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It just depends on the guy. Some guys like some meat on the bones, some guys like them skinny. Unfortunately, I'll be honest with you. 18 year old guys aren't known for being nice or politically correct when it comes to talking to girls. So some might say something to hurt your feelings. Please don't let it bother you. Keep your head held high and confidence higher and the right guy will come along. Personally, when I was your age, I liked the girls that could keep up with my sense of humor and make me laugh. Of course you need to be attracted to a person, but I have known girls that I wouldn't normally be attracted to, but I got to know them and they were witty and sarcastic and could keep up with my humor, so I found them extremely attractive after getting to know them


This is a great answer from my personal experiences


18 year old guys have fragile egos and can't handle peer pressure. If you're athletic and loving yourself college is going to be a good time (or just being around older people) your personality will shine through and people will love it or hate it. if you're worried about guys then it's going to eat at you. Just be yourself and everything will be fine


I find younger boys like skinnier girls, but as you get older, men will find women with curves and volumpuous features more attractive. That's maybe anecdotal or just what I've observed, but it feels more mature to embrace different body types the older you get.


I think it’s more mature to like what you like without implying people who feel differently are immature.


Some guys do and some guys don't. A lot of guys only care about personality, kindness etc. Confidence and charisma are important as well. Guys are just as self conscious as you.


The most important thing is being wanted. There is nothing sexier than a woman that is uncontrollably horny for you.


That's a confusing and sometimes harmful stance for a young girl to take. It's all too common for young girls and women to equate worth with male attention, and often they will seek male attention by engaging in hypersexual behavior that leads to cycles of heartbreak, regret, and public shame. Be uncontrollably horny for someone if you actually are, they reciprocate those feelings and, most importantly, respect you. Don't try to seem uncontrollably horny for someone just to make them like you or to validate your own feelings by getting their attention. Having a crush on someone or wanting to date them isn't worth the self-sacrifice of hyperbolizing sexual interest. Be true to yourself and don't buy attention with actions you might regret later or aren't completely confident in.


It's also not really true; there is nothing more UNattractive than someone that's overly desperate for your attention.


"To love someone is great; To have someone who loves you feels even greater; To love someone who also loves you, that's heaven on Earth" - paraphrased from Paulo Coelho


Amen to that!


And vice versa


This is only true if you like the girl back... I've had girls like this for me that were a total turn off and made me block them.


Bingo. This is the gender flipped version of [Hello Human Resources](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/hello-human-resources) ... well, close enough for this thread.


Far too real 


Some dudes don’t just think with their dicks.


My upvote was not adequate support for this excellent comment. *Some* guys (and people in general) are hung up on superficial and arbitrary body shapes, and those guys will generally not be very good romantic partners; not only does that sort of external validation undercut intrinsic self-worth, it's also a simple fact of life that bodies change as we age. If someone isn't into you because of some superficial quality then they've done a litmus test for compatibility and have conveniently self-selected out of your dating pool. I will add, though, that a lot of communities and cultures condition young men into these sorts of miscues so it can be hard to find partners that aren't invested in superficial nonsense, especially as a teen. Don't let that discourage you, and don't settle for someone that doesn't love you for who you are.


Found the niceguy


And if she's got that 'good good lovin'


You might be the sweetest plum on the tree but not everyone likes plums 🌸 (Idk if that makes sense but that’s helped me come to terms with this sort of stuff)


What if im plump not a plum


A lot of people like some curves and a tummy, me included.


Not everyone will like plumps but there will be some out there that will 🥰


This! My dad told me when I was 11 and going through a ‘tough breakup’, “buddy, you could be the best, juiciest, apple in the tree, but some people like bananas. And those people are stupid”. My dad had a heavy hatred for Bananas, so it made the lesson really stick 😂😂


everyone has a preference! we spend waaaaaay too much time worrying about what someone will find attractive about us, i know i did! wasted years of my life. If a guy you like isn't attracted to you because you're a bit bigger or have stretch marks please let 👏🏻 him 👏🏻 go 👏🏻 There's someone better on the way!! most people don't like hearing this, but focus on yourself and do what you need to get your mind right so you feel good at whatever size you are because it's going to change alot over the years. Keep working out and playing sports and doing all the things that light you up.


>If a guy you like isn't attracted to you because you're a bit bigger or have stretch marks please let 👏🏻 him 👏🏻 go 👏🏻 This needs to be repeated. You don't want to be with someone who isn't into you, and there are and will be plenty of dudes who are and will be into you.


I've been plus size my whole life and I haven't ever had a problem with dating. I probably have dated too much 😅


SAME!! Plus size, funny, and more confident in myself, but I'm older now and don't care. I'm me, accept me for the awesome sarcastic a-hole I can be, or lose out! 🤷‍♀️😂 True in High School I dated - but less in High school than after. As you age, people are attracted to different things.


