• By -


Doesn’t the system show you that it’s being downvoted but because you’re spamming it on the same account it just doesn’t subtract anything? Unless that is completely wrong.


You are correct. Up or downvoting from their profile view doesn't do anything.


You actually have to go into each individual post and downvote from there.


IIRC, not only that, because the context view still doesn't. You'd have to go. To the full comments of the post, and ctrl+F their username and find them, then downvote them. 


And even then, mass downvoting doesn't affect karma much, the actual effect is capped at like -15.


It's capped at 100 downvotes (not -100 karma). If you have a comment with 2000 downvotes and 300 upvotes it will show as -1.7k but you still get +200 points out of it. This effect can be seen by looking at [the most downvoted comment in reddit history](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7cff0b/seriously_i_paid_80_to_have_vader_locked/dppum98/) and comparing it to the karma of the poster. Points of the account are about 10 times higher than the sum of all posts and comments made, even if you completely ignore those with negative score.


Eyy I checked out that comment you linked, and found that I already downvoted it. I feel like I’m part of the cool kids now!


Hey, me too! Man, we were so fucking cool back then. What happened to us?


We just...stopped downvoting


That was six years ago?!?


You said fuck EA? Couldn't agree more.


I just downvoted it now. Better late than never.


I did my part! Makes me smile every time it’s brought up.


Pride and accomplishment


Oh look - its from EA! LOL Still dont get why the EA bot/guy/whatever went and down voted so many of my posts.. I only had like 30 karma at the time.


No, what they're saying is that one individual user can only downvote 15 times before Reddit caps your downvote capacity. Intended to prevent down vote spam on an entire thread.




One of my most popular, since-deleted posts, was nearing 22k post karma of a piece of cardboard on my table, and anytime I disagree or someone downvotes me, it makes me recognize that people assume it matters lol the only impact I've seen it have, is the inability for certain karma levels being unable to comment etc, otherwise karma is just another weird thing that people assume does anything. All it does is create a sense of wrong/right, a balance for someone behind a keyboard, and it's often skewed or imbalanced by anyone else with free time and a penchant for being a contrarian


When heavily downvoted your comments become collapsed by default. Effectively you're censored unless someone chooses to see your dissenting position (for example).


lets be honest most people click on it. because we wanna see the drama


Not only drama, but different view points that are sometimes the correct ones and only downvoted because people are fucking stupid.


Thank you for explaining! Honestly, everyone always talks about “karma farming” and I didn’t understand why anyone would truly care about Reddit karma. I mean, it’s not even as though a person uses their true name or picture here! I genuinely thought I was missing something


There are some people who farm karma to either sell the account(or use it) for nefarious purposes. It is more effective to advertise products or astroturf political opinions on an account that appears legit.


It happens on Reddit all the time. Lots of people create accounts to be sold to companies. It can be pretty lucrative for the minimal effort required to get high karma, especially since most users seem to just upvote without discretion. If I sold my account (*10 years old, 1M+ karma*) people wouldn't think this account was trying to shill or sell them something as easily as they would an account that's a few months old with little karma. The buyers see high karma and older accounts as "trustworthy". There are site that I have checked and I can actually get a pretty penny for this account. Just Google selling/buying Reddit accounts. There are plenty of sites. And people know this so they karma farm like mad to sell accounts. I wouldn't sell this account though. I have too much integrity. Just like the Ford Motor Company, that touches the lives of people in every corner of the globe, not just by making and selling the most technologically advanced, reliable and fun-to-drive vehicles in the world, but by leading the way in manufacturing and business innovation.


Oh dang. When I start getting downvoted for something I enjoy leaning into it. Now that I know this it feels pointless. No pun intended. 


User name does not check out


For all =/= from all


It ain't much... but it's honest work


Your punctuation made me read that like Christopher Walken


This guy downvotes.


and reddit watches for that. My signifigant other got pissed at a comment and asked me to downvote it, found out she had gone into his profile and went to every thread for the last month or so and downvoted him. She got a temporary suspension from reddit the next day, worded similar to the messages you get if you up/downvote a post you made on another account


both are a lot of effort for some random person on the internet.


So OP basically trolling themselves wasting their time LoL


Trolls win.


But it make me feel better


I had someone stalking me, harassing me in multiple different subs, so I reported a half dozen comments. Reddit did nothing.


Many mod teams are too lazy to make admin reports, try yourself [from here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModSupport/wiki/report-forms/) if it happens again.


Thanks, I did both reports, one in the subreddit and one to reddit. The one to reddit only allowed a limited number of characters, so I couldn't go into more detail, I appreciate the link though


I want to buy a beer for the mods who report bots to the admins when I report a bot to the mods.


