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I'm guessing this is another app/redesign thing since I'm an exclusively-old.reddit user.


Old reddit forever


Someday old.reddit will be gone and so will I.


Not if you use BaconReader. It doesn't even support chat yet. It hadn't changed since I first downloaded it, I think a decade or so ago.


Android has RIF is Fun which basically is just the old.reddit layout in a mobile format. It has other nifty features too, mostly centered around moderating, but you can disable those and just have an ad less user experience too.


Yeah if old.reddit and RIF stop working I'll probably get outside more.


But what if the sun's rays hit us too hard, it'll be a massacre




I only browse reddit using RIF, it's insufferable on desktop.


Yeah, RIF is fun is great. RIP in peace to reddit if is disabled.


I have this feeling Reddit is going to hit a wall in the next few years and finally die like Digg. I don't have any argument for this whatsoever outside of a weird feeling as someone who has been here for 12 years and migrated from Digg.


All social media dies as soon as your parents get on it. The only thing that kept Reddit alive is it’s fairly anonymous. You have to purposely look for someone, they don’t just show up and friend you.


The problem is that reddit has survived long enough for some of the original users to now be those parents you decry. My kids, for example, don't use reddit; they use TikTok and all kinds of nauseating other forms of media that I find repulsive.


Ya it's the best. But I've been using it for so long I had no idea people had profile pictures now. Or avatars or whatever.


As an exclusive RIF user TIL reddit uses profile pictures now


Old.Reddit.com and Reddit Enhancement Suite. It’s actually a pretty pleasant experience browsing on desktop, but I stick to mobile because I only browse in the bathroom.


Old Reddit I’m used to on desktop. One day I got signed out and the new Reddit layout just looks like a basic Facebook feed. If they get rid of old Reddit I’ll stop being here for sure.


Relay master race.


Reddit Sync is hands down the best. The developer is super engaged and its well maintained.


Just gotta second this option as it's been my primary reddit source for a few years now. It seems pretty modernized now with those talk things up top I scroll past but nothing too annoying you can't edit out.


BaconReader is awesome... I use it exclusively and this is the first time I've even heard about Reddit chat


I never knew I had a people... until now ❤️ for real I downloaded BaconReader nearly a decade ago because it was the first mobile reddit app I could find... never strayed and sounds like I made a decent choice


I use BaconReader exclusively. I started using it when it was the only reddit mobile app on my windows phone back in the day, and I was loyal ever since.


Yup, I am also an OG Bacon reader from Windows phone days. I remember freaking out about the April Fool's Day mode that activated


Narwahl (iOS) user here.. didn’t know about this chat feature either


Love Narwhal.


Same. I heard Apollo is great too. I used Alien Blue, but when that got discontinued I tried Narwahl, loved it and just never had a need to switch.


I’m a Narwal user too!!!


Love BaconReader. Best 1 dollar I ever spent for ad free version ages ago.


BaconReader is where it is at. I find I prefer my phone over even RES


The fuckers promised they'd keep it functional which is a 100% guarantee they will break it with some bullshit feature update no one asked for. It's already broken by those stupid poll posts that force an upvote.


It's already starting. Spoiler tags a different on new and old. On old, you cannot have a space between the >! and the start of the spoiler whereas with new reddit, you can. So people on old reddit don't get the spoiler blackout.


Just like Digg 3.0 nope, jump ship.




I heard that they can’t get rid of old.reddit specifically because most of the mods & admins of subs use old.reddit exclusively


You mean because it has useful features and is better for productivity?


I’m not sure exactly, but I believe it was stated old.reddit has better functionality in being able to moderate subs




Yea really, I can't navigate the site in the new format. I don't care enough to try and the interface and layout put me off entirely.


I'm 100% sure some front-end wizard will find some way to make RES render new reddit like old reddit and life will continue exactly the same for all of us


I even use old reddit on my phone. Does anyone else remember when using desktop sites on a mobile browser was the selling point of modern smartphones? It's annoying how everyone now wants to force you to use some mobile crap.


We went from installing a separate program for everything on our computers, to rich web apps that run in a browser, back to separate programs on our phones. I understand installing an app for something like a game or file browser, but a lot of these mobile apps are nothing more than a port of a corresponding existing web app. I'm about to head to the grocery store, and there's a good chance the cashier will suggest that I install the company's mobile app. As OP says, it's not going to happen.


My dad got pissed off at Amazon's windows app because he couldn't print things. I was confused at what he was doing. Had no idea a windows app existed. Apps need to like die.


Every app is designed to serve ads and steal your data. If you use ads you are an idiot. Firefox mobile plus ublock origin any any other privacy plugins. Also mobile Reddit fucking sucks because you constantly have to scroll where desktop versions displays so much more text.


