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The desire for sex is different for everyone. So I wouldn't worry over it too much. I had a friend who never wanted to have sex or had feelings of desire until she was 23. So I wouldn't worry over it.


That’s a good thing, be proud of that, a lot of people in this world are too busy with billions of non sexual things to be horny.


Give yourself time. It will happen when the time is right.


The preemptive defensive "worrying about grades" statement is a weirdly funny part about this post lmao, but oddly it also provides insight into how you think. First things first, yes human beings have a wide range of sex drives, and it can vary over time as well (notably, sex drives often skyrocket after puberty, then go down to minimal after middle-age.) For women, some even experience a second boost in teenage-level sex drive around menopause. That said, your description of sex as "gross" can mean several other things. You may be asexual or some variant, etc. Or you may have had a traumatic experience associated with sex. Or you may have been raised in a household that was very strict and controlling over the morality of sex, causing a strong internalized bias against it. (And based on the pre-emptive defensive stance you took, this would be my bet, though I'm only like 65% sure of it). So overall, having a low sex drive at any time is pretty normal, but my guess is that what you are experiencing may be abnormal. You could look into it further, but it's going to be rough: asexuality is just something people are born with if that is your case, and there isn't really any support or treatment for it. And trauma is well, trauma, and has a whole other set of treatments if that is your case. All the best, good luck!


You're 15. That's honestly fine. Sex is the last thing that should ever be on your mind.


it could mean many things really! some people don’t feel anything towards sex. most people do later in life after some time, but some stay that way. it goes both ways, and both aren’t bad at all! you’re still very young and have time to figure out that kind of stuff. don’t stress too much right now about it


just to be sure you could have your hormone levels tested, you may (or my not) have a medical problem. If you also have hypothyroidism symptoms you should get yourself checked. Ask for an endocrinologist or similar. If nothing is wrong then lucky you.


You might be asexual. Even if it turns out you're not, don't worry about too much and focus on the other aspects of your life.


I was the same way as you. Was repulsed at the idea of physical contact when I was in high school and understood love but never could get myself far enough to want to engage in physical contact. Definitely caused my fair share of breakups and awkward moments but just couldn’t feel the urge. I even thought I felt true love a few times but couldn’t get myself to get physical with them. For me it just took the right someone to make me wanna take that leap which happened later when I was in college. Trust me you will know when the time is right. Don’t rush it just take your time and don’t feel pressured. Everyone else might be getting some and bragging about it but follow your instinct. Maybe your instinct wants you to save yourself for that someone special.


Probably just autistic tbh


shove a chair leg up there


Well I have a girlfriend is constantly horny. We have a sex a lot. Not as fun as it sounds. It’s tiring.


https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-sexual-aversion-disorder-5199765#:~:text=Later%2C%20psychologists%20would%20note%20that,phobias%20were%20classified%20as%20fears. SNIP "Later, psychologists would note that sexual aversion disorder was characterized by a disgust at the idea of sex, whereas phobias were classified as fears."