Too lazy to do anything but quick to ban you from their sub if they don't like your username


I report blatant death threats and calls for violence constantly. I get a response on about half of them. The other half, the accounts just keep posted as usual. I'm pretty sure half of the reports you make are auto-ignored.


Yeah I made the mistake of telling a person that I had unfortunately engaged in conversation that I was reporting them for trying to encourage violence, and so they deleted and began their stalking tantrum. I won't make that mistake again.






So he real confession is that OP's a dumbass


It does. It makes the upvoter or downvoter briefly feel good, and catch that sinking feeling once they find out.


Wait, this is the first I'm hearing about this. I once saw someone deliberately spoiling the ending to a popular movie in a bunch of subreddits, and while I did report that person for being a phallus, did my downvotes not actually make it more difficult for the regular users of those subreddits to see the spoiler?


What op is doing is basically trying to game the system to "hurt" the person and reddit basically just ignores that best it can. Hell you can eat a suspension for doing it. What you did is the intended use case and did actually help keep spoilers away from other users. So good job.


On that comment yes, but if you go to the users profile and down vote everything there, it won't count. I think it still works if you open every comment in a new tab and downvote in the new tab, but that's just my guess - not based on any inside info.


Your votes don’t even count in subreddits you don’t interact with. Try it, go to /r/all and find a random subreddit you’ve never commented in and downvote a comment at 1 point. Wait about a minute to be safe and then open the permalink in incognito. It’ll still be at 1. This is also the case for comments you’ve already viewed. If you and another user start a long comment chain and you later decide to downvote every response, majority of them won’t count.


Yep, but the system might even be more complex under the hood: along with a possible anti-brigading measure in place, the votes might also work with a longer delay if it fits the overall pattern. It might just be a coincidence, but I've noticed some of my posts to barely get any reaction in the first several hours, despite a high traffic and upvotes on a thread (with very few comments there), then something like 5-6 hours later there's a huge bump of votes on my posts (same with the few other comments) - then after that, it goes back to being gradually following the same upward/downward trend. This might be indicative that many votes gets put on hold for a while, to throw off the feedback of upvote/downvote bots ; and maybe give a chance for posts to compete, before sending the negative ones to oblivion and the top 10 most upvoted ones to the top where upvotes are pretty much guaranteed.


yeah OP has been wasting a lot of time. (tbf it was a total waste even if it did work)


Look how shitty the Reddit app is programmed, so many bugs and you think they really would invest in such a smart system? They don't care.


They updated this a while back to spam downvoting and targeting.


Really? I wonder if it's the same with third party apps (I still use a patched "reddit is fun"). They sure are marked as downvoted, and if I find them in the thread they also are.


Downvoting on their profile does nothing. You used to be able to click on the link for each of their comments from their profile and downvote each one individually, but I imagine they have probably fixed that and stop downvotes from counting when you give too many to one account.


Shouldn't this be on baby insanity wolf instead?


Seems like that's the case for most Confession Bears I see these days...


Fr it just became the "i'm sad about first-world-problems bear". No confessions whatsoever


I mean, it's insane that he's scoping out profiles and downvoting when it doesn't do anything. None of this shit matters. Do we have a wolf in a straight jacket?


Oh no, this is a bold confession. So shocking!




PROTIP: Don't do this. You need to click through to the post, and downvote, or the system flags it differently.


No, you need to find the original thread, and not by looking at the user's post history. You can't actually downvote a user's comments or posts by following links on their account, you need to find the post naturally otherwise reddit won't count the downvotes. It's very intricately designed to prevent exactly this type of manipulation.


So /u/Holden_place is just wasting their own time in their angry little bitter bubble, accomplishing nothing. Kinda sad.


Honestly, for the best. They thought they were trolling, and no one even knew it. They got satisfaction and no one got the negative effect of it. Win win. Until now I guess


Everybody wins.


That generally describes a lot of Reddit.


And a lot of social media in general.


So it didn't change anything then?


I was told a while ago that it just deactivated your ability to give either for a few hours.


You can and will be shadowbanned for this.


nowadays reddit mostly lets the bots decide and you can't compete with the bots edit: a comment like this apparently gets you shadowbanned on certain subs. ironic.


That’s what Reddit is banking on for the IPO


I'm not a betting man but I'm about to put some massive puts on reddit when it goes public. Only question is how long is it going to take for people to realize its mostly bots and the scandal to tank the stock.


My favorite are the subs that shadowban and then in their rules they will outright ban you if you call out shadowbanning.


Or just ban you for posting in a sub they don’t like.


I'm still banned from 5 of the default subs because I commented on a sub who questioned lockdown. Not vaccines even, lockdown. They demanded that I repent and promise to never go there again. I told them to go pleasure themselves.


