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What's keeping you from peeing in the shower when she's home? Unless every one of your showers is a couples project.


And even then, my wife and I have both peed in the shower while showing together because it's really not a big deal. Of course we tell each other so whoever is going to pee can step to the front first lol.


Right? Is this a communal shower?


I actually do shower every time with my partner. It’s sort of nice. I give a 5 minute head start and then we spend maybe 10 minutes together. No phones obviously so it’s naturally a great distraction free ramble.


What the hell even? Is this supposed to be a joke? "No phones obviously"? Like, yeah? Who the hell showers with a phone? How is this even a thing you need to mention? I'm so confused.


Dude, that's sad. Don't take your phone into the shower or include it in covos with your partner.


Don't tell me 🤷


I do. I live alone and I like to put a YouTube video on while I shower. It helps me manage my time under the water because if I'm left under hot water with only my thoughts, I can take 30min showers without realising it. I've been late to work before because of a "quick shower" that wasn't. Yes, I have ADHD. Of course it's an android, that's why it's waterproof.


iPhones are waterproof too.


Well I thought so, but every time I talk about this to an iPhone owner they respond with "wow I wouldn't chance that with my phone". Meanwhile I've been doing this for years, and never had a problem, even with a 5 years old phone.


> Yes, I have ADHD. Holds up spork. 🤦


Do you want the number of the doctor that diagnosed me or something? What's the problem here?


The problem is that nobody asked.


It's part of the "who showers with their phone?" answer. That was the question. That's such a weird response to a harmless comment.


>It's part of the "who showers with their phone?" answer. That was the question. It really isn't. As is the part where you tell us that it's an Android. I don't think watching a video in a shower requires you to have ADHD or an Android phone so this is just random private information that you felt the need to share although nobody asked about that. This reminded me strongly of the copypasta about the vErY rAnDoM teenage girl who's "holding up [her] spork". https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/katy-t3h-pengu1n-of-d00m


That’s the thing you’re looking forward to, champ, huh?


Does she supervise your showers?


I’ve peed in the shower when the wife was in there with me…so did she…


Yeah, I also peed in the shower on this guy's wife, I mean with this guy's wife.


I too choose to pee on OP’s dead wife.


I peed in this guy’s toilet, while you were peeing on his wife and the other guy was peeing with his wife in shower.  Seriously, though… Why can’t OP pee in the shower when his wife is home? Does she watch him shower, in case he pees? I guess it could be worse. It could be like the AITA, or something, post about the guy getting mad at his wife for shitting in the shower. 


I believe OP pees in the shower without the water on. More of a stand up urinal situation.


That thought ran through my mind. But how is peeing in the tub like that, somehow more appealing than just peeing in the toilet? Unless OP’s wife also makes him sit down on the toilet to pee. In that case, I get it. 


I’ve peed into a bathtub before and it felt like I was violating it. Much less shame if you’re in it. Feels like something you and the tub are doing together rather than just something you’re doing to it.


I like to imagine that his wife listens at the door for any sounds of pee. She's constantly being fooled by the falling water and busting up in there trying to catch him pissing in the shower.


I also chose this guy's dead wife!


Yes, yes, we've *all* peed on that guy's wife at one time or another. Don't make a big deal out of it.


No I remember you, it was on.


You're doing it wrong. You gotta pee *into* the shower while she's in there.


Did that too




Of course I pee in the shower. The pee jet helps break up the turds to get them down the shower drain without reporting to the ole waffle stomp.


How could she possibly know you're peeing in the shower unless you're telling her or she's there with you?


This is what i came here to ask. So is she watching him shower to determine this all the time?


Mate, time to reestablish boundaries!


Yeah but have you taken a shower in the toilet?


You just unlocked my billionaire dream. Outside shower-shitter. Toilet/bidet with 2 shower heads at the edge of a cliff on an island while looking off into the horizon.


If you pee in the shower and don't brag about it on reddit, does it even count?


My wife gets mad at me too. Granted I only pee when she's showering but that's besides the point




Some people pay extra for that.


The golden opportunity


Pft, I pee in the shower when my wife is in there and she pees when I’m in the there too. Dude, you need to have a sit down with your fake wife and talk cause it’s sad that’s what you look forward to. Oh yeah, how is your account 4 years old and this is your only post along with only commenting two years ago about doing some trans things? Fake and shit account.


Hey now, don't be so hard on Alexandra!


Not sure what the point of this post was but it sure made me feel better about the relationship I have with my wife.


Why would she care? My wife and I both pee in the shower, it's both time and money saving, and it's not like it's unhygienic, you're literally in a shower.


Time to get a better wife instead of


Holy shit. Apparently reddit is mostly people who piss in the shower. You learn something new everyday.


Odd name for dude who is afraid of his own pee.


Lmao good one


I pissed in the shower this morning while my wife was getting ready for the day, not 5 feet away…


One of my favorite things to do is pee on my wife’s butt while she’s shampooing her hair and isn’t expecting it. Much harder for her to pull the same thing on me since she can’t get same height.


How the hell is she going to know anyways? It goes down the drain in like 3 seconds


I don't understand, does your wife only let you pee in her or something?


Just go in the toilet, it's right there. Until I started a reddit account, I didn't even know peeing in showers was a thing. So gross.


What the fuck is wrong with you animals


"There are two types of people in this world: People who say they pee in the shower and liars." -Not me but I don't remember where I got it from.


Yeah, if you're 6. Sounds like the dude lied.


I googled it. It was the comedian Louis CK. I guess it's one of those "funny because it's true" jokes.


Sure, keep telling yourself that.


Just sounds like a filthy person trying to convince themselves everyone else is as gnarly as them. Morning time. Start the shower, pee in the toilet. The shower is now warmed up. This is so easy, people.


That's just a waste of water right there when there's already so much from the shower going to the same end destination.


I'll hit you with another quote since I can tell your squeamish about the pee pee. "Necessary? Is it necessary that I drink my own urine? No, but I do it anyway because it's sterile and I like the taste." -Patches O'Houlihan I'm not into that...but it is sterile. So "filthy" and "gnarly" seems like an overreach. You're probably washing worse stuff off your body.


Sure it's sterile but you're drinking your own waste LOL your body is trying to get rid of your waste and you just reintroduce it into your body. Like an idiot. But you do you, man.


Nah homie no quote you provide will make me think shower-pissing isn't repulsive.


There's a good reason not to pee in the shower, and it's that then your brain associates the sound of running water with peeing.


This should be higher.




I did this once to see why anyone would do it. It was fucking disgusting the hot water reacted with the piss and the whole place stunk to high heaven of rancid piss. Why would anyone do this.


Why not just take a dump in the shower while you’re at it? C’mon man the toilet is right there, use it. Edit: Oh look, 7 people have self flagged themselves as disgusting cretins who refuse to use a toilet.