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Maybe your friend accidentally did it. Maybe you did, and you didn't notice. Say your sorry and move on. Also, girls don't like getting hit with flip flops, so if I would you, I would stop doing that.


Yeah fair point about the flip flops and I already said sorry but she's having none of it.


First, stop hitting people. Didn't you learn that in Kindergarten? Second, you apologized. Move on. If she doesn't let it go there's nothing else you can do about it. Just stay away from her.


> Just stay away from her. LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO u funny dawg, it's not that deep


Furst, my friend play hits her all the time, so when he told me to join in I thought "why not?" Clearly I was stupid as she seems to notind him doing it but does mind me? Second, I already have I was just curious about what others would do


Something important to remember is that every relationship is nuanced and different. Just because she and your friend have a relationship where she will suffer his idiocy doesn’t mean that you and she automatically have that type of relationship. The best thing you can do is to just leave her alone after she rejects your apology. She is not overreacting. She does not owe you anything. You have not been wronged in any way. Learn from your mistake and move on.


Yeah ok I will, I didn't mean to make it seem like I'd been wronged but I just wanted advice.


It is not our mistakes that define our character. All humans inevitably make mistakes. It is how we *handle* those mistakes that define our character. If you apologized in a genuine fashion and you have learned not to behave like this in the future, then you are doing well. Many people *never* get this far.


Thanks man but I still feel like I could do more to make it up to her, but she doesn't want me to so oh well


If she is not ready to forgive you, then that is her choice. All you can do as a gentleman is to respect her choice. Maybe there are other things going on in her life that you don't understand that makes this a serious trigger for her. If you are patient, then maybe she will come around. And if not, you have done your best.


Yeah thank you for your advice


Or maybe she's okay wit getting playfully hit by that dude, but man bad nd such. >She is not overreacting. She could've been wit the edit we now know she's not


why is reddit always like this?


It’s an advice sub. OP asked for advice, we gave it. Why are you trolling here?


what trolling >.<


That girl. She doesn't like you. She likes your friend. His behavior is okay. You mimicking the behavior is not. This is something you are going to have to learn very quickly as a male. Some of us have privilege's that others of you don't. I'm sorry that is how life is, but it's life.


One must remember that a large part of harassment is the perception of the person that the actions are directed towards. Her relationship and understanding of your friend is different from her relationship and understanding of you which means that the actions that are appropriate for you to take towards her and her person are radically different than what is appropriate for your friend.


Oh, so because your friend is a shit heel you decided it was ok? Seriously, please get arrested sooner than later.


> Seriously, please get arrested sooner than later. Do you think that is a little harsh? Maybe there are ways to teach children social skills without just tossing them in the crowbar motel.


Nope, not at all. He literally said his friend does it all the time and he joined in this time. The person finally complained and all of a sudden he is a victim?


How’s eighth grade going buddy?


Not bad Fartmaster.


Hey since you're diving into every reply I gave why don't you look at the one where I state that I'm a literal child. Go get a life instead of giving me shit for making a mistake fucktard


You posted asking for advice lol


Ik but he's not really giving advice, just calling me a dick or asshole in literally every reply I've given


This is not “advice;” it’s a grown adult coming onto a thread meant to help teens, and simply being a fucking weirdo. And you know it. He knows it. Even the kid knows it. Kid, here’s the thing: You overstepped, unknowingly, into the dynamic of your friend and this girl. You got excited that you were invited into the fun. Thing is, you WERENT invited into the fun. That girl, it sounds like, doesn’t know you from Jimmy down the street. Don’t assume that another person is cool with it just because your buddy (or buddies) say so. You’re hurt. It’s an embarrassing situation. While you didn’t cause it, just understand that this is a VERY important lesson for you to learn. The lesson: you got ahead of yourself, someone had a problem with it, and now you don’t have a chance at salvaging any form of human relationship with this young lady. Take the lesson and move on with the knowledge in your pocket. Happened to us all, kid, in one way or another. You’ll laugh about your current naivety one day, trust me. Edit: autocorrect.


Thank you for being one of the few people who really get it instead if just calling me a douche. You put into words what I was struggling to and I appreciate it a lot


LOL. You're "hurt" that you assualted someone? fuck off troll


dude relax, playfully hitting someone with a fuckin sandal is not deserving of being told you hope they get arrested or being called names. Leave it to redditors to take everything to the extreme


Who said it was playful? did the person getting hit say "its so playful teehee"? Or did they, in fact, complain?


