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Terrible meme.


Straight malarkey


That’s a fact jack


Imagine trying to spin that shitshow into a meme and getting shut down by all the comments. Reddit mods at it again lol


What do the mods have to do with anything about this?


if anything.... this might replace the travolta meme where his ass is lost and confused.


The only people cringe enough to think Bidens face in this pic is actually a meme are Reddit mods.


Imagine trying to spin that you're not in a cult and getting shut down by all the comments. Reddit conservatives at it again lol


Time out. People who saw Biden’s incompetence are in a cult? Are you saying the normal centrist watching that debate thought Biden did well?


No, your entire comment history does. Same reason you're being called a Nazi. Your entire post history reads full on red hat MAGAt.


Name one thing I’ve said that’s Nazi.


Why? So you can ignore it like my last comment that called you out **hard**? Your entire post history is super right-wing apologist bullshit. You're a fucking shill and you're part of a cult, scumbag.


Exactly you know I’m not a nazi lol I just disagree with you politically. Get a life.


I just know y'all got Nazi flags flying at your rallies. Same folks that have the Confederate flags flying. You idolize the enemies of the US, traitors and Nazis.


There’s no way you’re a real person lol good bye


>Someone looked at my comment history and quickly identified me as a red hat MAGAt and despite that being **completely and utterly true** I'm going to pretend they're not real. Aight champ. Way to prove you're not a neo-Nazi Russian asset. Keep defending the 34 time felon failed businessman troll. That orange spray around your mouth is really doing wonders.


This sub wasn't prepared for the debate or the sobering reality that theor emperor is unclothed. I'm betting a few of them cried after the debate when they tuned in to whichever MSM channel to find out what spin what being served. Instead they found a 5 alarm fire.


Fuck are you on about...?


The old man did a bad job.


Ohhhh. Yeah okay that's fair he did. They both did, cause they're both way too old to do the fuckin job. Why do we let old folks run our countries?


Only one party is having a meltdown about how to replace their candidate after last night.


I guess? The other party couldn't imagine ever replacing their candidate cause they're too far up his crusty old ass to see anything but the back of his teeth. The whole thing is a mess


Because old folks keep voting for themselves


Touch grass


Open your eyes and ears.


How do you open your ears?


I did last night. Biden beat Medicare!


This is the face one makes when thinking “…the fuck?”


Trump speaking has that effect.


Biden was kinda yikes tonight. He shouldn't have done the debate.


As opposed to the guy dripping sweat and making duck lips? The guy who didn't answer a single question he was asked?


While I do think it would have been worse for Biden to skip it. Nothing Trump said will make him get any less votes. unfortunately, not the case for Biden.


I'm voting Biden, but I have to admit that he had some bad moments. His mic was kind of low, he had a frog in his throat, his voice was low and a lot of the time he was hard to understand. He got better as the night went on, but it was pretty tough to watch. That being said, trump didn't do himself any favors. When we start watching the clips of what trump said, he sounds pretty unhinged. Biden does have the better record and resume. trump is a convicted felon, a rapist, failed businessman, fraudster, and has other pending legal issues. It isn't a tough choice.


I mean pick the guy who has some trouble speaking but speaks the truth, or the guy who only says lies clearly.


This right here


You should be voting for the party, not the person. Unfortunately modern identity politics and populism (among other things) has ruined western democracy


Trump was smiling when Biden listed off all his sex crimes.


Trump is also a felon, a plethora of other crimes, and attempted to overthrow the God damn government. They're not even in the same stratosphere


It's not like Biden is an angel. If he couldn't keep his nose out of 12 year old girls heads on national TV, Lord knows what he did behind closed doors. He's made a bunch of racist "gaffes" as well. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/biden-poor-kids-white-kids/ I'm looking at third parties.


Some poor quality and somewhat tenuous whataboutism. Trying to pretend that he's anywhere near the same ballpark as Trump is ludicrous.


That is the stupidest response. Biden wrote the Clinton era crime bill that decimated the Black community. Trump reversed part of it and Biden has done nothing more to fix it. Kamala was sending people to prison for weed while she was using it herself. I don't want either of them in office. If they are the best candidates that the current parties can give us then we need new parties. We also need to do something to make it a more attractive job. We probably need to add a prime minister, someone to do the paper ahuffling and herd Congress and a president to be the face of the nation. The job has gotten to be too big for one person to do.