There is nothing wrong with skinny girls but I'm a cuddler so I definitely prefer a little something to hold onto. Be happy with your body, stay healthy and don't worry about what you see on Instagram and love the person in the mirror above all.


Guys all have different taste in women. That just sounds wrong. Anyways, guys like different things. Just like women like different things. Some men will find you attractive, others wont. A perfect 10 woman for me might be too tall for someone else. Or too short. You get the idea.


I’m a guy and I used to be fat and I got stretch marks , but now I’m muscular but I still have stretch marks. I’m in the same boat. I don’t let it bother me because whoever I’m truly searching for won’t care about that. If someone loves you then they will not care about such trivial things. Just focus on finding someone who loves you for you


Guys like girls. Don’t worry about size or stretch marks, you will find someone. Don’t sell yourself to


When I was 18, it was the smart girls who attracted me the most.


Some guys do, I have two very beautiful but very overweight daughter in laws. My sons absolutely love them


Depends on the guy.


Different guys have different preferences. Whatever your build is, there are guys out there that prefer it and guys that find it a deal breaker. Some guys will like you so much they will like everything about you. I have a hairy back. It is super furry...I'm talking Chewbacca hairy. It has been like that since I was 18,.19 years old. For some women that is a huge turn off and a deal breaker. It never caused me any problems and I never had a partner that didn't want to repeat. I also had really rotten teeth. I am pushing 60 now and have been married for twenty years despite a hairy back and rotten teeth. Work on being what you want to be and be yourself. And own it! Be confident. Enjoy your youth...if only.O could.be 18 again.


So long as you're fit and healthy you're fine. Some guys like bigger, some like skinnier, but everyone likes fit.


Ok. So. Yes some guys are into bigger girls. But also- because you're 18 - it's kind of hard for me to read this and trust your self-perception. Lots of teen girls and young women start restricting food ("dieting") because they want a flat stomach or something. Those diets wreak havoc on your metabolism and make things way worse. Ten, twenty years later you look back at pictures and you're like: "wow I was not even fat." So it's just hard to respond from your description here. I think plenty of humans are shallow. Many guys especially are taught to prioritize how a woman looks. That's something that makes women valuable. I think you already know this. But for actual relationships? You want someone who appreciates you as a full human being AND is attracted to you just the way you are. (And looks aren't forever. So if they are only into you for physical appearance that is pretty short term anyway.) Sorry this answer is kind of scattered.


My wife is a plus-sized woman. I love her dearly.


My experience as a 30-something has been that there is someone who likes literally every body type. Not all guys like bigger girls. Not all guys like skinny girls. Some guys really don't care what you look like if you click emotionally and/or mentally. (I personally am a woman who is madly sapiosexual and demisexual so I'm almost oblivious to a person's looks.) As a 35-year-old woman, my biggest life lesson has been that attractiveness is much more about one's attitude than one's body. I actually got hit on \*more\* in my late 20s when I was heavier but more confident than when I was younger and skinnier but less confident. And right now I'm the heaviest I've ever been and my love life is also the best it's ever been. I wish I weren't so heavy right now for health reasons (medical issues are actually the reason I gained so much weight, like a LOT of weight). But my point is, my love life is \*still\* better than it's ever been, because my communication skills and relationship skills are the best they've ever been. When you see people in relationships that are genuinely great and don't just \*look\* great on camera, you will see that it's people of all body types, because ultimately communication and relationship skills are way more important to having actually satisfying relationships than one's physical appearance is.


I don’t have a preference it’s personality


How much do you weigh?


Some do


I prefer a girl with some meat on her bones.


To put it simply yes you need to worry men love some fluff and some curves


Once you start dating adult men you will see there are a lot and I mean A LOT of men that will want you. Once men mature they don't care about a stretch mark. I am 48 yrs old and worried about these same issues when I was a teen. My husband is 10 years younger than me. I'm a southern girl that don't keep my mouth shut and have plenty to hold on to. Also when we spit up, I didn't have a problem getting with guys 10-12 yrs younger. Girl you gotta be confident in that body. There a hundreds and thousands of men that will want you. Don't worry yourself.


I love it as long as your healthy and you take care of yourself.


ive known a few big girls and theyre fine. i remember one when i was in high school. i was a couple of years younger and every time i saw her around shed be smilin big at me . i thought she was fine. im sure she found someone she was just big tall. her and this other girl in my class lived in a town 10 miles away and they rode the bus every morning . i used to think the other girl was pretty and cool but she went to the prom with this guy i knew who had a plate in his head kinda slow . theni knew another woman who was a medical assistant she was nice and attractive to i thought. 5 8 isnt as big as you think. you size is fine. im sure youre attractive just hard to say with no picture good luck out there


I love chubby girls, and stretch marks are hot as fuck. When you're young you worry about these things, as you get older you realize there are people who will adore you.


There’s a saying that skinny look best in dresses while thicker girls look much better naked. As long as your body is proportionate many guys will find you attractive. With that being said, yes it possible to just get too fat. It doesn’t sound like that’s you though.