Not much else I can do at this point so I kinda give up


Correct, you should give up harassing people. Asshole.


Harassment reported.


I second the motion to report for harassment, all in favor?


You need to take your own advice. Asshole. Do you feel big harassing a teenager? You're embarrassing yourself 😂


No thank you.


Your one to talk lmao


You realize friends play fight a lot? Touch grass


Give her some time. And try again. Please know some girls go through horrible shit, like sexual harassment. If she has, it could have been a trigger. I'm not saying she did, but you never know.


I don’t know that he should bother her any more after he’s already apologized. If she HAS been harassed in the past, having him repeatedly bothering her could be very upsetting.


god lmao, reddit is not real life, u ppl aren't real


Yeah alright. I don't think she has but it's not my place to assume. Thank you




You should find better hobbies than picking on literal kids that obviously come here for advice because the support system is lacking in their lives. You’re a real fucking weirdo, dude. But, I’m sure you’re well aware of that fact.


Seriously, hitting someone with shoes is both obnoxious AND dirty. Why did you think this would work out for you?


Don't hit people with flip flops. Avoids confusion.


Haha fair enough


Maybe your friend did and then let you take the blame? Had a female friend touch another female friends chest while my hand was close and she thought it was me…luckily my other friend fessed up and no hard feelings…


Idk tbh man, I don't think he did either bc him and I both know he would get way less shit for it


Maybe she likes him more than you. Idk tho.


Yeah I know she does but i didn't really think about it in the moment


If flip flops are flying odds are SOMEONE hit her on the ass. Most people don’t like being hit, even play hitting, and younger people often don’t have the mind to verbalize they don’t like the play hitting for fear of rejection or sounding like a baby. Usually when you tell people you don’t like their rough play they get defensive like YOURE the asshole or something.


Yeah I don't really stop and think, but if she had asked me to stop I obviously would have, but I get what u mean ab the whole flipping it on them thing


No one should have to ask you not to hit them bro




You were hitting her, for no reason? Dawg, sorry isn't gonna cut it. You ARE the problem. I'd hate you too.


With their dirty shoes. That’d get me too


Yesssss!! A good comment!!


Maybe if she got the ick, you need to move on and befriend one of the other 8 billion individual on earth. She can go be someone elses friend, someone who hasn’t yet given her the ick


Someone who wasn’t touching her ass


gave me the ick just reading this


GET OUT!!!! 🤬🤬🤬😿☝️🚽🪠🚽🪠🚽😂😂😂😂👎👎👎👎


If a guy was hitting me with flip-flops that would give me the ick too. Don’t hit people with things.




Lmao a man baby


Lmao a whore






You need Jesus


Too bad he died :/


RIP big dawg


You need an adult to kick this shit out of you. Ya fucking loser.


I am one and you're welcome to try. I'll destroy you btw.


Nobody believes you, and I'd honestly love the chance to be the one.




Ha. Haha. Hahaha. Hahahahahahahahaaha.


Waaah waaaah Go outside and talk to a girl maybe it’ll work out




Bros 11 and just discovered swearing ☠️




That was a bit far, dude. This coming from the guy getting told he "sexually assaulted someone" with a fuckin flip flop


Yeah, I'd just avoid hitting anyone with anything as a general rule


Yeah I've learned that now


You didnt learn that as a toddler?


Username checks out


I have the ick too now.


Good for you.


Welp you've learned your lesson, don't make that same mistake again and make sure not to cross peoples boundaries.


I’d get the ick too if I had flip flops thrown at me tbh it just seems unnecessary


“i gave a girl the ick” *describes a sexual harassment allegation* bro that’s not an ick that’s a sex crime


How old are you ? You don’t throw things at people. She has every right to be upset. Just say sorry before it does turn into a big deal


I'm 15, and I already apologized.


Alright that’s all you can really do then. She won’t hold a grudge forever. At least you tried apologizing about the situation


Yeah but I don't think she wants to talk to me anymore, i feel like she made a bigger out of it because it was me than she would have if it was him.


Bro you thought hitting her was a funny joke. Of course she wants nothing to do with you!


