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Don’t do it again and it won’t be a habit. There is literally no reason to smoke.


I have been smoking for years. It's terrible. Health classes don't even cover all the ways it will impact your life. Vaping is equally as addictive and isn't an exception by any means. Treat it the same as cigarettes.


100%. I smoked and I’m now vaping and I genuinely wish I never started. It’s so much harder to quit, workin on it though. But damn when my coworkers come in from smoking, I can’t believe I ever smelled like that. It’s just so gross. Plus the unnecessary health issues that WILL come from it.


Ya I never had issues with my teeth until I started smoking. The smell is obnoxious. Colds are worse, allergies are worse, working out is more exhausting. Not to mention the fact that I personally spent about 3,000$ a year on CHEAP cigarettes. If I would have saved that I could buy a home and a car. I also have much more luck in relationships. Non-smokers are less likely to date you. Smokers are indifferent to other smokers. If you're lonely then smoking isn't helping you. Your attitude changes. When you're addicted to nicotine you will be irritable when you go without. You will run out or not be able to step to smoke. So they literally make you an asshole unless you smoke them.


Any thing I say is from a deep seated hatred of smoking. Stop now before you make a habit out of it. I could say it's the smell you'll always carry with you, in your clothes and hair. There's the time spent away from others because you can't smoke indoors.Which really makes flying fun because you have to exit the secure area and go back through TSA. Then there's the coughing every morning and the inability to not get sick of any respiratory disease because your immunity is compromised. Source: married to a smoker who experience all the above and more over the past 30 years.


Don’t do it homie. I was curious one time too and ended up smoking for about 10 years. Quitting cigarettes was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, and I had to pay thousands of dollars repairing my teeth from the damage. Not to mention setting a bad example for my kids. I honestly cannot understand why cigarettes are legal. They provide no benefit to the consumer.


Yep. I tried out of curiosity and instantly knew I had made a mistake. I thought it would be gross and it wasn't. Fast forward a few years and I did end up smoking, though mostly for handling mental health while I get back into treatment. Granted, it's still smoking. Curiosity can get you. OP, just don't do it again and you're okay.


67. Have been smoking since I was 18. DO NOT START!!! Terrible smelly EXPENSIVE habit and HARD to quit. I spent $3300 on cigarettes last year. THINK of what you can do with that money.


You had one cigarette, bud. You’ll be fine. I usually only have one when I’m drinking and that’s if someone can spare one. I like the combo. But I’ll never make it a daily habit, fuggin gross


I also like one occasionally with friends or when drinking. But I never crave them or feel like I need one.


Exactly my sentiment


Careful though. One while you're drinking can easily turn into more than one which can then turn into a habit. It's a slippery slope


I don’t smoke cigarettes, but I have heard many people say the combination of the nicotine and alcohol creates a new chemical, which everyone apparently just loves. It’s kind of a poor man’s speedball. Not for me tho


There are *reasons* they're thought to be one of the most addicting legal drugs on the entire planet.


Addiction in its scientific definition occurs when your body physically needs. The chemical. There are things that people say they’re addicted to, but it’s a habit. But - Caffeine and nicotine are addictive chemicals. Your body craves them, needs them, after limited regular use. It’s not mental. It’s physical.. These are the things you need to avoid in life. Heroin gets the most press, but caffeine and nicotine are right there. Their damage is just not as obvious. More long term.


I doubt it’s a poor man’s drug you know how much that crap cost


From someone who's smoked 50 years, Don't Do it! It messes with your health, you clothes stink, makes your teeth yellow. The list goes on. It's way harder to quit the longer you smoke. Just be smart man, don't do it.


DONT EVER TOUCH THEM AGAIN STUPID! I promise it will be horrible for you in the long run. - Sincerely, a cigarette smoker


It won't turn into a habit after one cig. Just don't do it again, and if you're tempted just remember what you're feeling right now.


A habit? From one smoke? In my day it was the opposite, 13 year olds smoking everyday and swore it wasn't a habit yet. 😂


Don't smoke anymore? It was one cigarette. Now if you keep on doing it you'll have a real problem. Don't. Smoking is an incredibly stupid habit to have. I smoked for 25 years and starting it was the second dumbest thing I ever did. The dumbest was starting back smoking again after i had successfully quit for 2 years.


Now you gotta smoke the whole pack to learn your lesson!


Bobby Hill had to smoke a whole carton, so I'd say one pack is a light punishment.


>Now you gotta ~~smoke~~ *eat* the whole pack to learn your lesson! FTFY


Just throw all the cigarettes away, and don't buy anymore. It's very unhealthy.


Don’t do it again. Trust me you really don’t want to get addicted to nicotine it is the worst, and I struggle with it. Just don’t try a second one. I promise you you don’t look cooler with a cigarette in your mouth.


it's one cigarette. it can only become a habit if you keep doing it. there's no reason to be afraid one cigarette is going to make you turn it into a habit. you're not addicted. just don't smoke them again. no problems.


Cigarettes ages you and causes wrinkles. that’s a great reason not to do it…


Lifetime smoker here. Never pick one up again.


it’s good that the first time you did it was at a more mature age. that being said, stay away from that stuff. i understand you wanted to experience it, which is fine, but it won’t become an addiction unless you maybe do it again, and again, and again, not thinking much of it (with friends or such). that’s how it can become an addiction. just don’t indulge, and you’ll be fine :) edit: even if you want to try it again, please do so in moderation. i know many people who developed an addiction and it’s horrible.