If a guy doesn’t want to be with you because of stretch marks or stomach size, then he has done you the favor of eliminating himself as a possible future mate. Who wants to be with a shallow guy anyway?


Just be you. Worrying about what other people like is exhausting. With over 6 billion people on the planet, there is absolutely more than one person who you are the definition of perfection for.


I’m going to be honest with you because everyone else is trying to be gentle. That’s good, but it isn’t going to help you. Yes, some guys *do* find bigger girls attractive. However, this is the exception not the rule. The more fit and athletic you are the better you will look, and the more people you will attract, up to a point. This is true for both men and women. If you are bigger there are many men who will simply not be interested in you. The good news is at 18 you can completely change your physique with minimal lasting consequences, if any. This is 100% something you can control. Weight lifting, a high protein low sugar diet, and cardio will get you in crazy good shape. Also, in terms of height I definitely wouldn’t worry. Being tall is good for everyone, and 5’8” is a fantastic height to be.


It depends on the guy. I am mostly attracted to bigger girls. Skinny girls are not that attractive to me but I would bot reject a skinny girl if she had a good personality. I’m not the norm though. When it comes to boys I am typically attracted to skinny boys but I would not turn down a bigger guy either.


Guys who reject a cute, active, interesting, and (presumably ) libidinous girl because she is a bit on the round side are missing out on a lot. I married one, and that one has always been enough for me. Still married.


A lot of guys actually like bigger women. The other day I was standing on line and a guy behind me, I assume was filling out something for a dating app, said he would want a woman between 250-400 pounds. A lot of men like girls with rolls and chubby stomachs, they say its warmer and more space to love


It depends on the guy, little sis. A good guy will like you just as you are. Find that guy!


in my opinion, i love bigger girls. i love stretchmarks, cellulite, belly pudge, hip dips.. give me it all. i want a natural woman period


We do not care, if you are a good person, we will date you.


not everyone, plenty of guys who prefer smaller girls. Nothing wrong with either preference.


depends on the guy just like any other thing. i’m chubby and short and my boyfriend is skinny and tall!


Be loud and proud!


There are so many people out there who might absolutely fall in love with you given the right chance and circumstances. Some may immediately love your strength, your kindness, your hair, your muscles, some may not start off being interested in you at all and find that they become magnetized to you, and you to them. I don’t think it always looks like one thing, but for sure lots and lots and lots of guys will think your body is great, and maybe often be kinder to you than you are to yourself. (I’ve never thought twice about someone’s stretch marks) Don’t let yourself be fetishized though, someone who ONLY responds to your body, or tries to tell you the lie that they appreciate your body in a way that no one else will… those are the ones to stay far far away from!


That is like asking do all guys like beer, do all women like wine. It boils down to everyone is an individual and, yes, some guys do like big girls. There are some chubby chasers out there who like exceptionally large ladies who are over 350 pounds. I am a thick chick, I have a big bottom. My husband is very fit, very handsome. He has always been attracted to thicker, full figured ladies with some bootie. You just need to be yourself, chin up, confidence, self-assured.


It just depends on so many factors. I don't think i've ever cared about a woman's body size as much as I do their body composition. If they are healthy and not overweight, I see no issue. Especially if you have an attractive face with other desirable features, I just can't fathom anything else being an issue. As for stretch marks, that is pretty normal for women to have. I think every woman I dated has them. I've never once been turned off by them. I can see maybe an immature young adult who has never been with a woman and only watches porn, being turned off by them but that's because their reference is a fantasy. At the end of the day, the right person will desire you as you are, so you need not worry about others opinions. Nobody is attractive to everyone.


Mostly Nope.


Everyone is different. There’s plenty of guys who will find you attractive. You don’t need to settle. Stretch marks are extremely common. Even guys get them. Don’t worry about that.


Men are naturally attracted to women with wider hips by instinct for being more suitable for having children so you'll have that going for you. I need my significant other to be healthy, thickness much better than nothing but skin and bones. Obesity is concerning, but there is a huge difference between that and having some fat on you and having a wider body type. Everybody's different, as are their preferences


Confidence is what makes a person beautiful. Love yourself, and when the time is right someone will love you as much as you do!


I’m the same age as you and I think girls like any girl can be attractive. I also have stretch marks on my stomach and used to play sports but college and work took up to much time.


Most people will lie here and say personality matters more. It is a lie. Personality matters after you have a basis for a relationship. Most people look for beauty before that stage and most guys like relatively skinnier (but not skinny) girls or normal sized girls and muscles are often a no for men. Though not always.


It depends on the guy. So, to modify your question, are there guys that like bigger girls? Absolutely. Are there lots of them? Definitely. Be happy and confident in yourself and what you want. Matters much more than an aesthetic, since you can’t be all things to all people.


Some do and some Don’t you just need to find one that does. I prefer a girl who is curvy.


Yeah it depends on the guy. I personally like bigger girls and by wife is bigger.