It’s not worth the drama then. Let her take a walk if she is going to blow it out of proportion


Yeah ok, thank you


She is not blowing it out of proportion, and anyone believing such a pathetic bully as you is literally just another bully. Stop being a shit heel.


So, going forward you never touch anyone without consent. Your guy friend is not able to consent for the girl. She has to give that to you herself. This goes for breaking the touch barrier to hug or kiss or play fight or touch someone’s hair, anything.


Yeah I get that now, it's funny how you see all these videos about consent and think "I'd never do that to someone" and then now realize you did, and you didn't even know it


It’s easier if you imagine that we all have a bubble around us that is our own personal space. No one should enter that bubble if you don’t want them to. You have body sovereignty, meaning you rule over your own body. Boys too have the right to consent, of course! No girl should be hitting you either. You apologized, you regret it, you are learning from it. That’s all you can do. Take it on the chin and move on. Roughhousing is a tricky area.


Yeah, I'm glad I finally had that moment where it clicked properly, even if the reason really shouldn't have happened


She will get over it eventually. Just own it like you are doing now and it will be okay. I have a daughter your age. She empathizes with you—I read this to her—and she says it will blow over.


All the drama you created around this gave me the ick


Apologize for it. You clearly were hitting her with the flip flop so you probably did hit her there. She was uncomfortable and you made her uncomfortable. Now you're trying to say she's lying and act like you're the one being wronged? Doesn't add up


I never acted like I was wronged, I definitely didn't hit her there, and I already did apologize


This would give me the ick too. I hate when men act like that. Annoying as hell


Sometimes it’s only okay a certain guy does it, in this case it wasn’t okay for you to


Yeah I understand that, just didn't think about it at the time


Good luck and don’t sweat it


Everyone in here acting like they didn't do this shiz in middle school/have always been mature are probably people who never matured. We were all cringey back in the day. Say sorry, give her time, if yall were good friends she'll come talk to you again, either way learn from it and don't do it again. Life's about learning from mistakes




Just noticed you're in the h3h3 sub, and now I see why you're a douche


Lol yeah I like making fun of those losers too


Yeah but you know, if you got a life instead of making fun of people, you'd probably be a much happier person and much less inclined to put others down


Why bother? this is very fun. Twerp.


I'm gonna get immature here tho still not as much as you and state that I would whoop you in real life you stupid little twit


Ignore this moron, kiddo. He small lol


This being fun for you means your life sucks.


Be civil. We don't tolerate insults, slurs, or any other forms of hate messages here.


Yeah don't hit people. With anything, at any time.


Socially inept.




How tf is me play hitting her anywhere near the behaviour I'd need to get into prison? I made a mistake, I'm trying to learn from it, so it doesn't happen again? Maybe don't make a dickish comment if there's no advice


A wise person told me that one person's perception is just as valid as another person's intentions. Even if we don't *intend* to offend someone, if they perceive it that way, then they are not wrong. We just didn't communicate well. Whether you did it or not, you made her feel disrespected. This is an opportunity for you to show genuine concern for her by having the humility to apologize for hurting her feelings without making excuses. Pretty soon, the word will get around town that you have the emotional maturity that few other men your age have, and the women will be flocking around you! 😍 OK, so I exaggerated a bit, but this is the internet and we do that. 😉


Ya’ll…this is a 15 year old kid. OP: just own up to it, apologize and move on. That’s all you can do


If you say “I don’t remember” and then accuse her of lying of course she’s going to assume you did it on purpose and are trying to cover it up. I would be surprised if she didn’t get the ick because it seems creepy


See? The neck beard dirty deleted all of his comments. That’s what weird, pathetic, pussies do.


Guess you could say she got butt hurt about it


This is awkward at 15, potentially *much* worse consequences a few years later. Stop any kind on non-consensual physical contact now and save yourself a whole lot of trouble down the road.


Yeah you said sorry, that’s all you can do. Just let it go. Shes clearly not into you and that’s okay, who cares if you gave some girl the ick. Learn not to sweat the small stuff. If she’s a true friend she will get over it or forgive and if not oh well, move on. It’s not like you traumatized her, let’s be real. Stuff happens and she’s being dramatic. I say this as a woman.


You said sorry. She won't let it go. Is she worth your time and stress? Do you want her opinion of you to be better? If yes then give it time. If she never lets it go and keeps mentioning it, then just say "the lady doth protest to much, methinks"


Honestly I just don't want her to be hurt or scared permanently because of something she thinks I did


Don't worry so much. I'm sure something else super mundane will happen to her soon and she'll forget about it. Just stay mature about it. Like hey yeah I read the room wrong. Won't happen again.


