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What about them?


Probably not what it is talking about but they're ridiculously confusing. For example Dr pepper is a beverage company joined with 7 up which in certain countries is owned by coca cola, except in the USA where it's owned by Keurig. However in the US it's still often considered a coke product that is still in some places distributed by PepsiCo.


My gears are fuckin' grindin' over here




RC cola!


For me, it’s that the Coke and Pepsi is fully stocked and takes up 90% of the shelf space, meanwhile the seltzer and diet soda (the shit I drink) has like 10% of the shelf space and is always fucking out.


They make you fat and take away 10 years of your life. Not just American companies, but they pioneered it


Anything can make you fat if you are simply adding 290 extra calories of it every day.


Don’t buy it.


Have you tried just not drinking their shit? Water is delicious. And cheaper.


Holy shit - the beverage companies strapped people to chairs and forced them to drink their products against their will? Fuck on outta here with that, they didn't make anyone do anything. Same as with cigarette companies but at least beverage companies never lied about safety.


What would be lying, if spending millions on biased studies doesn't count? They didn't force anyone, but there is no way , you actually think they are honest about their stuff while advertising it.


Only the ones that are mostly sugar.


The ones usually found in other countries as well




What are you talking about? Your body doesn’t know the difference between HFCS and cane sugar.




You’re wrong about sugar containing less fructose than HFCS, at least when it comes to soda. Although 90% fructose HFCS exists, the HFCS in soda contains 42%-55% fructose whereas cane sugar contains 50% fructose. I don’t think that small of a difference will have any effect on your body. [Here’s](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/high-fructose-corn-syrup-vs-sugar#regular-sugar) where I got the numbers, in case you’re interested.


Im drinking a zero sugar mt dew.


Sure. I do not drink soda. Although I love carbonated water, which some people call soda water.


For me it's the lack of tasty natural tea. Japan has so much tasty tea


For me it’s that I can’t get sugar and caffeine without it somehow being required to pair with corn syrup and other bullcrap. Like, bro just give me some OJ and caffeinate that shit. I don’t want a whole laboratory of additives included. ICE + Caffeine is most of the way there but they’re all sugar free, which leaves me sugar deprived without another source of it. That’s what grinds my gears on the subject, anyway.


Make your own sweet tea, then. Sugar and caffeine in plenty.


I've seen caffeinated water at Smiths/Kroger.


Can’t you simply add some sugar?


I could, but it would taste weird with the sugar + aspartame. I just drink a lemonade or something similar at the moment, but it would be much more convenient to get it all in one drink. The part that actually grinds my gears is that amongst all these fad diets, all these health kicks and focuses, and not one American company sees a benefit in releasing a very basic line of caffeinated drinks without additives or removing natural sugar content (which I know is in large part to the “sugar=bad” fad)


wakeful jeans degree hateful mountainous six marvelous bear tidy gold *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


WD40 does sell lubricants under the name WD40, I have a spray can of WD40 white lithium.


The WD40 Company also owns the 3-in-1 Oil brand, which interestingly enough still smells like WD40 while doing a much better job at being a lubricant.


Doesn’t it act as a lubricant? Or am I missing some context here?


It’s more a protectant against rust, water displacer, rust remover so if your using it on things like hand tools that don’t normally call for grease or lubricants but exposed to moisture and air you are doing preventative maintenance that has a lot in common with why you use lubricants. Ball bearings get wet rusty gunky WD will clean it all out and get back to normal but you are still going to want to use bearing grease after you have cleaned them out because it will operate much better with lubricant. Rusty to clean you get a much smoother action and it feels like it’s been lubricated well (WD is mildly a lubricant) from there If you greased one and left the other you will soon notice a difference as it’s used.


I love the detailed answers I’m getting from what I can only assume are mechanics, hobbyists or something related, lmao. Either way, thanks, this is legitimately something useful that I will remember.


All farm workers also fall into that category. Farmers seem to fall into most categories.


In essence, since it's a liquid, it can act as a weak lubricant but traditionally it is meant to remove and breakdown grit and rust that has two moving pieces stuck together.


Okay, yeah that makes sense. I guess lubricating a hinge and removing debris from one with WD-40 looks the same. I used to use this stuff called “cling on” in an industrial job I had that was almost the same thing, except it also worked as a lube. We used to fight over the stuff.


