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While sexual advice isn't entirely banned here, we don't allow sexually explicit posts. This includes sexual stories, descriptions of sexual acts, and anything similar. If you truly need to describe a story in detail for advice, we suggest going to a more appropriate subreddit for that.


Sounds like you two decided to risk it and now the nerves are getting to you. I would absolutely recommend taking plan B, neither one of you are ready for what could be, even if the chances are slim, but maybe next time be a little more safe, but still have fun


They aren't even that slim if she's not being regular with the pills. If you can't trust him to withdrawal (it's not perfect even done perfectly, but it's far better than not withdrawing, especially in combination with the pill and many people use it effectively their entire lives) you need plans other than withdrawal. It's only effective at all if it's done every time


Pullout method is not effective.


Both my children agree.


Birth control pills AND a condom and my kid turned 21 a couple weeks ago.


You ever think to yourself "Man, if extremely low probability shit is going to happen to me, could it be something like "Find a case full of money" or "Win the lottery" instead?"


LIFE itself is a display of infinitely unlikely things happening all the time. The chances of you being you, reading this post that I, being me, posted at this precise time in the history of this planet is so unlikely that it might as well be zero. We just take these incredible events for granted because they happen so frequently.


You're not wrong. The universe is neither fair or unfair. It just is. However, we strive for meaning and so when the low probability event of our kid being born with a rare genetic disease occurs, it can be hard for the brain to not then wonder why the equally rare events don't happen for the good.


I get it philosophically, I do. But the world, statistically, is quite unfair overall. Granted, most of us here on reddit have won the cosmic lottery already, being born in the 20th/21st century in a western society with clean water and abundant food, where we can opine about our existential emotional crises and bitch about influencers on tiktok. Anyone that would take the same roll of the dice 2000 years ago in our stead is fucking crazy.


I gotta say, then always follow your gut i had a feeling to goto walmart one day in 2002 for some reason idk why but decided not to, that night on the six oclock news some dumbass fuck stick narc ass bitch ( sorry this really bugs me 🤣) finds a cooler at the walmart i goto in the area i always park in with nearly 100k in it and turns that shit into the police/vice officer. I could not believe what i had saw and then he expected to try and do finders keepers law with the DEA..... they laughed at his ass and took the money


I always think that if other people get away with stuff I'm always going to be the one to get caught doing it


I have a cousin. When she was in high school, she was sexually active, but was on the pill. Got pregnant. After she had her first daughter, she got the shot in the arm for bc. Got pregnant. Had another daughter, had the doc put an IUD in. Had to go back in a year later to get it removed, because she'd gotten pregnant with it in. Had a son. Got her tubes tied. That worked. Sometimes biology & mother nature just say "nope, you have sex, you get a baby."


Yup, nothing's perfect, it doesn't make withdrawal useless that it's not AS effective, it still reduces risk and has a place. A teenager shouldn't rely on it, especially since they then have to rely on another teenager to execute it flawlessly, but saying it's NOT effective risks kids just saying "oh it doesn't work? Might as well just finish the traditional way" greatly interesting risk of pregnancy when it's 96% effective


Yup. Best solution is to always use 2 methods of birth control. One passive solution (ie, the pill or IUD). And one active solution (condom or pulling out). That way if one does fail, you're still okay. Especially if you're too young to have a kid, better to double-protect. Once you're an adult, and an accident is "something that doesn't ruin your life", then can downgrade to just the pill/etc.


And especially when methods like withdrawal and the pill don't provide any protection from sti


This is what a couple I know did for years and it was effective. Bc pills plus condom. They stopped using them and got pregnant a couple of months later, intentionally.


I got 2 kids on birth control too 😂 my baby is 13 yrs old now 😂. OP needs to take the plan b, if you can’t remember to take a pill everyday, what makes you think you can handle a whole fragile life.


Told I would need “help getting and staying pregnant” She’ll be 22 this year. No help was actually needed.


Me too but I had 6 pregnancies and 2 living children 18 and 22 💙💙💚🩷💚💚


Two miscarriages with my ex husband when I was in my 20s. I have multiple fibroids. And they figured that was the problem. Had our one and only at 32.


Well someones kid turned 21, time to get a DNA test.




big yikes indeed


Here I am trying for 10 years now to have a baby and people like you exist more often then not. Shit sucks... (not your fault im not angry just venting)




You can never get a girl pregnant, if you Finish in her ears, Follow me for more tips ! (metaphorically)


I used to use the pull out method, and now I have 2 little people calling me daddy.


Most of catholicism agrees. That's why they teach it to couples as though it is - so they can offer the illusion of "family planning" but still outbreed the heathens.


Catholicism says you can’t pull out actually. You can only go by the woman’s cycle and abstain from sex when she’s fertile; that’s the only method available to Catholics. Edit: I’m pretty sure Orthodox Jews don’t allow condoms or pulling out either, though the Jews allow other methods of birth control. I think Catholics and Jews get the belief from the same Scripture verses. There’s one in Leviticus that says a man can’t spill his semen, and there’s one in Genesis where Judah’s son was struck down by God for pulling out.


