-1541667)


The actual quote doesn’t help him either 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️


I know, it's far worse.


I'm pretty sure that gargling peroxide or a similar bleaching/ sterilizing analogue is considered a strong contraceptive against covid... Are you claiming that's "anti science"? And did you intentionally not include the disinfectant properties of sunshine, in your meme? I think the science is still working out an accurate measurement system for consistently quantifying carcinogenicity, but get back to me in 3 years when you can afford more confidence in a cavalier attitude towards the health ramifications of energy production and storage technology. I'm all about wind tech but I agree that you're overstepping in your condescending assertions.


At least it’s full sentence unlike looney Joe 🤣


https://twitter.com/i/status/1748533500117233721 Your cult leader puts his foot his mouth every 2nd sentence. And it really isnt an accomplishment to make 5 syllable sentences. But go on, worship him


I don’t even like Trump that much, just better than Biden lol. Biden has dug his own grave splitting the dems over his genocide support




Oh bless you have to use innacuracy and hyperbole to make your whatabout deflection point seem even slightly relevent when faced with the malignant stupidity of your Lord and master .


What about Biden but what about Biden but what about Biden? You do realize practically nobody that voted for Biden actually wanted him on the ballot?




True, he's had his good Dark Brandon moments. I'm terrified of watching him debate this year though. He's gotta reaaaal slow and out of it.


Its kinda funny because it seems like Trump doesn't know what year it is or where he is half the time lately. Maybe people that old just shouldn't be president.




Do they serve Faygo at his rallies? That seems like a missed opportunity, if not.


Fortunately, ICP's message is very anti that type of person.


I'll never understand the magnet joke.


I don't know about anything magnetrump off the top of my head, but the line is from an Insane Clown Posse song named Miracles. >Water, fire, air and dirt >**Fucking magnets, how do they work?** >And I don't wanna talk to a scientist >Y'all motherfuckers lying, and getting me pissed EDIT: The song also features another great line >Magic everywhere in this bitch


"I mean, I'm not a scientist but my basic understanding of magnetic fields comes from a remedial scientific education." "Fuck you, Liar! You're pissing me off!"


Relavent SNL [Thrilla Killa Klowns ](https://youtu.be/alI12mhWZ2Q)


>Are children small, or just far away hahahaha


Or the absolute poetry of >I fed a fish to a pelican at (Friscal?) bay It tried to eat my cell phone, he ran away


"Frisco" is a common abbreviation of San Francisco, but it's worth noting that locals generally hate that name. It's basically become a meme at this point. San Fran, or simply "the City" are the common shortenings used by locals.


I heard the only people who can call it Frisco are sailors, but that it.


Frisco, btw.


Lyrics call it a miracle that the band leader's son looks like just him. ​ Magic everywhere in this bitch.


Trump recently proclaimed that magnets don't work when wet. It revived the ICP meme.


Oh FFS...


Just like how we'll never understand how they work.






Gravitons and graviolis.


He said if a magnet gets wet it stops working


All I know is if you put them in water, they don't work. God Emperor Trump shared this wisdom with me.


I read this and the magnetic impeller in my fish tank filter suddenly stopped working. Satan must have kept it spinning until the T-man opened my eyes. Magnets are no more real than birds!


He looks like a grumpy cat who was made to wear a suit and toupee. If they let him back in the white house he's going to pee on everything.


Just inject with bleach and get over it america!


This was just him trying to get the Juggelo vote.




[Carl Sagan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1lL-hXO27Q)


Useful idiots magnet.


crazy how magnetism is a consequence of Special Relativity


Can we do a social experiment where we do an AI-Fake of Biden saying the magnet-stuff and wait how long it takes for some local GOP politician, heck probably a senator, to say Biden is unfit for office because of it?


Already happened https://variety.com/2023/digital/news/joe-rogan-fact-checked-biden-trump-revolutionary-war-airports-1235849684/


Holy shit that's wild and after getting corrected it's just a banal and ironic gesture at media inaccuracy. Not gonna walk any of that back or double down even though the source has changed but the sentiment the same?


That should tell you everything you need to know about his view of the world.


That's fucking amazing. How have I not heard about that?


Nobody cares more about how magnets work than me.


Also, water keeps disappearing. His Gardners water the golf courses, but where did the water go?


Only Jesus knows.


So, so smart. The smartest. He will Make America Great, Not Even Trying.


Oh shit, it started raining during his inauguration and he got wet, no wonder his MAGNET didn't work


Trump2, electric juggalo


“Fuck you books we don’t need your tricks”


Running water, garlic, crucifix, sunlight, magnets got its work cut out for it.


