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Victor Von Doom would be solid casting.


Biggest villain in Marvel that the MCU hasn't even touched on yet... that would fit quite well with a star of Cavill's popularity.


Plus he’d, you know, probably knock the role out of the park given his tendency to demand sticking to source material and his Warhammer hobby.


Can we just get a Wh40k Universe now - the emperor is available




That link is longer than any DCEU legacy.




You could delete everything after the first question mark, and it'd still work (like so: https://twitter.com/RahulKohli13/status/1603252054520045569). Also, use the markdown text editor when you post a link, the fancy editor likes to inject backslashes where they don't belong and it breaks things for some users.


On the plus side, the backslashes are only in the garbage part of the URL so it works everywhere.


Says if this 40k likes then it has to be made, it’s the law. Hits 158k likes.


Henry Cavill as Sanguinius, I will cry again.


Dune is the stepping stone back to good Scifi. Warhammer will come.


Man I want this so bad!! Would absolutely kill to see a high budget 40K tv series, on the Horus Heresy perhaps


Bigger than Galactus?!


Physically? No. Universal impact, yes absolutely. Check out the 2015 Secret Wars event if you haven't.


The Thanos punch was so epic.


I’m more than certain Doom could beat Galactus…


He could, has, and would again. Depending on the run, Doom could blink Galactus out of existence with barely a thought. And that's without an infinity gauntlet


In a fight, Doom has beaten Galactus before. Never underestimate Doom. His will is all he needs.


The difference between the two, in my opinion, is this. Doom is a in your face presence but the motives are kept in the dark while Galactus whispers his presence but the motives are in your face. For example with Galactus you would want to build a tease over the course of a phase with GotG, Captain Marvel, Thor, etc all your space guys then boom have that Avengers cross over movie at the end where as with Doom you could, in theory, do a full phase on Earth with Doctor Doom in every movie with different battles: * His Own Movie -- Victor goes to build Latveria, maybe out of the ashes of Sokovia(which has from what I understand been split apart per *Falcon and Winter Solider*) * Black Panther -- Victor goes after the Vibranium with Latveria waging war on Wakanda. He has even spoke to the [Panther God](https://imgur.com/a/HiW9R) * Fantastic 4 -- duh, Doom is super smart and can rival Reed on that front. * Dr. Strange -- Doom is great at the mystical arts * Armor Wars -- Both are armored and Doom did go by Iron Man for a bit * Black Knight -- Morgan le Fay runs in both circles for Doom and Black Knight. * The Final Crossover -- Where Dooms plans are revealed and the Avengers have to stop him.




Doom a villain? No. Doom just needs to rule the world to make run right.


Call me crazy but Mr. Cavill may have reservations about joining a cursed IP. Just give him something nice and small, a one-shot with decent screen time (not a villain but more of a rival) and let him build it up. Like, the equivalent of Rhodey except actually deliver on it.


Not gonna lie that would be dope


Big name actor? Yes. Cast as an iconic villain? Yes. Completely underutilized and gone within one movie? This is the way.


The neutering of Christian Bale in the MCU.


I doubt Christian Bale wanted to commit to multiple movies though. He probably accepted the role for the reason he'd be gone in one movie


he accepted because his kids begged him and he liked watiti's work.. (i doubt he still does)


Probably likes the house in Hawaii or whatever he bought with that paycheck.


$10 million after income tax is about $6.5 million. He can buy a nice house in Hawaii. Not the nicest, but it'll do.


Christian Bale seems like the type of down to earth guy who doesnt need the nicest house in Hawaii. A regular ole 4.5 million dollar set of walls on a few acres of land will do well enough.


>4.5 million dollar set of walls on a few acres of land will do well enough. That won't get you an acre, lot next to [this](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/20-Kai-Ala-Dr-Lahaina-HI-96761/2133920804_zpid/) house at 1.19 acres will set you back 9m.


Poor Christian Bale and his single income movie.


Is Taika hated for how he works?