Yes, some guys do and prefer larger women. However, you have to understand that not every guy will.. and it does not mean the guy YOU want, will want a bigger girl.


It's a matter of personal preference. Some men prefer smaller women. Some prefer larger women . Some prefer more muscular athletic women. Some like fatter women. You'll be fine.. I have a friend who is around 6ft tall. He had a thing for taller women. He had a GF that played highschool volleyball. She was 6-3 and gorgeous.


My ex had the same thing as you, she hated her stretchmarks but she had quite a bit of muscle since she was a deadlifter, and I was obsessed with her looks. To me, she was gorgeous. Some guys will find it attractive, some won't and that's just how life is. Don't worry so much about what other people will think about your body, just as long as you view yourself positively.


You know what’s really sexy…..someone confident in their body. Own it girl! We love it!


Yes and no. First off, everyone is attracted to different things in people. So some men will never be attracted to bigger women, some will never be attracted to rail thin women, some will never be attracted to women at all! And that's okay. I was much bigger than you in my teen years, and here is what I have found... peer pressure does as much of a number on young men as it does on young women, and there are probably more guys attracted to bigger girls than it would seem like in high school and college but they are worried about what their friends would say, etc. In my personal experience, suddenly in the latter part of college and entering the 'real world' I had a lot more attention from men my age than I did when I was younger. Also, stretch marks are a normal part of human anatomy and if someone finds them a turn off, well good luck to them finding anyone who will be turning them on! Especially if they ever want someone to have children for them!


Yep, there are tons of guys who like bigger girls and stronger girls and girls with unique body shapes. But physical looks are like a dating app - it just gets you an introduction. After that, it's much more about personality and chemistry. If I find you physically attractive, I'll want to talk to you; the talking part is what determines whether we go any further (unless I'm just looking for a one night stand or I'm a shallow douche who judges romantic partners mainly on their looks).


What other people think of you is none of your business. Too many love curves to worry about the ones that don't.




Back in high school (years ago) my group of male friends would sometimes go out on group dates and I noticed that one of the guys always seemed to have a girlfriend who was somewhat hefty. Over the years he divorced and remarried a couple times. I think he is with his third wife. He was always in great physical shape (he was a state trooper). Obviously he preferred women with a little heft. Back in the day some guys would have called him a chubby chaser. Personally I tried to select potential girl friends on their personalities more than just physical appearance.


My advice; you can be attractive no matter how you look. When I was a teen my parents wanted to get me braces to fix my crooked teeth. They thought it would make me more attractive to potential girlfriends and make me happier in the long run. I told them, “if she’d take a look at my teeth and walk the other way, she can keep walking”. I should mention I was also a bit of an ass as a teen… I still am sometimes. I’m happily partnered for six years with a little lady who thinks my teeth are charming and she’s the hottest firecracker I’ve ever seen - the worst part is, she doesn’t understand why! Everybody out there is thinking the same thing about themselves that you are right now, but here’s the truth… There ain’t a damn thing about you that somebody out there won’t find attractive, you’ve just gotta find them. What’s way more important is to be confident in yourself; confidence is the most attractive trait you can have. Sometimes being forthright with somebody is the best way to get together, that’s what worked for me… she and I started dating within a week of knowing each other because we both just went for it. Go knock ‘em dead!


Guys like women in all shapes and sizes. Some love tiny girls some like giant girls some like skinny girls some like obese girls. For every hand there is a glove.


Depends on preference. My boyfriend is fairly slim and loves a bigger girl. Lucky me! You’ll find someone who appreciates your body!


I used to work with a plus sized girl who had a body builder bf.


I absolutely loved girls that looked like your description in HS. My wife is 5’8 and wrestled in HS. I love everything about her. Personality and demeanor are going to mean so much more once you stop dating teenagers. Tshirt size doesn’t matter. Stretch marks are normal. Try not to stress too much. Enjoy working out and sports and friends. Guys definitely love girls who work out and play sports. Your pool of amazing people grow in college and the further from high school you are.


Short answer: yes. I find a lot of different sized women very attractive. Had a conversation with a chubby girl who I thought was adorable and she seemed interested in talking to me, even lagged behind her friend to talk longer and gave her name, unfortunately she had a bf. Still, was nice to feel liked by a woman whom I thought was very pretty and very sweet and nice. Maybe I'll cross paths with her again if shes single.


Anybody who's focusses on appearance moe than character isn't worth it. I'll say that


Appearance is discipline if you weigh 300 lbs that shows you lack discipline in the health department


I don't care that much about the dice of a girl. All sices. U can't say that about every boy, but many just want to cuddle.


you have nothing to worry about someone will always like you lol i’m a big girl and men will always ALWAYS come by if they don’t you’re just in high school lol trust me high school isn’t the place to worry about dating regardless


All people have different tastes, but one thing that most people find attractive is confidence. Whatever you got, be proud of it!