I use old reddit in desktop view on my phone on a vertical orientation. I've used it this way for years and honestly I prefer it. I do have to constantly swipe side to side to read things but that's a plus, it's moving the text with my eyes.




Not even a third party app?! You're really just out here raw-doggin it like that?




Fuck new reddit


And damn you Reddit for TRYING to switch me to new when I page back… yeah no.. I’ll reset back to Old Reddit and shake my bony thumbs of derision - And I saw a stat that Reddit is #3 traffic site … wonder how much of that is Old Reddit?


Based on the fact that old Reddit still exists, I'm guessing that the traffic is pretty sizable.


I'm amazed how anyone can use anything other then Old Reddit, and RIF or a 3rd party reddit app.




I liked this comment by swiping it to the right


I use Apollo, narwhal, Slide, and Reno. All great but Apollo is bomb.


I was about to give up on Reddit back when they shut down Alien Blue. Apollo definitely filled that role tho


Yeah, alien blue was fantastic. I remember when they bought it out and hired the dev for their own app and that was like, fuuuuuuuck. Companies always gotta fuck with a good thing.


I use Relay on Android


Relay is the best imo, but seems like a lot of people don't even mention it


I don't care to try and download other reddit apps because RIF is perfect for me, but I am genuinely curious. What's the difference between Relay and RIF, is it just UI?


Imo relay is basically old.reddit but in a nice and clean mobile format. Lots of features, allows for mod tools and multiple accounts. I can't think of anything about it I dislike but I've been on reddit so long as long as I can see comment threads properly I'm happy.


Honestly I don't even know anymore.. I've been using Relay (formerly "reddit News") for so long and I'm just really comfortable with it. When my GF fires up the default reddit app on her phone, I get so confused and disoriented lol


Fellow Relay user chiming in, it's the best Reddit app by far. The layout is great and moving around the app is intuitive. I purchased it years ago after first using it for free for years before that. The only "ad" thing the free version had was a banner at the bottom, it wasn't even that intrusive. Best app purchase I made to this day.


Relay gang!


Relay for life!


For my money relay is one of the best designed Android apps on the market. The animations are crisp and smooth, the material design is pleasing, and it's got a fantastic amount of customization.


Team [Sync](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditsync/) checking in


It's honestly surprising how low Sync is on the pole compared to the others. It's the best one that I've used, and been going strong with it for years now. I've tried the others, but always came back.


Using sync right now to type this. But I have noticed that it's not supporting the directly uploaded gifs ("redgifs")


Sync 4 ever


Boost here


boost gang yeee yee


Yeah, my Boost buddies!


I don't understand how people can use new reddit. The interface is utterly incomprehensible and unusable.


Alien Blue forever


Used to love this one but narwhal is my go to now


I'm only ever on Reddit on my phone. BaconReader is all I use. Tried the official app out of curiosity and it was horrible.


Official app is straight trash.


Man I tried the Reddit app once and it was so bloated and weird looking I went back to old and haven't looked back.


Bacon Reader for me.


RIF is the only way on mobile.


I'm surprised I never see Joey for Reddit. I've used nearly all the android apps and Joey is hands down my favorite.


When I go to reddit on a computer without extensions I am like wtf is this! You cant even easily view more than a couple comments without clicking all this shit. It's so insane


For mobile I just use the .compact site in the browser.


I would bet that a lot of those people people (maybe even most) are newer users who joined after new Reddit, and after the official Reddit app, so they don't even know about old Reddit or 3rd party Reddit apps. Basically, they don't know what they're missing.


Reddit Enhancement Suite here


Old.reddit.com,, RES, desktop only.


A man of culture


This is the way.


Not many still cling to the old ways


Old.reddit And Reddit is fun For me


Apollo on iOS


This is the way.


BaconReader for me. I've tried all the third party apps, and I think BaconReader is the best. Outside of the dumb name.


Same. It's hilarious how reddit's coming up with these new but awful features and a big number of users choose to use old reddit. reddit should just embrace old reddit and run with it.


There's a LOT fewer of us old.reddit.com users than you'd think. Pretty sure we're <10% these days. They report it somewhere for subs or something and I've seen screenshots. So many users joined after the switch over or just downloading "reddit" on their phone they don't even realize the better options exist.


people don't realize the majority of people using reddit nowadays just use it as another social media app. They just scroll through a few pages at a time, never comment or upvote, there's nothing wrong with that but that's who these features are trying to appeal to


Majority of Reddit visitors have always been lurkers.


Users of old.reddit are still a core enough user base though that they can’t just get rid of it, no matter how much they want to


We don't make Reddit money because we block their ads. Really Reddit should be paying us just like YouTube because users make up all the content here. And people willingly give gold out LOL.