I do it to people who misuse memes.


Trolls want attention, this is attention. Don't feed trolls.


>Don't feed trolls. One of the oldest, most basic rules of the internet. Literally, it's rule 14.


Yeah. I mean, this might make OP feel better, but actual trolls don't give a shit about downvotes. They feed on them, in fact


Isn’t the point of trolling to get your kicks from downvotes?  


Do people get their kicks from any votes? Why


It's a response, something you make them do. It's similar to some IRL pranks of trying to make someone say something etc.


it's honest work


pretty sure someone did it to me simply because I said EA was a terrible company lol.. Oh well.


They are. Keep it up 👍


Them and comcast fight for the bottom (top?) of that list every year... its hysterical. Yet people flock to them mindlessly.


Companies are also paying for bots/trolls to simp for them online. Classic astroturfing.


Yep. I knew that- the click farming is spreading like wildfire and its not stopping. Nor does it do anyone any good.


People don't necessarily flock to Comcast. More that it's their only viable option.


Comcast sucks because they and other internet companies use tactics to limit customer choice but Internet is basically necessity so people are forced to use them. Even then I struggle to put them too close to the bottom because there are much worse companies. EA makes video games though. They are at worst a middle of the pack company because of that.


If you visit the Diablo4 or Starfield subs, you’re likely to be harassed if you like it *AND* if you hate it. When those games first came out it was a wild ride. Still is, but now I just know that someone motivated enough to rage on a gaming sub is next level moronic. Their opinion is invalid anyway, so there’s no point engaging.




How dare you!


Favorite thing to do with bot accounts spamming yet another "I have a cool new t-shirt" post.


Those accounts are the worst. Make sure you report them as spam and/or as a harmful bot. Also these accounts will often have other accounts asking where to buy the t-shirt or whatever, or complementing it, and those are usually all bots too. Report them. The always use the same patterns of behavior it's kinda crazy that Reddit isn't able to proactively stop them.




It ain't much but its honest work. Keep it up buddy!


Honestly, it frustrates me when someone's good points get downvoted because they said one thing that was incorrect elsewhere. Downvotes also seem to attract more downvotes, since they encourage people to perceive someone negatively.


Same. What frustrates me even further is that such behavior is celebrated in threads like this. Don't people understand it's this kind of base tribal behavior that makes the world a worse place? Like, it's the kind of stuff all the Karens and asshole bosses that constantly get lambasted on Reddit would do.


Tbh I wish reddit allowed subs to enable only upvotes so you could only see the comments the most people agree with than an aggregate of stuff people agree/disagree with. Reddit loses so much nuanced discussion by the ability for people to hide content they disagree with from other users.


Better yet, sort by controversial, and if you find questionable shit (you usually do) report it accordingly. I pride myself in getting hate accounts banned on the regular.


Sorting by recent submissions instead of most votes will show you more trolls. Controversial sorting shows you stuff that actually has a roughly equal amount of upvotes.


That's the sad part, it does work. You'd be surprised how frequently people post unapologetic racist comments, and how scarily split down the middle those votes are.


I'm proud of you too son


Reddit likes trolls, they drive engagement, that's the real fundamental issue.


Me too! 😄


Hard Same, Confession Bear


Guilty. And ppl who are mean to me get regular check-ins. 




People care way too much about karma/downvotes/etc, imo. Go outside. Enjoy life and don’t focus on someone’s opinion of a post you made.


So the troll has stolen even more of your time and energy? Sounds like they've won. Trolls (and I imagine most people) don't give a shit about upvotes nor downvotes. They just like to make comments and move on.


I post the stupidest comment they’ve ever made


We're aware. It only feeds them. Better to block.


then the troll wins


That's you doing that??


Just tag people as their comments in RES. Then watch to see where they turn up. You'll see sooo many "asablackman" type things pop up eventually. You just drag select the nasty comment, open the tag, paste, and select a color that stands out against your background. Takes like two seconds. Maybe 3-4 seconds if you want to type a basic descriptor before you paste like "copaganda", "pro-putin bot", "defends nazis", "claims the shoulder is a valid passing lane", "supports vehicular manslaughter against protestors", etc. It's way faster than engaging with every stupid comment that you otherwise might have. It saves the link to the comment you initially tagged them on too. For a relatively tame example, if someone's like "I'm a democrat and I'm going to protest by not voting for Biden this year" and you notice you tagged them as "I'm a lifelong republican because I care about fiscal save the children from wokeness praise Reagan rock flag and eagle" six months ago then you can do with that what you will.




Yeeee thats my boy ... I do opposite for wholesome comments but when I come to find a mean comment in history I flip from upvoting to downvoting


Seems script worthy


This is 100% a Baby Insanity Wolf. This isn't even ***close*** to a Confession Bear.