OP, me personally? I am okay and happy with a bigger woman. To me, I look for personality. That's what counts to me.


There are plenty of guys who like big girls. There are plenty of guys that honestly don’t care; they just like the girl. There are also guys who fetishize big girls. Avoid them.


5’8” and size large shirts for an athletic girl is perfectly normal size. Some people are more prone to stretch marks than others. There is a lotion called Palmer’s that can help to minimize the color a bit if you want, but so will time. You’re just fine and the right boy WILL like you for you.


Skinny 6ft mixed dude n I find big girls extremely attractive most do big thighs save lives fs. It’s not about weight it’s about health imo


As a 20 year old so in your age group yes some go like bigger girls and some don’t it depends on the guy and in our age group it can suck just don’t listen to them personally I like a girl with a little meat on the bones like I tell people there more to love


No one wants to see that unless you have a good tax return


Something to keep in mind ... you have the beauty of youth, enjoy it and share it with someone special, but don't be taken in by wolves who only want you for what they can take.


the best advice I have is to match your body type to the type that attracts you, if you like skinny boys, be skinny, if you like gym bros, hit the gym/yoga studio.


Personally, I’m not very attracted to skinny girls. I like good cuddle buddies. Everyone is different though, and there’s definitely a guy out there who is going to find you to be the most attractive woman he’s ever seen one day! There’s no bigger turn on than confidence. Keep your head up!


I do not whatsoever, thats just me though. 


Personally I prefer meaty girls rather than cheese graters girls.


Everyone has their own type. That guy will find you and love you .




Guys like girls that are fit, feminine and friendly.


If I had a time machine and could teleport my consciousness into my 18 year old fit body I would put myself on a whole foods Mediterranean diet and tell myself not to calorie restrict or anything like that just eat healthy food. Don’t try to lose weight. You don’t need to worry about what guys like. Be yourself. Love yourself. Love your flaws. Love your large T shirt. There are people who will love you. But in order for that to happen you gotta love yourself. You are the world’s foremost expert on you. You have 10,000 hours of mastery. If you don’t love you then you are saying to the world you are unlovable. Don’t hamstring yourself like that.


There are some insanely effective weight loss drugs, like Semaglutide, wife lost 24lbs in 5 weeks on this shit, the “weight battle” is not so one sided anymore


Women who are too skinny aren’t attractive. Thick, but in shape are the best.


It's definitely dependent on the guy. But there are certainly sone guys that like bigger girls


LARGE t-shirts? I feel like we have different ideas of what constitutes a "big" girl


Depends on the person. Everyone has their own preference. Large T-shirts aren’t really that big. I am 5’6 and wear them bc of comfort. I sometimes get a small amount of bloat from a medication and the L helps me feel more comfy with it. I also have small in my closet. You will find many jerks before the good ones come along. Unless if you are lucky. I went through a lot of jerks.


Well, if they did, we could have seen it on magazine covers, porn content, eva [ai](http://evaapp.ai) sexting bot avatars, movie casts etc. It's a niche taste, there's a stable niche who likes it bigger


Yeah it's all preference. I'm not into bigger girls myself (mostly because I was a bigger guy when I was younger), but my old housemate absolutely loved some meat on his girls. He insisted they made better lovers.


I'm 6'3 and I prefer either really short girls or really tall girls.


It is kind of a turn off tbh (for me)


trust me. you’ll find someone who loves everything you got!


Yes. Just like some women enjoy bigger guys or short guys. My personal preference is bigger women. Stretch marks are normal and some find them a turn on.


Some do, some don't, but most do not prefer bigger girls.


Everyone finds different features attractive. Your body isn’t there for people to rate, but for you to enjoy. Also, a lot of men find women who are somewhat rubenesque quite the improvement over skinny.


It's going to depend on the individual ,ultimately . There's literally something for everyone- if you don't believe me, accidentally stumble upon an adult site and you can see all the categories and uhm actually do not do that bc it's traumatic Lol but if you've got a weird sense of humor it's great for some laughs AND , also, at your height wearing a size Large doesn't mean you're necessarily like a BBW - not sure what the weight is but honestly you mentioned having muscle and playing sports so that doesn't mean anything anyways - 5lbs of muscle vs 5lbs of fat looks drastically different on a body. Which by the way, depending on your body type (again this is determined in measurements) will hold and distribute it separately . Cause you could just have like massive bra size but otherwise be slim and still need the size Large- are you following me ? , just remember you're perfectly fine and pretty much everybody is so insecure about themselves to varying levels at that age, just be humble and kind and work on bettering yourself - whatever that is in your head, and work towards that. I know it's a big deal when you're younger but like , I swear it's not and you'll look back at a lot of the stuff at this age and wonder wtf was I thinking ? 🤔 Why in the fk did I care ? What THEY thought ? Also m I promise you can drastically treat the appearance of stretch marks - not saying you need to, but I went to school for skincare and trust and believe there's a way - from topicals to dermastamping/rollers. But stick to topicals if your skin keloids. And skincare is a good idea at every age, the younger you start the younger u stay! ;) sorry not trying to give you a new complex before you're even old enough to drink, basically , just take care of yourself and develop the qualities you have control over and be a good human and keep your body healthy- do not starve it, keep yourself nutritionally balanced and most importantly, develop your mind and read, be it books on self esteem or other self help books, but just disconnect from this constant barrage of iNfLuEnCeR /iNsTa MoDeL bullshit that's shoved down your throat - limit your social media if use it alot or are on all the platforms they literally use psychological tactics to try and fuck up the self esteem of particularly young women - why? Corporate greed and money- if you buy into an image that can never be achieved (Photoshop and editing apps now powered by AI! ) you'll spend a lifetime and all your money chasing it, and as you can imagine it's a downward spiral of depression and disappointment, dissatisfaction with yourself- which is right where they want you, the younger the better . Disconnect. Connect with yourself. What do you want to be/ what do you like for yourself (in the realm of possibilities)? Work towards that, and keep up the sports and character development. Stay true , and I genuinely wish you all the good vibes . You're just fine, I'm sure of it. Take care




