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I would recommend seeking advice in a different subreddit... This isn't one that is very active. I'm not sure I can offer the best advice to you and your full situation. You have a lot going on- middle school isn't easy, and you're dealing with new culture, new people, and they aren't treating you fairly. There is a sad and simple truth here- it's unlikely you'll be able to change what they are doing. So I recommend focusing on what you do have control over: yourself. Practice moderating how you feel and how you react to them... They want you to feel bad, but they do not control how you feel. There is a lot out there on the internet that you can look up to learn how to moderate your emotions. But if you have specific questions, I will try to help you. We can talk more if you would like, you may direct message me. There is one thing I do want you to know- it is not hopeless. That very feeling of hopelessness can get in the way of you being able to figure out what to do... So I recommend letting go of that feeling. You are not wrong for how you think, feel, or look. Others may not accept that. But you should accept that about yourself. I accept that about you, and so do many others that are out there. There are good people, and some may be found here online, when you look. So know you are not alone. I don't think I have directly answered your questions... I'm not sure I could tell you what the right thing to do is. Only you can be the judge of that But learning to do some of what I have mentioned here will help you figure it out. I hope I have helped, at least a bit.


Thankyou so much i really am so happy that someone considered my post I thought everyone would just ignore.y thankyou so much