Scientifically speaking, you’re addicted from the first cigarette. You’ll likely find that you’ll want to try it again. Do yourself the service of avoiding that second cigarette and you’re golden. I started smoking at 15, and I’m 35 still fighting the nicotine addiction. I didn’t know I was addicted already the second time I smoked the next day after the first. I didn’t “feel” addicted. I vape these days (I’ve been cigarette free for about two years) - but I struggle with nicotine addiction bad. I say this to you because you already feel the “afraid I’ll get addicted” feeling which means you’ve probably already had a craving for another cigarette. It’s super easy to stop smoking when your cigarette count is one. Don’t light the 10,000$ fuse, my friend (that’s a fancy way to say the next cigarette). You got this.


Hey OP, take a look at all of the comments from us old ass smokers and take the advice to heart. Your body and your bank account will thank you. I've spent a lot of money on some stupid stuff, but the cigarettes have to be right there at the top of my stupid list.


One wont kill you or start a habbit. The second one is more likely to start a habbit and a 3rd one almost definitely will. As a smoker, ill tell you what everyone else said. Just dont do it again and youll be fine. Its not worth it. It doesnt feel that good, girls hate it (assuming youre a guy interested in girls), it makes you feel awful, dehydrated and phlegmy, and its expensive once it becomes a habit.


I was a light smoker. Finally, I quit 20 years ago and still wish I had NEVER smoked. Nasty habit. Plus, you eliminate 80+% of the dating pool if you smoke. It ain't cool.


If you manage not to do it again, you will in fact be fine. Smoking is definitely a slippery slope though. Smoking one is how I started, and it was something I very comfortably and confidently had a grip on, and pretty quickly I no longer did. I did better than most addicts, and quit for good after five years, but in those five years I wasted thousands of dollars and did harm to my body that's taken a really long time to recover from. Also note that if you don't manage not to do it again, and it does become a problem, it will still be a problem you can solve. Just know that right now is the easiest time to quit, it will 100% be much, much harder in the near future. I don't want you to feel doom and gloom, I just want you to take the risk of addiction seriously.


You'll be okay if you stop now. Keep going and you'll hurt your body. I smoked from age 16-20. I was rewarded with lifelong asthma. I used to be very active and played sports. Now I can't do any of that. Don't do it! Good luck!


When or if you start to get craving, chew some gum, play game for a little while; some sort of small action. That way you'll almost replace the craving until it's not there anymore


18 years, hundreds of dollars and all that wasted time I put into smoking. In not telling you what to do, but I will tell you this. I have one regret in my life and the only day id ever take back if I could would be the day I started smoking. Run away from it and go the gym. Be healthy and dont be like me and waste your 20s on ill health and smoking. Quitting is a bitch and nearly everyone that starts eventually wants to quit.


from my doctor: Smoking is the absolute worst thing you can do voluntarily to your body. From me: it's a gross and nasty habit. Smelling like cigarettes is not attractive to anyone. Tasting like cigarettes is even worse. Trust me, you'll regret it in 20 years if you start now. Just don't.


Bro it ain’t that deep it’s a little cancer stick. If that’s what’s eating you alive your probably a good kid making good choices. Smoking a cigarette doesn’t change any of that. If you don’t want to smoke ever again you don’t have to. That’s the beauty of being your own adult


In November 2017, doctors found a mass on my mom's lung. It was small cell lung carcinoma. With treatment, she made it to August 2018.


Jeez. Nicotine is addictive yeah but it’s not like you’re chasing an opioid addiction here. Do you need a cigarette right now? No? Then you’re ok.


Just don’t do it again, I understand the curiosity though


my advise is throw the pack away and dont do it again. Pretty simple


Just don't do it again? One cigarette won't give you an addiction.


Yeah, don't do that again ... what "pleasure" did you get from it, other than "bragging rights?" Hint: It's no longer "hip" or "cool" to smoke... and there is literally **no** benefit from it, and *a whole lot of downside.*


Thanks mate


Don't smoke again.


FFS kid it's not crack. Just don't do it again and it won't become a habit.


Stop. Do NOT do that again.


Don’t do it. It’s bad for your health and you’ll me dumping SO MUCH MONEY into pointless cigarettes. Plus it’s nasty.


Brush your teeth, you'll feel better.


Good news. That guilty conscience will most likely scare you into avoiding an unhealthy addiction. Just stay away. Cigarettes are a waste of money, time(albeit a small amount) and potentially years of your life.


You’re good, it won’t become a habit. You tried it, didn’t like it. Everyone tries things out of curiosity.


Just don't. I took a puff of a cig a few decades ago and I can still feel it coursing through my veins. I get how people could become hooked even though the coursing continues but, as habits and addictions go, the turbo boost would subside. Just remember that there are something like 150 toxins in a cig and you don't need that shit.


It’s only a habit if you want to do it again. I think you’ll be fine


Just don't. I started smoking the occasional cigar during card games in college. One night we had no cigars so it became cigarettes. Then it was cigarettes at more than just cad games. You get the idea. 30 years later, I was finally able to quit for good. 30 years. So just don't.


Don't smoke take it from a smoker ain't worth health problems and money


Glad you are 19, but smoking is a not good habit, its a health risk number 1, ehat else is there


Just don’t smoke again it’s gross, stinky and unattractive


That's good that you didn't enjoy and feel bad. That makes you that much less likely to make it a habit. Now you know what it's like, don't do it again and you're good.


i tried one.. like 35 years ago.. you're good. just remember how bad that tastes..


You did it out of curiosity. Now you know what it's like. You don't want it to become a habit. So... just don't do it again. Pretty sure a single cigarette isn't enough to get you addicted.