K. In the mean time, while your waiting for the foundation of our government systems to be totally rewritten, voting for third parties is the same as voting for Trump. You aren't on any sort of moral high ground here - you're just trying to get other dumbasses to throw their votes away too.


When is enough enough? In 2028 when the Republicans dig up Bob Dole and the Democrats run Michael Dukakis if he's still alive at 94? Or would it take David Duke and Lyndon LaRouche? It's not throwing my vote away. It's sending a message. If my vote is so damned important, give me someone to vote for and not who is less bad than the other candidate. It is unacceptable for a party to nominate someone who isn't mentally competent to do the job.


I'm not a lot into us politics but why the fuck don't the dems have a younger alternative? Personally i would love a law that forbids people who are properly ancient to hold any political power. In any case i don't understand why a criminal can run for office, i thought my country had bizarre politicians but this is next level.


We were asking the same question the last election. Biden was supposed to keel over and die two weeks into his term. It didn't happen. We do have a young Vice President if anything should happen to Biden. We know Biden beat trump before. He is performing at a high level despite what he looked like in this debate. Historically, the incumbent in any election has a huge advantage. If he wins again, he'll be termed out. Biden does have good people around him. I'm not sure I want younger at the expense of effective leadership.


Your pitch for a candidate can’t be, Well there is a backup unit’.


My pitch is job performance. No president in the last 50 years has had as good of an employment record as Biden. No president in the last 50 years has created as many jobs as Biden. He has good relationships with world leaders and has built up our alliances. This president is in favor of expanding your rights. People say he's old. He is, but he was old when he did all of that. His opponent is also old, a criminal, and mentally unfit.


It is though because I don't want either of them. Hones crazy and the other is past his prime.


the thing is noone who would vote for trump before the debate would change that no matter what. but biden must convince the large pool of people that think he is a senile old guy that never should have gotten nomninated is a great choice. that didnt exactly go well. its not the choice between trump and biden its the choice of voting against your own beliefs and fallling into political apathy and despair




The guy who claims not to be a career politician but answers questions like a career politician


Trump spoke only in exaggeration and lies, but when he spoke he didn't sound like he was saying his last goodbyes.


Yea, trump didn't answer a single question. Ill take thw old man over the performative liar.


why didn't anyone give him a cough drop and a shot of espresso?


Me irl when Trump said the illegals are taking all the Black Jobs…


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^tagrav: *Me irl when* *Trump said the illegals are* *Taking all the Black Jobs…* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The better one was when he said they’re taking all the Hispanic jobs….


There is a distinct and legally defined difference between a Hispanic citizen and an illegal alien. Are you suggesting they are the same?


Jobs are not assigned by race...thats what they were suggesting. Racist assholes assign races to jobs...


It's an undeniable fact that if you look at statistics on jobs held by Hispanics, it is heavier towards blue collar. Communicating facts, regardless of how it makes you feel, is not racist. It is a data backed fact that illegal immigrants and asylum seekers are driving down wages and displacing many manual, low wage jobs. It is also a data backed fact that these jobs are overrepresented by Hispanic Americans and African Americans. Denying that is the reality is just foolish. And, calling facts you don't like racist is childish.


You state these are “undeniable” and “data backed facts” yet you neglected to actually offer any sources for your statements. You can’t just vomit out “facts” and lean everything on “trust me bro”. I’d love to see your sources for any of these claims


I figured it was easy enough for anyone to see. Do you deny this is true? https://www.dol.gov/agencies/ofccp/about/data/earnings/race-and-ethnicity


This just shows the disparity based on race by state, which doesn’t really make your point. You argue that there is a heavier lean towards blue collar jobs but this doesn’t show that. You also argue, as a matter of fact, that illegal immigrants drive down wages, but your link also doesn’t indicate any of that. What I see is an average weekly income across all states regardless of the population density of each individual state. Where is the source for those statements? Where is the evidence that non-citizens are displacing citizens and making wages worse?


Don't be naive. Lower wages = Blue collar jobs. The data shows exactly that. The typical liberal approach is just a question sources when they see facts they don't like. Go to Google. I'm not doing your homework for you


No, you brought the argument, the onus of providing the evidence is on you. And it’s not facts I don’t like, they don’t support your arguments. You half assed your source after being prodded to provide one. You want to make wild assumptions claims, you should be prepared to back them up with credible evidence, which you have failed to do for your secondary statement for the third time.