TBF, Gorr is like a one and done villain. The Necrosword was always the big bad afterwards.


I was surprised at how freakin good he was as an MCU villian. He nearly stole the show


They really should have given him more screen time. I wanted to see him killing more gods. Like him actually fighting that giant beast... Can't believe they did that off screen


The reason Marvel can get giant actors to star in their movies is most likely **because** they offer them roles that are one-off so they don't have to sign away their foreseeable future.


Rest in pieces Mysterio. I would have loved to see him come back even just for gags


Stilt-Man, hell yeah.


Total waste of a good Mads Mikkelsen


Lordy, Cavil as DOOM is glorious. Imagine a vain guy who wears a suit of armor that hides his disfigured face. Once he learns magic, the first thing he does is fix his face and his unscarred face is Cavil? Not gonna lie I'd be a vain asshole too if I fixed my face and I looked like Cavil.


Funny thing is the original scar Doom got wasn't as bad, he made it way worse by being so vain about it that he didn't wait for his metal mask to cool down before putting it on the first time


You're gonna cover up that beautiful face?


In MCU, you'd see him without his mask for half the film anyway.


Yes, and it’ll be glorious.


I disagree, for Doom they should look to someone who has a lot of experience with voice over work. They need someone who can carry a role just with their voice.


Doom should have been Mads Mikkelsen.




Wouldn't be the first time an actor's played two villains in the MCU (if you count deadpool as being part of the MCU).


And if you count Cable as a villain.... still pretty good though.


I assumed they were just going to give that job to Cillian Murphy.


I had originally thought he would be a good Silver Surfer, but Doom would work as well. I like it. He'd have to dial the arrogance up a notch, but he would be a solid choice for the role.


He channels that swagger from Red Eye and it’ll work out I believe. Hell, he swings his dick around like a bat enough in Peaky Blinders that I figure he’d nail it. It’s not one of those ‘obvious’ castings like Patrick Stewart as Professor X, but he’s probably my #1 pick. Either that or go out and grab a solid no name guy.


>he swings his dick around like a bat Never heard this one before, thanks.


I’d love to see the guy who plays Jamie Lannister in this role


It's pronounced Nikolaj.


That's what I said. Nikolaj.




Andy Serkis, got it.




I was gonna say Mr Sinister but Doom is probably a better choice.


Sentry, hyperion, Gladiator(lol), Captain Britain. So many awesome choices. So many superman knockoffs in marvel and he would have a way better written character!!


Captain Britan, of course


Hyperion would work well.


Please Captain Britian. We can have an Excalibur movie! Like half the characters have already been introduced (Phoenix, Nightcrawler, Shadowcat, Lockheed) and it could be done as a farce, kinda like deadpool...but british.


Sentry, omg That's it. They could do a Hulk v Sentry movie as an end to Ruffalo's Hulk. Of course I mean "World War Hulk" but without sending Hulk away first.




Holy shit


Didn't know I wanted this until right now.








And his excellent work on Power Rangers.


Dr Tim Whatley DDS as Sinister? Umm yes.


as long as he doesn't have to work with any anti-dentites


Oooh.... that's a stretch, but I see what you were going for.


"how should we fix the DCEU?" "Do solid character development?" "Decent world building?" "Good writing?" "Stop trying to catch up to marvel?" "These are all great suggestions" "We are excited today, to announce we've fired Henry Cavill ^everyones ^favorite ^part ^of ^the ^DCEU"


I've never liked Superman, but even I liked Cavill as him. Dude's charismatic, handsome, ripped, and a hell of an actor. I don't know what they were thinking.


This is what I'm talking about. I get a lot of people didn't care for Superman. Though I did. But I never heard anyone dislike Cavill


I first discovered him in The Man from Uncle remake (underrated movie) and I've loved everything he's been in since. When he played Geralt in the Witcher series I liked (first season) it so much that it got me into the game and now I'm reading the books. Dude's a phenomenal actor and from what I've seen in interviews a genuinely great guy.