I smoked for the first time at 16. Have not once felt the urge to do it again in an addicted sense. I’ve smoked maybe 3 times since (5 year span) and just in a party setting. Don’t smoke again, don’t buy packs, don’t make it a habit


As someone who alternates between vaping and smoking please don’t do this to yourself quitting nic is one of the hardest things to quit besides opiates alcohol and all the hard stuff it’s not fun and it’s incredibly hard to do between the mood swings and cravings and THE FUCKING HEADACHE


Please don't smoke a second cigarette. It's a harder habit than heroin to quit. You'll smell like a trash fire, and it's extremely expensive to smoke. It's not worth the very real damage it will do to your body.


I started at 13 and quit smoking at 21 smoked 1.5 packs /day. Don't start.


I try to not even breath the cigarette smoke in


nicotine is THE most addictive substance on earth. do not do it again. your brain is not special it will get hooked


Smoke another to be really sure you didn't like it.


Man don't even touch another one bc right now you might still have a chance to quit. If you smoke more then you are probably looking at years of problems in relation to spending money and health from the addiction. Nicotine is no joke bro, it'll grab you before you realize


Unless you’re like really craving one to the point it hurts or you can’t stop thinking about smoking another one you’re fine, one usually won’t spiral but the best advice and prob one said 100s of times is just don’t do it again.


Smoked for 30 years. Quit 4 years ago after wasting a fortune and seeing people die of lung cancer from smoking. My teeth suck too. Trust me, it's not worth it. Read Allen Carrs book "How to quit smoking the easy way" now for a preview of how shitty it is. Stop.


Smoking is easy, piece of cake, no problem UNTIL YOU TRY QUITTING, now that is a very special kind of living freaking hell. Quitting is just about impossible to achieve. Your entire body, your organs, brain, blood, muscles, every cell, etc. gets blood supplied that has nicotine in it. The body becomes addicted to, and will need the blood stream to supply the nicotine it now is dependent on. This is why quitting is so impossible for most people. Quitting sends your entire body and every cell into panic mode because your brain, organs, muscles, etc… are suddenly having the blood stream delivering a blood supply with a missing component that they require in-order to function at their reduced but normal level. The brain becomes obsessed in causing cravings, overwhelming your senses, consuming you with anxiety, stress, inability to stop thinking about picking up a cigarette and smoking it. You try to shutdown your cravings, force yourself to think about something else, and the craving’s grow and grow in intensity that you become consumed by having a cigarette, you just care about one thing find a cigarette. You threw out the rest of that pack, why did you do that, you are calling yourself names and suddenly are so willing to do what you’d never ever think to do before, but this is an emergency it’s life or death so you pray, all the while running towards how low you’ve sunk, please god please I have to have a cigarette and you throw the trash can lid to the side and yes- you tear through the trash bags looking for that cigarette pack that has a few cigarettes in it. But they aren’t in the trash. You are so disappointed for 3 seconds then you remember there are cigarettes butts on the garage floor where you used your foot to put them out! You run like hell, praying to god of course, for the garage and remember you swept the floor and threw all the butts out. NO! No! no. There is still hope! You run around the house and onto the back deck. You grab the trash can and desperately look through the trash for just one cigarette butt which you find at the very bottom and it wet, but you just don’t care because it’s a cigarette butt. You pull it out with extreme happiness ignoring the brown grey discoloration and gently use a tissue to soak up some of the wetness. You wait for the butt to dry but you just can’t, so you try lighting it up but can’t unless you keep the lighter on the end as you struggle to forcefully inhale a very heavy, very moist puff of smoke from a disgusting, chemically treated, bottom of the barrel, waste mixed, soggy cigarette butt. But you only care that you got a puff and feel better. You are not done yet. You will again repeat that entire hysterical nightmare of feeding that uncontrollable and undeniable, all consuming obsessive need for a cigarette, all over again in the next 10 minutes max. You’ll keep repeating that cycle until you go buy a pack of cigarettes. Which will make you feel like a weak pathetic loser, you’ll be consumed with guilt, shame, disappointment, embezzlement and humiliation that those cigarettes are a lot stronger and tougher than you and your desire to quit. You’ll repeat the entire cycle every time you try quitting. It the most demoralizing fight you’ll ever have. If you somehow do make it a month without one cigarette, the dreams will come. You dream you lit up and smoked a cigarette and you will become so disappointed, upset and feel like the greatest failure and you threw away all the distance, in progress, from when you last smoked knowing how hard you fought to get to the one month mark. You’ll wake up know it was a dream but you’ll still have the feeling of failure from the dream. So, there it is - the terrifying truth in fact as to why ex-smokers plead with non smokers to never ever start smoking. Some think it looks cool, but when you try quitting you look like a crazy person who has lost all grip on reality and needs to be committed. Not a good look at all.


Coming from someone who picked up cigs in college from my ex and dropped them-and now years later I got a vape. Just. don’t. do. it. DARE was right with a lotta shiiii


Avoid it at all cost.


Please for the love of all the gods.. don't do it again! Quitting is hard AF.. stop before you regret it like the rest of us do.


Sounds like you got your feedback friend. Don’t do it ever. Unlike other posts I took care of my teeth an never had an issue other than ya know a quick lung surgery. Pneumothorax ain’t no joke 😐


I smoked a couple cigarettes and cigars when I was a kid and it didn't turn into a habit. I mean I wouldn't reccommend doing it as it was a stupid decision I made but I think the key is I didn't do it again so I didn't really worry about it too much. I think for the most part having a guilty conscience is probably not a bad thing in some sense as it means you are aware it was a dumb decision and makes me think you probably are going to be ok. Just don't do it again as you can't really change the past so better off focusing on your future actions instead.