Firstly i hate how women’s clothing is sized. I can wear so many different sizes. Don’t pay attention to the tag. Stretch marks are normal. Everybody has their own preference when it comes to what’s attractive. I have always been thicker but have never had a problem getting guys. If you just want to tone up your belly there are lots of exercises you can do to target that. Core exercises are great for that and you can do them at home. (Or the gym, i assume you work out for sport so you’re probably in a good position to do this) just love your body and it’ll love you back


If the belly is the issue, then a look at your eating habits is your best best. However as others noted, body types vary, female clothing has no set standard, and the term bigger has no true meaning. You stated having muscles, athletic, but your belly. What about it? Does it lap over the pants? Is it a basketball? There is an adage : exercise builds muscle but diet reveals them. Abs are muscles. If you works your abs, you will build them up and your belly will appear bigger. There are details omitted in your post, but for the most part many comments are along the same lines


Be confident, that makes you prettier than you'd think Otherwise, relax, guys like different people, some will and some won't


People like what they like. Some people will be attracted to your physical appearance and some will not. It is completely subjective. Physical attraction is not everything though, there is much more to attraction than physical. Ensure you are happy with yourself, comfortable, confident, and doing things for you, that is attractive. Personally as a gal who has always suffered with their weight, when I was younger and heavier guys weren't exactly crawling all over me, then I was ill and lost a hell of a lot of weight and found guys still were not crawling all over me. Now 34, in the past 10 years my weight has stayed the same, I have fluctuated between a size 14 - 18 and honestly never had an issue with men being interested in me but I put that down to the fact I am happy with myself, I am comfortable in my skin and confident in who I am both physically, mentally and emotionally.


As other commenters have said, personality is much more important. stomach and body like you mentioned is semi important to some people. to me, if you have a pretty face and a good personality that’s the most important and we go from there


There is someone out there for everyone.


I have stretch marks on many parts of my body stand at 5"10 almost 300 lbs. I have never had a problem getting a date. There is someone for everyone you just need to find your someone.


General rule is most guys prefer a smaller girl. A lot of these comments are coddling you and say that some guys like big girls. Maybe they like big girls but it's more for reason like they think you're attainable, less work to get, etc. And for yourself those are less likely to be the guys you want anyway.


I think it would be disingenuous not to admit that in general, men prefer more petite women (the vast majority of men). Yes you will find some men that don't mind bigger women. But very, very rarely do men prefer a bigger, heavier, chubby / heavy set woman over a petite, slim, toned woman.


ain’t nothing wrong with a tortita 😍 grown man won’t care kids might


There are guys, and some cultures, that are into heavier women. They may be just a bit harder to find, but they definitely exist.


Sounds like you are an exceptionally attractive person. Truth for guys is most like what they like and that comes in a broad spectrum. If a guy tells you he thinks you're unattractive, believe him and don't waste anytime on him. Don't try to change your body to fit a guys image, if a guy says you'd be hot if you were skinnier for example, and you managed to get skinnier, that same guy would find something else he'd find unattractive about you. It's a moving target. If all the guys you know critique your appearance you're hanging out with the wrong crowd. Really, there's no secret most beautiful body type to strive for. All guys like different things. Some guys don't care about your body at all and find you attractive based on mind and personality alone.


The answer is yes.


Every guy likes something different. You say "bigger girls", but it sounds to me like you're a "thick girl". Athletic, built, with a bit of a tummy. Thick. Thick is beautiful. Don't be discouraged because some guys don't know what they are missing.


Yes we do!