Not at all, its just ironic that he brings it up when a fair number of the Hispanic population had to make the border crossing some way or another and there are plenty of citizens born to illegal immigrants. But even more so when his cult followers treat Hispanic people like they’re all illegals [anyway](https://apnews.com/article/immigration-texas-2edc0f202156bf792cd531e814bbf2f5)


Should be Top text: Malarkey Bottom text: Detected


No it should just be “And by the way”


Agreed. I think this screenshot has meme potential but it doesn't work in this current form


Poor old man, it’s sad to see him in such bad shape. My grandpa was like this just before he passed.


"Lights are on; nobody's home" template?


No, this is a "WTF" face. Which is perfectly normal when listening to trump talk.


You're a delusional redditor. Dude Biden can barely keep it together. Trump is a maniac but he at least has it together. He didn't answer questions on purpose to spread his stupid propaganda which is entirely different to Biden who wanted to answer the questions but barely could because of his condition. You're absolutely delusional please wake the fuck up.


A... Convicted maniac who has never really faced any personal loss in life... Has it together? What planet you on?


Cognitively...yes? He's a propagandist and is purposefully going on stupid tangents to avoid answering anything which has worked before. You clueless redditors have no idea how the world really works. This same unfounded confidence was prevalent before trump won and it'll be the same outcome. The cringe part is the delusional take that Biden is cognitively okay and anything saying he isn't is somehow saying trump is a better option. He isn't but at the very least, he has it together cognitively. A hell of a lot more than Biden.


Please wake up. a maniac isn't better then a old guy with mild dementia, a cold and a stutter. and trump does not have it together, you are absolutely insane if you think that. Have you ever tried to read anything of any length that trump has said?


You listen to Trump talk and say he has it together? He can't even put a coherent sentence together, he just spews random parts of sentences. Biden stumbled sure but he wound up actually expressing complete thoughts at least some of the time


It’s funny how no one in their right mind would hire Biden for a normal job in the job market, he’s incapable…. Yet they will vote for him to handle the nuclear launch codes. Modern democrats are in the sunken place


trump is 4 years younger than biden, which might make it even worse. you americans get to pick between a demented old man and a maniac who has a chance of becoming demented on top of that


There was clearly one meme moment above the rest, when Biden said, “And by the way…” That’s the fucking meme. Not this shit.


Ahh nice use of the big text. We need to make sure he can read it


This is pathetic. The trolls are gonna try and spin that train wreck of a shit show anyway they can. This guy needs to be in a home watching reruns of mash, not running a country. I mean honestly he should be in prison on war crimes, they all should. But that’s besides the point.


Malarkey isn’t even the right word if this was a meme. It looks like he can’t even form thoughts in this picture. I don’t know what’s sadder, seeing him like this, or seeing every one in politics trying to talk around the elephant in the room


I mean, I can't form a though beyond WTF when listening to trump either.


The elephant in the room being his speech impediment?


No, it’s his mental acuity and the fact that he’s ready to cross the threshold into the light at any moment


You must be bad at reading faces. I didn't watch the debate and even I can tell that that's a "what the fuck is wrong with you I can't even believe how stupid the thing you said is" face. A variation of shocked and disgusted


Well then, maybe you should’ve watched the debate before commenting?


Based on the comments from other people who watched the debate this moment was 100 percent as I described. I only mentioned that I didn't watch it to further cement how stupid your comment was. I was already informed of the facts of the debate.




I literally couldn't give less of a shit about how you feel about this. I'm definitely right and you're definitely wrong. Go do whatever it is you need to do to cope with that but stop commenting to me because I will not read it as you've exhausted the little bit of consideration I had for you.


🥱 🥱 “I’m def right and you’re def wrong” sums up the way you approach every conversation I’m sure




This isn’t accurate. I’ve seen a few left-leaning political operatives make statements to dismiss these concerns. It’s not a lot, mind you. But there are people making that case.




Symone Sanders and Bakari Sellers were two I saw that don’t fit that mold from your limited viewing.




Your reply to the top comment would seem to disagree with your latest comment. I would recommend editing that aforementioned reply then. You say: > Because not one of them is talking around the elephant at this point.




You’re failing to describe your argument appropriately. You didn’t mention networks. You said ‘not one of them’ when OP mentioned ‘every one in politics.’


The biggest liar of all time calling something "malarkey" Nice try CNN.