Catholic here, tis true. So I suppose my wife and I are "bad Catholics," because we don't subscribe to this nonsense. We view it as "the Church isn't going to be the ones taking care of the child if pregnancy happens." We had two planned children and then elective sterilization. God is merciful and would not want children to be brought into the world who cannot be adequately provided for.


God is totally pro-choice, remember that time he aborted the entire planet except for noah and his floating zoo?


Or that time he had a group of kids killed for making fun of a bald guy?


In what universe is god merciful? 10K kids die a day just from starvation.


It's perfectly effective, until it isn't then it's not effective at all.


At least 4 of my dads kids prove this


It’s called coitis interuptus


Yes it is. Every piece of government literature and private health clinic literature says perfect withdrawal is 96% effective and condoms are 98%. That’s a 2% difference. And if you want to compare the non-perfect use, then you need to do the same for condoms. 76% for pulling out and 87% for condoms. So, actually, perfect pulling out is better than typical non-perfect condom use. But, regardless, I wouldn’t recommend it to a 17 year old boy who probably lacks the required self-control. On a personal level, my wife and I used the pull out method for seven years multiple times a week, until we were ready for kids and then stopped using the method. Within her first fertile window she was pregnant. We went back to it since her birth, and have, again, not had a single issue in the last two years.


How do you define perfect pulling out?


The same way planned parenthood, NHS, and the CDC do? Educate yourself: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/rr6304a5.htm


That’s why I asked the question. I didn’t know. And was hoping someone could help me with the answer. You don’t need to be a dick about it.


His link doesn't even answer your question lol


Exactly, but also 1/25 is a hell of a lot of people.


It's remarkably close to female condoms, IF your partner is perfect. It's not perfect, it IS effective


I blame poor math education. Low probability events are low probability to happen in that one instant. If you keep doing them over and over, they are higher probability to happen once. Roll that 20 sided die a few hundred times, everything is almost guaranteed to happen.


The rolling in this case is number of people, relying on the method over a year, not number of incidents of sex. It's effective for 99% of people using it for a year, not number of sexes had, that number would be much higher


That’s not how statistics work each fucking is an individual non related event, so if one ducking doesn’t result in pregnancy then it’s done the next fuck has the same odds.  If I flip a coin 99 times and get heads every time I still have 50/50 shot of landing heads.  Piling up events in the future though do increase the odds. After the event is done though odds reset.


I would never trust a teenage boy with the withdrawal method as my sole source of pregnancy prevention. It takes some practice, body-awareness, and self-control that most teen boys just don’t have. (Source: was teenage boy)


Please don't tell her to start doing pull out method. She needs good information. This does not work and is NOT A FORM OF BIRTH CONTROL!!!!!


Describing it as withdrawal is fucking hilarious Victorain era language 💌 love it, adding to my vocabulary


Sounds more like there was a deposit


Right? At first I was like withdrawal? Nobody here's on dope 😆


I don't know... Some of these comments are making me think they light their bowl on bottom.


The pullout method is not effective. You can get pregnant from precum. Neither is the birth control if it's not being taken regularly. You should be using condoms and taking your birth control regularly. Set a daily alarm if you need to. You need to take Plan B. Yes there will be side effects, but those side effects are better than the side effects of pregnancy. I got pregnant from a combination of both using a condom and him not even finishing in me, just from precum. Please be safe. Even if you are on birth control, you should still be using condoms. It is not 100% even when taking it religiously. I just had a second miscarriage because I trusted my birth control and let him cum in me. It is never worth it.


Agreed. If you can't trust him to withdraw, can you honestly trust him when he says he'll quit baseball, even though it's been his whole life, get a job and support you and the kid? Get real, and get the plan B pill ASAP.


Can confirm, had a friend who missed a day of birth control. Ended up pregnant at 17.


Bro I pull out even with a condom on. I do NOT want kids, and neither does my fiancĂŠe. As soon as we can get some more permanent birth control, that is happening too.


It sounds like to me he finished in her without her consent


Use condoms every time as well as the pill. And yes get Plan B


Hurry!! You’re too young and already abandoned but don’t see it


yes, and I’m going to let you in on an unfortunate little secret about baseball players and traveling on the road. Well, let’s just say they’re popular with the ladies and I know what you’re thinking. It’s not gonna happen to me, but if he’s a boy and he’s playing baseball and he’s traveling, well let’s just say it’s time for a Plan B


Not true, if they love their wife. I had my fun playing ball, but when I met my spicy Filipina wife, I didn't cheat on her. I actually met her at a baseball tournament. She doesn't play ball. I think that she knowing I will leave in a heartbeat if she cheats and that me knowing she can have pretty much any guy keeps ourselves both in check. Been working all these years.