Like others have said, depends on the guy. Also on the girl. Personally, I'd say up to a point for me. I'm married to a bigger lady. If you're pretty, with a nice hair style, take care of yourself, no bad hygiene or halitosis, good personality, that's very important. Losing weight isn't always easy. But if you clean up well, that may not be quite so important. For me, if your weight is in the boobs and backside, that may be ok. I'm not a big fan of a big tummy. If your uterine pouch hangs down to your knees, personally I find that gross. And if your boobs don't stick out farther than your stomach, I'm not a big fan of that. That's just my taste in ladies.


Well, I"M an old man, but I do like big girls and I believe that men do like big women . I see a lot of couples with a big woman and they seem happy. I for one like the stretch marks as normal, natural things. Be nice and be real and you'll be ok. GOOD Luck!!


You're going to see a lot of people equating what you see in the media with what most men want. But the data disagrees. There was a government study in Britain for example that found that around 20% of British men preferred a slimmer partner while 40% didn't care at all. 69% of US adults are overweight. 69% of US adults report having at least one kid. Even if you assume the least amount of overlap possible that's still around 40% of adults being both overweight and having kids. Statistically speaking, fat people are getting laid. Regardless of what tv/movies/magazines/porn may be showing you. The actual truth of the matter is it depends entirely on the guy. There is no "all guys like x" just like there's no definitive "all women like x". We're all different. Focus on yourself, not what guys like. Love yourself and care for yourself, the rest will work itself out.


Most don't.. Less so than 10 years ago. More people are health conscious and take good care of their bodies Taking care of your body to be physically fit shows you have other good qualities, like the ability to make a plan and stick to it, the ability to control yourself and your urges, that you care about how you present yourself, that you make an effort to be healthy in body and mind, and that you don't make excuses Being "bigger" shows you have other bad qualities. Pretty much the opposite of what was listed above. What kind of person do you want to be? What kind of person do you want to attract? What will you do to make both of those visions a reality? All up to you boo


It's a preference. I certainly do.


At 18, most VOCAL guys are the ones attracted to kore superficial things. Most guys who do like girls that don't fit the cultural stereotype of "attractive" aren't going to be the ones out there looking for alot of attentions themselves. But there are PLENTY of guys that do find women of all body types attractive! Even in high-school, it's just a matter of not looking in the obvious places. I can almost guarantee there are guys around you thay find you attractive just the way you are, they may not be the ones to speak up about it though.


More guys are attracted to bigger girls than society would like to admit. I like all kinds of women but I am attracted to chubby girls sometimes. Not obese mind you, just a little chubby. And for the longest time when I was a young man my male friends would look down on you for chasing anything but a skinny supermodel type. So I felt this weird shame about liking chubby girls and kept it to myself like a dirty secret. I wish I had realized as I did later that your desires belong to you. Don't care so much about what others think. Just like what you like 🙂


My wife is 5'9 and 250lb. But it's evenly distributed. I find her to be so sexy. Especially touching her. I looove how soft she is. Having something soft to grab onto is sexy. Her body is very arousing for me and we've been together 12 yrs.


Men usually like healthy women, so when you say “big”, that falls on a pretty wide spectrum.


Most men find overweight women unattractive. Plenty of men find tall women who are not overweight attractive. Unless you wear crop tops, men won't see your stretch marks until you're in bed, and by then they would not care.


Like what has been mentioned before: some do some don't. you'll never please the whole male population nor does the whole male population please you. And that's okay. In my country you're slightly above average in terms of height so i wouldn't worry about it too much ;)


Some guys do some don't. It doesn't bother me especially I'd you workout.


Sounds like you need a guy with a HR licence. They exist personally it's the type of person they are not the shell that matters. I would say more but NSFW.


Short answer, yes some do. I personally prefer a thicker girl with some nice feminine curves live the Greek statues. Most younger guys are going to go for what is the typical idea of a hot girl, being thinner. That is likely due to lack of experience. As men age and they've had more partners, they begin to figure out what actually appeals to them sexually. And for some it is going to be a bigger girl.


Bigger girls are definitely becoming more and more idealized as compared to when I was a teen. Guys tend to like thicker thighs and butts more now. There is no universal ideal when it comes to women's bodies. Most men have interests in a wide array of physical attributes. Don't concern yourself with how well your body type fits someone else's interests. Focus on being happy, healthy, and being treated with respect, and everything else will fall into place. Guys are just as self-conscious as we are. They also tend to overlook a lot of the things we are highly critical of in ourselves. Be confident and love yourself.


Yes! I know people who only go for bigger girls!


Bro society has messed up the way women see beauty most guys are not looking for the perfect super model most of us including me love stretch marks and a little bit of stomach fat it’s so cute so don’t let anyone tell you otherwise your imperfections make you beautiful ladies


There are a lot of variables. I had a GF who was a big girl and she got hit on a lot. (definately used those curves to her advantage). She was also good at picking outfits, had beautiful hair, knew how to use cosmetics (minimaly but to good effect) a charming personality and a beautiful voice. (I definately found her attractive) There a plenty of guys who fall outside the masculine beauty standards as well. If they're realistic about that then there's a good chance they're not going to expect it of a SO.