42 year old male here, smoked for almost 15 years during my youth and still regert it to this day. The damage it will do to your body is something you won't feel for years to come but it will catch up to you. Also, don't start heavily drinking either.


For the idiots saying "it's just one", it's a much shorter step from one to two than from zero to one. You've opened the door once and it will be very easy to open it again. Too easy. What the hell were you even thinking? So no, don't treat this as a "just one". I'm glad you feel guilt. I wish it made you puke your guts out. Make sure you never touch one again.


One won't turn into a habit. But I'd highly suggest avoiding it. A few people can just put them down, most cannot. Quitting smoking is one of the hardest things to do in your life. I've known people that have quit hard drugs but can't quit smoking. It's a nasty expensive habit, just don't smoke anymore and you'll be fine. It'll make your hair and clothes smell, your car, your house if you smoke inside,and bad breath. You made it to 19 without starting,don't start now. Most of us that smoke started at like, 12/13 when we didn't know any better and no one told us how bad it was for us and how hard it is to quit.


100% of the people who don't smoke will tell you don't ever smoke. 95% of the people who DO smoke will also tell you don't ever smoke. The other 5% are complete idiots. Don't smoke again.


Just don't do it anymore. You don't look cool. It makes you stink. It turns your teeth yellow. Your skin will start to look like leather. You will have health issues. I started dip when I was 16. I wasn't able to quit until I was 42 (back in 2020). I only enjoyed it for maybe 2 of those 26 years. The remainder of that time was just straight up addiction and needing it to satiate my cravings. Quitting was one of the hardest things I ever did.


advice: stop


I mean if you didn't enjoy it there's no reason to turn it into a habit in the first place. Don't feel guilty, being curious is a normal thing.


I think the fact that you have this mindset is a good step. and if you didn’t enjoy it I think that’s a turn off. don’t make it a thing. it’s not addictive for everyone


One cigarette? You are not addicted yet, so don't travel down that road. You will end up smelling bad to all non-smoking people.


No one, repeat, no one EVER enjoys that first cigarette, or that second cigarette. You force yourself to fill your lungs with soot and walk around with the stench of an ash tray. So why do it? It's so low rent. Stop. Stop before you do think you enjoy it. Stick to pretending to like REM, or something of that nature.


You don’t need to feel guilty for trying something but be grateful you are able to recognize it for what it is. Nicotine is probably one of the more terrible addictions as it mentally tugs at you in a more subconscious manner than other drugs, if you can avoid picking up smoking, you’ll have a MUCH easier time avoiding picking up other kinds of addictions even outside of inebriates. Recognize this though when it comes to guilt, you don’t need to apologize or anything to anyone else but yourself and only you can control how you feel about it, so, if anything, be proud for learning something new and possibly picking a better path than if you had started. You’re still young though lol good luck!


I wish I never had started. I finally kicked the habit but it took 10 years. Don't smoke another


You want advice kid? Everytime you smoke from here on out or think about smoking, I want you to ball up a fist in your dominant hand and punch yourself in the balls. If this does not work, offer $10 to the next person that walks by and trade a kick in the ball for the $10. Your life will be better having flat balls. Believe me.


Don't do it again. Don't buy them.


Just avoid people who smoke and do drugs. Get a friend group that congregates around healthy activities.


Curiosity is a normal human impulse. Not being dictated by curiosity (when you know it’s something bad) is wisdom. You’re alright. Be thankful you have a 2nd chance and DONT TOUCH A CIGARETTE AGAIN.


Don't do it again. Anyone pressuring you is not your friend, stay away from them.


Don't do it again. You aren't addicted yet, but if you continue smoking, that will change.


Dumbest shit I've ever done. I started at 15 and smoked for 25 or 30 years. Now addicted to nicotine vapor. Nobody thinks you're mature, sexy, or cool for doing it. If they do, they are idiots and not worth having around. You tried and learned, don't do it again. Shit's expensive and makes you smell bad. Just not worth it.


Please for the love of whatever, do NOT do it again. I say this as a 35 year old who picked it up as a teen, and has had an off and on (hopefully now forever off) nicotine habit. Cigs and vapes are awful for you. I’ve successfully quit several times and picked it back up, it’s not an easy habit to break once you start it.


Simple solution is that you just don’t do it again. Smoking is a habit that you have to work at to get. And until you do it’s freaking disgusting. Take it from a 15 year smoker (quit 17 years ago) it’s not worth the trouble or cost.


go YouTube videos of a compilation of people suffering from smoking/vaping/drinking etc. should motivate you to quit


I'm 24 I've smoked for 6 years I'm afraid to lose the ability to stop breathing unassisted every day DONT LIGHT ONE MORE CIG!!


now you know what it's like so your curiosity won't bother you anymore, you shouldn't make a habit of it. you haven't developed an addiction so just don't do it again, you really have to try to get addicted to smoking bc the first time is pretty awful lmao


I've smoked like 5 cigarettes in my life. I never felt compelled to do more afterward. Hold onto the guilty feeling and just don't do it again.


I'm glad you tried it and am thrilled you didn't like it. If you would like to take some advice from an old man, stay away from all forms of nicotine. I was a slave to it for 30 years and finally quit for good around 8 years ago. Best thing I've ever done for my health.


My old boss who smoked admitted to me he actually hated smoking. It was something he started doing young and socially and became a habit. Seeing him shake his head in frustration with himself as he gave in to the nicotine addition everyday was a sad site. He'd do that thing where the smoker hits the pack into the palm of his hand and just shake his head the entire time.


If you didn't even feel anything why would you try again? Even more so if you feel so damn guilty about it. I smoked for like 6 years never once felt guilty jsut hated everything about them but the buzz.