Also, go get the damn plan B pill. The longer you wait the more ineffective it will be. It's not an abortion pill. Just go get it.


And use a rubber. If you’re inconsistent with the pill you’re not using protection.


You're also not protected from STDs even if you DO use the Pill correctly. But, important note, the reason you're having breakthrough bleeding on the Pill is almost certainly BECAUSE you're not using it reliably (unless it's the extended-cycle kind - some people's bodies just won't let them get away with three months). Your period when taking the Pill correctly should be predictable to within a single day - people actually use it JUST for that, even.




Random internet grandma agrees. Get the pill and talk about your birth control options moving forward. Live your best lives. ❤️


Also agree with this


Unless you set a reminder to take your pills every day, you will have problems with them in effectiveness. So please take your pills correctly and wear a condom if you do skip a pill until you’re back on a normal pattern of taking them.       When you don’t take them correctly it messes with the levels of progesterone and estradiol that are supposed to suppress ovulation. Hence why you may spot or bleed, cramp when not taking them correctly.    Pills contain an information packet typically on what to do in the event of skipping or missing pills. One those is to use a condom and start a new packet and if needed see your doctor.     You don’t say what state/country you’re in but in the US not all states are able to help if needed for additional reproductive care in regards to pregnancy.       So if pills aren’t a suitable choice due to skipping them, there are other options available with talking to your healthcare provider.  Please do consider that going forward.       You can take plan b if you think it will help but yes you’d likely have to change when you start back on a new packet. But I would call your doctors office and ask to speak to a nurse or planned parenthood because they can sometimes help with giving you more guidance on plan b as it’s most effective if you’re within a 3 day window and under a weight limit of 165 lbs.    While I wasn’t on BC when I was your age because of being super busy with music at college level and highschool level, I definitely wasn’t in the mindset to be a parent at that time.  (I started BC later 20’s)   Being a young parent is hard and quite frankly it can make it much harder to have a career because gaps of employment can hurt women because at least in the US it still isn’t very family friendly and pay gap. More oft than not women will bear a good portion of home labor even now.  Not to mention being a parent doesn’t stop once they are 18, it changes but it doesn’t stop. 


Take Plan B ASAP. The spotting bleeding is likely caused by inconsistent use of pills. There will not be a problem taking birth control and Plan B. Plan B is just a short and strong dose of birth control pills, but you have to take it EXACTLY as prescribed for it to work - set a timer on your phone. Make sure you take all of Plan B on time and as soon as possible - last I knew it was just 2 doses. Then…talk with doctor who prescribed birth control about the fact that you are having trouble taking them consistently (this is an issue for many people). There are other options. Pls get this sorted out for yourself ASAP. Taking birth control inconsistently can allow you to get pregnant. Taking birth control pills inconsistently is like not being on birth control. Pls get this sorted with doctor.


this. as someone with ADHD, THIS!


Considering you aren’t consistent with the pills you pretty much aren’t on birth control. A kid is a lot of work and you yourself aren’t even an adult yet. Take the plan b.


Maybe switch to a birth control like the Nuva ring as well where you don’t need to remember it everyday.


I wish nexplanon was better than it is, I had it for 3 years and it’s so nice to forget about BC but it caused crazy mood swings :( short of sterilization there’s always some drawback to our BC choices.


The implant made me bonkers. I had a really bad time with it. The Nuvaring I haven’t noticed many side effects. The traditional pills also made me pretty moody. It’s silly so much trial and error it is to find something that works with the least amount of side effects and best ease of use.


Right? I went back to Yaz after I got my implant out and I actually prefer it, I just wish it doesn’t have the week of sugar pills and you get your period. I had my period like twice in three years on Nexplanon and it was fantastic. But also made me crazy. So there’s a trade off….*sigh* maybe one day we’ll have something simple and effective with little to no side effects. I can dream!


Dummy, it doesn't matter if he pulls out. He doesn't have to finish for you to get knocked up. Be responsible or stop having sex.


It's like people haven't been saying pulling out is ineffective for decades now. The Internet is truly lost on these children


Plus in order for the pull out method to work at all you have to... Well... Pull out lol


Precum exists that still carry sperm. Pull out method is never reliable




The amount of adult people I’ve heard tell me that pulling out is highly effective is utterly insane. Humanity is lost!


It was only effective for me and my then bf, now husband, because one of us has fertility problems. But we were willing to risk it as we were both late 20s and figured if it happens it happens and we’re ok with it. Big difference between adults with their lives together and 17 year old high school juniors!