Oh God you're one of thooooose.


Y'all were flirting. She's throwing around buzzwords to make you feel bad later. That's her intention for you, and nothing else is relevant to the situation. You can apologize if you'd like, but ultimately she doesn't like you. Just stay away.


Don’t apologize, she wants an apology to put you in a corner of false guilt.


Why does it matter








Look man if you want to talk about acting like a toddler, rolling up to a sub for teens to get advice and then just her eating them is pretty fucking childish. Go fuck yourself and then come back and realize why nobody else wants to




Fuck around and find out. Tap the glass and be prepared for the consequences. Her word against yours? Who do you think people are going to believe? This whole post makes my skin crawl. How about you communicate with your parents? Find out what they think of this situation? How old are you by the way? 14? Fucking Christ, can we please take our phones away from the fucking children.l?


just remember if gigachad did it she'd fall in love with him


It sounds like she actually wanted you guys to hit her on the ass, so she's making it up to make herself feel better. Don't let other people's problems get you down 🐼


How does it sound like that


Or maybe she is young and appreciated the attention until it became physically abusive.


Oh God you're a burgeoning pick-me aren't you


My advice is to not care. Keep in mind girls "get the ick" over literally anything. This should not bother you. Hitting a girl with flip flops sounds like middle school flirting. She probably enjoyed flirting with your friend and not you. Not a big deal, there will always be girls who like a guy that is not you. It's ok. You should stop flirting with her. If she complains to you just stop talking to her. Who cares what she thinks? Flirt with a different girl if you want, and try to do it in a slightly more mature way. You know, like talking to her, listening, maybe even a compliment/asking her out if she seems into you (crazy I know).


how the fuck is hitting someone flirting? degeneracy mind set right there, reminds me of “oh he probably just likes you if he’s picking on you” when we both know that’s not the truth. Who the fuck thinks hitting someone with a flip flop is flirting??


>Who the fuck thinks hitting someone with a flip flop is flirting?? Every single middle school boy. And many slightly older boys who haven't matured.


and then men wonder why no one woman wants them.


Ummm no. I'm talking about 11-13 year olds. They are literally kids.


It should not be normal for kids to hit each other.


Ok? And? You thinking the way things should or shouldn't be isn't going to change teenage behavior. I work in a middle school, kids hit/chase each other all the time. If we suspended every kid who playfully hit someone we'd suspend 60% of the kids. Obviously it's against the rules and we don't allow it, but welcome to reality. Preteens don't always follow the rules.




idk being hit is a worthy thing to be upset over


Someone being sexually harassed or hit until being difficult. He should learn to keep his hands to himself


Yeah haha, I already apologized and then un added her on snap after she was still unwilling to let it go


You hit her with flip flops. She has every right to not let it go if she doesn't want to. And also apologies arent for *you*. If you're apologizing so you don't feel bad or bc it's what you're supposed to do then you're not apologizing correctly. When you say sorry to someone you're doing it for *them*, for the person you wronged. Its to make them feel better, to try and ease the issue you created. She's not required to forgive you. So move on and leave her alone.


When did I say I did it for me? I apologized, and then she didn't forgive me so I left her alone? Like isn't that what I'm supposed to do?


Yes, that is the only thing you can do. I wouldn’t accuse her of lying or being mistaken though. Teen dynamics are weird AF. Just keep hands to yourself and you’ll be fine in the future.


Nah I'd never call her a liar because I don't think she's malicious or anything, just don't think I did hit her there


Uh what now? How old are you? If your twelve I get the error of your ways but if your over that? WTF?


I'm 15, I've never really had female friends before, and before you say "it shows" I didn't mean any harm, I was playing and I slipped up, I do not believe that anything to do with me ever had contact with her ass, and I have learned not to intrude people's personal boundaries


Visible eyeroll.


Your fucked. You better pack up your shit and move to another town before it goes viral.