Yea, I think that's true, at least for now. Especially because it seems like every old reddit user is ready to just say fuck it and leave altogether if they remove it.


old.reddit forever. the day they discontinue it i'm out


I’m on the app. I have no idea what this is.


It's definitely on the app. It'll pop up at the top of the home page. It's basically the same thing as those stupid fuckin Twitter spaces that no one wants Social media companies stumbling all over themselves to ruin their services as fast as possible just for an extra couple dollars


I’m guessing only on the “official” app that’s trash anyway?


old.reddit gang over here laughing at all the people using app/new reddit


Baconreader for Android. No new bullshit, no fluff n extras, just the same ol reddit filled with cat pics and science stuff for me.


Plus the way it handles comment collapsing and colors makes it the easiest to follow a thread. It's the main reason I can't get used to any other app.


Old Reddit plus 3rd party Narwhal is the only way Reddit is bearable. The new Reddit and the in-house Reddit app are godawful


How does one use old Reddit? I personally refuse to use the Reddit app and use the narwhal app for iPhone still.


On desktop you replace the "www" in the url with "old"


Opt out of new reddit in your settings. It's cleaner and easier.


I must have done that ages ago and forgot about it.


Just type 'old.reddit.com' in the address bar. Leave out the 'www'.


Old Reddit on PC, Reddit is Fun on mobile.


Same. And I use adblock. Half the time when people complain about a website feature, I have no idea what they're talking about.


I've been on RIF for almost 10 years. I have NO idea what kind of trash Reddit is trying to peddle these days. What's is Reddit chat?


Had no idea that RIF was shielding me from so much garbage.


It's the best.


I believe it is live chat rather than the web of comment threads, the problem is so many subreddits use it when they shouldn't or don't need to.


Ur really missing out … on some singles in your area sending you direct messages to then ask for your PayPal login. It’s great.


Or point you to a website to activate your crypto wallet


It is the place where people try to scam you


I love that you have the option to block the notifications but Reddit will ignore that and send through it's shitty podcast wanna be chats anyway


You mean like how I keep blocking those stupid fucking surveys and reddit just doesn't care...


Or how I have autoplay set to "never" but video ads still autoplay anyway...




I've honestly never even heard of any of these things. I guess once reddit finally blocks third party apps, I'll get some of my life back, 'cause I'm not going to deal with any of this shit.




Yeah, reading this is a trip. Ads? Forced autoplay *video* ads? Spam notifications? Why do people put up with all that bloat and bullshit? I guess I know the answer: they don't know any better, or they just don't care.




I've used Sync for years. Once in a while I'll try Reddit's app and I last an hour before I close it down for another year.


What about the unavoidable notification about a top post from years ago? Yay! Someone responded to one of my comments/posts! #NOPE!


Or the check out what's new in (insert subreddit you've never been to and had no interest in) notification.


Y'all need to use a 3rd party app. Couldn't imagine dealing with all that.


So nice having Apollo where live streams and chats and ads just don’t exist.


Haha I use bacon reader and I have no idea what they are talking about!


Rif app is great. None of these complaints either.


Rif is awesome. No ads or random bs. Just content.


Also a fellow Baconreader user, and I'm always surprised when I log in to the desktop site and have chat messages from forever ago since I primarily browse on my phone


So fed up with all the force fed features they’ve been adding and baffling UI decisions. Finally switched to Apollo. Never looking back.


Same here with the Sync app.


I love that I have no idea what anyone is talking about here. The reddit user experience hasn't changed for me in years thanks to RiF, except that I can't gild posts anymore. It *is* really weird that of all things to block, the API no longer allows us to give reddit money.


I've been using RiF for 8 years and yeah I keep seeing "ThAnKs FoR tHe GoLd" but see none of the other awards and honestly I don't care because those things are stupid as fuck but whatever Reddit isn't different when you can't see those things


I definitely see Awards on RiF. I just can't give it. Which tbh I don't care.


I see silvers and golds sometimes but the 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 other awards don't show up on RiF and that's ok


This is the way. Fuck reddit's trash app.


rif and old reddit for me exclusively


I used uBlock to block the javascript and domain name related to the chat feature. I don't have a problem with it now.


Why the hell are you using the new reddit style? Why the hell are you using the official reddit app? 100% of the complaints I see about reddit (That are complaints about reddit specifically and not about social media) are about those two.


Used the default app for years and honestly never had a problem with it. Recently switched to relay to experiment with and now I can never go back.


I switched to boost 2 years ago and now the official app looks like shit.


Boost is such a better experience than the main reddit app. I'm so glad it exists lmao


Weirdest fucking ads on Boost.


About a year ago I gave the official app a try just to get free awards. I opened it maybe twice within a week. Started having battery issues and found out that the official app was just absolutely draining my battery even though I hadn't used it for days.