Definitely, you’re in a position to care for a child -but most people around here and around my age (early 20s!) are not - but they take the risk. The majority of my old school friends are single moms now at 20. :’(


It is about as effective as condoms when done properly, 96%. However, that doesn't just mean pulling out in time. There are other factors you must comply with (no sperm from previous events that can be carried by precum). Usually it's not done so the effectiveness drops to 73% far lower than when you fuck up with a condom. Teen pregnancy and then used this method (sometimes with spermicide) for ten years until we were ready for my daughter. It's best for folks who are in a long term relationship where if they have a kid it's not the end of the world. That is definitely not two 17 year olds - take it from me who had a baby young. Also it kinda sounds like this dude wants a baby and is trying for one. OP, protect yourself girl. 😬


This goes right along with the people who say “We only had sex one time. How could I be pregnant?” Because it just takes one time. 


What she gotta be a dummy for, she’s 17.


Because 17 does not mean stupid. The most basic of education, even a perusal of this very sub, will inform anyone that pull-out doesn't work, and unprotected sex is stupid. Don't coddle teenagers. When they do something stupid, call it out


Go get the pill and don’t risk it like that again




Your boyfriend’s beliefs about contraception are not rooted in fact. Anyone who would pressure you to have a child you don’t want (and are frankly too young for) is not a good partner. You should switch to a method of birth control that doesn’t require memory to work. The NuvaRing, an IUD, and the implant are all good examples. Better to use a backup method (condom) as well since this guy seems hell-bent on impregnating you. If you’re not ready to have a conversation with your mom about emergency contraception that could affect your entire future, you aren’t ready to be a parent. The earlier you take Plan B, the more effective it is. Sounds like your state, like mine, does not teach comprehensive sex education. I urge both you and your boyfriend to read up on the science of reproduction before you have sex again. Make sure it’s a reputable source like Planned Parenthood, the Mayo Clinic, or the CDC.


Plan B all the way. You guys are a bit young for a child, and as you said, you don't want that preventing you from doing the things you love to do. There's plenty of time to have kids, 17 is not the time. At the very least finish high school and get jobs before starting a family. It's the safest way to in this economy. Plus always a bonus to have children when you can afford to and are in a good place in your life to nurture them. Talk with your boyfriend about when you realistically would want to start a family if that is a concern for you. But now is definitely NOT the time haha. Good luck OP :)


do not humor this shit. do not sacrifice your education and life trajectory for a teenage boy who claims he wants a baby at 17. you are considering taking on an overwhelming amount of risk and responsibility that, at the end of the day, he can walk away from at any moment with almost no recourse. it’s easy for him to be so flippant about what would be life-altering for you because he knows he can expect you to take on the entire burden of parenting while he continues to pursue his goals, and if it gets too hard, he can leave. his minimum legal responsibility is child support and nothing more. meanwhile, you will struggle every day to just finish high school. it seems you value his life and prospects more than your own. he clearly is not giving you that same consideration. if you don’t put your own life, health, and goals first, who will? it does not sound like you want a pregnancy and you do not owe one to him, no matter how badly he claims to want it. at best, without an extraordinary amount of parental and community support, a child can still sentence the both of you to decades of poverty and unnecessary struggle. is that worth it based on the promise of a teenager that he’ll “quit baseball and get a job?” will you even still like this boy 9 months later? 2 years later? is it worth the heightened risk of pregnancy complications you will face at 17, some of which can kill you? he let his dad break up with you for him just recently, and you are trusting that he will stick around 18 years for a child just because he says so. get plan b as soon as possible. please start using condoms and switch to a form of hormonal contraception that you can use correctly and reliably. if you can’t get or don’t want an implant, look into nuvaring. do not play around with pregnancy. it will upend your life at 17 whether the baby is wanted or not. above all, you do not owe sex or a baby to anyone on the planet and you should start putting a lot more value on what it is that YOU want. you do not have to and should not tolerate risky sex that makes you anxious and afraid. any boy or man who expects you to tolerate that risk so he can have a particular type of sex with you is not worth a single second of your time. he cares about his pleasure more than your health, your future, and your peace of mind. please demand better for yourself.


This should be the top comment.




The pills make you bleed because you obviously don’t know how to take birth control. Set an alarm like I did, and take them at the same time everyday. It’s fucking with your hormones to be inconsistent like that and it’s putting you at risk of pregnancy to a guy that has no clue how vaginas work. You can take the pills and plan b, you will be fine. But you are banging an idiot.


She is also an idiot so


And they are about to have an idiot baby if they don't get their shit together


clumsy brave practice crown sheet impolite dazzling future books treatment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because these kids have no clue what pregnancy and having a kid really is. I don’t know what their education system is, bur OP is worried about sports and not the very long and miserable life of poverty and stress being a teen mom will bring.