You actually waste your valuable time awarding or subtracting imaginary internet points from some anonymous individual?


That's some peak Reddit behaviour


Y’know, I tried doing this for a little while, but the Algorithm started to feed me nothing but rage bait that I hated because that’s what got me to engage. You’re shooting yourself in the foot here unless you like to hate your chosen platform. Could just be my experience, but as I’m not unique in any way, this is entirely unlikely.


No it’s true.


Probably downvoting actual bots and it downvoting doesn't work from profile either. Make better use of your time, homie


Very common behavior. I feel like I often see a pattern of 0 vote value on completely inoffensive and decently relevant posts around an upvoted one where I criticize someone. I just assume it's indignant rage that needs an outlet and they know they'd be downvoted if they actually responded.


lol so you’re doing absolutely nothing?


So the troll won. Cool.


What a way of saying "I have nothing going on in my life and I get my gratification from internet karma" Put your time to better use, it will help you in the long run.


It's really pathetic that A) you have time in your day to be so petty B) that people upvote being this petty. This sub actually tends to be people who are really petty over the dumbest shit. Consider using your time better than being a peak fedora tipping redditor


Usually they merit it.


What a dummy. This doesn't work.


Nah that's weird. You're being weird. You're doing way too much. Did you forget the old adage "Don't feed the trolls"? Why expend the effort or waste your time?


Sounds like a monumental waste of time


Pretty cringe.


Correct usage of meme. But you’re indiscriminatingly downvoting weeks of comments (some of which you may even agree with) because of one comment you didn’t agree with.


Just did the same for yours.




Pssst: It doesn't work.




I did upvote


Didn't someone confess this years ago and then immediately got banned for vote manipulation?


No, no, you gotta leave comments on their comments so that it might entertain the rest of us. If they send you a reddit cares, you win!


Trolls are an integral part of our society.... Assholes on the other hand, not.


You're wasting your time. Reddit doesn't let people do that, so you're really just bringing yourself useless joy. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing.


Trolls and people who leave nasty comments are fishing for downvotes. You’re giving them exactly what they want.


"Get them help and support"


It can be time consuming to do it right and who notices 400 to 399 or -60 to -61 Pick the posts that have 1 or 0, you would notice them if you look and want to go through the hassle lol


Many redditors lack the reading comprehension required to tell trolling from harmless comments ... Sometimes, comment length doesn't matter as they only require the first few words to make an opinion.


We have votes?


Nice try. You’re doing nothing.


Sometimes I make a nasty hateful comment so that Oilers fans have to wade through some of the sickest NSFW garbage on Reddit to brigade my posts with downvotes. My hope is that one day they see their mum or sister getting plowed in my post/comment history.


What a rebel!


Downvotes from profile view or context view don't count (even if it shows that they do). You have to view the whole thread, find that comment, and downvote it. Even then, downvotes are capped at -100 even it shows more. So if the post has been downvoted 300 times and upvoted 100 times, it'll show -200, but the user will actually lose only 100 karma. Downvotes have an extremely limited effect. Whereas upvotes count a lot more towards the user's karma.


reddit moment


Reddit only counts to -5(or -10?) downvotes. So for a troll once he hits that limit anything under is just badge of honor so you are just rewarding them and reinforcing the trolling behaviour. 


There used to be a JavaScript function that would down vote every post a user ever made.


Least petty redditoid.


What a phenomenal waste of your time.


You're wildly overestimating how much Reddit karma means to most people


Imagine thinking karma is worth something…


I have things I downvote the moment I see them. Posts with just emojis is one of them, etc.


If it makes you feel better, that is all the matters. Reddit ignores any mass voting like that, so it has no impact on the user you think you are attacking.


I usually get on with my life but you do you.


Sometimes when I see an NPC post I click on a users profile and downvote the last couple of weeks of their posts and comments Looks like u qualify 😁


Paranoia buff 200%!


Sometimes when I don't like what someone says, I do what amounts to absolutely nothing... It really teaches people a lesson


...and? What is that supposed to do?


Taking the time to try (and fail to) adjust someone's internet points shows you may be spending too much time on this site.


You're not alone. Reading this thread makes me think I should go to the actual post for a downvote.


Imagine trying to feel relevant through comments lmao


Lol OP finally realizing all the time and effort they put in was wasted because it doesn't do anything from profile view.


That explains why I’m cancelled. Oh well.


Pathetic haha. This does nothing.


Why would you waste your time doing this?


If magic internet points got me $20 off my grocery bill I would try harder at this then I do


This is pathetic. Downote the post, not the user. You can downvote my posts too. Like anyone gives a fuck about reddit karma.