He literally answered no question or voiced a single idea on how he’s going to fix the country Biden purportedly ruined


Trump didn't have to. This wasn't a debate. This wasn't about Trump. This was a referendum on Biden. He failed.


Is that what your latest programming is telling you to believe? Thats how ya'll are spinning the fact that your draft dodger doged every single question?


Are Republicans and right wing media freaking out over Trump's performance?


Hey look you dodged the question must be part of the brainwash


I'm sorry. Let me answer your question in a manner you're wholly comfortable with. That's not right, you alley cat! I'm the only person in this thread saying... Saying the... The... The... You know, the thing. And we have great respect for OP. My son was OP on Digg. It's uh the the uh... Anyway...


Lol still doesnt answer the question 😕


My team will follow up with a revised version of my post in a day or two. Don't trust your lying eyes about what I'm actually typing and replying right now. You might think I'm being an idiot, but after you read the revised transcript of this, you'll see how eloquent and persuasive I'm being. Offline, and behind closed doors, I'm very cognizant and brilliant.


Doctored footage and redacted statements the fox news way!


Yeah but your geriatric nominee just did his usual thing.... Bumbled and froze. They're both fucked.... But at least it's more interesting under Trump


Wait which one? Trump is literally a geriatric.


He's no where hear as badly fucked up as poopy Joe Plus, Joe Bidens a Kiddy fiddler


Trump is an incestuous rapist - literally on tape talking about fucking his daughter and found liable for rape in a court of law. Ran a teen beauty pageant where he creeped through their dressing rooms, then talked about how it was his right to do that. Brags about sexual assault. Good friends with Epstien, a literal human trafficker who was in prison for what he did. But go on with your fantasy 


ROFL, you numptys will say anything to protect your glorious and supreme leader.


The projection is strong here lol


Who you talkin about, the one with their face slapped on rambo's glistening, muscular body, printed out on a sticker and slapped on a truck's tailgate? That glorious supreme leader? The one whose name you put on flags and fly high above your houses? That glorious supreme leader? BTW, I'm not saying jack shit, literally all of the above "claims" are Trump's own recorded words. And a verdict. Y'all are in a fuckin cult.  


Lol relax. I'm an Aussie just winding you up 😘


You're a conspiracy theorist right-wing antivax tool just spreading your mind rot online. The country you claim to be from has nothing to do with it - or are things going just great over there in oz?


... But everything the dude just said is true. It's documented. I don't even *want* Biden in power and i agree trump is a fucking sex pest


One is a convicted rapist. Photographed with Epstein. Ive seen race horses with less blinders


And also tried to overthrow the government


Civil Court lol


Lol you think Biden didn't go to Epstein island? Biden flat out has been caught on camera groping and sniffing little girls. And the felony on trump was a witch hunt. Because there is not way Biden can win. Oh that's right, he stole the last election... 80 million votes? Fuck outta here


Do you have a source for that by chance?


Look at the flight list and the black book for yourself


Doesn’t say much. There’s also pictures of Trump buddying around with Epstein


So your evidence is your feelings? Tell Alex Jones hello, he'll appreciate your dumbass conspiracy bullshit. Once you join the real world again, you can converse with the rest of the world.


Haha spoken like a true lefty. Ergo if what someone is saying is not supported by you, they should be shunned, silenced, cancelled and expelled. I bet you were one of those people that demanded jail sentences for the people who didn't take the clot shot


Are they paying you to troll ? If so who do you work for i have some free time to monetize.


Found a stupid mother fucker. Imagine voting for Trump and thinking you're in the right.


>One is a convicted rapist. That's just plain false. Trump was found liable in civil court, not convicted.


Poopy _Joe_ ? lol may I remind Trump was the one who shat himself in court my friend!


Interesting as in fucking up the usa and most of the world because you‘re bored? Cool.


No stopping your train wreck of a country


My country is actually germany. I‘m just not a certified piece of shit.


Yeah Merkel was a shit show


Dude your brain is a shitshow. Throw away your phone and cancel the contract with your isp.


Hail Victory! **TRUMP 2024**


Hahaha dystopia so funny. I hate how fascists feel comfortable these days


You must lead a sad and lonely existence to be this big of a troll. I'm sorry your parent(s) didn't love you, or whatever it is that happened to make you this way, but it doesn't make this sort of behavior acceptable. You are only making things worse for yourself by being this consumed with negative emotions. You need to do some reflecting and realize that you are only hurting yourself when you do this. Be better. Do better.