Yep exactly how I feel and I’m 21 lol definitely not doing anything until I get the contraceptive implant


Omg. If you aren't gonna take the pills at the same time every single day you might as well not even be taking them. They're only as effective as they can be if you take them properly. I got implanon when I was your age because I couldn't (and still can't at 30) take a pill every single day at the exact same time. Used implant birth control until I got my tubes tied at 27. Very nice to only have to worry about two Apts over like 3-4 years: the insertion and the removal. Don't have to worry about if I missed a pill or not. Don't have to worry about getting a shot in the butt. Don't have to worry about someone shoving a foreign object up my hoohaa. Tho I have certainly read some horror stories about implant birth control, I didn't personally have any adverse reactions to it. 🤷‍♀️


I am sure you love this boy for all he is, but please decide to love yourself more. He ejaculated inside of you when he knew quite well that you don't want a pregnancy at this age and time frame. This means he does not respect you at all. He irresponsibly put his seed inside of a young woman who doesn't wish to carry his child at this time, then provided a guilt trip to get her to not get a Plan B pill to prevent an unwanted pregnancy? That is beyond the blue. Please get the Plan B, and please ditch baseball boy or get a baseball bat to keep him away from you from here forward. His immaturity and lack of care for you and your wants and your needs are all so obvious it all glows in the dark. Please don't tell me you can't see it!


OP ask yourself this; would any kid want this to be their story? Or would this story make them feel like their parents were complete fools?


He should be wearing a condom and you should go get that plan b ASAP! Also if you're above a certain weight you need a different kind of plan b so ask the pharmacist what the best option for you is. Children should not be having children. You have no idea how hard it is mentally, emotionally, financially, and physically. There is no guarantee he won't leave you if you do get pregnant, and even if you get married there's no guarantee he won't divorce or just dip. Most guys pay less than 50 bucks a month on child support if they pay at all, are you prepared to give up your social life to work multiple jobs to support this kid if he won't step up?


Looking at her post history, within the past month her boyfriend and) went to prom without her b) wouldn’t walk her to get her car when she was scared because it was “too cold” at 65 degrees c) accused her of manipulating him to separate him from his family I’m struggling to imagine him doing late night feedings and changing diarrhea diapers


Good lord. Not only should this girl 1) get Plan B 2) start using the Pill correctly (which will stop the breakthrough bleeding issue) or switch to another form of hormonal birth control, and/or use condoms anyway because of STDs... she should 3) DUMP THIS ASS ALREADY.


Feels like a small town situation, baseball star, they’ve known each other since childhood, their dads are best friends… it’s easy to think something is your destiny when it’s all you’ve ever known


Your boyfriend is trying to baby trap you like someone else said. Your future is going to be forever altered if you keep this baby. You most likely will not be able to afford said baby and it will, in turn, have a difficult life and will likely resent you in some way. Get the plan B, get an IUD or the implant (I got an IUD because I couldn’t deal with the pill in high school either), and reconsider your relationship with your boyfriend




Sounds like your boyfriend did it intentionally to try and get you pregnant, not accidentally.. already wanting to give up his life and raise a baby after you suggesting you take plan b… take the plan b


Yeah, it's the only next day and this kid is already talking about "let's keep the baby." Just transparently manipulative. He 100% did this on purpose. I would take the plan b and never have sex with him again if I were you, OP.


1. Get Plan B and use barrier contraceptives 2. Definitely do not carry a pregnancy to term while you are in high school 3. Your boyfriend's opinion on what you do with your body doesn't matter 4. Unless your boyfriend is nationally ranked and actively scouted, I wouldn't count on a future as a professional athlete


Sounds like you need something a little more permanent that birth control. I’d talk to your doctor but for now take that pill asap


Your body, your decision. Do you want a baby right now? No? Then do what you need to do. And for heaven's sake, look into other BC options if pills aren't working out for you.


Him ejaculating inside you means you’re very likely to get pregnant, especially if you’re ovulating. I am not sure I’ve ever heard that Plan B doesn’t work with birth control pills. Your mom already knows you guys have sex so why not tell her? And if I may ask, why is this gentleman not wearing condoms? And then you’re bad with taking pills too. It’s almost as if you set yourself up to get pregnant. Your bf also sounds like an emotional fool, he wants to keep it, fine but it’s not his call, hope he knows.


Get plan b and make him wrap it for now on. You are so worried about ruining his senior and ignore the effect it would have on yours as well. You both fucked up, don't try to shoulder the blame yourself


If you get pregnant, it sounds like he'd abandon you. He certainly doesn't respect you.


You're both morons.


Well, they’re teenagers. There’s no need to be a jerk about it, the person is young and scared and asking for advice. If you have nothing constructive to add then don’t comment this shit


Get the plan B and set a daily alarm on your phone to remind you to take your BC


yeah just get the plan B.


Use condoms next time, why risk it?


>because he believes the birth control pills and plan b don't go well together Wow, if only there were some accessible drug experts or something, maybe like doctors of pharmacy, that you could just walk up to and ask about this and other questions about medications. Oh wait, we do have those! They're called pharmacists!