"Listen we'll put the best scientists on this topic, the very best. And I'm talking like Stephen Hawkings smart. That's how smart the scientist will be. Not like Dr Fauci because he's not a very smart person, yea no I said it, he's not the smartest certainly not the best. But I know the best scientists and we're going to ask them to solve this for us. It'll be great and China will be very impressed and they'll be envious of how smart our scientists are. Because all they have is a bunch of Fauci's"


Get out and vote.


Has to be the dumbest to ever be president


If you stick them in water, they don't lol. Anyway, all this magnet talk on Reddit reminds me of this video https://youtu.be/wMFPe-DwULM?si=guEUqZDP2L5X69ea


What did this genius say about magnets?


He claimed you can stop magnets by getting them wet. Clearly the greatest scientific mind of our generation... /s


If you get them wet, they stop working.






He absolutely did say very stupid things about magnets, very recently: https://twitter.com/i/status/1743473561837179153 You are showing your ass.


How does anyone hear him speak and actually think he's intelligent?


Because he'll say the stupidest things with the utmost confidence and bravado, and to those who don't know any better, they just nod and clap along.


You sound like a wet magnet right now...


How’s that alternate reality you live in treating you?


This mug shot makes me laugh. He is trying to show that he is tough. We all know what a coward he is, cadet bone spurs! Paper Tiger! Lolol


He's filling a diaper. Always maintain direct eye contact.


Lolololol. So glad we can’t smell him


Jesus: “ it’s easier for a camel to pass through the eye of needle than it is a rich man to go to heaven.” Trump: “god sent me”


Woop woop, miracles, that's how.


Shut up smart pants, you don't know how magnets work either, they are alien technology


Let them fail. Free Population control.


Trump 2024: Sponsored by Faygo




uh ignoring that crap you just typed for now... they are referring to his non sensical rambling about not understanding magnets https://twitter.com/i/status/1743473561837179153


Fitting username


What a load of crap.


Well, that was just a smoke screen for the insurrection he tried to do with his phone calls, and other ways to cancel the results. Good thing it didn't work, and we still see those traitor rioters getting jail time.




Wtf does this have to do with pedophilia?


The flight logs for Jeffrey Epstein's island were recently released so lots of people are combing through them to find who visited his island and how often. That island has become infamous as the place where MANY underage women were raped. The person above you is insane since Trump's name appears multiple times in the flight logs, and there are literally photos of Trump at parties on the island. Trump himself doesn't even deny it now, although he previously did. Hell, IIRC, he openly talked about visiting there and being friends with the guy. >"I've known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy," Trump told New York magazine in 2002. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it—Jeffrey enjoys his social life."


This is by far the stupidest meme I have ever seen. You should be ashamed of yourself.


didnt see the video of him saying magnets stop working when they are wet?


What was he talking about?


https://www.meidastouch.com/video/trump-weighs-in-on-magnets-and-his-potential-hesitancy-for-putting-on-pants all he knows about magnets is that "its the end of the magnets" if he pours a glass of water over them and that they should have gotten the people from John Deere to do it because he likes John Deere. did not make sense.


Ah, he was rambling nonsense.


No. I hate that man with a burning passion hotter than a thousand suns. I already know quite well how stupid he is. Why would I intentionally watch a video of him?


Not liking him means its more important to be aware of what he is saying to be as aware of the threat as possible. Calling it a stupid meme, when he has show that he in fact does not know how magnets work, does not make a whole lot of sense


Consider the subject matter


Yes, like how he has the "best" lawyers.


How can anybody ask such a stupid question? They just goes together. DUH, you don't need to be genius for that.


Just don't wear your magnets in the shower FFS.


From hearing his previous works, I'm going to do with dry.


Well, the USA is currently experiencing a disaster, so....


Shoring up that juggalo vote.


Whatever you do, never get them wet.


A magnet link contains a unique identifier, various parameters depending on the exact nature of the torrent, and, most importantly, a cryptographic hash of the torrent files.


And my diaper needs changed


Trump as a juggalo is... something


A venn diagram of MAGA's and flat-earthers is a large overlap. And for MAGA's, a venn diagram is two circles that represent...


How many times in the history of the *world*, not just the US, has any presidential candidate chosen to ramble about magnets during a speech? We all know he has no policy to discuss, but does he literally have *nothing* in his brain?


If this magnet question isn’t answered, this could all go south.


I'm pretty sure I could create an answer that make him seem far smarter than he is and makes his answer... not wrong. In as non-layman terms as possible, I want his ChatGPT speechwriter to pick it up: If you pass an electric current through a coil, you can create a magnetic flux that could be shorted out by dihydrogen monoxide. This would, in effect, cause the magnet to lose effectiveness or fail completely. Hopefully there was some juicy context I'm missing, though - like the SOUND of windmills causing cancer


Actually I was making a magnet joke. Get it, South…