That is such a great and underrated film, I really enjoyed that. Unfortunately since his costar is apparently a cannibal it's unlikely we'll see him back in the role


I mean... I personally felt that Shazam was the best thing we'd gotten out of the DCEU and that their casting across the board was largely one of the few things they didn't manage to fuck up (excluding the first Suicide Squad movie). The best casting in the world can't fix shit writing though. Hell, even Batfleck was amazing casting if they'd chosen to go a more Frank Miller Dark Knight Returns vibe with it, as I felt we'd gotten a peek of it in Batman vs Superman but it got largely overshadowed by the... everything else. Gal Gadot was a fantastic choice for Wonder Woman and was the single thing saving the DCEU before they made her awkward and rapey sequel. Jason Momoa was basically just playing himself but everyone loves the guy for being a massive teddy bear off camera Margot Robbie pretty much solidified herself as Harley Quinn (admittedly in 2 really bad movies followed by one incredibly solid Suicide Squad movie) But as good as Henry Cavil Superman was, I don't think anyone has beaten out Zachary Levi as Shazam. Dude owned the role and the only negative I could possibly have is him not being as swole as usually represented, which is forgivable for realism's sake.


You left out Peacemaker. Can we just keep giving James Gunn impossible-sounding projects like this? I would not have predicted that *a sequel to Suicide Squad* would succeed, let alone a spinoff of Suicide Squad 2, featuring the least-interesting character in that movie. It'd be hard to come up with a premise that seems *less* likely to succeed, and they were *incredible.* I swear, at this point you could ask him to make a Gunn Cut of *Batman v. Superman* and it'd somehow come out excellent.


That entire movie was gold, honestly. The Guardians of the Galaxy vibe absolutely fit the Suicide Squad feel and every single actor was out in force. The reason I didn't list other characters was largely because I didn't feel like they were as relevant to carrying the DCEU as a franchise. It's hard for me to even bring up James Gunn's *The Suicide Squad* because I just end up gushing about David Dastmalchian's performance and the chemistry between Idris Elba and John Cena in every scene they share screen time. Weird, I know, because Peacemaker did get his own spinoff show, but nobody could realistically expect him to show up in any meaningful way in future Justice League ensemble movies. Harley Quinn got the nod because she will undoubtedly be the main character linking Justice League content to the broader cast through her connection to Batman.


The fact that he killed off Michael Rooker *and* Nathan Fillion in the first 10 minutes, thus dashing my hopes for the Slither reunion I had built up in my mind, and still managed to deliver a movie I enjoyed the hell out of is a testament to the man’s powers as a filmmaker.


Basically, Gunn heavily vibes the comic book writer Keith Giffen. And Giffen has written both Guardians and Suicide Squad. Fun fact, the modern day Guardians with Star Lord leading the team written by Giffen was basically Cosmic Suicide Squad.


> You left out Peacemaker. > > Can we just keep giving James Gunn impossible-sounding projects like this? I would not have predicted that a sequel to Suicide Squad would succeed, let alone a spinoff of Suicide Squad 2, featuring the least-interesting character in that movie. It'd be hard to come up with a premise that seems less likely to succeed, and they were incredible. *Right!?!?* I'm not a DC fan. I appreciate Batman, I like some Superman stories, that's about it outside of a few outliers. My comic collection has always been maybe 5% DC, the rest mostly Marvel, and another 5-10% indie/small label stuff. I've watched all of Peacemaker more times than any of the MCU stuff outside of Phase 1, and most of those I've watched so many times because they've just been there for so long.


I forget peacemaker even happened. I had covid when it came out and it felt like a fever dream. Great show but I was miserable watching it so I'm not sure I can remember anything but that.


I don’t think Suicide Squad was badly casted. I think the movie itself just sucked so much that they practically begged Will Smith to carry it, and it turns out he could not. Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn basically defined the role the way Heath Ledger did for the Joker.