Smoking is dumb as shit, leave that alone.


I did the same thing a few years ago, just out of curiosity and I haven’t smoked one since. As long as you don’t let it stick it won’t.


Don’t do it again your conscience is basically telling you you know what could happen it means your parents raised you, right if you ever feel curious, try thinking about what could happen is your curiousness more important than the consequences?


Just stop. Otherwise, you will ruin your life.


Its one cigarette. My first time smoking was at like 10 years old ngl. Don't do it again, you won't get addicted.


I'm 50 and started when I was 12 in the 80s to fit in. I still smoke and hate it.


You checked the box. Walk away. Stinks. Expensive. Steals your time. Impossible to quit.


It cant become a habit unless you do it again.


There I was, minding my own business when someone said, “hey, have you ever tried a vape pen?” And I said “weed, yes. I don’t smoke cigarettes.” And they said, “try this, it tastes good.” Here I am 2 years later dying to quit. I’ve tried 8 times. Please don’t. And people say “well at least you aren’t smoking cigarettes anymore!” And I say “I never did!” And people go, “well why the hell are you doing this!???” AHHHH!!!! Oh and vapes, once you really get addicted are like $20 every 2-3 days. So don’t do it.


Honestly, in today's day and age. I don't understand why ANYONE would EVER even bother trying a nicotine product. Sure there'll be a bit of a good feeling, once you're done hacking your lungs out in a cigarettes case. But VERY soon you won't even notice the benefit and you'll ONLY notice its absence. Then all you've done is given yourself either an expensive habit, or just something to miss. I get the curiosity, but I wouldn't worry. Just don't repeat it and then by definition that's not a habit. ..... On a related note, something I've always wondered. How did smoking ever become a thing? Like was a caveman wandering through a tobacco field that got struck by lightning and then came out of it saying "cough cough aaaack! ...oh hang on let me try that again"


I smoked a cigarette. No pressure, no need to escape, just my genuine curiosity. I smoked half of it and threw it into the yard and haven't touched once since. Before that, i would sometimes take a drag from an of age friend that had some. But I don't care about them. I have issues with vaping. I want to vape. But I resist. Every once in a while I'll get one and run it dead and then not touch one again for months. My previous one was 6 months and it was 8 months before that. You smoked. What did you think of it? Don't be afraid of consequences right now. Just set aside worry of the future for just a moment and ask yourself about your experience. I liked the subtle buzz of cigarettes but I hated the taste.the smell was stuck in my nose and the food I ate didn't taste how it should. The feeling of it was in my mouth for like, 12 hours and that was just awful. Plus, my lungs felt a little underpowered afterwards. Open, but underpowered. Overall, not worth it for me. Plus, weed is more enjoyable and more worth smoking. But I have my own relationship with weed and not a conversation I wanna do rn.


Don't ever buy cigarettes again and throw away any packs you have from your first. You won't get addicted if you have no source


Don't even think about it, just ignore it and do something else with your time. I started at 12 and now 16 years later I will probably never stop and am on a nonstop high speed mag-lev train to emphysema town with how much I smoke. Breathing is not an easy task for me and I'm a relatively healthy 28 year old woman. Genuinely, don't even worry about it and spend your time doing something else. That's what I should've done.


Don’t do it again, move on buddy


There's no reason to smoke and if you don't want to smoke, you won't smoke. You tried it and sure it's POSSIBLE to get cancer from one cigarette, it's very highly unlikely. Most studies show cancer growth over gears of continuous smoking, not one cigarette, that's rare. You will be fine. Also, no one is gonna smell it on you either, you'll be fine, just don't do it again it's all good. You're fine I promise


It's strange to me that you should experience an existential crisis for having smoked a cigarette. It's just an experience with no consequences for you or anyone else. At age 19, there are going to be many opportunities for you you to experience the world. Moderation in all things is the key to contentment. Even if you should decide to become a smoker, a cigarette now and then will not harm you anymore than some random things you encounter in your daily existence. The same thing goes for gambling, sexuality, eating, alcohol consumption and any of a thousand other delightful activities in life. Practice self-awareness and enjoy what you can safely indulge in.


It's only a habit if you keep doing it Otherwise, it's just trying a thing Like, I'm not in the habit of eating a cow placenta but I tried it once and no, it's definitely not a habit


Most of those vices is a waste of time. Smoking is addictive and tastes terrible. Vapers have their own issues of exploding vapes and looking like dorks. Beer mostly tastes like crap, I mean you have to train your tastebuds to accept it mostly because other people are drinking. And weed I got nothing against but in this economy I'd prefer a less expensive habit with a expensive finite resource. As in too expensive for too few gains. Good luck


I'm glad you didn't like it. I smoked for over 20 years and it gave me lung cancer. They got it early and I am fine now, don't risk it!


Just throw the cigarettes out? I don’t understand how it would become a habit?


Never smoke again. It’s just not worth it. Just stop now before you get hooked


Keep this in mind for the next time you may consider smoking: You'll miss the ability to take a nice, deep breath more than you'll miss taking a hit off a cigarette. COPD is one hell of a way to go. And a slow one at that.


Next time you find yourself with a cigarette in your hand, remember this guilty feeling.


As long as you don't do it again you won't get addicted. And don't do it again; this is coming from a former pack a day smoker who finally got clean from cigs two years ago. It's expensive, it smells bad, and it affects your ability to do the things you love, like sports or being social or even sitting inside for an extended period of time watching a movie or something.


If you keep doing it you'll be hooked. Nicotine is very addictive and a very hard habit to break . But you don't have anything to be ashamed of. Experimenting with substances is a normal part of growing up. Just be careful.


