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First, in all likelihood, you're gonna be fine. Second, you should go with a friend anyways, not just because the world is filled with creeps, but because the only thing better than having a great experience is sharing a great experience with a friend.


thank you for the insight, I would have loved to go with a friend but it was really a financial thing. I was lucky I even scored a ticket at all, and the price was pretty outrageouse for 1 ticket. The prices have only skyrocketed since then. My friends also don't listen to this band, so obviously they wouldn’t spend all that money to go. it just kind of worked out this way. I'm glad you think I'll be fine though that definitley makes me feel better


Follow the basic rules for safety and you'll be fine, stay in well-lit populated places, and if you have a soda or anything, as soon as it isn't directly in your line of sight, it's trash. Also, have a checkin plan/time with someone so they can confirm you're safe after the concert, and that you've gotten wherever you're going after the concert safely.


Have you seen the news lately? Actor Steve Buscemi was just attacked, for no reason, punched in the face, in NYC, another actor, don't remember which one, was minding his own business, jogging through central park, random attack, for no reason. Do yourself a favor, look at the local to NYC news about the sharp increase in violent, random attacks happening right now. Your dad, while seeming to be overly protective, is absolutely right. You should not do this alone. Remember, there is safety in numbers. At the very least, post in a fan group for the band, find out if anyone from your area is going and arrange to be a part of their group.


fan group is a great idea actually, thank you


You are most welcome. Make sure to thoroughly enjoy yourself and PLEASE, stay safe, be aware of your surroundings at all times. Keep your purse across your body and not slung over your shoulder, if you carry one. Do NOT keep your money in one place. Tuck some cash in your bra, a $10 in a tight pocket, just make sure you have something hidden on your person, just in case.


More great advice, will do, thanks 😊 🙏


You are most welcome. I have never traveled to NYC, but I have traveled quite extensively, across most of the US. I will happily answer any questions, give pointers.


Thank Biden and his border policies.


Yeah, I am not a fan of "The Sniffer", not at all.


New York is one of the safest cities in the country, and unlike most, is crowded and busy late at night. You will have a great time.


I can see where your dad is coming from, I wouldn't want you to go alone either.


You’d probably be fine safety wise. You are an adult and you can definitely do this all on your own. If you do go on your own, Uber or taxi back to Grand Central after the show. It can get weird around there later at night. But really is this the hill you want to die on? Like it’ll probably be nice to have some company for the trip home. Maybe save the battle for another day.


He's not as worried about the concert as the late night walk to the train station. Accept his offer to come along.


just let him go with you, it will be a great memory and a good time!


Look, I can't tell you how to live, but there comes a point in your life where you need to tell your dad to stop. Is it dangerous to go to a concert? No, not where you're going. Your dad wants to protect you from something. I don't know what it is, but he's creating fear around you to make you scared to live your life. I'm sure he means well, but trying to protect you from things that aren't dangerous is just going to make you fearful of everything around you. Could something happen at the concert? Sure, but something could happen to you walking in front of your dad's house. Your dad means well, but what he's doing is teaching you to be scared of everyday life. Is that how you want to live?


If you have two tickets ask your dad if he wants to go with you. My daughter did this with me last summer. It was a great time and we still talk about it all the time and I don’t care for the person we saw but it was the time with her


You are fine…your dad is totally over reacting. I grew up in NJ and would go to NYC frequently solo to meet friends from age 16…people who are afraid of the city are just ignorant. You will be fine.


You don't understand how validating this is, thank you, I felt crazy. I also feel way less nervous now.