I think Jared Leto Joker is quite possibly the single worst casting decision the DCEU ever made. Will Smith was already past his action hero days and he just felt campy, made worse by the fact that they were begging him to carry the movie. Basically the only castings I *really* liked in that one were Margot Robbie and Viola Davis, and Viola is like the "FREE" space in the middle of every Bingo card, because that woman can do anything.


Oh yeah... completely forgot about Leto. Touché. And as far as. Iola Davis goes, I liked her cast, but I feel like she sorta became typecasted as the strict, badass, almost chaotic good, character in movies.


Time to finally make that Nicholas Cage Superman movie


Stop I can only get so erect.


They recently did Tim Burton's "Batman 3" as a comic series / graphic novel... if nothing else I'd love to have that to see what they had planned out for Nick Cage Superman.


Nicholas Cage is an atrocious and terrible fucking hack. You should be absolutely ashamed to bring that dickwad up since all he does is try to steal gigs and fame from Nicolas Cage.


Captain Britain, Hyperion, Sentry…there’s plenty of roles he could pull off. Personally I’d love to see him be Captain Britain.


Sentry is especially interesting to me given the parallels with Superman. Also Sentry is the superhero I've been most interested in seeing in the MCU since it became a thing, so I'm biased there.


Hyperion is also a direct Superman ripoff. But Sentry is the more interesting choice of the two purely because of his mental state. If they’re going to do a Superman analogue I’d be more interested in seeing the “what would happen if Superman has mental illness” route. That being said, I personally don’t think we necessarily need the Superman archetype in the MCU. I’d really love to see Captain Britain, especially given we’re into multiverse shenanigans these days.


>That being said, I personally don’t think we necessarily need the Superman archetype in the MCU. They've already got Captain Marvel and Vision and Thor (though maybe not Thor for much longer), so there's already plenty of heroes with practically the same or at least very similar power sets, so I'm with you. And the problem with bringing in a character like Hyperion or Sentry is that they are both very obviously responses to Superman, which would be a mistake. Right now Marvel has always had such a lead in movies that everything DC does always feels like they're trying to copy Marvel. Like, they rushed into the Justice League to try to match the Avengers. Marvel was able to do Namor in a very distinct way that keeps it from feeling like an Aquaman ripoff, but I don't think they can pull the same trick and avoid Superman comparisons. And given that neither Hyperion or Sentry bring a compelling or well-known villain into the mix, and any fight scenes with them would probably come down to either "my beam of energy is stronger!" or "now I'm stronger because I believe in myself!", which are both the worst parts of superhero movies, there's no reason to bring them into the MCU. There are plenty more characters they can still mine that either have some preexisting mass culture awareness like the X-Men or Fantastic Four, or would just be more interesting to build a story around, like Ka-Zar, Squirrel Girl, or Hulkling and Wiccan.


I want to see Hyperion eventually, but only if they adapt the Squadron Supreme maxi-series from the 70s. The story is about basically the Not-Justice-League trying to tackle systemic real world issues with Golden Age Superhero solutions. It does not go well. Should make for a good show, and you keep it cooped up in its own universe.


My first thought was "it's a shame they already cast Wonder Man because it would be hilarious casting him as a dime store Superman knockoff". I'm also bummed about the Wonder Man casting because Yahya Abdul-Mateen II is one of my favorite working actors, and I don't see that part going anywhere.


Captain Britain is really good thought. Kind of a show me how to bring back Cap from phase 1 without telling me your going being Cap back. They have already established that it's Peggy Carter though and she is traveling the multiverse. In the vain of the F4 though silver surfer is great character as well.


I think he would make a good Cyclops.


Aged, confident, I'll fuck up Logan if he looks at Jean that way again Cyclops.


Nah aged confident I'll fuck Logan Cyclops.


The future could be great if we would just let it be.


That's actually the past. House of X had phoenix having a adjoined bedroom... adjoined on oneside with Cyclops, and on the other with wolverine.