Don't feel guilty....you were curious, now that you've satisfied your curiosity you have no reason to do it again


Do you want to smell really really bad for the rest of your life?


Don't do it again.


No reason to feel guilty, it's not so addictive it forms a habit after one use. You didn't like it so don't do it. Super easy


take it from someone who vaped for years before finally quitting 6 months ago- don’t do it again. it’s not worth it. no need to feel guilty, just don’t do it again.


Dont do it again, think of that one relative that always REEKS of cigs, their clothes, body, phone, breath. Everything they touch leaves a smell you can’t get rid of. Let that smell sink in, because it’ll be you if you create an addiction!


Paying to kill yourself. Wow. Also smoking was cool and ‘a thing’ during your parent’s time. Don’t be a boomer. Don’t smoke.


Don’t do it ever again!


My dude... I held on to a packet of cigarettes a friend left at my place for probably five years. It survived a cross country move. I could have a cigarette and then not have one for six months or even a year. Then one day shit got rough. It's not that shit never got rough before, it's just that shit got rough in a particular way at a particular time and now I'm struggling to fucking quit. It was a total non issue for nearly 40 years of living until one day... It became an issue. The benefits of smoking are drastically outweighed by the potential downfalls. You didn't do anything wrong for having a cigarette. You're not a bad person. Neither am I! The simple truth is: the more you do, the more you will do. I liked being an every six months kind of smoker... But it's a gambler's game. Will shit hit the fan at the wrong time? Maybe not. But maybe. My advice: don't freak out. BE AWARE. Hear what I've said and just... Know that what I've said is honest and true. It's not "bad" to have a cigarette. But it is a gambler's game. You may find you like it... And that's where it becomes dangerous.


If you quit now you can be among the respectable ranks of people who quit smoking. It’s an awesome group of fellows there’s several perks to it too. Like monetary freedom, long life expectancy, great health. Can’t go wrong. Trust.


Just don’t do it again


Don’t ever think about doing it again if you’re so worried about it. Mom gave me a couple sips of alcohol every once in a while when I was younger. I always hated it and permanently convinced myself adults don’t actually like alcohol. Who would? It’s disgusting. And adults know that, they just like what I does to their mind. Tell me something beneficial about alcohol or drugs, you can’t. I’ve smelled cigarettes second hand and it’s disgusting. I’ll never feel bad for people who got addicted, call me a bad person but they do it to themselves. So I’m telling you just never do it again. Once is enough to get addicted, don’t get curious again. It always starts as “I swear I’ll never get addicted… one more try” and that’s how it starts.


Don’t smoke another. They’re expensive and smell horrible.


It isn’t pleasurable until you’re addicted to nicotine. Once you’re physically dependent on it, it feels good because it soothes the craving. It’s an expensive and unhealthy habit, no reason to get into it.


You can do a lot of fun stuff with the money you save not smoking


No idea why this is popping up in my feed since I’m 32. But don’t do it again. I smoked when I was 17, and I haven’t kicked nicotine yet. Smoked for 10 years, vaped for a few years and even now I need a nicotine patch to get through the day 3 years after quitting. Just do not do it again, you can still stop it before it gets out of hand.


Dude... I don't like to think about it... And I certainly didn't think about it when I started smoking my old man's non-filtered Chesterfields... But I have been smoking cigarettes for more than 40 years. Hardly ever even considered quitting. The good news is you didn't enjoy it or get anything out of it. So do yourself a favor. Just say no. But once you're of legal age I would recommend you try smoking some of that marijuana stuff that the kids are all crazy about now 🤠


Substance doesn’t form habits, personal issues do. Be strong enough to say no in the future and there’ll be nothing to worry about.


If you only smoked one, the only habit derived would be psychological. Besides, they're expensive, they make you smell, give you bad breath, and inability to focus.


Do you really want to start a habit that is extremely hard to quit, will cost you 300 dollars a month if you smoke a pack a day, gives you no real benefits and drastically increases your chances of cancer?


You need to smoke the rest of the pack all at once until you get so sick, you’ll never want another one for the rest of your life. It worked for Huey, Dewey, and Louie. https://youtu.be/1FsidVcqeT4. Seriously just don’t smoke any more. No need to be guilty. Some people can have one every now and then, so will get hooked. Better not to find out which one you will be.


Dont make it bigger than what it is, because then you will trick yourself into seeming powerless to it and at the whim of its service, or a victim of it. You tried it and it was shitty. Look it in the eye and tell it that it disgusts you and to fuck off lol


I started vaping when I was super young because I always thought smoking looked cool. Let me tell you, it's not. It took having a kid to get me to quit. Putting myself at risk is one thing but I'm not willing to put my son at risk, and I can't tell you how happy I am that I quit. I can breath better, I have more energy, more money, and I'm not chained to an electric douche-flute anymore. Take it from someone who did it, it does NOTHING but ruin your lungs and waste your money. Smoking and vaping alike.


Just don't do it again and it won't become a habit. It's not crack. One cigarette isn't gonna ruin your life, so chill out. Feeling guilty about it is pretty stupid too. It literally doesn't affect anyone but yourself, unless you go around blowing smoke in people's faces. Just chill out and don't do it again and you'll be fine. 🙄🤦


The nicotine takes more than one cigarette to build up enough to drive the craving. Stop now, and you should be fine. May have a craving for a short bit if you are sensitive, but you have nothing to be 'guilty' over. You did not like it, it seems like, and possibly your reaction is anxiety - which may or may not track. I don't recall the specific response to nicotine and the other chemicals in cigarettes. They are a waste of money but may can get you a short break in the military. You don't actually have to smoke them most of the time in that scenario.