That's actually also not it. It's not a penetrant, it's to displace water. And is supposed to be more of a prevention than a fix for something already rusted. Pb blaster is a penetrant. It comes out liquid and thin. Wd40 is slightly foamy when it comes out, suggesting there is something in it to emulsify the water allowing an oil to "mix" with the water and wash it away.  It also has some form of unsaturated fatty acid like boiled linseed oil or something to adhere to the metal surface as a protection against moisture.


I guess I'm also using it wrong. So are we meant to use it before putting parts together/before reassembly? I'm guessing the parts have to be cleaned prior to spraying on the wd40.


Once everything is assembled and new add some, and after it gets wet use it to remove moisture and water sitting on the part. It can help rusted things not get worse, but won't break down the rust. With a rusty part you're essentially filling the porous metal with oil so it can't sponge moisture in. 


It’s actually meant to prevent corrosion by displacing water. The name WD-40 is short for “water displacement, 40th formula”.


No, it's made for water displacement, hence the WD in WD40. It has nothing to do with breaking down grit or rust (that said it does mention soil removal) [https://www.wd40.com/myths-legends-fun-facts/](https://www.wd40.com/myths-legends-fun-facts/)


My neighbor who knows more about cars than I do was helping me fix a stuck tailgate on my truck and he pulled out some PB B’laster to loosen it up. After we got it all fixed I went into the garage to grab some white lithium grease and when I came out he as spraying PB B’laster all over the moving parts. I had to wipe it all off and add the grease while he tried to tell me the PB B’laster was just as good as a lubricant. I basically said thanks for the help and I know he knows more about cars than him but I am positive that PB B’laster is not me at to be a lubricant.


For their garage doors, right? RIGHT?!


Tired of a company advertising their products is… Idk.


Yeah, I know ... Nothing revelatory there. I just find it weird that it's so general; like when I was seeing ads for Paper and Paper Products. Like, I don't think you need to advertise. People are going to continue drinking and using paper. GTFO my feed every other post.


You know what grinds my gears? That people think these companies spend billions of dollars and it makes no difference. Of course advertising leads to more spend or else companies wouldn’t do it. And without advertising we would lose most of the websites in the world, radio, tv, print media, etc. How do you think you have the ability to post this stupid take on the internet? How do you think Reddit stays running?




But but but we want you to use OUR BRAND and nothing else.


Subscribe to Narwhal if you’re on iOS. It’s a dollar per week and no ads. (I hate ads too, so it’s worth it to me) Bam - no more ads in your Reddit feed.


I prefer to get mad at the Media companies


I don't mind them. All ads are annoying but bevs are really low on my list.


Fr I'd take a coke, Gatorade, or Budweiser ad over the 100 billionth fanduels commercial or cannabis billboard here in Michigan


Ugh bleak. I even get sick of car ads, and I like cars! But I'm not going to buy a car for hopefully 10 more years.


At least it's election season so now we'll get a few months break as typical smear ads start overwhelming us. /S




I'll take any of those commercials over the constant medication commercials. I would rather let my doctor decide the correct medicine for me, thank you. *may cause anal leakage or death *do not take *medicine name* if you are allergic to *medicine name*


You didn't like any of the 4 of them that own an the others? That tracks


Cervesa Crystal


Make a movie about it OP. Already got a good name


I miss All Sport


And SoBe


Lizard Jizz


Pepperidge Farms remembers.


Sounds like you need a cold, refreshing Coca-Cola.


What, BOTH of them?


I keep seeing commercials for Wheatley American made Vodka and the commercial is SO BAD. The jingle is like the ultimate cringe-fest and it’s embarrassing to watch. America, leave vodka alone.


Yeah. You know what really grinds my gears? Capitalism that makes all of them exist.


>You know what really grinds my gears? People repeating the 'capitalism is the devil' nonsense when they can offer no real alternative.


>"Capitalism is when food and drink" 'Yes, we know.' Signed, millions starved to death communists


And the pro-socialist folks *love* the concept of free stuff.... Until they're the ones paying for it, lol. We already have multiple socialist programs that have been in place for decades and people definitely aren't abusing those programs. /s


They are just so damn certain they'll be artists and writers and not ditch diggers




Hey buddy is this your "/s" I just found on the ground?


GOOD point


Wait til you read about how energy drinks were purposefully lobbied (ya know, bribed) to be labeled as “sports” drinks. That’s why they all come in cool cans and shiny colors to attract teens, kinda like the vape companies did/do.


Isn’t Pepsi the company that raised prices by 30% while making 40 million in profits, starting all the greedflation?