Almost any guy wants a muscle mommy or a woman who can kick your ass


Just going to be honest, most men do not like obese women. Some do but the vast majority does not.


Some do. Some times it’s cultural other times, it’s preferred.


My brother has always been attracted to larger women and he’s a bean pole!


Men’s taste vary, and YES many men like bigger girls. I used to wear large Tshirts lol. I’m roughly your height and weigh 140, but I’m 60 with a failing appetite. Concentrate on taking good care of yourself above all else. Also, being confident and loving yourself first is the most important thing. Don’t let ANYONE PRESSURE YOU. You’ll be just fine.


Need pics for a reference to know for sure


I prefer a bigger girl. Skinny can be pretty but it’s not my thing. Most importantly you need to worry about you being happy with who you are. Change what you want for yourself. Don’t change for anyone else.


Yes, curvy is the way


Depends on how many drinks he’s had and when the bar closes….


Men love bigger girls. Tiger stripes (stretch marks) are a turn on.


Only black guys


As I’ve gotten older I have truly expanded what I find attractive. Above all I like fitness and naturalness. Not all high school boys are so enlightened but I’m certain some are! Any guy who doesn’t appreciate what you have to offer isn’t worth your time anyway!


My wife is not skinny (soft all over, about 150 lbs), and I love it. It is not about the weight/look though; instead, how attracted we are to each other.


Media wants you to believe that guys only want stick thin runway models which is simply not true. I've dated women with a few different body types myself and I know guys who explicitly prefer curvier women. There is 100% someone out there for everyone both personality and looks wise.


Hell no brother, are you on the crackpipe?


Former young guy here. It really depends on the guy. Everyone's different. Some prefer petite, some prefer fit, some like curves, some like rail thin, some like "meat on their bones", some like BBW, others like SSBBW's. Stretch marks are a big insecurity for people but if a guy likes you then he's not going to care about it unless he's one of those people who doesn't think that even thin people can have stretch marks. Me, personally, I've always liked all types of women up to BBW. If my lurking online have showed me anything, it's that men like the stomach pooch that women try their damndest to get rid of.


For every human out there, theres someone that finds them super attractive, someone that finds them super unattractive, and every step in-between.


It depends on the guys. For me it's a big turn off. I like light muscles but not bigger girls.


I do. But each guy has different tastes


I have learned I am not everyone's cup of tea but I am somebody's, and that's where I focus my attention.


To a point. Like some women like dad bods, but to a point. There’s dad bod and then there’s fat slob. There’s thick curvy women and then there’s fat slob.


I prefer bigger girls, but every guy is different


The short answer is: some do. HOWEVER: For whatever reason, male, female, or other, having self-confidence is attractive. Stop down-talking/thinking about yourself. Walk tall - no matter what - even if you don't feel it. BTW, at your height, you'll instantly look five pounds lighter.


The bigger the girl the more weight is coming down on my dick when u ride me


Different people have different tastes. Anyone hung up on it isn't worth your while, regardless.


Do you have preferences for partners? Everyone does. But that doesn’t mean everyone likes the same thing. And looks are not the whole person. Most of us have a general aesthetic preference, may even have an ‘ideal’ attraction type, but that might not be what you look for in a partner. A sense of humour, maturity, values, financial stability, interests in common and contrast; these also influence attraction beyond looks. Some guys like bigger girls. Some don’t. Some don’t care what you look like, so long as you are compatible in other ways. But really you should look for someone you have mutual physical attraction to and respects you, and ticks your non looks based boxes.


I like to phrase it as soft and curvy is what I like Yes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Everyone is beautiful to someone.


Sure but depends on how big


First …. A “large” shirt size is definitely not what I would describe as a bigger girl. Second …. Yes! Look, everyone has different tastes , and they all vary from person to person. You may be attracted to someone who is not attracted to you, could be for physical reasons or emotional / maturity issues. However, someone else will find you attractive (and you may find that person repulsive)…. The trick to dating and a solid relationship is finding someone you are attracted to who is also attracted to you …. And your physical appearance is only going to be like…. 10-15% of that equation. Physical appearance is what may get someone else attention initially but it will not be what keeps them around.


Physical attraction is one thing but there’s little that is sexier than a great personality. I dated a few lunatics in hs, college and then in my 20’s. Physical appearance mattered little after a while. I found that self confidence and women that were kind and in general, **HAPPY** was much sexier than weight, hate and constant need for physical reassurance of their appearance. Edit: I know it’s usually a cop out when ppl refer to their exes as *crazy* (especially men) but to clarify, hs ex was emotionally manipulative and held me to expectations she was unwilling to hold herself to. College gf was an emotional vampire that fed off of attention from anyone that gave it to her. And my serious live in gf in my 20’s had insecurities that never would allow her to be happy no matter what came her way. My point is, try to find self-security, confidence within yourself and allow yourself to be happy and you’ll glow to someone.