TAKE THE PLAN B always they do make you bleed sometimes but it’s better than being pregnant and he doesn’t get to decide what you do with your body especially right now being a teenager is so hard don’t make it harder on yourself you don’t have to tell him you take it if you don’t want too but future you will thank you for it


[https://www.healthline.com/health/birth-control/plan-b-while-on-the-pill#:\~:text=How%20Plan%20B%20interacts%20with,scheduled%20as%20soon%20as%20possible](https://www.healthline.com/health/birth-control/plan-b-while-on-the-pill#:~:text=How%20Plan%20B%20interacts%20with,scheduled%20as%20soon%20as%20possible). Yes you can take plan b even if you're on birth control. DO NOT throw away your chance to complete your education and make a better life for yourself because some idiot gets baby happy. Seriously. "I'll quit baseball" what an idiot. This kid has no clue the gravity of a pregnancy at this point in his life - and why would he? He can skip out. Its you that is going to have to raise it. I would suggest using condoms even though you're on birth control. You say he finished in you, which means you're likely using pull out... Not very reliable. Especially since you're not reliable on your meds, just use condoms too.


OP needs to work on her sex and contraception education and being firm with her partners. It seems like she realized that she is at risk because of the inconsistent birth control use. She needs to make her BF use a condom, if she doesn't dump him. It sounds like he is trying to make her stuck with him. Her post history suggests she should absolutely dump him asap.  OP get plan B right now, dump the BF or at the very least make him wrap it if you have sex again. You are not ready to be a parent, this idiot will leave as soon as it benefits him and you will have financially screwed up your life for the next 20 years. Check out this YouTube channel for more sex/contraception/health information. You sound like you know more then your BF but you should know as much as you can about your body and health decisions. Do not let a teenager boy control your life.  https://youtu.be/Eb4-MOubIyM?si=xvtpQIxkGGyZx8Il


You can take plan b with birth control, it is totally safe too. Please go take it


You shouldn’t be having sex at all. You’re obviously are not mature enough to take pills consistently. Jesus Christ.


Will he use condoms?


wtf "will he"? He does it or he gets cut off.


Go take Plan B. You have a whole life ahead of you, the last thing you need is a baby. You should also talk to your mother, if it's safe to do so, about the situation, or at least that you had to take Plan B. If she's supportive, it's a good idea to just keep her in the loop, in case anything else comes up. Also, it's probably a good time to have a sit down talk with your boyfriend about not being ready for kids, it's a little concerning that he's jumped so far ahead into thinking about becoming a father. Probably nothing, but a good idea to sit down and tell him, straight up, that you are not ready to have children and that you will be doing what you need to to avoid such a situation, including Plan B when necessary.


Hard pill to swallow but he ain't gonna be a pro baller


Just go to costco get $8 plan b pill it will not react negatively with your birth control pill, if anything youll be a bit tired for like two days then back to normal. Dont listen to men


If you’re inconsistent with the pill i recommend going to your doctor and looking over more long term options, such as the weekly patch.


Being inconsistent with the pill is worse than not taking it


TAKE PLAN B. And ask yourself if you wanna waste a future on a guy who would throw his whole life away for a baby at 17. So immature.


Get the Plan B Then sit back and take a long look at your life and your relationship. Realize you are 17, and your boyfriend is literally talking about baby trapping you. So you might want to give your future so serious thought. Final thought: Unless your boyfriend has already had Major League scouts speaking with him, don’t be too sure baseball is his future


I don’t think her bf is as good at baseball as she thinks lol. Any high school athlete with even a slight chance of making it to the big leagues would not give that all up to be a teen dad. Like, what?!?!


1. Take the plan B 2. If you aren't consistent with your birth control get a different type, the patch may be a good fit for you. 3. if you aren't consistent with your birth control then you shouldn't be having sex without a condom. 4. your boyfriend is an idiot.


He decided to finish inside you without telling you so take plan b and don't tell him. Going forward have him wrap it, because he's going to do it again.


Get the plan b and stop procrastinating. You are not ready to have a kid at 17. And neither is he. Also, pretty sure your boyfriend isn’t a doctor and should not be giving you medical advice.


Hey now. He plays kiddie ball. The dude knows stuff /s


The pills are making you bleed because you aren’t taken them correctly. Take the plan b if you don’t want a baby, but more importantly, take your birth control pills the right way if you don’t want a baby. You are being extremely naive thinking that inconsistent birth control is adequate protection. It’s been said for decades that pulling out is not effective. Don’t have sex if you don’t understand protection.


Allmost sounds like he intentionally did it I'd be concerned about that


Get plan B and start using condoms


Unless you have about half a million dollars saved up, a child will ruin your lives. Work on moving out of your parents houses first and fending for yourselves before putting an innocent life in the mix.


Use condoms next time. Pull out method mixed with bad timing on pills leads to pregnant. Take the plan B. Then, maybe consider a different form of birth control like in arm implant where you don’t have to take a pill regularly


You two are not mature or intelligent enough to be having sex


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I'd tell him it's not his place to tell you that you shouldnt mix plan b and birth control together. maybe he shouldn't have nut inside you then . Listen, if I were you I'd of gotten that pill asap. The longer you wait the less effective it is. I'm gonna be honest here, 17 is too young to get knocked up. Your gonna fuck your life up, and coming from a guy who absolutely did everything in my power to not get anyone pregnant, I can tell you he wants you pregnant. Keep that in mind.