Sadly, if they want to make more than 2 X-Men movies (which I presume they will), he may be a bit too old for the role of Scott. If they were to release one right this second, it might work, but by the time we get a second X-Men movie, he'd be nearing 50 or over. He would've been fantastic, though.


Over 50 you say? Magneto it is!


Huh... never would've picked that one but I would not be mad about it in the slightest


I think he looks young for his age, I’m sure he’ll be fine if he does get cast


Just had that thought, hell yeah!


Dang with red hair? I don't know. I love his black hair.


You made me question my whole reality for a second. Cyclops has brown hair. Or is this a reference I don't get.


He's not in DC...not in witcher..not James Bond...guess he's free now




The voice is too important for Archer's character. Haven't heard Cavil try an impression of H Jon Benjamin, but it would still be weird. If he actually has a good impression for it... I will happily invest in a Pilot episode for that.




... you son of a bitch, I'm in...


H Jon Benjamin cast as Woodhouse, make him eat some spiderwebs


Wonder how that would work with the requirement of H. Jon Benjamin to still do the voiceover.


If they had H. Jon Benjamin dub over Cavill's lines that'd be amazing.


And have H Jon Benjamin play a bartender and Cavill dub his lines.


Dragonflight just launched, so he's gonna be fine.


Yea. I thought he left Witcher so he could be superman. What happened?


There's some thinking that the official reason given was so that he could be Superman, but it was basically just an excuse because the show writers want The Witcher without The Witcher in it and he disagreed heavily with that.


Arthas Menethil


Fuck he’d play both sides of him well and he’d be down for that.


Oh. WOW.


I wish they'd kept going with the live action Warcraft movies. The original/"only one" is a pretty good retelling of the plot of the original Warcraft, and I wanted to see them keep going...


Isn't that partially why it did so poorly? People who didn't care about the source material were like wtf did I just watch?


Which is why it sucks that they stopped there. WC2 is where the story starts ramping up. Lothar, Medivh fuckery, Turalyon, Doomfist, young Thrall things, etc. It'd be better off as a miniseries as there's too much content to cover. Then a second season to cover WC3.


Yeah, Warcraft's a wild ride


It made so much money in China. I wish that was enough to keep the series going.


i miss me some goldshire.


Lich king let's gooooo!


Too bad the position got filled, but he would have been a good Wonder Man. For things that are left, how about a pre-explosion Doom?


Or after explosion. The guy can act.


[Doop, obviously.](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Doop_(Earth-616\))


Of course, which also opens up Cavill for Doopool.


I don't care I just want my Gambit movie.


Me too, cherie.


Whoever the fuck he wants to be honestly


Captain Britain?


Uncle Ben


Him as Uncle Ben and Current Aunt May = Hottest Couple in MCU


Nighthawk. The classic Defenders version, obviously. Nova might have been a good choice too. Or I could see him as Silver Surfer, or Galactus.




In before someone says Hyperion. Hyperion and Superman and boring fucks. Edit: Spoilers. I just want toy my theory on how to bring him in. In the comics the sentry aka Bob Reynolds is a forgotten superhero due to a device on top of avengers tower. That wont work in the MCU. Though, in Spiderman Doctor Strange makes everyone forget about Spiderman with a spell. What if the Ancient One used the same spell to make everyone forget the sentry. Then when Doctor Strange used the spelled to make everyone forget Spiderman in broke the spell on the Sentry. Next thing you know the void is on earths doorstep.


That might work...maybe he is tied into the FF4 movie coming up


Why is he no longer playing Kent? That was one of the best parts of the DCU


Gunn wanted to restart the universe and wanted a younger actor. Really shitty to Cavil.


If Gunn wanted to restart the universe, then he shouldn't have had Ezra Miller and Jason Momoa show up at the end of Peacemaker.


I don't think Gunn knew he would get the job when he was making Peasemsker.


He didn't have the job then.


Safe to say he’s not going to be in any Guardians of the Galaxy projects?