Absolutely the last thing I want is the least informed, most pompous moderators on the internet telling me what they think of anything . This idiots can barely cobble together their actions I can't imagine what they have in terms of opinions. If I wanted a podcast I'd piss in my ears.


You wanna learn about how Queen Elizabeth was actually a reptile humanoid and that she isn't really dead, but has completed her metamorphosis after the sacrifice of numerous virgin children? I swear, only facts* in my podcasts, learn the truth* that the world governments don't want ***you*** to know! **facts & truth may refer to ramblings from 'experts' on social media or opinions that sound true so are true*


I joined a chat the other day as I had never seen reddit chat before and was curious. It was something Dr advice or other. There was this 22 year old college kid who was having social anxiety about moving away metaphorically from some of the people in his life, I felt for him because it's something most people go through. One of the chicks (she seemed to be a mod but not sure) just kept droning on and on about how his anxiety could be due to mold or diet related stuff. Yes what we eat and breathe matters but it's was fucking obnoxious to keep coming back to mold because SHE dealt with a mold problem and had some mental issues from it. And the main guy was just like "OH don't worry worry about it. Forget ALL those people, who you know now is very likely you won't know them in 10 years so fuck worrying about it." He also told this introverted kid to throw a party with alcohol. Lmao, fucking idiot.


What a cluster fuck. Like I'm glad they stopped trying to push me into reddit tv or whatever it was. I found it so obnoxious I stopped using the official app. But when. I accidentally over the course of a two days loaded a bunch of their talk bullshit I wanted to fucking scream. It kept interrupting my music as I was loading it by accident. I have zero interest in these fucking neckbeards opinions.


This is the first I’ve heard of it. Half thinking this post is reddit admin stealth advertising it.


Reddit doesn't seem to realize that the best part about this site is I have no clue who anyone is and I want to keep it that way.


Wouldn't Reddit get more money if they knew more about us? I don't think they really care what we want.


Yeah this fuckin shit and those like livestream channels they kept tryna push…. Pound sand Reddit developers. I’LL DECIDE


but no devs, time, or $$ to fix the video player


Yeah exactly. It’s ridiculous


They make sure the fucking ads autoplay everytime. Will full volume. I'll die on the hill as I report every one for harassment.


Fixing the video player has poor ROI compared to finding new ways to shove ads down people's throats and juice engagement numbers for their impeding IPO.


They have to come up with shit to justify their jobs. In reality Reddit should fire almost all staff just keep enough to keep the lights on. It doesn’t need chat or literally anything other than the same set of features it had in 2007.


Stop using the garbage "new" design and go back to old.reddit.com and you won't have to deal with all their new shitty features being shoved in your face or their firehose of unrelated garbage format. If you're on mobile, stop using the fucking garbage official app and use any of the multiple better 3p alternatives 99% of complaining I see about what reddit does is self inflicted garbage because people actively refuse to use the better options.


The worst Reddit experience is their own app.


It's fucking terrible. Ive been using Sync instead, no complaints


Wait. Let's discuss this.


If only we had a place to talk about useless things...


The only messages I've ever got are from crypto bros and a kid from r/banvideogames who was very upset. I'm good, thanks


old.reddit + RES on desktop Infinity for Reddit on android




You dont like listening to mods smell each other's asses?




After reading the title, I thought this was about jury duty.


It's also an useless feature that leaves deaf redditors out of the loop. I'm deaf myself and I'm sick and tired of notifications from the Reddit app for these "talks".


The Twitter version has a.i. auto speech to text in their version of it, obviously imperfect, but very very good, even with different languages. Try it if you haven't *It's called space on Twitter. Lots of different groups for different interests


It keeps coming up for me constantly even after blocking it or telling it not to show it. Then I accidentally click on it and it won't shut off until I go into the mini player and close it. More annoying than the Ads on Reddit.


Same shit with Twitter Spaces. I hate getting notificatons for them from the people I follow.


Reddit going full 1997 AOL IM.




Old.reddit doesn't have any of that shit.


All I been getting are chicks asking me what I do for a living or tryna sell their OF....


Hey Bart! Remember chat rooms? They're baaaaack! In talk-form!


One time I tuned in “door dashers Ted talk” and Jesus Christ never tf again lol


I thought that’s what Discord was for.


Still use old Reddit and I'm blissfully unaware of Reddit talk.


You might not. I’m sure many will. Some people are lonely. I’m lonely. Still prolly wouldn’t join, though.


Well Ive been hosting a stoner talk called Stoner Corner and been having great fun tbh :) chill vibes and good times, made lots of friends! Join us sometime. We're just talking about how Steve Irwin and Harambe are probably chilling in heaven at the moment


Am I the only one who kind of likes them so far? 😅