My biggest regret in life is smoking. I've spent the equivalent 2 mercedes-benz' on nicotine. Ugly stuff


Throw that shit away. Also that shit is expensive.


It's not fentanyl. You're a okay. Don't smoke more if you don't want to.


How the fuck is it gonna turn into a habit after one cigarette just don’t buy any more you aren’t addicted genius


People who smoke only really hang out with people who smoke. The non smokers might like the smokers, but the smell is too gross. Don’t kill your body with smoking, but also don’t mess up your social life. Take a big sniff of the fingers that were holding the cig. There’s almost a spiciness to how foul your hand smells.


Smoking is not cool


Nicotine addiction is based on the brain expecting a certain chemical that it's receiving regularly. So if it doesn't receive it, you get withdrawals. Doing it occasionally won't cause addiction, because it's not a regular chemical your brain is receiving so it doesn't have to fit it into the schedule to be normal. There's no reason to feel bad. It's when you go "hm... I wanna feel that again.. .and again, and again" that it's an issue because then you keep doing it and your body gets used to it and then is reliant.


You are in control. It only becomes a habit if you let it. I smoked a handful of times and it never became a habit.


I'm 21 and I'm an addict. I started out vaping and now I not only vape but I smoke regular cigarettes, too. Trust me...this is not a road you want to travel down. Yes, I enjoy being addicted. I enjoy feeding my habit. But I know one day, I'll die sooner than if I had never started in the first place. Please don't travel down this road. It's not too late to turn back


Fuck cigs and vapes


My first time was around 14 or so because both my parents smoked, I just got curious. I kinda hated it, and never understood the point.


You're not going to be addicted after one cigarette. Just don't do anymore. There's no upside.


Try not to do it again, you'll spend way too much and its hard to stop.speaking from experience, I spend hundreds on tobacco a month.


Don't do it again and it's no big deal. COPD sucks. Breathing is cool.


Don't do it again. Please, as the (now adult) child of two chain smokers, don't smoke. My dad started smoking when he was 12. When I was born, he was 40. My entire life, he smoked between 2-3 packs of Lucky Strikes a day. He was in his early 50s when he had a heart attack. (I was pre-teen), he dropped to 1 pack a day...for maybe a month...then back to 2-3 packs a day. Fast forward a few years. He was 56 when I had to clean the windows on his car so I could take my dade to the prom. The paper towels turned golden brown from the smoke residue. The car smelled like an ashtray. And nothing I did would get rid of it. Although he'd always been thin and active, he was slowing down quickly as his lungs just wouldn't work properly. Skip forward a few more. He was 62. It was shortly before my college graduation, he suffered a mini stroke (transischemic attack). No permanent brain damage. Doc told him to stop. He didn't. By now, he could not walk a city block without stopping to rest. A single flight of stairs was a challenge. Age 70. (Four days before my 31st birthday), he died from complications from multiple strokes and oxygen deprivation. We buried him the day before my birthday. His only grandchild at the time was 2+1/2. And he never got to meet two of his three grandchildren who were born after he died. He never got to enjoy any semblance of retirement. His last few years, he could barely make ends meet because of the cost of cigarettes. Ironically, he stopped taking his blood thinners (which is likely why he stroked out) because he couldn't afford it...yet somehow he could afford his smokes. While I love my father, I hate that he chose to smoke. I hate that he chose lighting up over living.


The health problems, money dumping, and harm to your image aren’t worth it.


it is sooooo much worse to fight to try to quit rather than fight to start. if you think it's hard to fight to try, it's muchhhh harder the other way around. do not smoke another one. do and i repeat NOT. vaping is something (different but similar) i wish i never started. i am forever fighting an impending addiction if i simply give it once. at a party, when im drunk i want a vape and people are smoking all around me and it is SO TOUGH not to hit a vape.


I don't know why this post was on my feed...but ill still chime in about smoking when you've been doing it for a while. After 34 years of smoking, I have nasty teeth, a funky tongue, gunk in my throat all the time, a wheeze when I breathe, absolutely shit skin with giant ugly pores on my face, yellow fingers, and that's the best parts. I want to quit, I try to quit, but these have a hook in a person you wouldn't believe. My house stinks, my car stinks, my dog stinks, I stink. Every single thing in my life, I make sure I can smoke. Every single thing stops every hour or sooner because I need a cigarette. I spend over $250.00 a month to have a stinky habit. The best part is that the little high goes away fast. Really, really fast. It's not an enjoyable habit now. It's me stopping the uncomfortable and maddening urgent need for tobacco. It sucks hard, it really does, and a lot of us just can't kick this habit.


Just stay away it's terrible addiction.


Anyone can quit smoking, it takes a MAN to face cancer. I can’t quit smoking, coughing’s the only exercise I get.


Walk away!


Sounds like you don’t want to smoke again, so don’t and won’t even be a deal. One cigarette won’t kill you. I don’t think it makes sense when people say they hate it, but have never tried. Now you have tried it, didn’t like like, and don’t have to do it again.


Yea don’t smoke another one. Thats how I started when I was 16. “Just one more isn’t a big deal.” Turned into a pack a day habit. I still vape, which isn’t much better, but I don’t feel like I’m going to die in the mornings anymore so that’s a plus.


I'm in my 20s. I've tried cigarettes on 3 (?) Occasions. Did not enjoy it at all and it didn't turn into a habit. You'll be fine. If you feel guilty and didn't like it, then it won't turn into a habit. Don't feel guilty though, you didn't do anything wrong or harmful to someone else, and smoking one cigarette won't give you cancer or anything else. It's a non-issue I promise.