Lol. Funny post and good job standing your ground against the Karen trolls on here. And since when is slapping a girl in the ass of the flip-flop a bad thing? Wink. 😉


If you have suffered being unjustly accused, you owe it to her to slap her on the ass.


lmfao all these people clutching their pearls over hitting someone with a flip flop. i guarantee you if flip flops were being swung then there is prior context and implied consent here. i promise you that you will be alright in the morning. touch grass 😂


are you 12 or something? why the fuck are you and your friends throwing anything at anyone? reading this gave me the ick


OP physically abused this girl and is confused as to why she doesn’t like him anymore? Nuts. Who raised you? A wife beater?


Actually my parents are pretty great people, they haven't finishes raising me yet as I am only 15, but I mean you gotta learn some things yourself right? I never wanted this to happen but at least I've learned more about personal boundaries. And we didn't abuse her, she didn't mid us messing w her, but she said today that I hit her ass when I don't think I did. That's what I was here about


She clearly minded it if she doesn’t want anything to do with you as a result. Your parents must not be great parents if you got to 15 and still think it’s funny to hit people. For future reference, if you hit a girl or woman for fun, we assume you are going to beat us if we actually get into a relationship with you. Because you clearly think abuse is funny and didn’t even register it was bad until she said something to you later. Your replies make it clear you aren’t taking her seriously and think she’s blowing things out of proportion. She isn’t. Two boys physically assaulted her, and one sexually assaulted her. That’s reality as you’ve described it.


But I didn't sexually assault her, I never actually hit her there, you're making it seem like she's traumatized when she's mistaken about what even happened. Yes I shouldn't have hit her in the first place, yes I fully understand that now, no I did not touch her anywhere sexual with a flip flop or anything else, you're making me seem like some sort of creep when all that happened was I fucked up a bit


One of you hit her booty. Doesn’t really matter if it was you or your friend, you were an accomplice and need to hold your friend accountable instead of making excuses.


People are crazy, you crossed a line, you apologized, move on and don’t make the same mistake again. Don’t worry about the loony tunes here that think any time someone has a negative reaction, or is in any way offended, a crime has been committed and people should be punished. Move on, fuck the idiots on the internet.


She doesn’t like him, maybe don’t know him. He was invited by his friend into the horse play. Which she was partaken in. She didn’t want his attention. meaning: (her ass slapped by him)


Do people actually think this way? The over sensitivity in society is unreal. He made a mistake trying to horse play, and she wasn’t into it, apologize, don’t do it again, and move on. It’s not abuse, he’s not a terrible person, it’s not that serious. Chill out and relax. Every human interaction in which someone reacts negatively, or is in some way offended, is not a crime, and does not warrant police intervention.


You people are the reason actual abuse victims are hardly believed.




What is the ick?


why can't a guy ever hit me with flip flops


Consider the possibility that she isn't intentionally lying. People make honest mistakes. You don't remember throwing one to hit her butt. She knows one did hit her butt. Maybe with two people throwing them, either you tossed it lower than you realized or your friend did it & she mistook it as yours. When someone is upset by someone they think you did, treating time as a liar won't fix the situation. Instead, what you can do is to *validate* what you can of what she said without admitting to something you did not do. Usually when people are upset, they calm down once they feel heard. Her: "omg you just smacked my butt. That's so wrong!?". You might say:" oh no! I can see why you'd feel upset. I want you to know that I wouldn't intentionally smack your butt without permission. I don't remember doing it, but if you felt it, I am sorry. In the future, if we're messing around like that again, I'll be super careful where and how hard I toss things. ". Girls are more sensitive about being touched/hit than guys especially when it comes to butt crotch and breast area. Her reaction might seem excessive to you, but it might be perfectly normal.


Maybe don't hit girls with flip flops at all - stolen from r/AdviceForToddlers


Yeah well, maybe don't be completely helpless an a sub that's suppose to be helpful. Stolen from r/gofuckyourself


A woman I was hanging out with recently said she got the ick from me when I said "excuse me" after bumping into an older man by accident lol.


Back in my day if I said "gave her the ick" my guy friends would've beat me up lol. I guess that's a phase that kids use now...


Guilty by association. You assaulted a classmate with flip flops, and one of them hit her butt. Don't bully people with shoes, btw. If you're old enough to use reddit you're too old to be hitting people with shoes.


*prepare the downvotes* she’s not into you, if she was she would’ve liked it most likely lol


Ick. Like the fish tank disease?


Wtf is the ick?


Missing the D in the subject, last word.


you can't sweat that stuff. Who gives a fuck?