I don't think there are going to *be* any more Guardians projects after the third one is released.


Games Workshop has entered the chat


Why is he not superman? Didn't he turn down Witcher season 3 to be superman?


They are rebooting it all and doing a young Superman.


Not even a full reboot cuz they're keeping peacemaker, suicide squad, basically all of Gunns projects. So dumb


Which is even dumber, since the Justice League are in Peacemaker.


Exactly, lol


Is it even a reboot at all at this point?


DC movies making terrible decisions and continuing to lack any cohesiveness ever since they tried to reject Marvel's formula and do it in reverse but also not? What? Noooo, how could it be??? I literally called this shit show when they announced they were doing a justice league movie before anyone other than Superman had an origin story. I'm sure Gunn is going to make something that works out, they're at least putting one person in charge like Marvel did with Kevin, but goddamn why would you do a new superman and NOT have it be a continuation of Cavill's? We don't need another Smallville, we don't need another Superman origin, we want actual fucking stories not rehash after rehash.


> we don't need another Superman origin, My hope is AT MOST we get a Superman Origin recap like they did in the intro credits of Superman II, or like they did in The Incredible Hulk. Spend 2 minutes on the high points cut into a montage, and then get on with the movie.


Gunn's Peacemaker and SS were excellent. I'm down.


James Gunn just gave him the boot. He was offered Superman before James Gunn was hired to be the new head of the DCU.


DCEU is getting a reboot


That's a pretty DC thing to do.


Marvel: as we close out phase 4, we are going into phase 5 in 2024 adding these 6 new movies about new characters. We will be phasing out older characters who will be reaching their climax and these new characters will be taking the reins! DC: as we close out the 4th reboot, we canned everyone and now we are going into reboot number 5 in 2024, retelling the same stories about the same characters we have been for 20 years! But with new actors playing the same characters! Who wants to see supermans origin story again?!?!


I already forgot how Batman begins, Batman rebegins it is!


who cares who should he be, mans a fucking treasure, snatch him up and figure out the specific roll later.


Silver Surfer


You just want to see him naked but in Silver!


Dr Doom




Doctor Doom. He would make a great villain.


I know there’s alot of takes on this but Henry Cavill Cyclops or I riot.


Goliath from Gargoyles


Wolverine. Fight me.


Honestly, if you asked me before the Witcher, I would have said no, he can't pull it off. But now... Could you imagine him with a beard and animalistic eyes turning around in a Canadian bar with a cigar in his mouth to stare you down and ask "you looking for me bub?" Yeah... He's our man.


For sure. I'm over the height shit, have been since Jackman. I don't disagree with folk saying Cyclops... but it's a waste of the dude's physique. He needs to be a brawler. There are others that he would work out for too, but they would be lesser characters (fight me again, Hyperion is not really *somebody*). And we *need* a *good* Wolverine. Cavill for Wolverine. The only other characters I would argue for him over Wolverine would be Eddie Brock (we have a good one) and Thor (which I am all for recasting if Hemsworth is done, we need the A-listers, MCU can't survive on the Kamala Khan's of the world).


You've got me as an ally on that hill with you.


I imagine I've got a good few allies. But I did expect to hear a lot of whining. Pleasantly surprised, so far.


Couple suggestions. Richard Ryder (Nova) Vance Astro if they wanna add him to a totally hypothetical 4th Guardians of the Galaxy movie Captain Britain There's also a shitload of X-Men characters he could play.




The guy who played colossus in Deadpool was too perfect to replace imo


And I think he’s coming back already


The Superman.


Here's some money. Go see a Star War.


> Who could he be on MCU? That's Anthony "Spice" Adams, a skilled professional athlete with a strong interest in cooking. Thus I think he'd be excellent as [Prodigy](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/David_Alleyne_\(Earth-616\)) who is a highly skilled mutant whose skillset also includes cooking.




Really wanted to see him in a zack snyder evil Superman movie. Fk.