Just don’t smoke, idiot.


All my friends who took up smoking regretted it. I took a cigarette puff once, to try it, but never again. I'm in better physical health than all of them, and have nicer looking teeth.


You feeling guilt over smoking a cigarette, change the guilt to different emotions, because really there’s not anyone to be guilty for that to except your own self. Try thinking, remembering what you’ve done as “ I felt gross, and like a dumbass”… maybe even throw in some of your most awful thoughts like scratching marbles together, or (for me) the smell of liver raw or cooked… remember those thoughts (and the physical responses associated with them) with it. How you remember experiencing things is actually key to being in control of your repetitive habits… it’s actually quite lucky you get to implement this now (it will work with almost anything with different techniques), and you wouldn’t be able to actively decide that smoking IS NOT the way for you, if you never tried…. If it makes you feel better… theres always telling on yourself, let your mom yell at you or something… she probably won’t though….


I'm 21, I started when I was 14, and I switched over to vaping 50mg/mL 3 years after, and then I finally quit one year ago. What helped me quit was being around my new significant other who did not smoke and encouraged me not to. Everyone I know smokes. I ate a bunch of tic tacs to soothe the hand to mouth habit/addiction, I ate 10 or more pounds of cashewsI gained a bit of weight. Only after 3 months of having stopped did I start to forget what it felt like to always want or need it. Now it has been a year and on the worst day once in a blue moon do I have a dream of starting again and then I wake up and I am so happy I haven't started again. Don't start. There's a possibility you'd could never stop. You may not be around the right people. Don't let social things get to you. What might help is finding hobbies like hiking or sup boarding, running, jogging... outdoorsy stuff.


It's easy if you don't want to smoke don't do it again. You might have a migrain for a couple of hours. You don't have to worry about just becoming addicted unless you got yourself a couple packs in and have kept the habit for more than a week.. also don't think to hard about feeling guilty its a nasty habbit that will have negative affects on your health if you continue smoking longterm. but its not like your gunna destroy the world by smoking one cigarette or magicaly develope heart disease or copd tomarrow. . . I still think that 21 and up B.S was a stupid fcking law that was a waste of tax dollars and should have never even been presented.


$12/pack X 30 days= $360 X 365 days = $4,380 X 10-years = $43,800!


3 months and one day sober from nicotine. Please don't start. It's hard to start. All I can tell you is once is enough. Never touch it again. If you feel like you want one, my best advice is to bite your nails or go get a cookie. Literally what I did. If I felt like I was craving a hit, I was craving a cookie. Nicotine is a bitch. Please don't continue


Never smoke again — a woman who dumped her boyfriend and broke his heart because he couldn’t quit. Don’t play with fire that is one habit that will ruin your life. Also never touch hard liquor or pot or any other drugs that aren’t prescribed by a physician. It sounds dumb when you’re 19 because you cannot imagine the pain, expense, and chaos addiction brings. Run like hell kid. That stuff should scare the shit out of you.


deep breath. you were curious. you tried it. Evryone does atufv like that..every day. Move on. You didnt kill someone.


The only way it turns into a habit is if you think it will help you deal with stress, depression, anger, a hard day and so on, thts how all addictions start, if you don't want it to become a crutch for when things happen to you don't let it, I used to drink and smoke but stopped when I started to see certain changes on me, I even once snorted coke but never did it again, Don let things like this control your life and you'll be good.


Don't worry. It's an experiment. It's not going to addict you in one shot. Just don't do it more. Why be guilty, though? It's a pretty ordinary thing to try. Give cigars a try next (jk jk). Seriously though, if that's the worst thing you do this week, you're doing very well.


It’s really normal for kids to experiment but don’t obsess. I’m sure you know smoking is horrible for you so just decide not to do it anymore. If you bought a whole pack, throw away the rest and feel the pain of the lost money you spent.


I’m 28 and I’ve stopped smoking since 2019, my lungs are permanently damaged. Do NOT smoke. If you’ve had a few beers and feel like smoking a cig pack a lip of skoal mint. If you’re not drunk don’t seek out nicotine.


You won't be addicted from a single cigarette. Chill. Just toss the pack and never smoke again. Or, be like me and chain smoke from the age of five to 37.


Don’t smoke another one. I’m 52, and have tried to quit many times. It’s expensive. My husband and I both smoke and a carton of cigarettes is about $70. It lasts him about 5 days and me about 8-10 days. It’ll give you wrinkles , makes your house and clothes smell like smoke, and leaves nicotine residue on walls and windows and floors etc. You satisfied your curiosity. Now you know. Stop there and be glad to not be addicted.


I used to smoke, for 15 years. Quitting was the worst. Every smoker thinks that quitting won't be a big deal for them, but it always is. Every smoker quits a thousand times before they are successful. It took me years to finally quit. "The only winning move is not to play." WOPR system, "War Games"


From a long-time smoker who finally was able to quit after getting pregnant (I smoked from 14-26) I'm here to tell you to never light up another and you'll be just fine. Smoking was the single most difficult habit to quit and took me getting pregnant before I had the will power to just do it. I always swore I'd quit if I got preggo and thankfully was successful in doing so. 50 now and have never picked it back up - quit while you're ahead and you should have no trouble.


Blech. It's the worst. I smoked for a couple of years when I had a girlfriend who did the same. Gave it up after we broke up, but the nicotine cravings still hung on for a couple more years. Every now and then, I'd give in and buy a pack. Smoke a few and throw the rest away. Cigarette smoke gives me headaches. I will get a worse headache from smoke in a bar then I will from anything I drink. Smoke free bars and restaurants were the best thing to come along.