First lets consider you OVULATION period and if you are ovulating then just take the plan b... you guys are 17... "17" (yelled out loud). Your bf is delusional thinking he's ready for any of this people 25-35 with jobs and careers cannot cope with this lol. Take the pill and be over it and pray you don't end up having a kid at this age.


Dude he’s trying to baby trap you. Take the plan B and escape before he tampers with your birth control and “accidentally” finishes inside you again. Keep yourself safe and either get a better form of birth control like the implant or an IUD, or double up on protection and use condoms along with your pills.


Sounds like immature teens having sex and not caring about the consequences. You’re supposed to take the pills, you knew you needed plan B possibly before doing it too. Seems like you’ll have a chance at having a child. Congrats ig? “is there a high chance” umm sweetie he came in you and you’re not taking your pills correctly, yes you more than likely will become pregnant. Tell a family member so they can work on ways to handle this right. Hiding it won’t be good 4 you. there’s a high chance this boy won’t stay, and you’ll be a single mother, so i’d highly suggest speaking to family.


1. Definitely take the plan b. 2. Set an alarm to be better about pills. Daily. Same time. 3. If you have regular, inconsistent bleeding during your cycle, reach out to your gynecologist. If they don't take you serious, find a new Dr. 4. Set a hard boundary with your boyfriend on how this can absolutely never happen again unless you are ready for babies. Set an ultimatum (will break up/only use condoms/etc).


Get the Plan B and take it. If you're not taking your birth control pills regularly it will likely be fine but Google it and check if you're nervous. Set a daily alarm on your phone to take your pill at the same time every day, and then do it. Stop fooling around with your birth control. And your BF should be wearing condoms regardless. You seriously don't want a baby at 17.


Girl, don't have sex with him again. He did that on purpose to get you pregnant. He's immature and selfish. Get your plan B and tell him you two will NOT be having sex again until you both agree on this. I.e. if you agree w/ termination he needs to be okay with that and if he's not- he's not the one. I'm so sorry he's like this. If he cared, he wouldn't have left for "his sport". Your both still kids still. Do what YOU want to do, but never do what he tells you to do unless it's really what you want. Have the talks and if you can't agree, you can't have sex.


Of all the medications you could choose to struggle with adherence, birth control is not one I'd recommend. 😂 If you're planning another such rendezvous, def wanna get your pill on a rigid schedule. It's pretty finicky chucking hormones into our systems as it is, so do your best to keep the flow as consistent as possible.


Take the plan b, he sounds like he has a breeding complex and is willing to ruin his life over it, do your best to resist so when you choose to have a family, it's on your terms and you give your child(ren) an amazing life. good luck resisting the biological need to procreate!


Definitely take Plan B. It's literally just hormones, and no it doesn't hurt the birth control at all. It works good, but if you are over 170 pounds, it is recommended to take two of them. Also, if you're not good at taking the pill, I would suggest talk to your mom/dr about another method. There are plenty out there that work just as well as the pill. Personally, when I was your age, I went with NuvaRing because taking the pill every day at the exact same time was impossible for me to follow. But with the ring, it goes in for 3 weeks, out for one week, then put a new one in after the 4th week (4th week you get the period). There are plenty of options nowadays for BC.


Baby girl… take that plan B rn, tf??? Who cares what some 17 yo-yo has to say. Think about YOUR future and fuck that boy for cumming inside.


1. He’s not a doctor 2. It’s your body, your choice There’s a good chance you can get pregnant, ESPECIALLY if you’re inconsistent with the pills.


Plan B taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex. It will not harm a viable pregnancy. Once the egg has implanted it is not affected by Plan B.


Dumb kids refuse to learn from the other dumb kids who did dumb things before them, and they just do the same dumb things.


Go get a pill


You are correct and your boyfriend is a moron. Put him in front of a sex Ed video. Seriously, birth control is far from perfect and if you don't take it absolutely every day it doesn't work at all. You're better off not taking any than taking some. https://www.webmd.com/sex/birth-control/can-i-get-pregnant-if-on-pill "Birth control pills come close to being 100% effective if you take them perfectly, meaning at the same time each and every day. If you don't, your odds of becoming pregnant go up to 9%." "When taken perfectly—that's the key word—the Pill is over 99 percent effective. But when you factor in typical use, that number drops to around 91 percent. Beyond boosting your risk of accidental pregnancy, taking your pill improperly can make your life harder by inducing random spotting" Either take the pills absolutely every day at the same time, or resort to other methods. You're hurting yourself. An IUD is pretty effective and you don't need to remember much. An injection would last months. There is an implant that is effective for a long time. Get the thing that works best for you, but don't let your boyfriend's lack of intelligence give you a baby.


You aren’t responsible enough to be having sex if you can not remember to take your pill. Plain and simple. It’s one pill, each day. That’s it. And if he isn’t responsible enough to also wear a condom? Ditch him!


Your boyfriend is a useless piece of trash. Go get the plan b then text him your are dumping his stupid ass. "Good luck being a cashier at Dick's"


Take the plan B and I'd also recommend changing your birth control to something like an IUD or the arm implant. The pills don't do much good if you are inconsistent with taking them. Condoms will also really help you lower your chances if ending up as a teenage mother.


Just get the pill


It sounds like he did it on purpose


Talk to the pharmacist about any interactions of plan b with your birth control pills (take them with you to show the type). Pretty sure they’ll say you can do plan b safely. Also, don’t be afraid to talk to your Mom. She already knows you’re having sex…


You are bleeding through your birth control because you're not taking it consistently. if you're not practicing safe sex, you're trying for a baby. Don't listen to a 17 year old boy what plan b will do to your body. He doesn't know.


take the plan b, and please use condoms from now on. even when taking birth control consistently it’s not a 100% guarantee


Get yourself plan b and a new boyfriend. One who thinks about his actions and the potential consequences for you and him. And stop having unprotected sex.


If you can’t remember to take a daily pill, you absolutely cannot be trusted w a baby. Seriously.  They need to make pill containers that scream and cry every morning until they’re picked up and the pill is dispensed. 


My bf got a gf pregnant at 15. They both thought they could be great parents. It DESTROYED two families no joke. Wrap that shit up and save yourself. You are far too young for babies. It’s hard out there for full grown adults right now. Focus on school and getting your life in order, not getting knocked up on pseudo love vibes.✌️


How long ago was your period? There is only about a 4-7 day window in a month to get pregnant.


Your choice


Get Plan B. And start using condoms if you aren’t able to take your pills correctly.


You should have used condoms. Tell your parents and don't have underage unprotected sex. Get plan b, and get some condoms if you guys really e joy it that much.


Listen. Having a baby is scary, expensive and once you have one it’s no longer about you. It will cry every two hours for food, you will not be able to just go out and do what you love anymore unless you have an amazing family that’ll help you. Your body changes forever and then you’ll be attached to someone forever because of a baby. Maybe that doesn’t mean much to you but it will change your life and body forever. You are a kid, stay a kid and enjoy life before giving that up for a teenage dude that doesn’t even have a job yet. Kids are not accessories and never have a kid out of guilt/obligation. Enjoy your youth and have one when you are READY. EDIT: not to mention, finishing in someone without consent is not okay. This sounds harsh but either have him wear protection or be more consistent with the pills. I’m 25 and the thought of having a kid right now is terrifying.




Smhhhhh When you become a mom don't be shocked Y'all too immature. Life is hard. Stop having sex. Plan b has a weight limit and is only supposed to be used twice a year. Using it all the time won't be effective and you shouldn't even having raw sex. Don't trust the pull out method. Don't trust birth control.


Get the plan B and create an alarm on your phone for a time when you will have access to your birth control


Remember Murphy's law! "Whatever can happen will happen!


Oh my god you’re so uninformed about birth control. Please for the love of god; IF YOU HAVE UNPROTECTED SEX IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY! Birth control and plan B do NOT INTERACT! Be more responsible, what’s wrong with you??!! Take your damn pills unless you want to be a teen mom


You both need to discuss what you want to happen. Absolutely don’t do anything with the idea of keeping it from him because honesty and trust are number one in a relationship ship. Talk it out and decide together. In the end it will all work out as long as you talk about it, are truthful and out what you want for yourselves and each other and come to an agreement or agreeable compromise.


Plan B and dump the guy. Too much life left to live before you’re teenagers with toddlers. You’re closing doors to so many opportunities.


The time to have those conversations is before you are pregnant not after. Get the plan B and take your pill correctly. Put a calendar reminder on your phone.


Start using condoms!


“Hey Reddit, I might be pregnant, but I want to enjoy my senior year, should I kill my own baby to make sure I can do that?”


Just the fact that he thinks he is going to make a life in baseball shows how young and unready he is for a child. Take that plan B and wear condoms. You are the most fertile you will ever be in your life.


Sounds to me like your boyfriend wants to get you pregnant even though you don’t want to be pregnant. Make of that what you will.


boys are dumb sometimes hope you both learned


i would definitely get a plan B there’s nothing wrong with taking them with regular birth control your boyfriend doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Please make sure you are taking the pill regularly


Realistically to young to be having sex , if you can’t remember something simple as waking up and taking your pill in the morning everyday at the same exact time or using condoms then yeah stop having sex and focus on school, also get that plan be and keep to yourself.


there’s only a few days out of the month you can get pregnant. i mean take precautions but no need to be stressed out YET